Unseen Passage for Class 10 Discursive CBSE With Answers

Unseen Passage for Class 10 Discursive CBSE With AnswersDiscursive Writing Definition
Discursive Writing: expresses opinions. It can be argumentative, i.e. may give reasons, explanations, or explore cause and effect relationship. Passages of this kind are analytical. Sometimes the author presents his views with great depth of reasoning or force of argument with the intention of convincing the reader to his point of view. Such texts have great persuasive power.

Unseen Passage for Class 10 Discursive CBSE With Answers Pdf

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Discursive Passage for Class 10 With Answers Pdf

1. Read the passage carefully.

1. Every time a child takes a soft drink, he’s laying the ground work for a dangerous bone disease. No, fizzy and sugary drinks don’t cause osteoporosis. But, because they are often a substitute for a glass of milk, kids are not getting the calcium and vitamin D they need to build a strong skeleton. Many of them also lead a sedentary lifestyle, so they aren’t getting the bone building benefits for vigorous exercise either. These children tend to suffer from brittle bones and tend to suffer from fractures later on in life. They could be at a risk of being diagnosed with osteoporosis at an early age.

2. The Indian Society for Bone and Mineral Research, a body of osteoporosis experts is trying to spread awareness about this bone crippling disease. Osteoporosis starts in childhood but has consequences later in life. The condition causes bones to become riddled with holes, like the framework of a house that’s been attacked by termites. That can lead to broken bones, which in turn can cause deformity, chronic pain or disability.

Osteoporosis can be fatal: up to 25 per cent of older people who suffer a broken hip die within a year. Osteoporosis isn’t just your grandmother’s health threat. Although it strikes over 50 million women in India, it also menaces over 12 million men. Osteoporosis causes loss of height, pain in joints and back, fractures and a fear of fractures, and can be very depressing. So it is important that we adopt preventive measures, to save millions of people.

3. There is a new medical understanding of the best ways to protect ourselves and our children. “Simple lifestyle changes and nutrition will help save your bones,” says Dr. Mittal. To get us moving in the right direction, he says, “It’s never too late to adopt bone-friendly habits—exercise, get enough sunlight, and have adequate calcium.

Answer the following questions carefully.

(i) Why are fizzy and sugary drinks blamed for osteoporosis?
(ii) How do bones get weak?
(iii) Then does osteoporosis become apparent? Why is it called fatal?
(iv) How does osteoporosis affect us?
(y) Which society is spreading awareness about this bone crippling disease?
(vi) What are the bone-friendly habits?
(vii) Find the word in the passage which means ‘deadly’.
(viii) Pickup the word from the passage which could be a synonym for ‘continuing’.
(i) These drinks are often a substitute for a glass of milk which leads to osteoporosis.
(ii) Insufficient intake of milk leads to calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Lack of exercise and sedentary life style also contribute and make our bones weak.
(iii) It becomes apparent in old age. It is called fatal because up to 25% of older people who suffer a broken hip die within a year.
(iv) It causes loss of height, pain in joints and back, fractures and fear of fractures, and can be very depressing.
(V) The Indian society for Bone and Mineral Research is spreading awareness about this bone crippling disease.
(vi) Bone friendly habits are-exercise, get enough sunlight and have adequate calcium. (vii) Fatal-means ‘deadly’.
(viii) Chronic.

2. Read the passage carefully.

Child marriages are rampant in North India. The curse continues to blight the lives of people even as the country stands at the threshold of the 21st century. Children bound by marriage are victims of blind customs and superstitions prevalent in rural areas and in certain urban concentrations as well among the weaker socio-economic groups. Nothing seems to stop this anti-social practice despite the Child Marriage Act passed as early as in 1929, which makes child marriage, a grave offence.

Why do marriages take place at all and what could be done to wean the people away from the practice? The evil thrives because of illiteracy and other related causes—the most important of which is the anxiety of parents to marry off their daughters as early as possible. In many states where illiteracy is high, like in Rajasthan, the practice of child marriage is in vogue. ‘Akhha Teej’ is D-day for parents of minor girls, for on that day, they seek their salvation from the anxiety of girls growing up in their midst.

A child marriage is less likely to take place if the parents are literate or at least the father is. He is then aware of the legal minimum age and health hazards his daughter will face by an early marriage. If the mother, otherwise literate, has been exposed to the importance of family planning, she is also less likely to solemnize her daughter’s wedding at an age below the legal minimum.

Among the other factors causing parents to give away young daughters in marriage is the need felt by families having more than one daughter, to keep wedding expenses down. By marrying two daughters at the same time parents save on expenses. Parental anxiety about grown up (14 years and above) daughters going astray, forces the less educated to give away their female children in marriage.

The existing law was amended in 1978 raising the minimum age of marriage for girls from 15 to 18 years and for boys from 18 to 21 years. The committee on the status of women, in its report in 1974, had recommended that all offences under the child marriage restrained Act should be made cognizable and special officers be appointed to enforce the law. The Government however did not pay heed to it while raising the minimum age of marriage. At the same time, there is no foolproof system of registering births and thus, there is no legally enforceable method for establishing the age of a male or female.

The committee also recommended that a girl should be entided to repudiate a child marriage on attaining maturity even if such marriage was consummated. But this remained only a hope which was never implemented by law or in its true spirit. It has never been appreciated that what is needed is social action, especially by social activists and organisations so that the provisions of the legislation are rigorously practised.

The crux of the problem is that the girl child in traditional rural areas is caught in a situation, which is pre-determined and pre-destined. Her role is circumscribed around

Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) What are the reasons for child marriages in India?
(ii) How can the provisions of the legislation be rigorously practised?
(iii) 1That are the recommendations of the committee on the status of women?
(iv) Why is it often difficult to establish the age of male or female legally?
(y) Which act makes child marriage a grave offence?
(vi) Which is the 1)-day for parents of minor girls in Rajasthan?
(vii) Find the word in the passage which means most vital part of an issue.
(viii) Find the word in the passage which means ‘worry’.
(i) Blind customs and superstitions prevalent in certain communities, along with illiteracy and anxiety of parents to marry off their daughters are the reasons for child marriages in India.
(ii) The provisions of the legislation can be rigorously practised if social activists and organisations stood up and took some actions.
(ii) The committee had recommended that all offences under the child marriage restrained Act should be made cognisable and special officers be appointed to enforce law. A girl should be entitled to repudiate a child marriage on attaining maturity even if such marriage was consummated.
(iv) It is often difficult to establish the age of male or female legally as there is no fool proof system of registering birth and thus, there is no legally enforceable method for establishing it.
(v) The Child Marriage Act of 1929 makes child marriage a grave offence.
(vi) ‘Akhha Teej’ is the D-day for parents of minor girls in Rajasthan.
(vii) Crux.
(vii) Anxiety.

3. Read the passage carefully.

An Allergy Alert at the Start of Summer

Like all bad news and the common cold, allergies can pop up when you least expect them. I suddenly developed an allergy to crocin (paracetamol) some years ago after having it all my life to treat everything from headaches to fever and toothache. A seafood-loving friend found himself unable to breathe after having Thai food for dinner. After undergoing a battery of expensive tests, he was told the chest tightness was not caused by a heart attack but by an allergy to shellfish, something he ate once a week and had never reacted to before.

A stuffed or drippy nose, frequent sneezing, an itchy throat, rash, sinus, ear pain, difficulty in breathing, stomach cramps and itchy, red or watery eyes are some of the common symptoms of an allergic reaction. Pollen, dust, polluted outdoor air and indoor pollutants such as dust mites, animal dander, cigarette smoke and mould are among the common environmental pollutants, while other triggers include medicines, paint and chemicals in cleaners and cosmetics such as hair colour and skin creams. Among foods, eight allergens account for almost 90% of food allergies: milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanut, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.

Most of us wrongly believe that people with allergies are either born with the condition or develop identifiable symptoms in early childhood. You couldn’t be more wrong. An allergy can occur at any time in your life and experts say its prevalence among adults is rising. While most people who develop allergies as adults have experienced some allergic reaction—either to the same or an unrelated trigger before—a few have no history of sensitivity.

In an acute immune reaction, the allergy trigger may be one, but the symptom is usually caused by a combination of factors. Stress, a sterile environment that prevents the body from developing robust natural immunity and lifestyle-induced changes in the body’s hormonal balance are thought to be some triggers. This is borne out by clinical evidence that shows that women are more likely to develop allergies at puberty, after pregnancy and at menopause, all of which point to hormonal causes.

Of course, avoiding the allergy trigger and taking an anti-allergy medication as soon as you can, after exposure to an allergen is the best possible protection. Since pollen levels generally peak in the morning, people with airway sensitivity and asthma should postpone outdoor exercises to later in the day or stick to exercising indoors as deeper and more rapid breathing induced by aerobic exercise causes more pollen and dust being inhaled, which can wreck your airways and lungs. Since air pollutants tend to cling to clothes and hair, changing your clothes when you come home or washing your hair before going to bed lowers exposure.

Allergies in adults can be treated using some anti-allergic medicines. For those who do not respond to the standard treatment, there’s always the option of a series of allergy shots to help the immune system to build up a tolerance to the allergy. In most cases, though, identifying and avoiding the allergen is enough to stay free of trouble.

Based on your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in about 30-40 words:

(i) What are the common symptoms of an allergic reaction?
(ii) What are among the common environmental pollutants?
(iii) What is an acute immune reaction?
(iv) How can you prevent/treat yourself from getting allergies?
(v) When can an allergy occur?
(vi) When are women more likely to develop allergies?
(vii) Give the opposite of expensive’, (para 1)
(viii) What does the world ‘prevalence’ in para 3 mean?
(i) Some of the common symptoms of an allergic reaction are: a stuffed or dripping nose, frequent sneezing, an itchy throat, rash sinus, ear pain; difficulty in breathing, stomach cramps and itchy, red or water eyes.
(ii) Common environmental pollutants are: pollen, dust, polluted outdoor air and indoor pollutants such as dust mites, animal dander, cigarette smoke and mould.
(iii) An acute immune reaction is caused by a combination of factors, though the allergy trigger may be one. For example: stress, lifestyle-induced changes, hormonal changes, etc. are thought to be some triggers.
(iv) Avoiding the allergy trigger and taking an anti-allergy medicine as soon as there is exposure to an allergen is the best possible protection. (V) An allergy can occur at any time in our life.
(vi) Women are more likely to develop allergies at puberty, after pregnancy and at menopause.
(vii) ‘Cheap’ is the opposite of expensive.
(viii) It means occurrence’.

4. Read the passage carefully.

Discipline for democracy, development and decency in public life needs no reiteration nor does it require any expert to espouse its cause for personal posse and social solidarity. Discipline should be the order in public life. It is the crying need of the hour. Discipline stands for training, especially of the mind and character, to develop obedience and self-control, in the face of temptation or provocation.

Discipline in public life ensures peace and harmony, which in turn offers the required impetus to the forces of progress and prosperity. No country, big or small, can afford to play duck and drakes with the deity called discipline. All talk of equity or social justices becomes a cry in the wilderness or a pompous promise if the ‘powers that be’ fail to comprehend and carry out the dictates of discipline in all situations. With discipline, all plans, policies and programs are bound to bear fruit. Whenever people in public life or in private enterprise dilute the demands of discipline, most aspirations and achievements go astray, leading to failure and frustration at various levels. Discipline for countries like India which are standing at the threshold of economic breakthrough and a stupendous store of opportunities,‘it’s the most immediate and urgent pre-requisite. Discipline for the rulers and the ruled, is an essential ingredient if we mean business in fields and factories.

The recent outbreak of ‘plague’ and the wrong signals that this ‘limited epidemic sent across the world, was not an act of God as some would like us to believe but the regretful result of unpardonable negligence on the part of civic authorities. The woeful way the routine calls of duty and discipline by paid public servants were given a go-bye, is a matter of shame for one and all. The heaps of garbage in towns, cities and metros that were allowed to rot and their removal left to rag-pickers, speak volumes of the callous attitude towards discipline and devotion to duty. It is high time that we sit up and do serious heart-searching.

The ease with which opposition sponsored ‘Bandhs’ are organised in our country is another area of concern. With discipline in public life under a cloud, the entire socio¬economic momentum is brought to a grinding halt. When such is the sadistic approach towards discipline, there is nothing that can come to our rescue if some bigger calamity overtakes us in future. The remedy of so many ills that afflict us today lies not in tall talk but in the restoration of discipline in public life. Discipline is the only route that can take us to our rightful place among the comity of nations.

Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) What is the advantage of discipline in public life?
(ii) What happens when discipline is diluted in public or private life?
(iii) Why is discipline important for India?
(iv) Why is the entire socio-economic momentum brought to a grinding halt?
(v) How will all plans, policies and programs bear fruit?
(vi) What was the wrong signal about limited epidemic sent across the world?
(vii) Find the word in the passage which means ‘desire to achieve things’.
(viii) Which word in the passage means ‘surprisingly impressive’ or ‘large’?
(i) Discipline in public life ensures peace and harmony, which in turn offer impetus to the forces of progress and prosperity.
(ii) When discipline is diluted in public or private life, most aspirations and achievements go astray, leading to failure and frustration at various levels.
(iii) Discipline is an immediate and urgent pre-requisite for India as it is standing at the threshold of economic breakthrough and a stupendous store of opportunities.
(iv) Lack of discipline in public life has brought the entire socio-economic momentum to a griding halt.
(V) All plans, policies and programs will bear fruit only if discipline becomes the way of life.
(vi) The limited epidemic was caused by negligence on the part of civic authorities.
(vii) Aspiration
(viii) Stupendous.

5. Read the passage carefully.

Chirp for the Sparrow, Tweet for the Sparrow

1. They were once everywhere. Chirping and flapping their wings at the window sills, on top of cupboards and on the branches of trees. Where have all the little sparrows gone? This is the most frequently asked question about sparrows these days.

2. The association between humans and the house sparrow dates back to several centuries and no other bird has been associated with humans on a daily basis like the house sparrow. It is a bird that evokes fond memories of childhood and adds freshness to households through its presence. Many bird watchers and ornithologists recall with fondness how the house sparrows gave flight to their passion for observing birds. The nests of sparrow dotted almost every house in the neighbourhood as well as public places like bus stands and railway stations, where they live in colonies and survived on food grains and tiny worms.

3. Unfortunately, the house sparrow has now become a disappearing species. Like all other plants and animals which were once abundant and are now facing an uncertain future, their numbers are also declining across their natural range. A study conducted by the Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam highlighted that the population of sparrows fell by over 60 percent even in the rural areas of coastal Andhra Pradesh. A survey conducted by the British Trust for Ornithology showed that the house sparrow population in Britain has declined by about 58 percent since 1970.

4. Certainly, there is no single reason for the decline of the house sparrow. Scientists and experts say that severe changes in the urban ecosystem in recent times have had tremendous impact on the population of house sparrows whose numbers are declining constantly. Mobile tower radiation and excessive use of chemical fertilizers are aggravating the problem and have been identified as potent sparrow killers.

5. There have been many theories put forward for the almost worldwide decline of the house sparrow. It is said that sparrow chicks, which require insect food for their survival in their early days, have not been getting adequate supply from their parents. This has triggered large scale deaths of chicks leading to gradual decline of their population.

6. Urban landscape too, has been dramatically altered over the years. Old houses, with courtyards in front and backyards, have made way for concrete multistories, with little greenery. No longer are sparrows able to find the tiny nooks, crannies and holes where they used to build their nests.

7. Typically, sparrows were never an issue of concern for us with their diminutive presence in our household. Perhaps, it is this diminutive presence because of which even their gradual disappearance has gone unnoticed. Mohammed Dilavar is rightly called the “sparrow man of India” as he has been successful in drawing the attention of the world towards the declining number of house sparrows.

8. House sparrows are important bio-indicators that their decline is a grim reminder of the degradation of urban environment and the danger from it to the humans in the long run.

Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) “The association between humans and the house sparrow dates back to several
(v) What did the study conducted by the Andhra University, Vishakapatnam highlight?
(vi) Who conducted a survey in Britain?
(vii) What do you understand by ‘aggravating’ in para 4? (viii) Give the opposite of‘gradual’ in para 7.
(i) The house sparrow evokes fond memories of childhood and adds freshness to households through its presence.
(ii) Severe changes in the urban ecosystem in recent times have had tremendous impact on the population of house sparrows. Mobile tower radiation and excessive use of chemical fertilizers are increasing the problem. Inadequate ‘insect food’ for the sparrow chicks is further causing a decline in the number of house sparrows.
(iii) Modern houses lack greenery, there are no courtyards as well. This proves as a major hindrance since the sparrows are unable to find the tiny nooks and crannies where they could build their nests.
(iv) Mohammed Dilavar has been successful in drawing the attention of the world towards the declining number of house sparrows. Therefore, he is called ‘the sparrow man of India’. House sparrows are important bio-indicators. Their decline is a grim reminder of the degradation of urban environment and the danger from it to the humans in the long run.
(v) It highlighted that population of sparrow fell by over 60 per cent in rural areas of coastal Andhra Pradesh.
(vi) The British Trust for Ornithology conducted a survey in Britain.
(vii) It means exasperating.
(viii) Sudden.

6. Read the passage carefully.

Many of the serious health concerns in modern America can be linked to poor diet. People who regularly consume foods high in sodium, sugar, and saturated fats not only increase their chances of obesity, but also increase their risks of developing heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and several types of cancer. Although some people who regularly consume unhealthy foods do so knowingly, there is also a significant portion of the population that remains under educated about proper nutrition. What is more, individuals who live in food deserts-areas in low-income neighbourhoods that lack easy access to healthy, affordable food-may not even have the opportunity to obtain nutritious food.

Food deserts are located in high-poverty areas, such as sparsely populated rural areas or densely populated, low-income urban centers. Food deserts most often develop when major supermarket chains either relocate out of these areas or simply refrain from building stores there in the first place. Major food retailer chains tend to limit their store locations to wealthier urban or suburban neighbourhoods. This means that those who live in high- poverty areas often also; live miles away from the fresh meats, dairy products, and produce available at supermarkets. Residents of these areas who do not have cars are thus forced to travel long distances on public transportation to do their grocery shopping, or else they are limited to the food available at local convenience stores and gas stations. These types of food retailers often only sell packaged, processed foods that offer little nutritional value.

Furthermore, less food restaurants are disproportionately concentrated in low-income areas; recent estimates suggest that those living in the poorest areas of a city experience 2.5 times more exposure to fast food restaurants than the wealthiest inhabitants of the city. Because individuals who live in food deserts tend to get their meals from fast food restaurants or convenience stores, they often suffer from a variety of health issues. Research has found that individuals who live in low-income neighbourhoods are much more likely to develop problems with obesity, diabetes, and hypertension than those who live in more affluent neighbourhoods.

Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) Why is ‘poor diet’ a serious health concern in modern America?
(ii) How are food deserts and major food retailer chains related?
(iii) What difficulties do people who live in high-poverty areas face?
(iv) Why do people living in low income areas suffer greatly from a variety of health issues?
(v) Where are food deserts located?
(vi) What are ‘low-income neighbourhoood’ more likely to develop?
(vii) Find a word in the passage which means the same as ‘utility’
(viii) Write the antonym for ‘disproportionately’. (Para 3)
(i) It is a serious health concern because it leads to obesity, increases risks of developing heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and several types of cancer.
(ii) Food deserts often develop when major supermarket chains either relocate out of these areas or simply refrain from building stores.
(iii)Residents of high-poverty areas who do not have cars are forced to travel long distances on public transportations to do their grocery shopping or else limit themselves to the food available at local convenience stores and gas stations.
(iv) The people living in low income areas suffer greatly from a variety of health issues because they tend to get their meals from fast food restaurants or convenience stores.
(V) Food deserts are located in high-poverty areas.
(vi) They are more likely to develop obesity, diabetes and hypertension.
(vii) Convenience.
(vii) Equally.

7. Read the passage carefully.

Not too long ago, a group of teachers made a study of the students and learning problems. A curious fact came out of this study. The teachers discovered that the students who did poorly in subjects such as Maths or Art could still do very well in other subjects. But the students who did poorly in reading, almost did poorly in all their other courses.

For a while the teachers who made the study were puzzled by this, but they soon had an answer to this puzzle. The teachers looked at the subjects that the students were failing in and discovered that even subjects like Maths and Science were based on reading.

Of course, there were also other skills involved such as learning to add and subtract in Maths class. Most of the-explanations of how to do things had to be read by the students. Much of the home-work assignments required students to read long sets of directions and tests and, problems in class often involved story problems, problems that were explained in words and had to be read and understood before they could be solved. Your success or failure in these classes will depend on your ability to read the required material.

Finally, if you go to college, almost all your study time will be spent in reading. You need more and more information and most of these information come from the printed material you have to read. Even if you could get tapes or movies containing all the information, you need to know that they would not be of much help until and unless you know how to read. Magazines and books may all be on microfilm in the next few years, but they will still have to be read. The same is true of most of what you have to learn in school. Your school is probably not going to throw all printed material out of the window very soon.

Success in school courses still depends on an ability to read and those students, who cannot read or at least read well enough to master material, are in trouble. You are moving into a world where everyday more and more technical reading is required. Instructions for using applications are becoming more complex. There are written instructions to follow, for food preparations, traffic signs, travel directions and safety information, all requiring the ability to read. People in modern society read hundreds and even thousands of words everyday.

Also your ability to get and keep a job is directly related to your ability to read. Even the simplest jobs require some reading ability, and many people advance to more important and better paying jobs by getting additional knowledge and skills through reading. The more specialised the job, the greater the need to read confidently, quickly and efficiently. Doctors read professional journals so that they can use the latest medical knowledge in treating patients while pharmacists have to read the prescriptions the doctors write. Lawyers spend their days reading briefs.

The number of semiskilled and professional occupations that require high reading ability is increasing rapidly. Today a person who cannot read is almost unemployable.

Answer the following questions briefly:
(i) What did the study of a group of teachers reveal?
(ii) How are instructions for using applications becoming more complex?
(iii) How is reading ability helping various professionals in their fields?
(iv) What is the most essential pre-requisite to keep a job? What is a man considered without the skill of reading?
(v) What does your success or failure in classes depend on?
(vi) What changes can be seen in the instructions for using applications’?
(vii) Find the word from the passage which means ‘strange’.
(viii) Write the antonyms of ‘simple’.
(i) The students who did poorly in reading almost always did poorly in all other subjects.
(ii) There are written instructions to follow, for food preparations, traffic signs, travel directions and safety information, all requiring the ability to read.
(iii) Doctors read professional journals to be abreast with latest medical knowledge in treating patients, pharmacists read doctor’s prescriptions and lawyers read briefs.
(iv) Most essential pre-requisite to keep a job is one’s ability to read. A person who cannot read is almost unemployable.
(V) It depends on our ability to read the required materials.
(vi) They are becoming complex.
(vii) Peculiar.
(viii) Complex

8. Read the passage carefully.
Our opportunities are great but let me warn you when power outstrips ability, we will fall on evil days. We should develop competency and ability which would help us utilize the opportunities which are now open to us. From tomorrow morning-from midnight today-we cannot throw the blame on the Britishers. We have to assume the responsibility ourselves for what we do.

A free India will be judged by the way in which it will serve the interests of the common man in the matters of food, clothing, shelter and social activities. Unless we root out corruption in high places and root out every trace of nepotism, love of power, profiteering and black marketing which have spoiled the good name of this country in recent times, we will not be able to raise the standards of efficiency in administration as well as in the production and distribution of the necessary goods of life.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru referred to the great contribution which this country will make to the promotion of world peace and the welfare of mankind. The chakra, the Ashoka wheel, which is there in the flag embodies for us a great idea, Ashoka, the greatest of our emperors. Look at the words of H.G. Wells about him ‘Highnesses, Magnificences, Excellences, Serenities, Majesties. Among them all, he shines alone a star, Ashoka the greatest of all monarchs.’ He cut into rock his message for the healing of discords. If there are differences, the way in which you can solve them is by promoting concord. Concord is the only way by which we can get rid of differences. There is no other method which is open to us.

We are lucky in having for our leader, one who is a world citizen, who is essentially a -humanist, who possesses a buoyant optimism and robust good sense in spite of the perversity of things and the hostility of human affairs. We see the way in which his Department interfered actively and in a timely manner in the Indonesian dispute. It shows that if India gains freedom, that freedom will be used not merely for the well-being of India but for Vishva Kalyana, world peace, the welfare of mankind.

Extract from a speech by
-Dr. Radhakrishnan

Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) What has Dr. Radhakrishnan warned us against?
(ii) How will a free India be judged?
(iii) What did Pandit Nehru visualise about India?
(iv) How can we raise the standards of efficiency at various levels?
(v) What does the chakra embody for us?
(vi) How can we get rid of our differences?
(vii) Which word in the passage means ‘favourism’ shown on the basis of family relationship? (para 1)
(viii) Find the word opposite in meaning to collection (para 1).
(i) Dr. Radhakrishnan has warned that though our opportunities are great, but when power outstrips ability, we will fall on evil days.
(ii) A free India will be judged by the way in which it will serve the interests of the common man in the matters of food, clothing shelter and social activities.
(iii) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had visualised that this country will make great contribution in promoting world peace and the welfare of mankind.
(iv) Unless we root out corruption in high places and traces of nepotism, love of power, profiteering and black marketing We will not be able to raise the standards of efficiency at various levels.
(v) It embodies great ideas as Ashoka, the greatest of our emperors.
(vi) We can get rid of our differences by promoting concord.
(vii) Nepotism
(viii) Distribution.

9. Read the following passage carefully.

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers?

1. The conquest of happiness has meant different facts to different generations. Our forefathers took pride in scholarship,, a spirit of sacrifice and solicitude for the welfare of others. Gone are those days. Today we live only for ourselves. We are jealous of the advancement of our neighbours. We end up tense and unhappy.

2. The term ‘happy’ has a variety of meanings. It stands for the lucky, fortunate, content, glad or apt. Happiness lies within the mind of the individual. No amount of external wealth may be helpful in making him happy.

3. Our forefathers had life styles, very much different from those we have today. Their life was based mainly on the concept of “Simple living and high thinking.” People were satisfied with whatever they obtained after working hard. Excessive material wealth did not mean much for them. They derived mental satisfaction and enrichment which they aimed at.

4. The structural framework of our forefathers’ families was different from those of ours. They lived in a cohesive joint family structure where they were happier than we. They cared for each other. The siblings grew up with their cousins. The bond of love which they share cannot be easily found in the nuclear family of the day. The family provided an emotional cushioning effect against tension and stress.

5. However, in the nuclear family, we are detached from the feelings towards our kith and kin. At times even the cousins do not recognise one another, when they happen to be self-centred. Disputes in the family may lead to divisions. This may finally destroy the family psyche.

6. The joint family system provided a proper environment for the child to grow up. The value of respect, tolerance, responsibility, integrity, etc. were internalised in the child. In the long run, they became better human beings, compared to those in the present generation. Our forefathers felt happiest if their children became ‘honest’ human beings.

7. But today we are happy only if we attain our coveted material ends. We are ready to resort to any means to attain that end. Our philosophy of life has turned out totally Machiavellian.

8. Our forefathers had a vision to make India the best. To attain their ambitions, they were ready to make all sorts of personal sacrifices. Their happiness lay in that of the millions of Indian brothers and sisters.

9. On the other hand, today people are ready to migrate to the west, to enjoy a comfortable life. They run away from the evils of the Indian society without trying to remedy them. Often they become successful in foreign lands. But in the process, they become alienated from their motherland. The nostalgic feeling of their childhood and the relationship they left lingered on, which cannot make them happy. Distance from their ailing parents is a worrying factor and keeps them perturbed. It is not easy for them to return, as their children will not be able to adjust to the Indian environment and the way of life.

10. Thus, his is a crisis and a frame of mind worse than his forefathers.

11. In our generation, tradition and modernity have intermingled to form our special system. We are happier than our forefathers in being able to lessen the evils of rigid caste system, untouchability, child marriage, etc. But we have failed to totally eradicate them. The electoral politics had made use of caste system, through the issuance of party tickets on the basis of caste, community, religion, etc.

Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) What is the big difference between our forefathers and us?
(ii) What do you mean by ‘happiness’?
(iii) Why are people ready to migrate to the west?
(iv) How does the joint family system make a child a good human being?
(v) What is the meaning of happy?
(vi) What concept was our forefather’s life based upon?
(vii) Find the word in the passage which means ‘Ancestor’.
(viii) Which word in the passage means ‘Thinking happily about the past’?
(i) Our forefathers took pride in scholarship, a spirit of sacrifice and solicitude for the welfare of others, whereas we are self-centred and live only for ourselves.
(ii) Happiness cannot be got from any amount of external wealth. It lies within the mind of the individual.
(iii) People are ready to migrate to the west to enjoy a comfortable life. They run away from the evils of the Indian society without trying to remedy them.
(iv) Joint family nourishes a child to become a good human being by providing values of respect, tolerance, responsibility, integrity, etc.
(V) It means lucky, fortunate, content, glad.
(vi) It was based on the concept of ‘simple living and high thinking’.
(vii) Forefather
(vii) Nostalgic.

10. Read the following passage carefully.

Caged And Safe Or Wild And Free?

The funding crisis at many zoos has reopened the debate over the value of zoos and whether they should be allowed to exist at all.

People who are in favour of zoos argue that they perform an essential role in conserving rare animal species. Conservationists estimate that today at least 1,000 species of animals are threatened. Over the past 20 years zoos have developed programmes designed to help preserve endangered species. This involves breeding animals in captivity in “captive breeding programmes”—and then reintroducing them into their natural habitats to replenish the number living in the wild.

Woburn Abbey, for example, saved a species called Pere David’s deer. The species went largely unrecorded in China from 1920, but a few of the animals were brought to Europe by a French missionary (Father David). Recently Woburn Abbey and other zoos began returning breeding couples of Pere David’s deer to the wild in China.

Zoos cooperate with each other in order to ensure the success of their breeding programmes. Animals are passed from one zoo to another in order to prevent inbreeding—breeding from closely related animals. If animals that are closely related to one another mate, there ‘ is a danger that they will produce deformed offspring.

Supporters of zoos argtie that they have an important role in educating children, millions of whom visit zoos every year. Television-viewing is no substitute for encountering real animals, they argue. Zoos also carry out important research, for example on the best conditions for rare species to reproduce.

If zoos were forced to close, it would be disastrous for world conservation, zoo supporters say. And most animals in captivity would have to be killed. “It does not take much imagination to realise that the closure of all zoos would mean the deliberate destruction of wildlife on a scale never before witnessed,” the National Federation of Zoos says.

Opponents of zoos accept that some species have been saved from extinction by “captive breeding programmes”, but they argue that this offers no solution to the worldwide conservation crisis.

The number of animals protected by Zoos is tiny compared with the overall problem. It cost millions to save the Arabian oryx from dying out; but could that amount be found for every species that is endangered? The value of zoo-breeding programmes is also questioned as some species, such as the African elephant, do not reproduce well in captivity.

Captive animals are often kept in poor and inhumane conditions, opponents say. In the worst zoos, animals are still displayed for the entertainment of the public. Where animals are placed in impoverished and unsuitable surroundings, they often behave in abnormal and neurotic ways. It is common for polar bears constantly to pace up and down or twist their heads and circle over and over again. This behaviour is now recognised by scientists as a sign of stress and frustration. .

When children visit zoos where animals are acting in neurotic and abnormal ways, they are not being educated. Instead, opponents say, they are being given information inaccurate.

Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) What are the advantages of zoos?
(ii) What are the disadvantages of zoos?
(iii) How would closing of zoos be disastrous?
(iv) What is ‘captive breeding programme’? What is the advantage of this programme?
(vi) Which programme involves breeding animals in captivity.?
(vii) What do you mean by the word ‘threatened’?
(viii) Find a word in the passage which means ‘to fill up again’.
(i) Breeding of endangered species is done, children are educated about wildlife in Zoos.
(ii) Running conservation programme is very costly, captive animals are kept in very poor-condition.
(iii) It would be disastrous for world conservation. It would cause deliberate destruction of wildlife on a large scale.
(iv) Captive breeding programme involves breeding animals in captivity and then reintroducing them into their natural in the wild. It helps to preserve endangered species.
(V) According to conservationists, at least 1,000 species of animals are threatened.
(vi) The programme is captive breeding programmes’.
(vii) It means endangered.
(viii) Replenish.

11. Read the following passage carefully:

1. It is rare to find someone with a good technical and communication skills. You can get far ahead of your colleagues if you combine the two early in your career. People will judge, evaluate, promote or block you based on your communication skills. Since habits form by repeating both good and bad forms of communication, learn to observe great communicators and adopt their styles and traits — in written and verbal forms. The art of listening and learning from each and every interaction, is another secret recipe. Develop the subconscious habit of listening to yourself as you speak and know when to pause.

2. Learning what not to say is probably more important than learning what to say. As your career develops, you will realise that the wise speak less. Speak when you have value to add, else refrain. Poorly constructed e-mails with grammatical errors are acceptable between friends, but they should be seriously avoided while communicating formally with your seniors. Avoid any communication in an emotional state when you might say things you will regret later. One unnecessary word uttered at the wrong time or place can ruin a relationship, career or even your life. Such is the power of words. If such a thing happens, you should immediately apologies, else it may haunt you for life.

3. Another problem to overcome is speaking too fast. Since our minds are working faster than our speech, we are inclined to speak fast. This does not necessarily mean that the person hearing it will get it any faster. On the contrary, it is always the reverse. So slow down, think before you speak. “When I get ready to speak to people,” Abraham Lincoln said, “I spend two-thirds of the time thinking what they want to hear and one- third thinking what I want to say.” Adding humour and wit is also essential. But realise that not all jokes are funny and observe certain boundaries. Never say anything that could offend. Remember you are not a comedian who must offend as many people as

Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) Why is it necessary to have good communication skills?
(ii) How can communication skills be developed?
(iii) What according to the writer should be avoided while communicating?
(iv) Why should you be careful when you tend to be humorous?
(v) How can we get far ahead of our colleagues?
(vi) What subconscious habit should you develop?
(vii) Find a word which means ‘evaluate’. (para I)
(viii) Which word means ‘trait’? (para 1).
(i) Based on your communication skills, people will judge, evaluate, promote or block you. You can get far ahead of your colleagues if you have good communication skills.
(ii) Good communication skills can be developed by the following means:
(a) by observing good communicators.
(b) by adopting good communicator’s styles and traits.
(c) by developing the habit of listening to ourselves.
(d) by learning from every interaction.
(iii) We should avoid grammatical errors while communicating, avoid communicating while in an emotional state and avoid speaking too fast.
(iv) We should be careful when we tend to be humorous because all jokes are not funny. Jokes should not be offensive and we should avoid offending people.
(V) We can get far ahead of our colleagues by combining good technical and communication skills.
(vi) The subconscious habit of listening to yourself as you speak and know when to pause should be developed.
(vii) Estimate
(viii) Quality.

12. Read the following passage carefully.

1. Education is no longer restricted to bookish knowledge and the four walls of colleges and universities. Apart from the activities in the classrooms, laboratories and libraries, a student has an opportunity to find out and express his hidden potential in the form of various extra-curricular activities. Youth festivals are the best platform for such activities.

2. It is essential for the all-round development of a student that he should participate in one or the other activity. There are many extra-curricular activities. Some of them are declamation, debate, histrionics, mimicry, painting, music, dance, singing, poetical recitation, etc.

3. Mere classroom studies make it boring and monotonous and students need some outlet for their energies. They need opportunities for entertainment also. Youth festivals are the spice of academic life. When students prepare for various items, they have a sense of achievement, a sense of doing something useful. Preparing the stage for the show, receiving the guest artists from other institutions and looking after them, inculcate in them a sense of responsibility, co-operation and tolerance.

4. As the competitions of these youth festivals are organised among students of almost the same age, they get rid of stage phobia. They no longer feel shy of the audience and the stage. They learn to face the audience. Thus, they cultivate self-confidence.

5. Youth festivals are the best means to search the talent among the youth. These budding artists will become the singers, actors and orators of tomorrow. Youth festivals prove to be the stepping stones for the future real life. Absence of youth festivals makes a student’s life insipid and boring. As such, students take to subversive activities. If they remain busy in preparing for competition in youth festivals, their time is used in a productive and fruitful way.

Read the following questions and write the answer in your answer sheet.

(i) How does a student find the expression of his potential? Which is the best platform for such activities?
(ii) What do extra-curricular activities include?
(iii) How does the participation in youth festivals help a student?
(iv) How does absence of youth festivals affect students?
(v) What are youth festivals?
(vi) How does youth festivals help students of same age group?
(vii) Find a word in the passage which means ‘dull’ on ‘boring’.
(viii) Which word in the passage means ‘A person who is skilled in making formal speeches?
(i) A student finds the expression of his potential through extra-curricular activities.
(ii) Youth festivals are the best platform for such activities. It includes debates, declamation, histrionics, mimicry, painting, music, dance, singing, poetical recitation, etc.
(iii) It enables the students to do something useful and inculcate a sense of achievement, sense of responsibility, co operation and tolerance. (iv) The budding artists become the singers, actors and orators of tomorrow, youth festivals prove to be the stepping stones for the future real life.
(V) Youth festivals are the spice of academic life.
(vi) Students get rid of stage phobia, learn to face audience and cultivate self-confidence. (vii) Monotonous.
(vii) Orator.

13. Read the following passage carefully.

Ask any parent anywhere on the planet and they will tell you that there is nothing sinister, nothing as singularly depressing as Arpita’s copy.

Now this is not just a copy where a tidy conscientious child writes in copious details about everything, taking care to label things in boxes and uses eighteen different coloured pencils while describing ‘My favourite holiday’. This is actually a sinister plot hatched to make your parenting skills look bad by rival parents with way too much time, patience and colouring ability on their side. The child is merely an instrument; it is the parents who are graded.

The whole school evaluation process grades parents with a bewilderingly complex classification that involves stars, smileys, good, very good, keep it up. Are two smileys better than a ‘good’ and a ‘keep it up’? And what about Arpita? What has she got?

Today the child is seen as an entity that is moldable and the role of the parent is to build a person out of a child. This puts tremendous responsibility on parents who believe that their actions determine their child’s future and hence every small step becomes a BIG PROJECT where a minor mistake would make your child a dribbling sociopath tomorrow.

Hence the persistent belief that enough is not being done for the child inspite of the unfortunate truth that more than enough is being done to him. Children need to perform in order to make parents feel good about themselves. In that sense, not much has changed; children still become instruments for the realisation of some parental goals. If earlier getting Into Science was enough to make parents proud, now almost nothing is good enough. Ninety per cent is too little and one extra-curricular activity too basic. And yes, there is always an Arpita lurking somewhere with her wretched copy.

Answer the following questions:

(i) What is the limitation of the whole school evaluation process?
(ii) What is the aspect of parenting that has not changed over the years?
(iii) Why is Arpita’s copy depressing?
(iv) What is the plight of children like Arpita?
(y) What do rival parents have?
(vi) What does every small step become?
(vii) What does the word ‘sinister’ in para 1 mean?
(viii) What is the noun form of ‘realise’?
(i) The whole school evaluation process grades parents with a bewildering by complex classification that involves starts, smileys, good, very good, keep it up. Among these grades one stands better than the other.
(ii) Inspite of all her efforts Arpita’s parents are not satisfied.
(iii) They are pressurized to do well.
(iv) Parents are dissatisfied with what is done for their children. They want their children to perform, in this sense children are still instruments for the realisation of some parental goals.
(V) They have time, patience and colouring ability on their side.
(vi) Every small step becomes a BIG PROJECT.
(vii) Evil.
(viii) Realization.

14. Read the following passage carefully:

1. Maybe you’re bored of bananas, apples and grapes and need a fresh produce pick? A nutrient-rich serving of kiwifruit may be just what you need. A serving of kiwifruit (2 kiwis) has twice the vitamin C of an orange, as much potassium as a banana and the fiber of a bowl of whole grain cereal-all for less than 100 calories!

2. The fuzzy fruit is sky-high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are essential for promoting heart health, regulating digestion, and lowering cholesterol levels—that’s a winning trifecta. Kiwi fruit has also been considered a “nutritional all-star,” as Rutgers University researchers found that kiwifruit has the best nutrient density of 21 commonly consumed fruits.

3. Along with vitamin C, kiwi fruit are rich in many bioactive compounds that have antioxidant capacity to help to protect against free radicals, harmful by-products produced in the body. If you want clean energy, think of kiwifruit because they’re rich in magnesium, a nutrient essential to convert food into energy.

4. A kiwi fruit also doubles as a peeper-keeper by supplying your eyes with protective lutein, a carotenoid that’s concentrated in eye tissues and helps protect against harmful free radicals. Kiwifruit is also packed with blood pressure-lowering potassium. In fact, a 100-gram serving of kiwifruit—that’s about one large kiwi—provides 15% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of potassium.

5. Kiwi fruit has been growing in New Zealand for over 100 years. Once the fruit gained in popularity, other countries started to grow them including Italy, France, Chile, Japan, South Korea and Spain. At first, kiwis were referred to as ‘Yang Tao’ or ‘Chinese Gooseberry,’ but the name was ultimately changed to kiwifruit so that everyone would know where the fruit came from.

6. A ripe kiwi fruit will be plump and smooth-skinned, and free of wrinkles, bruise, and punctures. If you find that your kiwi is a little too firm after buying it, simply let it ripen at room temperature for three to five days. The firmer the fruit, the more tart it will taste. To speed up the ripening process, you can also place kiwis in a paper bag with an apple or banana. If you want to store the fruit longer, you should keep in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Answer the following questions:
(a) What does a serving of kiwi offer?
(b) Why has kiwi been considered a “nutritional all-star”?
(c) How is kiwi fruit helpful for the eyes?
(d) How can you make a kiwi fruit ripen?
(e) What is the fuzzy fruit sky-high in?
(f) What is a winning trifecta?
(g) What does the word ‘compound’ mean?
(h) Find the word in the passage which means ‘discoloured’.
(a) A serving of kiwi offers twice the vitamin C of an orange, as much potassium as a banana and the fiber of a bowl of whole grain cereal-all for less than 100 calories!
(b) Rutgers University researchers found that kiwi fruit has the best nutrient density of 21 commonly consumed fruits. Therefore, it was called ‘nutritional all-star.’
(c) Kiwi fruit supplies our eyes with protective lutein, a carotenoid that’s concentrated in eye tissues and helps protect against harmful free radicals.
(d) Kiwi fruit can be ripened by keeping it at room temperature for three to five days.
(e) The fuzzy fruit is sky-high in both soluble and insoluble fibre.
(f) Kiwi promotes heart health, regulates digestion and lowers cholesterol levels.
(g) The word ‘compound’ means mixture.
(h) ‘Bruises’.

15. Read the following passage carefully:

Why does a person become overconfident? The reason lies in over assessment of his capabilities. Sometimes people over assess their competence and jump into situations that are beyond their control.

Napoleon Bonaparte who became Emperor of France would say that the word ‘impossible’ was common only amongst fools. The overconfident Napoleon invaded Russia in the winter of 1812. This proved to be a big disaster.

Overconfidence generally leads people into misadventures, endangering their chances in life. It is wisely said that any achievement is a result of two factors-one’s personal planning and support from the external world. People, take into account only their planning, generally ignoring external factors. They become unable to foresee future developments Hence, the great risk of failure.

Then there is the question: How can one manage overconfidence? The formula is very simple. Before taking a decision discuss the matter with other informed people with an objective mind and when it is proved that you are about to go off the path, accept reality and say without delay, “I was wrong.”

Overconfidence is a flaw characterizing people who lack the virtue of modesty. Modesty makes you a realist; you become a person who is cut down to size. People of this kind become very cautious; before taking an action they assess the whole situation. They adopt a realistic approach.
Overconfident people live within their own thoughts. They know themselves but they are unaware of others. Living inside their own cell they are unable to make use of the experiences of others. This kind of habit is highly damaging to all concerned.

There is a saying that the young man sees the rule and the old man sees the exception, with a slight change, I would like to say that the overconfident person sees the rule and the confident person sees the exception. Overconfident people are always at risk. It is said that taking risk is good but it must be well calculated otherwise it becomes very dangerous.

Answer the following questions:
(a) Why does a person become overconfident?
(b) What does overconfidence generally lead people into?
(c) How can one manage overconfidence?
(d) What kind of person does ‘modesty’ make you?
(e) What would Napoleon Bonaparte say?
(f) What proved to be a big disaster for Napolean?
(g) Find the word in the passage which means ‘impartial’.
(h) What does the word ‘Endangering’ mean?
(a) A person becomes overconfident because of over assessment of his capabilities and competence; jumps into situations that are beyond his control.
(b) Overconfidence generally leads people into misadventures. It endangers their chances in life and puts them at great risk of failure.
(c) One can manage overconfidence by discussing the matter with other informed people with an objective mind and accepting reality, when proved wrong.
(d) Modesty makes a person a realist. A person is cut down to size. Such people become very cautious before taking any action.
(e) Napoleon Bonaparte would say that the word ‘impossible’ was common only amongst fool
(f) Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in winter of 1812 proved to be a big disaster.
(g) Objective
(h) It means threatening.

16. Read the following passage carefully:

One would imagine that at the very sight of the panther, deer, antelopes, and its other preys would just run for their lives. Nothing of the sort. They all stand their ground and make such a loud noise that the panther is left with no other choice except to leave quietly. I have seen a tiny chital baby standing in the middle of an opening in the forest, stamping its feet on the ground and shooing away a tiger. With the white of its erect tail showing, it kept up its shrill call until the tiger made itself scarce. No tiger in its senses would attempt to catch such an impertinent brat, just as you would not dream of catching an offending crow cawing away in your verandah.

While the panther sticks to cover and hugs the edge of the forest, the game animals, on the other hand, like to assemble right out in open vast grazing grounds. Open spaces which the panther carefully avoids, are what the game animals deliberately seek.

It is difficult to describe the pandemonium kicked up by various animals when they spot or suspect a panther around. The chital strikes a shrill note, the kakar emits a deafening bark and the sambar rings a bell. The peacock on its perch, the jungle fowl on the ground, and the monkey on treetops, all join in the chorus of condemnation of the panther. They curse the panther in their own inimitable language. The resulting confusion of sounds is so irritating to the sharp ears of the panther that it is left with no other option except to go away.

The panther has thus to deal with its ever alert and watchful associates who show no mercy and expect none. It is h fight between finesse and flight, between clever attack and skilful defence.

Contrary to the common belief, the panther never springs upon its prey. It stalks as close to its victim as it can manage, and then makes the final dash by rushing at it at a lightning speed.

Answer the following questions:

(a) What strategy do animals like deer, antelopes, etc adopt to drive away the panther?
(b) How do the panther and the game animals (deer, antelopes, etc) react to open
(c) What effect does the loud noise made by birds and animals have on the panther?
(d) How does the panther kill its prey?
(e) Find the meaning – shrill (Para 1)
(f) Find the meaning – deliberately (Para 2)
(g) Find the meaning – condemnation (Para 3)
(h) Find the meaning – associates (Para 4)
(a) All of them stand their ground and together they make a loud noise to force the panther to go away.
(b) The panther sticks to cover and hugs the edge of the forest avoiding open spaces. Contrarily, the game animals deliberately seek open grazing grounds to assemble.
(c) The sharp shrill sounds made by birds and animals cause irritation in the sharp ears of the panther. Therefore, the only option before it is to go away from there.
(d) The panther stalks as close to its victim as possible and then makes a final dash by rushing at it with a lightning speed.
(e) High
(f) Intentionally
(g) Disapproval
(h) Rivals

Unseen Passage for Class 7 CBSE With Answers

Unseen Passage for Class 7 CBSE With AnswersLooking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Unseen Passage for Class 7 CBSE With Answers Pdf

What is Reading Comprehension?
Reading comprehension is the ability to understand what you are reading. The Answer:s that you provide to the questions asked to show how well you have understood the given passage.

Unseen Passage for Class 7 :

Unseen Passage Pdf – 1

Dolly, the donkey, had a kind master. The master taught Dolly to help him carry heavy things. However, Dolly was too playful, to listen to her master. Instead of doing her work, the young donkey would go for a walk in the jungle.

One day, Dolly wandered into the jungle. She met some squirrels and asked them to play with her. “Sorry, we have to look after our brothers and sisters,” they said. Dolly walked on and saw a tiger. She quickly hid in a cave. When the tiger left, Dolly came out of the cave.

It was getting late and the sky was dark. “Help!” Dolly screamed suddenly. A snake was trying to bite her. She ran home to her master as fast as her legs could carry her. Her master was waiting for her at the door.

Question 1.
Dolly’s master taught her to ___________.
(a) be playful
(b) walk in the jungle
(c) carry heavy things
(b) walk in the jungle

Question 2.
Why didn’t the squirrels want to play with Dolly? They had to ___________.
(a) look for the tiger
(b) play with the snake
(c) look after their brothers and sisters
(c) look after their brothers and sisters

Question 3.
What did Dolly do when she saw the tiger? She ___________.
(a) hid in cave
(b) screamed for help
(c) ran as fast as she could
(a) hid in cave

Question 4.
Why did Dolly run home?
(a) The tiger was chasing her.
(b) The snake was trying to bite her.
(c) The master was waiting for her..
(b) The snake was trying to bite her.

Question 5.
Which sentence is true?
(a) After the tiger left, Dolly met a snake.
(b) Dolly killed a snake and went home.
(c) The squirrels helped Dolly to carry heavy things.
(a) After the tiger left, Dolly met a snake.

Unseen Passage Pdf – 2

Mirrors have been used since ages. It is said that Archimedes used huge mirrors to focus the heat of the sun’s rays on the enemy ships to burn them.

The same principle is used in solar cookers where mirrors are used to reflect and focus the sun’s rays on to cooking containers. Astronomers use huge concave mirrors to focus starlight.

The mirrors used in telescopes are polished by giving a thin coat of silver or aluminum to the glass. With the telescopes, astronomers can see the heavenly bodies but even without the telescopes one can see the moon.

A full moon shining overhead is a beautiful sight, but it is also a puzzle because if the sun and the moon both give the same sunlight, then why is the moonlight more pleasant?

The reason is that the moon reflects very little sunlight, in fact, only seven percent of the light is receives.

The earth reflects about half of the radiation that it receives from the sun. Imagine how bright the earth will look from the moon?

One can even read a book on the moon in the earth light. However, you do not have to travel all the way to the moon to realise how strong the earthlight is.

Observe the crescent moon soon after the new moon. The bright crescent is illuminated by the sun.

The rest of the moon is illuminated by earthlight in other words, the light reflected by the earth is falling on the moon which is being reflected back to us and is strong enough to show the moon faintly as the crescent increases in size.

Fresh snow is the best reflector of sunlight in nature, the bright light reflected by it can dazzle and harm the eyes of mountaineers, therefore, they use dark glasses.

Choose the correct option.
a. Archimedes used mirrors to focus the heat of the sun’s rays:
(i) to bake some pots
(ii) to create a warm environment
(iii) to burn enemy ships
(iv) to boil water

b. Mirrors used in telescopes are polished by giving the glass a thin coat of:
(i) gold
(ii) silver and gold
(iii) silver or aluminium
(iv) tin and white paint

c. The principle of focusing the sun’s rays is used in:
(i) solar cookers
(ii) radio
(iii) public address system
(iv) computers

d. The bright light reflected by fresh snow can:
(i) harm your body
(ii) dazzle and harm your eyes
(iii) harm and dazzle your heart
(iv) dazzle and harm your liver

e. How much of the radiation received from the sun does the earth reflect?
(i) about half
(ii) about one – fourth
(iii) all of it
(iv) about three – fourth

Unseen Passage Pdf – 3

A powerful earthquake, registering 7.2 on the Richter scale, hit the western part of Japan on 7th January, 1995 at 0546 hours (Japan time). Its epicenter was about twenty kilometers beneath Awaji Island, some thirty kilometers from Kobe. It was Japan’s worst earthquake since a very powerful one struck eastern Japan in 1923. The 1995 earthquake had inflicted the greatest loss of life and damage to buildings, roads, bridges and railways in Kobe and the coastal cities nearest to Awaji Island. Osaka, Japan’s second-largest city, also suffered significant damage, bringing the death toll to just over five hundred.

Japan is an earthquake-prone country but the area around Kobe had not been known to be a danger zone. It is therefore surprising that an earthquake of this magnitude should hit the area. There are quite a number of seismographs and sensors that detect earth tremors throughout Japan. These instruments are supposed to help earthquake researchers pre dict earthquakes. On an early warning, people could be evacuated to safer places.

It was disappointing that in the case of the Kobe earthquake, no early warning had been given. Unexpectedly, many of the newer roads and buildings were badly damaged. These roads and buildings had been engineered and constructed to withstand earthquakes. Fortunately, the Kobe nuclear power plant managed to escape damage. If radioactivity had leaked as a result of the damage to the plant, it would have triggered off severe and long-lasting damage on health and the environment.

The Kobe earthquake inflicted such massive damage that reconstruction would be long and arduous. The early–warning system too has been receiving the extra attention it needs, especially so because a big one is expected to strike the Tokyo region in the next twenty to thirty years, according to earthquake researchers.

Question 1.
When the Kobe earthquake struck, most of the people in the region were probably –
(a) Still in bed
(b) Going to work
(c) Returning from work
(d) Having their lunch breaks
(a) Still in bed

Question 2.
The Kobe earthquake caused much damage and loss of life because it
(a) Had struck coastal areas
(b) Had struck suburban areas
(c) Had hit Japan’s second largest city
(d) Was Japan’s worst earthquake since 1923
(a) Had struck coastal areas

Question 3.
Which one of the following statements is true?
(a) Osaka was the hardest-hit city.
(b) The Kobe earthquake was expected.
(c) Radioactivity leaked from the Kobe nuclear plant.
(d) The Japanese were not prepared for the Kobe earthquake
(d) The Japanese were not prepared for the Kobe earthquake

Question 4.
The newer Kobe roads and buildings were not expected to suffer much damage because they were
(a) In coastal areas
(b) Modern structures
(c) Supposed to be earthquake-proof
(d) Far away from the earthquake’s epicenter
(c) Supposed to be earthquake-proof

Question 5.
The earthquake researchers in Japan have since been working to improve the early–warning system because
(a) Sensors were effective in detecting tremors
(b) There is a fear of leakage at the Kobe nuclear plant
(c) The neighbouring countries have been pressuring them to do so.
(d) A major earthquake is expected to strike in the next two or three decades.
(d) A major earthquake is expected to strike in the next two or three decades.

Unseen Passage Pdf – 4

Read the following passage carefully.

Nepal, a small, mountainous country tucked between India and China, may seem completely foreign to many Americans. Cows walk down busy streets unharmed, 24 different languages are spoken, and people eat two meals of rice and lentils every day. Nepali holidays, many of which are related to the Hindu religion, can seem especially bizarre to AmericAnswer: unfamiliar with the culture. However, if we look beyond how others celebrate to consider the things they are celebrating, we find surprising similarities to our own culture.

The biggest holiday in Nepal is Dashain, a ten – day festival for the Hindu goddess Durga that takes place in September or October. According to Hindu beliefs, Durga defeated the evil demons of the world. To thank the goddess, people visit temples in her honour and sacrifice goats or sheep as offerings. Throughout the year, most Nepalis do not eat much meat because it is expensive, but Dashain is a time to enjoy meat every day. Children fly colourful, homemade kites during Dashain. People also construct enormous bamboo swings on street corners and in parks. Every evening people gather at these swings and take turns swinging. Nepalis say that by swinging, people can relieve the earth of their weight, if only for a few minutes out of the year. Dashain is a time for people to eat good food, relax, and enjoy themselves!

Aside from eating and enjoying themselves, during Dashain people also receive blessings from their elders. Schools and offices shut down so people can travel to be with their families. Reuniting with family reminds people of the importance of kindness, respect, and forgiveness. People also clean and decorate their homes for Dashain. And, like many holidays in the United States, it is a time for shopping. Children and adults alike get new clothes for the occasion.

People express appreciation for all that they have, while looking forward to good fortune and peace in the year to come. During American holidays, people may not sacrifice goats or soar on bamboo swings, but we do often travel to be with family members and take time off work or school to relax. No matter how we celebrate, many people around the world spend their holidays honouring family, reflecting on their blessings, and hoping for good fortune in the future.

Based on your reading and understanding of the passage given above, choose the right answer from the options.

1. According to the passage, Hindus believe that the goddess Durga
a. sacrifices goats and sheep
b. defeated the evil demons of the world
c. visits temples
d. enjoys meat every day

2. Which of the following sentences from the passage best indicate why the author thinks Nepal would seem very foreign to many Americans?
a. “Cows walk down busy streets unharmed, 24 different languages are spoken, and people eat two meals of rice and lentils every day.”
b. “Every evening people gather at these swings and take turns swinging.”
c. “People also clean and decorate their homes for Dashain.”
d. “During American holidays, people may not sacrifice goats or soar on bamboo swings, but we do often travel to be with family members and take time off work or school to relax.”

3. As used in paragraph 1, bizarre most nearly means.
a. unbelievable
b. unknown
c. awkward
d. strange

4. The colourful kites and bamboo swings are both used as Examples: of
a. ways people relax and enjoy themselves during Dashain
b. things people honour and reflect on during Dashain
c. offerings to the goddess Durga
d. ways people reunite with family during Dashain

5. The author suggests that although people in different cultures celebrate holidays differently, one similarity is that many people
a. ask for blessings from their elders during holidays
b. agree that holidays reveal a lot about a culture
c. believe that holidays must be celebrated
d. think of holidays as a time to spend with their families

Unseen Passage Pdf – 5

Mr. Duquette is an elderly French–Canadian man who likes to be prepared at all times. For the past two years, he has been walking around the world, pulling a coffin behind him. The aluminum coffin is slightly bigger than a typical Chinese coffin. It is fitted with three wheels and rolls easily. Mr. Duquette ties it to his body and travels everywhere with it. He calls it the ‘Festive Coffin’ and it is practically his home.

There is a heater, a small refrigerator and even a small kitchen in the coffin! The Festive Coffin’ doubles up as his bed at night. Most people think that he is mad but he is only doing it because he loves travelling. “I expect this to be my last trip because I am so old now. I’m taking my coffin along in case I die,” he explains.

Mr. Duquette parks the ‘Festive Coffin’in cemeteries at night because he likes the peace and quiet there. Once, in America, some robbers came to rob the graves. They saw the strange coffin and wanted to take a closer look at it. Just then, Mr. Duquette opened the lid and got up. He must have scared the robbers out of their wits!

Question 1.
What has Mr. Duquette been doing the last few years? He has been ________.
(a) designing coffins
(b) living in America
(c) turning coffins into homes
(d) travelling around the world
(d) travelling around the world

Question 2.
Which of the following is true of his coffin?
(a) The inside of it is empty.
(b) It has to be pulled around.
(c) It can move around by itself.
(d) It is smaller than a Chinese coffin.
(b) It has to be pulled around.

Question 3.
In what way can we say that Mr. Duquette’s coffin is useful?
(a) Hr can use it to attract attention from passers–by.
(b) It contains the basic necessities and serves as a bed.
(c) It transports Mr. Duquette to the places he wants to visit.
(d) He can entertain children by letting them play in the coffin.
(b) It contains the basic necessities and serves as a bed.

Question 4.
The robbers in the cemetery most probably thought that Mr. Duquette was ________.
(a) going to beat them
(b) going to chase them
(c) rising from the dead
(d) rising from the earth
(c) rising from the dead

Question 5.
Mr. Duquette’s behavior can be described as ________.
(a) evil
(b) heroic
(c) different
(d) mundane
(c) different

Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples

Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 1

An advertisement is a public announcement made through a popular medium like newspapers, magazines, T.V., Radio, and the Cinema. An advertisement may be displayed on a placard as well. It is a non-personal, oral, or visual message regarding a product, a service, or an idea.

Purpose: An advertisement attracts the immediate attention of the public. It is a very potent tool for promoting sales or services. It is used to influence the minds, tastes, and even motives of the masses. Remember, an advertisement is a play of words. It must be very attractive to catch the eye of the reader.

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Advertisements are of two types-

  • A. Classified Advertisements
  • B. Commercial or Display Advertisements

A. Classified Advertisements

These advertisements are called classified advertisements as they are divided into categories or classes in the newspaper or magazine according to their subject matter and the function they perform. Classified advertisements are brief and to the point, as the advertiser is charged per word, per column line or per column centimetre.

The main characteristics of classified advertisements are

  • They are categorised into columns according to different classes.
  • They are brief and occupy less space.
  • They are economical.
  • They are written in short phrases and words.
  • The language is simple and concise, factual and formal.

Points to be Kept in Mind

  • Advertisements should always be drafted in such a way that they attract the readers to go through them.
  • Advertisements should always be meaningful and interesting so that they can attract the attention of the readers.’
  • Advertisements should always have simple and effective language.
  • Advertisements should always be brief and to the point.
  • The name of the advertiser and the advertised product or service should be properly highlighted.

TIP To develop expertise in drafting classified advertisements, students are advised to read classified advertisement columns of leading newspapers.

Types Of Classified Advertisements

  • Situations Vacant/Wanted
  • Sale and Purchase
    • Property
    • Vehicle
    • Household/Office Goods
  • To Let
  • Missing (Persons and Pets)
  • Lost and Found
  • Tours and Travel
  • Matrimonial Alliance
  • Obituary
  • Appeal
  • Educational
  • Change of Name/Address /Other information

Making Scheme of Classified Advertisement
In the paper, a question on a classified advertisement will test the following value points.
Title Suitable heading/classification e.g. Situation Vacant (in capitals). (1 Mark)
Content Subject matter including a contact address, phone number (2 Marks)
Expression Grammatical accuracy, spelling, suitable style. (1 Mark)

Situations Vacant/Wanted

Details Required

  • Give heading ‘Wanted’, ‘Required’, or ‘Situation Vacant’ (as appropriate).
  • Write the name of the organisation/ company, in the case situation Vacant’.
  • Indicate the post and number of vacancies.
  • State the essential qualifications and experience.
  • Give preferences, if any, such as age limits and gender of the candidate (if applicable).
  • Other preferences/ details like pay and perks, mode of applying etc are optional and may be included where relevant or not obvious.
  • The contact address and phone number of the advertiser is optional.

Advertisement Writing Examples with Answers for Class 11 CBSE Pdf

Classified Advertisement Class 11 Examples

Advertisement Writing Class 11 Examples with Simple Explanation

Format Of Situation Vacant/Wanted
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 2

Question 1.
You are Personnel Manager of Green Bio-Products Ltd., Sector 18, Industrial Area, Faridabad. You need an efficient P.A. /stenographer for your office. Write an advertisement for the ‘Situation Vacant’ column of a local daily.

Situation Vacant

Wanted a smart, efficient P.A./stenographer for a leading manufacturing company. Qualifications-Graduate, age 25-30 years. Typing speed 60 w.p.m., shorthand 120 w.p.m. Preference to those who can handle computers. Salary negotiable. Apply with complete bio-data within 10 days to Personnel Manager, Green Bio-Products Ltd., Industrial Area, Faridabad-18.

Question 2.
You are General Manager of Orient Export House, Tri Nagar, Delhi. You want to appoint a Stenographer/ PA for your company. Draft an advertisement.

Situation Vacant

Wanted a smart, confident PA/ Stenographer for a leading export house.
Qualification—graduate, age 20-35 years, typing speed 40 wpm, shorthand 100 wpm. Computer and MS-Office literacy essential. Salary negotiable.

Apply with complete bio-data within two weeks to General Manager, Orient Export House, Tri Nagar, Delhi-110061. Tel no 011-27345XX

Question 3.
Arun Gupta of M-3 Kamal Apartments, Shimla, has a very good knowledge of tourist places in Shimla. He wants to work as a tourist guide. Draft a suitable advertisement for publication in the Tours and Travels Section of a local newspaper.

Situation Wanted

Seeking a job as a tourist Guide with Tours and Travels companies in the Shimla area. I am well acquainted with the hills and historical places around Shimla. I am well versed in English, Hindi, and Punjabi. Tours and Travels companies may contact Arun Gupta, M-3, Kamal Apartments, Shimla or call 98682XXXXX.

Advertisement Writing Examples for Class 11 CBSE Pdf

1. AK International School is looking for a receptionist for the school. Write an advertisement on behalf of the Administrative Officer in the classified columns of the local newspaper giving necessary details.

2. Santa Public School in Delhi requires cricket and hockey coaches. Draft a suitable advertisement for the ‘Situations Vacant’ column of the ‘Daily Herald’, stating your requirements regarding age, qualification, experience, etc. You are the Principal of the school.

3. Bosco Public School has a vacancy for transport in charge to look after the school transport fleet. Draft an advertisement on behalf of the Administrative Officer in the classified columns of a local daily giving necessary details.

4. You are AL Bhagat of C-108 Shakti Nagar, Delhi. You are a Chartered Accountant and are capable of handling accounts and managing company finances, having six years of experience. Draft an advertisement for ‘The Times of India’ seeking a job (full time/part-time).

5. You are P Sharma of VarAnswer:i. You want an English tutor for your daughter. Write out an advertisement to be published in the classified column of a local newspaper.

Sale/Purchase (Property)

Details Required

  • Begin with For Sale/ Purchase or Available/ Wanted
  • Type of property/ building
  • Brief physical description
  • Fittings and fixtures (optional)
  • Type of property under consideration (Plot/ Residential / Commercial/ Industrial)
  • Contact name, phone number/ address/e-mail
  • Financial aspects/cost (optional)
  • Area (sq m) and location, size, number of rooms, floors / flat / bungalow etc
  • Location and surroundings
  • Facilities – power connection, parking, proximity to business/ shopping area

Format Of Sale/Purchase (Property)
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 3

Question 1.
You plan to sell your flat. Draft a suitable advertisement to be inserted in the classified columns of a local daily giving all necessary details of the flat.

Flat For Sale

At Mukherjee Nagar, DDA Flat, SFS-II, Ground floor, Two bedrooms, D/D with full interiors for sale. Car parking available. East/ park facing. Reasonable price.
Contact AB Singh 011-2723XXXX

Question 2.
You are General Manager of PNT Company, NOIDA, which requires to purchase posh bungalows as guest houses. Draft an advertisement under classified columns to be published in ‘The Tribune’.

Bungalows Wanted

Wanted high end bungalows in various posh locations in South Delhi to be run as guest houses. Uninterrupted water and electricity supply is a must. Near market and other facilities will be preferred. Owners please contact with lowest rates, terms and conditions etc to General Manager, PNT Company, Noida Phone no 0120- 42242XX.
e-mail : divyAnswer:h174@gmail.com

Question 3.
You are Surinder Singh from Ludhiana, Punjab. You want to buy a plot for constructing a warehouse. Draft an advertisement for the same in ‘The Times of India’ under the classified column.

Plot Required In Ludhiana

Roadside plot for constructing warehouse on the outskirts of Ludhiana on GT Road. Minimum area of 500 sq mt. Contact Surinder Singh, R- 35, Naya Mohalla, Ludhiana, Punjab.
Call 098765XXXXX with the best terms.

Advertisement Writing Examples for Students

1. Maria Agnes, House no 196, Mapusa, Goa, wishes to sell her house as she is migrating to the USA. Draft an advertisement for her for publication in the ‘For Sale/Property’ section of the newspaper.
2. You wish to open a showroom for ‘Adidas’ and are looking for a suitable place to purchase. Draft an advertisement for it to be published in ‘The Tribune’, New Delhi, under classified columns, giving all relevant details.
3. You have a spacious bungalow in Saket. You want to sell the first floor to a genuine buyer. Draft an advertisement giving necessary details.
4. You are Dr. Geetanjali, MD. You are looking for an independent house in Gurgaon at a reasonable cost for a residence-cum-clinic. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in ‘Hindustan Times’, New Delhi.
5. You want to dispose of your independent house situated in a prime locality of Ghaziabad. Draft an advertisement to be published in ‘The Times of India’ under the classified advertisements column. Sign as Manohar/Meenu.

Sale/Purchase (Vehicle)

Details Required

  • Start with ‘Sale / Purchase’ or ‘Available / Wanted’
  • Model, year of manufacturing
  • Features/ accessories fitted
  • Ownership details
  • Insurance details
  • Type/ make of vehicle
  • Colour
  • Mileage and condition, new or second hand
  • Kilometres run/ done/price expected
  • Contact address/ e-mail/ phone number

NOTE: Some details are optional

Format Of Sale/Purchase (Vehicle)
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 4

Question 1.
You want to sell your flat in Ashok Vihar. Write out an advertisement giving necessary details in about 50 words.


For Sale Ashok Vihar, DDA flat, first floor, two bedrooms. Drawing/ Dining with full interiors, Car parking available. North/ park facing, located near the main market. Reasonable price. Contact: M.L. Goyal, 27263412

Question 2.
You plan to sell your motorcycle. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in the classified column of the ‘Hindustan Times’, Delhi. Invent all necessary details.

Motorcycle For Sale

Top Model Hero Karisma-2010 Available a yellow Hero Karisma with disk brakes, double speed engine, 180cc, alloy wheels, digital meter, tail brake lights, 50 km/h, sparingly used, fully insured, good condition. Sale price negotiable.

Contact Shravan Kumar, 78124679XX

Question 3.
You wish to buy a second-hand owner-driven car in good condition. Draft an advertisement for the same in ‘The Indian Express’ under the classified column, giving your preferences.

Required Small Car

Required purchase of the second-hand owner-driven small car in good condition. Preferred makes Maruti/ Hyundai/ Ford. Must be Delhi registered. Contact with the best price, Alok Mohapatra, Flat 304, SKS Society, Sector 29, Gurgaon. Phone 098123XXXXX

Advertisement Questions for Class 11

1. You want to dispose of your car as you are going abroad. You are Ritesh of House no 17, Kailash Colony, New Delhi. Draft an advertisement to be published in the daily, ‘The Hindu’, under classified columns.

2. You wish to purchase a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Draft an advertisement for it to be published in ‘The Statesman’, Kolkata, under classified columns giving your preferences.

3. You plan to sell your mini-bus, as you are going abroad. Invent all necessary details dong with the facilities available on the bus. Draft this advertisement to be published in the locd ddly under classified columns.

4. You are Harpd Singh, owner of Harpd Transport Agency. You wish to sell one of your trucks used in
transportation. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in ‘Punjab Kesari’, Delhi, under classified columns.

5. You would like to purchase a Ford Endeavour car, 2009 model. Giving dl its required details, draft an advertisement for a national daily in the classified columns.

Type 2C
Sale/Purchase (Household/Office Goods)


  • Start with Sale! Purchase or Available / Wanted
  • Product brand, model, year of manufacture
  • Duration used? period of usage/ when purchased
  • Price offered? expected (optional)
  • Contact address f e-mail I phone number
  • Name/ Type of household/ office item
  • Product features
  • Condition
  • Specify material (in case of furniture)

Format Of Sale/Purchase (Household / Office Goods)
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 5

Question 1.
You are Sunny! Sammy. You wish to dispose of an old washing machine. Draft a suitable advertisement with your contact details.

For Sale – Lg Washing Machine

Quick Sale LG Washing Machine, Model TO 1129, 2008 purchased, white, excellent condition, fully automatic, under warranty. Attractive price. Contact Sunny, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, 81181191 XX.

Question 2.
You are moving to a new city with your family. Draft an advertisement for disposing of items of furniture and electrical equipment to be published in a local newspaper.

For Sale – Household Items

Available 6 seater sofa, teakwood, in excellent condition with Dunlop seats, glass centre table, two LG AC’s, LG Microwave, Samsung fridge, dining table with four chairs, two double beds. Reasonable sale offer, owner moving to a new city. Contact Brijesh Saini 99944422XX

Question 3.
You are the Distribution Manager of Alka Foods in Ambala, where you have recently taken an office on rent. You wish to buy new/used office furniture for the office. Draft an advertisement giving details of the same in ‘Punjab Kesri’ under the classified column.

Require Office Furniture

Require office furniture (new/used in good condition) including sofa set, office tables, and chairs, water coolers, stools for new distributor office at Sadar Bazar, Ambala. Contact with details and best prices, Distribution Manager, Alka Foods on phone 098456XXXXX.

Example Questions

1. You are Mayank. You are leaving for Germany to pursue an engineering course and so wish to sell your high definition motion gaming console with built-in 85 exciting real action wireless games. Draft a suitable advertisement for publication in ‘Hindustan Times’ advertising the sale of the gaming system, giving features and relevant details.

2. You are Anmol Juneja. You want to purchase a second-hand laptop. Draft a classified advertisement for a local daily giving necessary details.

3. You wish to sell your Kaff chimney along with Kaff gas stove. Draft a suitable advertisement for a local daily, giving all the necessary details. You are Samarth / Samarthi of 21 A, First floor, Shalimar Bagh.

4. You are Rajat/ Radha and wish to buy a new set of furniture and dispose of the old one. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words. Give all the necessary details.

5. You have been transferred to another city. You want to sell certain household goods. Draft a suitable advertisement to be inserted in a newspaper in 50 words.

To Let

Details Required

  • Give heading ‘To Let’ or ‘Available’ or other suitable phrases
  • Details of accommodation — number of bedrooms, size of rooms, bathrooms, etc
  • Brief description of the accommodation
  • Fixtures and fittings (if any)
  • Location and surroundings
  • Facilities — water/electricity supply, park facing, proximity to market, school, etc. Type of construction
  • Preference of tenants—small family, company lease, etc. Rent expected, the agreement required, other terms
  • Contact address/ e-mail/ phone number

Format Of To Let
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 6

Question 1.
You want to let out a flat. Prepare an advertisement to this effect for publication in a newspaper, giving the location of the building, nature of accommodation, rent expected etc.

To Let

Available on rent Sushant Lok, Ansals MIG flats, II floor, two B/Rs, lobby, balcony, fully furnished, well-ventilated. Walking distance from the main market & taxi stand. Rent expected 5000 (fixed). Company lease preferred. Contact Subodh 2B/31, Sushant Lok, Ph. 27521012

Question 2.
A US-based NRI wants to let out his three-bedroom independent floor in Green Park, New Delhi. Write an advertisement for publication in the classified columns of a local daily. Provide suitable details.

To Let

Available on lease for two years 3BFIK independent floor in Green Park, New Delhi. Park facing with all modern amenities. Well-ventilated and modern construction. 24-hour water supply, power back-up, lift facility, strong security, fully furnished, parking space. Owner US-based NRI.

Contact Milind Oberoi, Phone 998899XXXX

Question 3.
You are Advocate TL Gupta. You are looking for an independent shop in Gurgaon on a reasonable rent for your office. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in a local newspaper.

Required Shop On Rent

Independent shop required in Gurgaon main road for lawyer’s office, reasonable rent. Contact TL Gupta on phone 098765XXXXX or e-mail details on tig456@gmail.com.

Advertisement Questions for Students

1. You are the Regional Manager of Lakshmi Bank, Mumbai. As your bank is introducing 24 hours banking facility for its customers, some ATM machines are being installed in certain localities. Write an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of a newspaper for suitable premises on rent to be used as ATM centres for the company.

2. You own a commercial flat suitable for an office/ bank. You wish to rent it out. Draft an advertisement to be published in ‘The Times of India’, New Delhi under the classified columns.

3. You are running a real estate agency in Faridabad. You have to give an advertisement for tenements and apartments available for rent. Draft an advertisement for the ‘To Let’ column.

4. You are Rohit Roy of 24, Chitranjan Park, Kolkata. You want to let out your own house only to some Central Government employees. Draft an advertisement to this effect for publication in the Statesman, Kolkata, giving the details of the building and rent expected.

5. You want to hire accommodation for your newly started business in readymade garments in Chennai. Write an advertisement for the same to be published in the classified columns of ‘The Hindu’.

Missing (Persons and Pets)

Details Required

  • Give heading ‘Missing’
  • Contact address / e-mail / phone number


  • Name, age, complexion, height and build
  • Brief physical description
  • Health and mental condition
  • Clothes and other identifying features
  • Photo (optional)
  • Date and place (since when / from where missing)
  • Indicate reward, if any


  • Brief physical description
  • Name, breed, age, colour of fur / skin etc
  • Identifying features
  • Answer to what name etc

Format Of Missing (Persons And Pets)
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 7

Advertisement Questions and Answers Class 11 CBSE

Question 1.

You are Prashant /Purnima of 202, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi. You lost your briefcase while travelling by bus from Laxmi Nagar to Connaught Place, New Delhi. The briefcase contains some valuable documents, including your Board’s certificate for Ml India Secondary School Examination. Draft a notification in not more than 50 words to be published in The Indian Express under their column “Lost & Found”. Include all necessary details about the lost briefcase to establish your claim.
I lost my brown VIP ‘classic’ brand briefcase with ‘Prashant’ written near the handle while travelling by DTC route no. 89 from Laxmi Nagar to Connaught Place. It contains some valuable documents. The finder will be suitably rewarded. Contact: Prashant, 202 Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi or Phone 27190048

Question 2.
Your cat is missing since the last two days. Write an advertisement to be published in the missing column of classified advertisements in ‘The Tribune’.


a beautiful tabby cat named Tessa, white and brown fur, 1-year-old, healthy, since 4th March 2OXX from Khan Market. If found please contact Saravjeet Kaur, House no 83, Lajpat Nagar, Delhi, Phone number 011 -267628XX.

Question 3.
Your old grandfather left the house a week back to go to the market and has not returned. Draft an advertisement for the newspaper.


My grandfather, who Answer to the name of Sandeep Taneja, left our home at 5 PM to go to the market on 27th July, 20XX, and has not returned. He wears a black shirt and white trousers and he is 174 cm tall. He is mentally unstable. Anybody who gives information which leads to finding him will be suitably rewarded. Contact Paras Taneja, A – 22, Sector 63, Faridabad. Phone 92136XXXXX

Advertisement Examples for Class 11

1. You had visited the International Trade Fair that was very crowded and your 6-year-old son got lost in the crowd. He has been missing since then. Write an advertisement for the newspaper.

2. Your horse is missing for a week. Write an advertisement to be published in the missing column of classified advertisements in ‘The Indian Express’.

3. Your niece, a child of 10, has got lost while she went on a school picnic. Giving full details of the missing child, draft an advertisement for a newspaper.

4. You are Poonam / Prateek Gupta of 70, Chandni Chowk, New Delhi. Your pet dog Buzo is missing. Write an advertisement for the missing pet column of a newspaper.

5. A neighbour’s child has gone missing. The neighbour seeks your help in drafting a suitable classified advertisement for the missing child. Draft an advertisement in which you should mention a reward for the recovery of the child.

Lost and Found

  • Give heading ‘Lost’ or ‘Found’
  • Specify the items
  • Brief description
  • When and where lost/found
  • Reward, if any
  • Contact address/e-mail/phone number

Format Of Lost And Found
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 8

Question 1.
Mr Aggarwal lost his passport while travelling in the Metro on the yellow line from Model Town ’ to Rajiv Chowk Metro Station. Draft an advertisement to be placed in the Lost and Found section of the classified columns Hindustan Times’.


An Indian passport bearing No A330007 in the name of Satish Aggarwal along with an Air France ticket to Paris got Lost on 17th February on the Metro route from Model Town to Rajiv Chowk at approximately 10 AM. Finder contacts Satish Aggarwal, Flouse no 243, Model Town, New Delhi. Phone- 97112402XX. The suitable reward promised.

Question 2.
You have found a briefcase in a bus to Ajmer. Write an advertisement for the ‘Lost and Found’ column in the newspaper.


A black American Tourister briefcase was found while travelling by a bus from Delhi to Ajmer on 19th March, 20XX, contains documents and driving license. Will be returned to the owner after the particulars and details of the content are given. Please contact Swaraj Singh, 99222348XX.

Question 3.
You have lost your suitcase while travelling in the sleeper compartment of a train. Draft a suitable advertisement for the classified columns of the local daily giving all relevant details and promising a reward.


A brown suitcase measuring 100 cm X 60 cm containing clothes and other personal belongings while travelling in sleeper S – 7 of Toofan Express from Agra Cantt to Durgapur on 12th-13th May. Finder contact Binod Mukherjee on phone 098658XXXXX or e-mail: bmukherjee265@gmail.com. Reward promised.

Advertisement Examples for Class 11

1. Shivangi Mittal has lost her original school certificates while travelling on the Delhi Metro from Vishvidyalaya to Green Park. Write an advertisement for the ‘Lost and Found’ column of a national daily.

2. You have lost your newly purchased I-Phone 6s in a cinema hall. Draft a suitable advertisement for the ‘Lost and Found’ column of a national daily.

3. You have found a book in the name of Sakshi Thakur lying on a table in a coffee shop. Draft a suitable advertisement for the ‘Lost and Found’ column of a national daily.

4. You have lost your wristwatch in a public park. Draft a suitable advertisement for the classified columns of the local daily giving all relevant details.

5. Write a classified advertisement for the ‘Lost and Found’ column of a local newspaper stating the loss of your purse containing some cash and other important documents.

Type 6
Tours And Travel

Details Required

  • Give heading ‘Package Available’ or another suitable phrase
  • State the name of the travel agency
  • Specify destinations, duration etc
  • Details of package – food! boarding! lodging! sight-seeing etc
  • Indicate the cost and special discount, if any
  • Contact address? e-mail? phone number

Format Of Tours And Travel
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 9

Question 1.
You are the proprietor of Shatabdi Travels and have organised a 3 nights? 4 days package for Singapore. Draft the advertisement for a national daily to draw people to it.

Tours And Travel

Attractive package available for Singapore, 3 nights! 4 days, breakfast and dinner, stay at 4-star hotels, inclusive of sight-seeing and transfers, 49,999 per person. Special Diwali discount for bookings before 10th November. Contact Shatabdi Travels, N-24, Outer Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi. Phone 98122567XX, O11-225672XX

Question 2.
As a travel agent, draft a suitable advertisement offering an attractive package.

Tours And Travel

Star Line Cruises offers special cruises to Dubai, Singapore, Mauritius, Seychelles, and the Maldives. Most exciting and thrilling itineraries for individuals/couples and groups. Deluxe hotels and choice of Continental, Chinese, Indian and local cuisine. Courteous and multi-lingual tour guides for sight-seeing. Daily departures at very attractive rates. Special discounts for families. Children below 8 years free. Contact for booking Star Line Cruises, 26, 1st Floor, Khan Market, New Delhi. Phone 011-411411XX

Question 3.
Shanti Travels at 208, Western Road, Meerut offers a pilgrimage tour ‘Char Dham Yatra’by bus from Delhi for 10 days. Draft a suitable advertisement on behalf of Shanti Travels for the classified columns of a newspaper.

Char Dham Yatra

Shanti Travels offers a 10-days pilgrimage tour to Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri every week starting Delhi 17 May. Cost per person is ? 18500 inclusive of Deluxe bus travel, overnight stay, all meals, and taxes. Contact us at 208, Western Road, Meerut or on Phone 0992557XXXXX during working hours.

Advertisement examples for Class 11

1. You are the General Manager of Dream Travels. You want to insert your advertisement in the classified columns because the holiday season is approaching and lots of people will like to go on guided tours. Draft a suitable advertisement.

2. You are the proprietor of Happy Travels and have organised a 20-day tour of Europe for 2,10,000 inclusive of two meals a day. Draft an advertisement for a national daily.

3. First Flight Travels, Shop No 62, Upper Basement, Pacific Mall, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi offers its patrons the cheapest air tickets for any destination by an airline on booking two months in advance. Draft a suitable advertisement.

4. Draft a classified advertisement on behalf of ‘Trips and More’ offering attractive holiday packages especially suited for honeymoon couples.

5. Easy Travels offers customised package tours where customers can decide the mode of travel and duration of stay. Draft a suitable advertisement on behalf of Easy Travels for the classified columns of a newspaper.

Type 7
Matrimonial Alliance

Details Required

  • Give heading ‘Wanted’, ‘Required’, ‘Available’ etc
  • Give personal details such as

Looks and appearance
Age, height, complexion
Educational/ professional qualifications
Family background, community etc

State your preferences, if any
Contact address/ phone number/ PO box number/ e-mail

Format Of Matrimonial Alliance
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 10

Question 1.
You are looking for a suitable match for your smart, good-looking daughter. Draft an advertisement for publication in the newspaper.

Groom Wanted

Suitable match for a cultured, smart, good-looking, MBA girl, 23/5’5″ daughter of Army Officer. Boy must be well qualified from a good family. Caste no bar. Early marriage. Box No 7252 Hindustan Times, New Delhi.

Question 2.
Write a suitable matrimonial advertisement for your divorcee but an educated friend.

Bride Wanted

Suitable match for a 31 yrs, Iyer boy. Issueless divorcee after three months of marriage. 170 cm, wheatish complexion, lean, modest, M Tech, IT literate, well settled, only child of a well-to-do harmonious family. Requires a smart, educated girl from a good family. Simple early marriage. Caste no bar. Contact Box No 8484, The Indian Express, New Delhi.

Question 3.
You are Raj Kumar, a divorcee aged 55 years residing in Dubai as an NRI and want to return to India. Draft a suitable advertisement for a match for you in ‘The Times of India’ under the classified column.

Bride Wanted

NRI Divorcee, 55. Hindu, good looking, slim, wheatish, well-settled businessman, planning to settle in India, internationally travelled, Caste no Bar. Photo pis. rajkumar51@hotmail.com

Advertisement Questions for Class 11

1. A 26-year-old highly qualified software engineer seeks a suitable alliance with an educated bride. Write a suitable matrimonial advertisement for a match for him for the classified columns of a newspaper.

2. Draft a matrimonial advertisement on behalf of your neighbour who is seeking a suitable match for his physically handicapped daughter.

3. A highly qualified IT professional settled in New York seeks a matrimonial alliance with an exceptionally beautiful, educated, cultured and tall girl of good status Punjabi family. Write a suitable advertisement for the matrimonial column of a national daily.

4. You are the only child of your father. Soon you are going to get married, leaving your father alone, as you lost your mother when you were just 9 years old. Draft a matrimonial advertisement seeking a suitable match for your father.

5. Write a matrimonial advertisement for publication in a newspaper for a suitable match for your sister who is a widow with a 3-year old son.


Details Required

  • Photograph and name of deceased
  • Date and cause of death
  • Message from family/company
  • Background/accomplishments/a tribute to his/her work
  • Names of persons giving obituary with their relationship to the deceased
  • Details of any special ceremony being held.

Format Of Obituary/ Remembrance
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 11

Question 1.
Draft a suitable advertisement announcing the death of your uncle to be published in a newspaper in the ‘Obituary ‘column.


With profound grief and sorrow, we regret to inform the untimely demise of our beloved uncle Mr. Harinder Prakash on 7th June, 20XX. The Uthala/ Chautha ceremony for the departed soul will be held on 11th June, 20XX at Arya Samaj Mandir, Usha Nagar, Delhi from 3 pm to 5 pm.

Grief-stricken: Family and friends of deceased

Question 2.
Write out a classified advertisement remembering your son, Himanshu Kumar on his 27th Birthday.


In loving memory of Himanshu Kumar S/o Shrishanth Kumar. Himanshu left for his heavenly abode on 2nd September, 20XX at Bengaluru. He was a lively soul and played the lead singer in his music band. “We all miss you in every moment of our life and cherish your memories.”
Remembered by
Mrs and Mr Shrishanth Kumar
Nakul Kumar
Payal Kumar

Question 3.
A brief illness and old age resulted in your grandmother’s death. Draft an advertisement expressing your grief and informing people of the last prayers.


Our grandmother, Ms Sarla Mittal, aged 90, passed away on 21st May after a brief illness. Family deeply grieved at death of our matriarch. Chautha will be held on 24th May in Guldasta Park, Samerpur at 12 noon. Kalwant Mittal and family. Phone 096145XXXXX.

Advertisement Examples for Class 11

1. Siddarth Kalra lost his life in a car accident two years ago. Draft a classified advertisement in his loving memory on behalf of his family members.

2. After fighting against cervical cancer for the last two years, your neighbour’s wife passed away yesterday. Draft a classified advertisement to be published under the ‘Obituary’ column of the newspaper.

3. Your five-year-old nephew was abducted while playing in the society compound. His abduction resulted in his untimely death. Write out an advertisement expressing your profound grief and sorrow.

4. Draft a classified advertisement remembering your late grandfather on his 90th birthday. You are Shanul/ Shanakshi.

5. Someone in your neighbourhood has passed away. The family needs a classified advertisement to announce the death and to inform friends and relatives about the last rites/prayers. Draft the advertisement on behalf of the chief mourner.


Details Required

  • Give heading ‘Appeal’ or ‘Help Required’ (optional)
  • Reason for appeal
  • Specify the help required
  • Contact address and phone number
  • Specify the nature of the appeal
  • Give a brief description of the problem/ issue
  • Donations to be sent where I to whom if required
  • Inserted by (name / designation)

Format Of Appeal
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 12

Question 1.
The Delhi Police have recovered the body of a young boy from an old, dilapidated office building near Nehru Place, New Delhi. They have no proof of the victim’s identity. The police want to issue an advertisement in the local newspaper asking for identification. Draft the advertisement.

Appeal For Identification

The general public is hereby informed that an unidentified dead body of a young boy, Age 14 to 16 years, height 5’3″, round face, wheatish complexion, thin built, wearing a navy blue t-shirt and black colour pants has been found from an old, dilapidated office building near Nehru Place, New Delhi. The victim bore injury marks on the forehead and arms. Any person having any due about the deceased may kindly inform SHO, Nehru Place Police Station Te! 011-210121XX.

Question 2.
Write an appeal to be published in a newspaper, inviting suitable donors to offer a kidney to save the life of a young man whose kidneys are damaged beyond repair.


Help required for a handsome, promising young man, blood group B, lying on a death bed in AIIMS, New Delhi. Both his kidneys are damaged beyond repair. You can save his life and earn the gratitude of his family by donating one of your kidneys. Donors, please contact the Director of the Institute or on Phone 98110-373XX.

Question 3.
The father of a 3-year-old child suffering from chronic liver disease does not have the money for treatment. Draft an appeal to be published in the newspaper on his behalf.

Appeal For Donations

My 3-year old daughter Aastha is admitted in Sarvodaya Hospital with chronic liver disease. I am unable to meet her treatment expenses as I am a daily wage worker. The public is requested to help by donating funds for her treatment. Please contact Pravin Salwan on Phone 094567XXXXX.

1. SKY is the main activity centre of a charitable trust ‘Foundation for Spastic and Mentally Handicapped Persons’. It helps and guides parents/ guardians of children with special needs. It tries to improve the quality of life of disabled children wherever possible. Draft an appeal to be published in a newspaper on their behalf asking for donations to their cause.

2. Recent floods in Bihar left millions affected badly and many marooned for weeks. Draft an appeal to be published in a newspaper on behalf of the CM’s Relief Fund asking for donations. All contributions may be sent to the fund at Patna.

3. Thalassemia is a disorder caused by the weakening and destruction of red blood cells. The body requires monthly trAnswer:fusion of blood in people having this disorder. Draft an advertisement appealing to the general public to come forward and donate blood to help such people.

4. A poor accident victim needs financial help for surgery. As the President of a charity organisation that arranges financial help for such people, draft a classified advertisement to raise funds for them.

5. Deepika Nayyar, a 10-year-old girl, is suffering from blood cancer. Does she urgently need 10 lakhs for a bone marrow trAnswer:plant. Prepare an appeal on behalf of ‘Child Relief and You’, a charitable society.


Details Required

  • Give heading
  • Name of the institution
  • Courses offered, duration
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Facilities Fee structure (optional)
  • Job prospects after completion/ placement facilities/ features of the training
  • Incentive and discount offered
  • Last date for registration
  • Contact address/ e-mail/ website/ phone number

Format Of Educational
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 13

Question 1.
Draft a classified advertisement announcing crash courses for the preparation of IELTS and TOEFL.


Era Institute offers crash courses for the preparation of IELTS and TOEFL. High scores guaranteed. Highly trained and experienced faculty. Small batches of 10 students. Scholarships are available. Completely air-conditioned and wi-fi enabled campus. Fees – INR 7999. Last date -16th June 20XX. Contact: Era Institute, Phone 011-727472XX

Question 2.
An IIT graduate friend of yours wants to launch an IIT-JEE Competition Tutorial Centre. Draft a classified advertisement for him.

IIT – Jee Coaching

Sargodha Competition Tutorial Centre, Kalu Sarai, offers 1-year and 2-year coaching courses for IIT-JEE. Headed by IIT graduate Sunil Manchanda with 10 years’ experience in coaching. Success guaranteed. Fees are payable in installments. For details contact Reception Phone 011 2651XXXX or after office hours 93540XXXXX.

Question 3.
Draft a classified advertisement for your institution which is accredited for running ‘O’ Level Courses. Give details of minimum qualification, fees, etc.

Doeacc ‘O’ Level Computer Course Available

Sarvodaya Computer Institute runs 1-year Foundation Level Course in Computer Applications equivalent to DOEACC ‘O’ Level. Our Accreditation No is 014XX. Minimum eligibility as per DOEACC norms. Fees reasonable & payable in installments. For other details contact Reception Phone 011- 2829XXXX or Malay Saran on Phone 92106XXXXX.

1. You have recently started a coaching centre for yoga at Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru. Draft an advertisement to be published under the classified columns of ‘The Deccan Herald’.

2. You are the Director of Career Time, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi. Write out an advertisement for admission to prepare for various competitive exams like CAT, MAT, GMAT etc.

3. You have been asked to draft a classified advertisement offering cookery classes for various age groups. Also provide details regarding cuisine, total cost, duration etc.

4. As Vivan/ Vishakha, you feel perturbed looking at the plight of children with special needs. You decide to start an educational institute by the name of ‘Fly High’ for such children. Draft a suitable classified advertisement for publication in the newspaper.

5. Animation courses are popular as a career option. Draft a suitable advertisement offering animation courses to be published in the ‘Educational’ column of a popular newspaper.

Change of Information

Details Required

  • Heading
  • Father’s name/ Husband’s name (if applicable)
  • Reason for change
  • Present name/ address/ other information
  • Changed Name/ address/ other information
  • Calling the attention of the public, relatives, and friends

Format Of Change Of Information
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 14

Question 1.
You as a Vasu Sharma, need to change your name and address due to your marriage. Draft an advertisement to declare the change.

Change Of Name

Vasu Sharma, daughter of Ramkishan Sharma resident of 31, Park Avenue, 63 Street, Kolkata, hereby declare that I have changed my name to Vasu Arora after my marriage to Vineet Arora, son of Pankaj Arora of House no 211, Karol Bagh, New Delhi. All concerned are requested to note and to address me by my new name.

Question 2.
You have changed your name from ‘Kulwant Singh Talwandi’ to ‘Kulwant Talwandi’ through an affidavit. Inform the general public about the changed name by drafting a classified advertisement to be inserted in a local newspaper.

Change Of Name

I, Kulwant Singh Talwandi s/o Jagir Singh Talwandi, have changed my name to Kulwant Talwandi by an affidavit sworn before the Notary Public, Janakpuri, New Delhi on 24th May, 20XX. Henceforth, I shall be known as Kulwant Talwandi for all purposes.

Question 3.
Draft a classified advertisement for your company, Shraddha Distributors, which has shifted their administrative office. You are Jagdish Sareen, MD of the company.

Change Of Office Address

Shraddha Distributors, a distributor for Kolkata biscuits Ltd, has shifted its administrative office from the First floor, 43, Park Road to Ground Floor, 75A, Park Road wef 23rd June, 20XX. Our Telephone no remains the same 033 – 2624XXXX. All dealers are requested to note.

Jagdish Sareen, Managing Director, Shraddha Distributors.

1. You wish to get your family name added to your particulars on your passport after getting married for which you need to get a public notice published in a newspaper. Draft a suitable advertisement declaring the change of your name.

2. Due to renovation work in your present house, you need to change your residence. Draft a suitable advertisement declaring the change in address.

3. You are the Company Secretary of Liladhar & Sons Pvt Ltd. Your company telephone numbers have changed because of the expAnswer:ion of the local telephone exchange. Write a classified advertisement to be put in the local newspaper informing all about the new numbers.

4. You are the President of the builder Maryada Housing Group. The company has changed its bank account to Kotak Mahindra Bank from its earlier bank, State Bank of India. Write a classified advertisement to be put in the local newspaper informing all persons who have booked flats in your various buildings, informing them about the changed bank and the new account number, branch name etc, and asking them to deposit all their dues in the new bank account.

5. You are Sarvar Hasan, formerly the Marketing Head of Sahil Foods Ltd. You have joined a new company. Draft a classified advertisement about the change to be inserted in a local newspaper, giving details of who your former customers should contact to deal with your former company.

Commercial Or Display Advertisements

These advertisements are designed for commercial purposes. They are used by leading manufacturers, establishments, organisations etc for publicity and promotion of their products, services or events.

Essential Details

  • Name/ logo of the company/ institute/ organisers etc.
  • Details regarding the product/ event/ educational courses etc.
  • Special offers or discount, if any.
  • Address and contact details of the company/ institute/ organisers etc.

The main characteristics of a Commercial I Display advertisement are

  • Designed for commercial purposes.
  • Requires more space and thus more expensive in terms of the advertising costs.
  • Has to be visually attractive with catchy slogAnswer:, punch lines, witty expressions, pictures etc..
  • Font size, type and proportionate spacing varies with each advertisement.
  • Colourful and lucid languages used.

Making Scheme of Commercial/Display Advertisement

  • In the paper, a question on a classified advertisement will test the following value points.
  • Content Subject matter including a contact address, phone number
  • Expression Grammatical accuracy, spelling, suitable style.

Format Of Commercial / Display Advertisement

Your school is staging Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘The Red-Headed League’ starring Sherlock Holmes. Draft a commercial advertisement for the newspaper giving all the details.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 15

Commercial Advertisement Writing Questions and Answers for Class 11 CBSE Pdf

Question 1.
You are working for an advertising agency. Draft an attractive advertisement for a company which is launching a new toothpaste.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 16

Question 2.
The IDP’s ‘Australian Education Fair’ is being organised on 1st February at Hotel Shangri-La’s Eros, 19, Ashoka Road, New Delhi. Design a commercial advertisement for the same.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 17

Question 3.
A well-known brand of kitchen chimneys wants to sell its stock by giving a special festival discount. Frame a suitable commercial advertisement for inserting in a newspaper.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 18

Question 4.
SOTC Tours and Travels needs a display advertisement for newspapers and magazines to attract more tourists to it. On behalf of SOTC, create the advertisement.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 19

Question 5.
L’oream has come up with an all-new shampoo. Create a display advertisement describing the salient features of the product, inviting people to try it.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 20

Question 6.
The ITA School of Performing Arts, Goregaon (W), Mumbai is inviting students to join. Draft a suitable commercial advertisement.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 21

Question 7.
The popular online website ‘maaptol.com’ is offering a complete car maintenance combo at an unbelievably low price. Frame a suitable display advertisement drawing the attention of the readers.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 22

Question 8.
A Design Fair is being organised by Nature Bazaar showcasing 50 innovative designers’ contemporary designs using traditional craft skills. Draft a suitable commercial advertisement for a local newspaper.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 23

Question 9.
You have been asked to draft an advertisement for Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, a B-School in North India providing two year full-time management course.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 24

Question 10.
You are the Director of ITM Education Centre announcing new programs in Business Administration. Write an advertisement in about 50 words for publication in a newspaper.
Advertisement Writing Class 11 Format, Examples 25

Commercial Advertisement Writing Examples for Class 11 CBSE Pdf

1. You are working for an advertising agency. Draft an attractive advertisement for a company which is launching a new hair oil. Invent the details.

2. Your friend has come up with a new designer wear boutique for both men and women. Help her draft an attractive display advertisement to draw customers.

3. Draft an attractive commercial advertisement for a newly opened beauty salon and spa by the name of ‘Exotica’. Your advertisement must promote its services in an appealing way.

4. For a solid grounding and a wide perspective in the art of theatre, Shri Ram Arts Institute, a theatre training institution, provides training in traditional Indian theatre forms, Asian drama, and Western dramatic protocols. On behalf of the Director of the Institute, frame a commercial advertisement to be published in a local daily.

5. Frame a suitable display advertisement for a ‘Tours and Travels’ company organising domestic as well as international tours. Invent the details.

6. A chemical company by the name of ‘Pure White’ is launching a new detergent. Prepare an attractive advertisement announcing its launch and highlighting the qualities of the product.

7. Jet Airlines have come up with a new airline ‘Super Jet’. Draft an advertisement launching this new airline. Invent the necessary details for promoting it. You can also offer attractive discounts on bookings.

8. Solar cars are now a reality. They come with low maintenance costs and good speed. Draft an attractive display advertisement for the prospective buyers stating their advantages.

9. Mineral Group has launched their new water purifier. It comes with the RO system and provides clean and healthy drinking water with zero impurities. Design a suitable commercial advertisement.

10. The music sensation, Fady Gaga, is coming to India and will perform at Red Fort in Delhi. Draft an attractive commercial advertisement announcing the concert and giving details regarding the event.

Advertisement Writing Assessment Class 11 CBSE Pdf

(Here we have covered Classified or Commercial/Display advertisements.)

1. You are the HR Manager of Elephanta Software Services. You require software engineers familiar with ERP Software Oracle with a minimum of 5 years’ experience. Draft a suitable classified newspaper advertisement for the same.

2. You want to purchase a 400 sq m or larger plot in Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, for building a bungalow. Write a classified advertisement for a local daily giving your requirements.

3. You are interested in selling your Maruti Eeco Van which has run 10000 km and is 3 years old. Draft a suitable classified advertisement for the ‘Vehicle for Sale’ column of a local newspaper giving all details.

4. You have changed your job and are leaving the city. You want to sell all your furniture, refrigerator, car, air conditioner etc before moving. Insert a suitable classified advertisement in a local newspaper for the same.

5. Your company, Sarvan Constructions Ltd, requires large flats on rent in Metro cities to serve as guest houses for your touring staff. The flats should preferably be furnished. As Administrative Manager of your company, draft a suitable classified advertisement to be inserted in newspapers in Metro cities.

6. Your pet dog, a black Pomeranian Answer:wering to the name ‘Pommy’, has been lost outside the compound of your housing society and is not traceable for the last 3 days. Insert a suitable classified advertisement to be inserted in a local newspaper, offering a reward.

7. You have changed your surname due to getting remarried after being widowed. Inform all concerned by drafting a suitable classified advertisement for the ‘Change of Name’ column of a local newspaper. You are Parul Shreshtha (new name).

8. You have lost your wallet containing a large amount of cash and some identification documents while travelling in a bus from Lucknow to Etawah. Write a classified advertisement to be inserted in the ‘Lost & Found’ columns of The ‘Times of India’, Lucknow edition, offering a reward for its recovery.

9. You are the proprietor of Anil Tours, a travel agency specialising in pilgrimages. Design a suitable classified advertisement to be inserted in the ‘Tours & Travel’ columns of a local newspaper. Give some details of the packages offered.

10. Compose a matrimonial advertisement for the classified advertisement section of newspapers for the marriage of your sister. State her age, height, weight, qualifications and any other features you feel should be mentioned. Specify what you are looking for as the ideal husband for her.

11. Write an Obituary notice for the classified columns of a local newspaper for your father who died yesterday. Give details of the last rites ceremonies proposed.

12. Issue an appeal for organ donation to be inserted in the classified columns of a local newspaper on behalf of the NGO ‘Society for Helping the Poor’. Specify that all orgAnswer: donated will be used for helping only the weaker sections of society.

13. Your institution is running coaching classes for candidates attempting the NEET examination. Draft an advertisement for the classified advertisement section of the newspaper giving the various courses offered.

14. You are the Creative Director of an advertising agency. Draft an attractive commercial advertisement on behalf of Safal Vajradanti Toothpaste giving a visual and stating the advantages that this brand has over others.

15. Prepare a commercial advertisement for advertising the feature film ‘Antony ki Arpita’ featuring famous stars. Give a visual and at least 3 attractive features of the film.

Notice Writing Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Notice Writing Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, ExercisesA notice is a formal means of communication. The purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a specific group of people. Notices are generally meant to be pinned up on specific display boards whether in schools or in public places. Notices issued by the government appear in newspapers.

A Notice gives the reader some information regarding an important event that is about to happen or that has happened. It is usually displayed publicly. It is a formal piece of writing and involves a specific style.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 6 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other

Notice Writing Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

A notice is written in order to inform people or pupils (in a school) about an event or an activity.

It could be about a competition, an exhibition or inauguration that is going to take place in the near future. Or any other activities especially in school like an excursion, a meeting or a show.

Characteristics of an effective notice:

To the point

  • Good notice is always to the point and leaves no scope for further enquiries without compromising on the word limit (50 words).


  • It should be formal.

Clearly stated purpose

A notice should contain all the necessary details such as:

  • the name of the organisation issuing the notice
  • the title ‘NOTICE’
  • a heading to introduce the subject of the notice
  • the date
  • the body of the notice
  • the writer’s signature, name (in block letters), and designation

Notice Writing for Class 6 CBSE Sample Example With Answer

You are Srikant Verma, a student of class VI-C of Blooming Dale Public School, Pune. You lost your English Textbook in the school premises. Giving details of the book, draft a notice (in about 50 words) to be put up on the school notice board. Announce a suitable reward for the finder. Put the notice in a box.

Blooming Dale Public School, PUNE

August 10, 2017


An English textbook was lost in school premises on 7th August, i.e. Saturday. It is a hardbound book of class VI published by Raman Publishers. If found, please return it to the undersigned. A suitable reward is promised.

Srikant Verma

Notice Writing for Class 6 CBSE Sample Practice Example

1. You have been promoted to the senior class. You want to give your old books to a needy student. Draft a notice of about 50 words. You are Soumya, studying in class VI-A of Vikas Public School.

  • books of all subjects
  • good condition
  • can collect in last period

2. You are Krish, a student of Class VI. You have lost an expensive watch in the school premises. Draft a notice to be put up on the school notice board giving details of the watch and offering a suitable reward. Use not more than 50 words.

CBSE Notes for Class 8 Computer in Action – Networking Concepts

CBSE Notes for Class 8 Computer in Action – Networking Concepts

Computer networks have shrunk the world and brought people together. They have extended the power of a computer beyond the expanse of a room. Advancements in networking techniques, protocols and so on have made a profound impact in areas of communication and learning. The size of computer networks may vary. The Internet is an example of a computer network that spreads all across the world. The Internet is also referred to as the worldwide network of computers and it is growing at a rapid rate.
A computer network
consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources such as printers, exchange files and allow communication.
Let us learn more about computer networks.

Nowadays, computer networks are a vital part of any organisation. Some of the advantages of computer networks are:

  • Resource Sharing: All computers in a network can share resources such as printers, fax machines, modems and scanners.
  • File Sharing and Remote Database Access: A computer network allows sharing of files and access to remote database. We can easily access the files stored on various computers on a network. Also, networking allows many people to work simultaneously on the data stored in a database.
  • Ease of Communication: Computer networks allow people to communicate through emails and instant messaging facilities. This makes the transmission of information easier, more efficient and less expensive.

The following are the types of networks based on the geographical area covered or scale of the network.

  • Personal Area Network (PAN):
    A PAN is a computer network organised around a person. It is used for communication between devices such as phones, personal digital assistants, printers and laptops that are in close proximity. We can use these networks to transfer files and photos between the various devices
  • Local Area Network (LAN):
    A LAN is a computer network that is limited to a local area such as a laboratory, a school or an office building. Cables (wires) or low-power radiowaves (wireless) are used for the connections in a LAN. A wireless LAN (or WLAN) is also sometimes called LAWN (Local Area Wireless Network).
  • Campus Area Network (CAN):
    A CAN is a computer network that connects multiple local area networks (LAN) in a limited geographical area. A CAN is smaller than a wide area network (WAN) or metropolitan area network (MAN). It can be set up by a college, company and so on.
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):
    A MAN is a computer network that usually covers a larger area than a LAN. For example, a network that connects two offices in a city, a neighbourhood area and so on.


  • Wide Area Network (WAN):
    A WAN is a computer network that spans a wide geographical area. A WAN may be spread across cities, countries and continents. A WAN is formed by connecting LANs and MANs. Computers or networks across long distances are usually connected with optical fibre cables, satellite radio links or microwave radio links.


Topology refers to the layout pattern in which various computers are connected to one another to form a network. The computers on a network are also referred to as nodes.
There are four main types of topologies. They are:

  • Bus Topology: In bus topology, all the computers are connected to a single cable called the bus (Fig. 1.6). The transmission of data from any computer travels through the length of the bus in both the directions and can be received by all other computers on the network. If the address of a computer is that of the intended recipient, it accepts the data; otherwise, the data is rejected. The advantage of the bus topology is that it is quite easy to set up. However, a network cannot function if there are breaks in the bus.


  • Ring Topology: In ring topology, each computer is connected to two other computers so as to form a closed ring-like structure (Fig. 1.7). In this topology, data is transmitted in one direction only. The disadvantage of the ring network is that the breakdown of any one computer on a ring can disable the entire system or network.


  • Star Topology: In star topology, all the computers are connected to a central computer or a central node (Fig. 1.8). The data to be exchanged between any two computers passes through the central node. The central node controls all the activities of the nodes. More computers can be easily added to the network. The breakdown of computers, except the central node, does not affect the functioning of the network. However, the failure of the central node disables the communication across the entire network.


  • Mesh Topology: In mesh topology, every computer is connected to every other computer on the network. Full mesh topology (Fig. 1.9) is very expensive to implement. Normally, partial mesh topology is implemented in which a computer is connected to a few other computers in the network  (Fig. 1.10).


Computers must be connected to each other to form a network. Computers can be connected using wires/cables or they can be connected in a wireless manner.

Wired Transmission Media
There are various types of cables that can be used for setting up a network. Some of them are discussed here.

  • Twisted Pair Cable: It consists of a pair of insulated wires twisted together. The use of two wires twisted around each other helps to reduce disturbances in the signals.
    The twisted pair cable is often used in two or more pairs, all within a single cable. Twisted pair cabling comes in two varieties—shielded (Shielded Twisted Pair or STP) and unshielded (Unshielded Twisted Pair or UTP). UTP cable is the most commonly used cable in computer networking.
    The twisted pair cable is often used in two or more pairs, all within a single cable. Twisted pair cabling comes in two varieties—shielded (Shielded Twisted Pair or STP) and unshielded (Unshielded Twisted Pair or UTP). UTP cable is the most commonly used cable in computer networking.


  • Coaxial Cable (coax): Coaxial cable is an electrical cable with a conductor at its centre (Fig. 1.13). The inner conductor is surrounded by a tubular insulating layer. The insulating layer is surrounded by a conductive layer called the shield, which is finally covered with a thin insulating layer on the outside.


  • Optical Fibre Cable: Optical fibre cable consists of a central glass core surrounded by several layers of protective material (Fig. 1.14). It transmits data in the form of light rather than electronic signals, thus eliminating the problem of electrical interference. Fibre optic cable is expensive as  compared to coaxial and twisted pair cables but can transmit signals over much longer distances. It also has the capability to carry data at a very high speed.


Wireless Transmission Media
In wireless networks, data is transmitted without wires. Some of the ways in which wireless networks may be set up are as follows.

  • Infrared: The infrared communication range of the devices communicating through infrared waves is very limited. Infrared waves cannot penetrate walls or other obstructions and so there should be no physical barrier between the communicating devices. The communication between a TV set and a remote control happens through infrared waves. Infrared mouse and keyboard are other examples of devices that make use of infrared waves for data transmission.
  • Microwave Transmission: Microwave communications are unidirectional. They can be used for terrestrial communication (on ‘the surface of the earth) or for satellite communication.
    Microwave propagation is line-of-sight communication. So, when used for terrestrial communication, the towers with antennas mounted on them need to be in direct sight of each other. The antennas are usually located at substantial heights above the ground level to extend the range between antennas and to be able to transmit over obstacles. You must have noticed high towers with microwave antennas in your city.
    Microwaves can pass through the earth’s atmosphere easily and can be used to transmit information between satellites and the earth’s base station


  • Radiowave Transmission: Radiowave communications are omnidirectional, which means that they travel in all directions from the source, so that the transmitter and receiver do not have to be carefully aligned physically. Radio waves are easy to generate, can travel long distances and penetrate through buildings easily. So they are widely used for communication both indoors and outdoors (Fig. 1.17). However, at all frequencies, radio waves are subject to interference from motors and other electrical equipment.


  • Bluetooth technology: is used for exchanging data over short distances using radio waves. This technology uses low power, has a short range [30 feet (approx.)] and medium transmission speed. Bluetooth technology can be used to transfer songs or pictures between two mobile phones or a Bluetooth headset can be used with a mobile phone.


  • WiFi technology: also makes use of radio waves to transmit and receive data. This technology requires more energy but enables the signal to go farther (300 feet approx.) with a faster rate of transmission. This technology is used to set up networks in which a computer’s wireless adapter translates the data into a radio signal and transmits it. A wireless router receives the signal, decodes it and sends it to the Internet using a wired connection.


  • WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access): Its technology is similar to WiFi, but it operates at higher speeds and can cover greater distances and greater number of users as compared to WiFi.


Various devices are used for setting up a computer network. Let us discuss a few devices that play a crucial role in a computer network.

  • NIC (Network Interface Card): It is a hardware device that is attached to a computer to enable it to communicate over the network (Fig. 1.21). The NIC has a ROM chip that contains a unique number, which is the hardware address or the Media Access Control (MAC) This hardware address uniquely identifies a computer on the network.


  • Modem (Modulator-demodulator): It is an electronic device that converts the digital signals of a computer into an analog form so that they can travel over a telephone line (Fig. 1.22). At the destination, the receiving modem converts the analog signals back into their digital form so that the destination computer understands them.


  • Modems are used for connecting computers to the Internet. Modems are connected to a computer and a telephone line.(Fig. 1.24).


  • Hub: A hub is a device that is used to connect computers in a network (Fig. 1.23). In a hub, when one computer sends data on the network, the hub simply forwards the packets to all the other computers connected to it (Fig. 1.26). Each computer is responsible for determining which packets are destined for it and which are to be ignored.


  • Switch: A switch is a device that is also used to connect computers in a network (Fig. 1.27). However, a switch is a more intelligent device than a hub. Unlike a hub, the switch sends the incoming data to the desired destination only. It records the addresses of all the computers connected to it. So, when a packet is received, the switch reads the information about the destination address to determine if the destination device is connected to it or not. If the destination device is connected, the switch forwards the packet only to that destination device. In this way, the other computers do not have to read and deal with data that is not meant for them.


  • Router: A router is a network device that connects two or more networks. It is commonly used to connect a computer or a network to the Internet. Lines from different networks are connected to a router. Wireless routers are also available. A router examines the address of the packet coming on the line, uses the routing information stored in it and forwards the packet to the next network. In this way, a packet after going through multiple routers reaches its destination.


Just the way we follow certain rules while communicating or travelling on the road, similarly rules or protocols have to be followed for effective network communication. Protocol is a set of rules used by computers on a network to communicate with each other. Some examples of protocols are:

  • HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a protocol used between a web server and a web browser for transferring HTML pages.
  • TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol): TCP is a protocol that is used along with the IP to send data over the Internet. The information is transmitted across the Internet in the form of bundles called TCP is responsible for dividing the data into packets before they are sent and for reassembling the packets when they arrive at the destination. IP is a set of specifications that determines the best route for the packets across the Internet so that the packets reach their destination address.

Let us explain the process of packet switching in a LAN. Suppose data has to be sent from Computer A to Computer B. The data at Computer A is split into small chunks, called packets. A header is added to every packet. The address of sender i.e. Computer A and address of receiver i.e. Computer B are put in the header. Then Computer A sends the packets to the switch. The switch has in-built software that


reads the header of each packet, determines the port at which the receiver is connected and forwards the packet on the corresponding cable (Fig. 1.29). Such a type of communication in which small units of data (or packets) are routed through a network, based on the destination address contained within each packet, is called packet switching. When packets have to be sent to a computer on a different network, they pass through a number of routers. Every packet is numbered. Packets may follow different paths to reach the destination.


A computer on a network can be accessed by many users. Security measures have to be taken to protect networks from unauthorised access and to prevent data or information theft.

Threats to Computer
Files can be shared between the computers on a network. This makes a computer vulnerable to attacks by viruses, worms, Trojan horses and so on that can easily spread because of the underlying network. Let us discuss some of the common threats to computers.

  • Virus: A computer virus spreads itself from one computer to another and interferes with the normal operations of a computer. Viruses attach themselves to any type of file and spread when these infected files are copied to other computers. People unknowingly spread a computer virus by sharing infected files or sending emails with viruses as attachments.
  • Worm: A worm is a computer program that uses computer networks to send copies of itself to other computers on a network. A virus requires  human action such as transferring of an infected file to spread itself. A worm can spread without any human action too. It replicates itself without the knowledge of the user. Worms can cause severe harm to a computer network such as blocking the network and reducing the speed of the network.
  • Trojan Horse: A computer program that appears to be a useful software but actually causes damage once installed or executed onto your computer system is known as a Trojan horse or a Trojan. After getting installed, it allows unauthorised access to the computer. Trojan horses are very dangerous as they allow your computer to be remotely controlled by someone else and can cause loss of personal and confidential information.
    Viruses, worms and Trojan horses may harm the data or affect the performance and the speed of a computer.


  • Data Theft: It is a very serious problem for computer networks. People break into computer networks to either disrupt their functioning or to steal confidential information. Hackers are the computer experts who can break into computer systems and networks. There are two types of hackers—white hackers and black hackers.
  • White hackers: study and break into networks to find and fix security loopholes. They offer their to corporations, public organisations and educational institutions to make their networks more secure.
  • Black hackers or crackers: have a criminal intention. Some examples are cracking bank accounts in order to transfer money to their own accounts, stealing confidential information and attacking the computer network of an organisation for money.

Computer Security

  • Antivirus Software: Every computer on a computer network must have an antivirus software installed in it and it should be updated on a regular basis. Antivirus software can be used to protect the computer from various types of malware. Antivirus software can detect viruses, worms and so on, and warn you of their presence in your computer. It can also deactivate and clean up the computer of malicious software.
    There are various types of antivirus software such as AVG, Avira, Norton and McAfee


  • Firewall: A firewall is used to prevent unauthorised access to a computer network. A firewall  can be implemented as a software, a hardware or a combination of both. All data or messages entering or leaving a computer network pass through a firewall (Fig. 1.33). A firewall examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.


Diary Entry for Class 7 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

Diary Entry for Class 7 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, SamplesA diary is a personal document that records an individual’s account of an incident or a day in their. life. A diary keeps track of an individual’s past and their dreams and hopes about the future. One can tell a diary all that one cannot tell anyone else. One can pour all of one’s feelings into it. One can make predictions about what will happen and see if they come true, and can see how one has changed over time, and read and enjoy their memories.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other. In this page we are providing Diary Entry Topics.

Diary Entry for Class 7 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples Pdf

Diary writing is the writing down of events, transactions and observations in a highly personalized manner. It is wrapped around creative thoughts and is basically the outpouring of what one feels or has experienced with regard to a particular stimulus. A diary can be written on a daily basis or at intervals, depending on the inclination of the writer.

What is a Diary Entry?
A diary entry is a record of one’s feelings following an event either sad or pleasant. Diary entries are personal reflective in nature. Therefore, they may not always be objective in view.

A diary entry usually includes detailed perspectives of the writer of the following events occurring in the present.


  • Observations
  • Perceptions
  • Descriptions

Diary Entry Format for Class 7 CBSE With Answers

Tips for Writing a Diary Entry

  • The word limit of a diary entry is 150 words. Everything you wish to say should be encompassed within this limit.
  • Remember that a diary entry is not a documentary. Include only those things which were the highlight of the day.
  • Spend a few moments going over the entire day and categorise the events which affected you the most.
  • Focus on the emotions, feelings and thoughts that the day’s event(s) triggered.
  • Use a personal confessional tone as the entry is a record of your personal life and past.
  • Maintain the correct chronological order while noting things. Avoid skipping from one thought to the other.
  • An anticipatory note at the end of the entry looking forward to the following day is a good way of concluding it.
  • Use grammatically correct sentences and avoid spelling mistakes. Also avoid using long complex sentences.

Diary Entry Format for Class 7 CBSE

Day & Date:

Heading (Optional)

Dear Diary,
______________________ Main Body __________________________
______________________ Concluding Line ______________________


Diary Entry Sample for Class 7 CBSE – 1

Tomorrow your school is celebrating Teacher’s Day. You have been selected for presenting a speech before teachers. Express your feelings and emotions in the form of Diary entry in not more than 150 words.

Friday, 4th September 2016
9.15 PM

Teacher’s Day

Dear Diary,
Tomorrow is the 5th of September. Nationwide it is celebrated as Teacher’s Day to honour the great soul who was born on that particular day, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. There are butterflies in my stomach tonight, since tomorrow I have to present a speech at school. It is also an honour that I have been chosen out of so many aspirants. I have therefore written a beautiful speech appreciating the noble profession of our teachers.

They inspire us to do great things, chide us when we are wrong and dispel all our childish pomposity. They help us refine our crude selves and become respectable members of society. In honour of my favourite teacher Mrs. Saini, I have dedicated a small paragraph in the speech to her. I sincerely hope that I am able to deliver the speech tomorrow without any trepidation.

Good night.

Diary Entry Sample for Class 7 CBSE – 2

You have visited an old age home today with your classmates. Express your feelings in the form of diary entry in not more than 150 words.

Sunday, 8th February 2016
8.15 PM

Visit to Old Age Home

Dear Diary,
Today my class visited an old age home as part of a social service activity. There we saw and interacted with many aged people. We were told that these homes originally came into existence to aid senior citizens who had no family or meAnswer: to support themselves. However, today these homes have become a place where people drop off their old parents as parcels citing lack of time or blaming financial constraints.

Indian society which upheld the virtues of family love has turned a back against the ageing and the helpless. It is a shame that people forget the sacrifices of their parents. Taking care of them was once an honour, now it is considered a burden. We have to battle this social problem and be more sensitive to the needs of our parents and elders.


Diary Entry Exercises For Class 7 CBSE

1. Your dad decides to give you the birthday gift that you wished. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings in not more than 150 words.


2. You and your brother decided to celebrate your parents 25th wedding anniversary. Write your plans in the form of diary entry in not more than 150 words.


Rearrange Jumbled Sentences for Class 8 CBSE With Answers

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 8 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Jumbled Sentences Exercise With Answers for Class 8 Pdf

In this exercise, proper sentences are divided into phrases. These phrases are jumbled. The student ¡s expected to look at the jumbled phrases comprehend the meaning implied and put the sentence in order.

  • She was/of her youth/at that time/in the prime

1. Identify the subject.
She was

2. Identify the action.
In the prime of her youth

3. Make the sentence.
She was in the prime of her youth at that time.

Rearrange Jumbled Sentences Practice Examples for Class 8 CBSE

A. Re-arrange the following jumbled words and phrases to make meaningful sentences.

a. Arrangement the words in the correct order to form meaningful sentences.

(i) She / interested / that/ was / in / proposal / said / she / the
(ii) was / Performance /impressed /with/ quite / his/I.
(iii) the / please / not /do / on / grass / step.
(iv) at /top/voice/ the man/his/ of/ demanded / the / admission / shouting.
(v) you / where have / this all / while / been/ ?
(vi) should / you/ have / coming / seen / this.
(vii) effect / we/in/did / much / sales / last / not / year /improvement.
(i) She said that she was interested in the proposal.
(ii) I was quite impressed with his performance.
(iii) Please do not step on the grass.
(iv) Shouting at the top of his voice, the man demanded admission.
(v) Where have you been all this while?
(vi) You should have seen this coming.
(vii) we did not effect much improvement in sales last year.

b. Rearrange the word for meaningful sentences.

(a) Peacock / a / beautiful /is/a/bird
(b) neck / feathers / covered /is/ lovely / its / with
(c) green / blue /its/ and / body / is
(d) glory/its /tail / long /is/its
(e) it / national / our /is / bird.
(a) A peacock is a beautiful bird.
(b) Its neck is covered with lovely feathers.
(c) Its body is green and blue.
(d) Its glory is its tail.
(e) It is our national bird.

1. educational/a/institution/library/forms/part of/an/important/very/a
2. inspires/the students/develop/a habit/reading/of/library/to
3. knowledge/students/a/library/widens/the/the/of

1. games/sports/and/different/there/are/of/kinds
2. incomplete/games/without/education/is
3. fit and fine/necessary/games/are/keep/to/the/body

1. friends/choice/the/made/wisely/very/of/be/should
2. make/mar/career/the/choice/our/friends/of/or/our
3. blessing/rare/is/a/real/friendship

Letter To The Editor Class 11 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

Letter To The Editor Class 11 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

Letter writing is an essential skill. Despite the prevalence of emails and text messages, everyone has to write letters at some point. Letters of complaint, job applications, thank you letters, letters requesting changes or – making suggestions – the list goes on and on. Encouraging children to write letters from an early age will improve their communication, social and handwriting skills, and teach them what they need to know about writing and structuring letters.

Looking for an easy way to learn English Grammar? then you are in right place. Here we providing basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc…

Letter To The Editor Class 11 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples Pdf

Letter to the Editor section of a newspaper or magazine forms an important part of the paper. Such letters voice the opinion of the people and provide them a platform to express their agreement, disagreement or reaction to the news and views contained in the newspaper. These letters can also raise issues of social, political and economic interest and generally centre around public reactions. They also provide a forum to the readers to express their strong feelings and reactions to local, national and international issues. They are written in crisp and clear language in a matter of fact style. The language is formal and to the point.

Format Of Letter To The Editor
Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindustan Times’, New Delhi, about water shortage in your locality. You are Rohan Pandit.
Letter To The Editor Class 11 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples 1

Letter to the Editing Exercises with Answers for Class 11 CBSE Pdf

Question 1.


You are Vibha Mehra, a resident of B-Block, Sector-19, Noida. The residents feel inconvenience due to the frequent digging up of roads by various departments such as electricity, water supply, sewage, telephone, etc. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India, New Delhi, highlighting the problem and suggesting remedial measures.
2879, B-Block
25 July 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Sub: Frequent Digging up of Roads
I would like to highlight the problems faced by the residents of Sector 19, Noida due to the frequent digging up of roads by various departments, such as electricity, water supply, sewage, telephones, etc. It seems that there is no coordination between these departments and the PWD. We have to put up with traffic diversions almost every fortnight. Great inconvenience is caused by the unfilled up pits and dust rising from the unsettled earth. The dug roads remain unrepaired and cause traffic hazards as well as accidents.
We have written to the Development Authority many times, but our repeated efforts have failed to bear any fruit. Even today the roads are lying in a dug-up state.
I hope the publication of the letter in your newspaper will draw the attention of the authorities to our plight and motivate them to expedite the repair work.
Yours faithfully
Vibha Mehra

Question 2.
The youth of the country are very vigilant these days and feel concerned about the problems being faced by the people. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily urging him to highlight the role of the youth in eradicating the problems of poverty, unemployment and corruption. You are Rani/ Rohit, 15, Gulbarga Society, Surat.
15, Gulbarga Society
20th October, 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject The Media Must Highlight Youth’s Role in Eradicating Society’s Problems

You are well aware that society faces a number of problems like poverty, unemployment and corruption. The youth of the country is playing an important role in helping to eradicate such problems from society. You represent an important section of the media and must highlight any instances in which such problems are successfully handled by the youth of the country.

You may bring it out as a news item, a feature or a story with actual photographs, so that everyone becomes aware that the youth of the country are very vigilant these days and feel concerned about the problems being faced by the people. Unfortunately, such news items are spotlighted rarely by the media. We, the youth of the country, look forward to better coverage of our activities which lead the country into an era of less corruption, more employment and no poverty.

Yours sincerely

Question 3.
Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily, appealing for help for the victims of flood. You are Rohit/Reena.
43, Sukrit Street
Jorhat – 785002
1st July, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
7, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi-110001
Subject Help for the Victims of Flood

I shall deem it a great favour if you publicise, in the columns of your esteemed daily, the miserable condition of the flood-stricken people of Bhrindan and other adjoining villages in Jorhat district of upper Assam. Also issue an appeal for help to these hard-hit people.

Due to heavy rains for three days and the breach of the Shanpur Bandh, the flood, all of a sudden, entered these villages on the 27th of June. It caused havoc, as many huts were washed away. Many people died as they were trapped inside their homes by the rising flood water. Some of the affected people are passing their days on trees and are without food, clothing and shelter. Parents have been separated from their children. Help has not yet reached these villages. Rescue teams with medicine and food are yet to arrive.

I therefore, request you to publish this letter so as to appeal to the public to come forward and help these homeless victims of the flood before it is too late.

Yours faithfully

Question 4.
You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals cause traffic jams as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. Write a letter to the Editor, The Hindu, drawing the attention of the Municipal Commissioner, Chennai to this problem. You are Shantha/Suresh, 12 MG Road, Chennai.
12, MG Road,
9th March, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindu Chennai-600001

Subject Problems Caused by Stray Animals

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the Municipal Commissioner to the problems caused by stray animals on city roads. Not a single day passes when we don’t witness traffic jams on the roads. The reason for these jams are not heavy traffic movement, but stray animals roaming about on the roads.

These animals not only cause traffic jams but also create severe accidents. Just three days ago I witnessed a biker chased by dogs. He tried to drive away, in the process jumping a red light and meeting with an accident. Yesterday a bull gored a person so badly that he needed to be admitted to a hospital.

Despite many complaints to the concerned authorities, no action has been taken so far. These stray animals are becoming a nuisance. They are a danger to not only us but to themselves also. It is my request to the Municipal Commissioner to please take a note of the situation and rectify it as soon as possible.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Question 5.


You are Ashutosh/Ashita Sarin, residing at 28, H-Block, Ashok Vihar, Delhi. You love Delhi and its beautiful architecture. Recently you visited the Red Fort and were disturbed to see the poor maintenance of the monument by the authorities concerned as well as by the careless and negligent attitude of the visitors who spoil the buildings by writing names, messages on the walls, domes, etc. Write a letter to the Editor, The Statesman, expressing concern over this state and the need for awakening a sense of pride and love for such monuments among the common people.
28, H-Block
Ashok Vihar
12 June 20XX
The Editor
The Statesman
New Delhi
Sub: Poor Maintenance of Monuments
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to assert the fact that we Indians, particularly Delhiites do not value our heritage. We carelessly spoil our treasures. It can be seen in the attitude of our people towards the historical monuments. Delhi is rich in monuments. In Europe, such a legacy would be preserved and beautified but here it is spoiled and ruined by our own people through sheer ignorance, carelessness, laziness, and disregard. In case you happen to visit the Red Fort, you will find not history but romantic messages.
We must be proud of our city and its heritage. Then only we will be motivated to preserve its beauty and elegance. I appeal to fellow citizens to open their eyes and fall in love with the beauty of our city and help in its proper maintenance.
Yours faithfully
Ashita Sarin

Letter to the Editor Example for Students of Class 11 CBSE Pdf

1. You are the Secretary, Environment Club of your school. When you visited a few places of historical interest, you realised that we need to protect our environment. Write in 120-150 words a letter to the Editor of a national daily about the need to create awareness among the people about protecting the environment.

2. Write a letter to the editor of ‘The Times of India’, New Delhi, giving your views on the necessity of promoting English speaking in India for better communication with tourists.

3. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Indian Express’ requesting him to publish more news on ‘Empowering of Women’ to enthuse the female readers of the newspaper.

4. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindu’ to point out the inconvenience caused by street vendors crowding the pavements of the arterial roads in the city, forcing the pedestrians on to the roads. This ’causes accidents and even deaths of pedestrians. Also outline a plan to overcome this problem.

5. You are Tarun / Tanuja, J Block, Apple Apartments, New Street, Secunderabad. Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily expressing your views on the growing menace of stray cows in your city.

6. You are Rohan / Rohini of 48, New Bank Enclave, Lucknow. Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily complaining about the badly maintained parks of your colony.

Editing Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

Editing Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

The following passage has not been edited. There is an erpr in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the corrected word in your answer sheet against the blank as given in the example. Underline the corrected word that has been supplied. In this article we have covered Editing Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

Editing Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers PDF

Looking for an easy way to learn English Grammar? then you are in right place. Here we providing basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc…

Editing Exercises for Class 10 with Answers

There is an error in each line. Find the error and write the correct word. First one in each is done for you as an example.

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 1

Incorrect Correct
Once there was the guru communicating  e.g.  the  a
wisdom to people that came for his  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
darshan with flowers or fruits. One  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
day, all the offerings wdre in plenty, he  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
called the disciple and asked him to  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
cut fruits and arrange for their  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
distribution of prasad. A disciple  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
reported to a guru. that all was ready  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
for distribution or asked him to distribute.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) that… who
(b) or … and
(c) all… as
(d) the … a
(e) their … the
(f) A … the
(g) a … the
(h) or … and

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 2

Incorrect Correct
The guru asked him to start for the person  e.g.  for with
in that he had the greatest faith and the highest  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
confidence. All of people assembled  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
their thought that the disciple would  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
first give a fruits to the teacher and  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
than distribute to the others. But the  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
disciple do not do so. He took the first  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
frúit himself. He explain that since he had  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
the greater confidence in himself, he took the first fruit.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) that… whom
(b) of… the
(c) their … there
(d) fruits … fruit
(e) than … then
(f) do … did
(g) explain … explained
(h) greater … greatest

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 3

Incorrect Correct
There was a king. He used to ask three question  e.g.  question questions
of all the people who came to him. The  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
first question is: Who is the best of all humans?  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
The second was: What is a best time? And  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
the third: What is the best in all actions?  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
The king was very anxious to know a answer  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
to these questions. One day he went to a forest  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
and was moving about the hills or plains.  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
He saw a ashram and wanted to take some rest there.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) of… to
(b) is … was
(c) a … the
(d) in … of
(e) a … the
(f) a … the
(g) or … and
(h) a … an

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 4

Incorrect Correct
The king reached  ashram. A sadhu  e.g.  a the
was watering some plants. A sadhu saw that  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
a king was tired. He stopped watering  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
the plants; ran up to the king or gave  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
him some fruits and cold water. On that  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
time, a wounded man with bruises all over the body is  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
brought to an ashram by another sadhu.  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
The first sadhu saw this, he go to the  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
injured and cleaned their wounds, and gave him some herbs.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) A…The
(b) a … the
I (c) or … and .
(d) On … At
(e) is … was
(f) an … the
(g) go … went
(h) their … his

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 5

Incorrect Correct
The saint get a piece of chalk equal to the  e.g.  get got
lump in opium and told the opium eater  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
that he could continue eating opium but  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
should not took more than the weight  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
in the chalk each day. ‘[he opium eater was  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
quiet happy but he was also told that  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
everyday he shall write ‘one’ three times on a  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
blackboard with that chalk. In that manner, the  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
chalk was reduce and so was his habit.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) in … of
(b) could … may
(c) took … take
(d) in … of
(e) quiet… quite
(f) shall… should
(g) that… this
(h) reduce … reduced

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 6

Incorrect Correct
Man is the nobler of all animals, the final  e.g.  Nobler Noblest
product of untold age of progressive  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
evolution, but they is not consciously  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
striving to live over to his heritage.  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
The beasts hold a world conference to  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
confabulate in the authenticity of man’s  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
claim to be the better of creations and  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
the monarch in all that walks on the earth.  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
The lion chair the meeting. The tiger rose first.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) age … ages
(b) they … he
(c) over … up
(d) hold … held
(e) in … on
(f) better … best
(g) in … of
(h) chair … chaired

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 7

Incorrect Correct
Islamic education arrive in India  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
many before Aurangzeb’s time,  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
fully grew in concept, context and functioning.  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
It has its beginning in mektabs.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
the Arabic term for school. Though their  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
is no indication as for where they  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
were first establish, mektabs  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
were certainly widespread to the fourteenth century AD in capital cities like Samarkand.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) arrive … arrived
(b) many … much
(c) grew … grown
(d) has … had
(e) their … there
(f) for … to
(g) establish … established
(h) to … by

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 8

Incorrect Correct
Countries near an equator  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
are much warmer then  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
country further to the north and  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
south. We all knows that Kerala  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
is more warmer than the Punjab  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
on winter. Why? For the same reason  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
Italy is cool than India,  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
but England is cooler than Italy.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) an … the
(b) then … than
(c) country … countries
(d) knows… know
(e) more … much
(f) on … in
(g) cool… cooler
(h) but… while

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 9

Incorrect Correct
Some political thinkers thinks that  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
liberty and equality couldn’t go together.  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
They think that liberty implies a freedom  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
to do what one can like to do.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
This is true if freedom is interpret  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
on its absolute sense to mean that  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
as each individual shall be free  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
according to her opportunities, there will be chaos.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) thinks … think
(b) couldn’t… can’t
(c) a … the
(d) can … would
(e) interpret…interpreted
(f) on … in
(g) as … if
(h) her … one’s

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 10

Incorrect Correct
Thomas Alva Edison is born on February 11, 1847.  e.g. is was
When he was a child he was enjoying reading.  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
He reads many science and chemistry books.  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
Edison sold newspapers and candy where he was twelve years old.  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
When he is 13 or 14, Edison lost his faculty of hearing.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
Edison, however, believed that his deafness was helping him to be a better scientist.  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
As he was deaf, he had not to listen to others.  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
Ile enjoyed loneliness. He enjoyed not to hear the noises of his environment. This allowed  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
him to think clear without distractions.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) was enjoying … enjoyed
(b)reads … read
(c) where … when
(d) is … was
(e) was helping … helped
(f) had not… did not have
(g) not to hear … not hearing
(h) clear … clearly

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 11

Incorrect Correct
It is unfortunate as many people  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
regard old people for geriatrics  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
who has one foot into the grave.  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
Someone should remind them that they too would be old one day.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) as … that
(b) for … as
(c) into … in
(d) to … too

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 12

Incorrect Correct
Our country can became a heaven  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
for tourists. It has the rich cultural  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
heritage, ancient monuments for.  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
onderftil architecture and such natural beauty of flora or fauna.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) became … become
(b) the … a
(c) for … of
(d) or … and

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 13

Incorrect Correct
When you buy a puppy with a  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
breeder, one can learn about its  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
background because you can met  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
one and both of its parents.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) with … from
(b) one … you
(c) because .., as
(d) and … or

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 14

Incorrect Correct
Your puppy will probably looked  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
like ils parents where it is an  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
adult. It may also had its  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
parents’ qualities. That may be aggressive like them.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) looked … look
(b) where … when
(c) had … have
(d) that… It

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 15

Incorrect Correct
A puppy can go on its new home  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
when it is six and eight weeks old.  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
Make sure your puppy have been  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
checked to a veterinarian.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) on … to
(b) and … or
(c) have … has
(d) to … by

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 16

Inactivity is the greater cause of overweight these days.  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
People physical activity  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
had decreased these days. The main  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
reason is there are many labour saving devices.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
They does not want to walk on foot.  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
They spend enough time sitting and  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
watch television. Their excess  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
weight makes them sick and they have spend money in medicine  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) greater … greatest
(b) people … people’s
(c) had … has
(d) is … being
(e) does … do
(f) enough … more
(g) watch … watching
(h) spend … spent

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 17

Incorrect Correct
Three years old has reued by the  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
last Tuesday. She was kidnap by a neighbour  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
due to ransom. The mother  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
inform the police about the missing girl.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) has … was
(b) kidnap … kidnapped
(c) due to … for
(d) inform … informed

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 18

Incorrect Correct
Economics is nothing but a way to solving problems of  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
allocation of resources. Human want are graded in nature.  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
This means that a (Xfl person will be more concern about  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
procurement of food fòr his surviving rather than buying a luxury car.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) to… for
(b) want… wants
(c) concern … concerned
(d) surviving … survival

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 19

Incorrect Correct
Overeating is one of the more wonderful  e.g. more most
practices among those which think that they  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
can afford it. In fact that is said that  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
near all those who can get as much  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
as he desire, overeat to their  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
disadvantage. This class of peoples could  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
save the great deal more food than  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
they can save by missing one meal  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
per week and also improving their health.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) which … who
(b) that … it
(c) near … nearly
(d) he they
(e) peoples … people
(f) the … a
(g) can … could
(h) improving… improve

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 20

Incorrect Correct
One day a wonderful plate full in gold  e.g. in of
fell from Heaven into a courtyard of  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
a temple at Benaras; so on the  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
plate these words were inscribe.  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
“A gift from Heaven to he who  (d)  …………………………  …………………………
loves better”. The priests at once  (e)  …………………………  …………………………
made a announcement that every  (f)  …………………………  …………………………
-day at noon. all which would like  (g)  …………………………  …………………………
to claimed the plate should come.  (h)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) a … the
(b) so … and
(c) inscribe … inscribed
(d) he … him /one
(e) better … best
(f) a … an
(g) which … who
(h) claimed … claim

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 21
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct
Her duties for the day were over.  e.g. for of
She had scrub the floor of the kitchen,  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
washed the vessels and put them on a  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
shining row on an wooden shelf, returned  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
the short scrubbing broom to it’s corner and closed the kitchen window.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) scrub … scrubed
(b) on … in
(c) an … a
(d) it’s … its

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 22
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct
After all a sculptor’s labours had come  e.g. a the
to a end. He sat back, wiped  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
the perspiration of his face and surveyed  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
his handiwork in great satisfaction. As he  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
looking on, he was overwhelmed by the image.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) a … an
(b) of … of/from
(c) in … with
(d) looking … looked

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 23
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct
The enure household was in the  e.g. in under
control for my mother-in-law. She  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
was the majestic figure, very fair and  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
very serious. She was rigid on  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
her orthodoxy. No one dare to argue rjth her.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) for … of
(b) the … a
(c) on … in
(d) dare … dared

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 24
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct
Neil Armstrong was the commander for Apollo 11.  e.g. for of
He was the first to walk over  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
the moon. What many people do not knew  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
is that unlike most of their fellow  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
astronauts, be was the civilian and not part of the military.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) over … on
(b) knew … know
(c) their … his
(d) the … a

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 25
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct
According to tradition Gautama Buddha sit  e.g. sit sat
in meditation in the Bo ree at  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
Bodh Gaya. Unfortunately an original tree  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
has disappeared and is replace  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
through a successor — the Peepal tree.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) in … under
(b) an … the
(c) replace … replaced
(d) through … with

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 26
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct
Waft Disney was our hero. He  e.g. was is
left me a legacy that can  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
be enjoy time and again. He  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
knew who to entertain us so well.  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
He developed a process in creating animated films.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) me … us
(b) enjoy … enjoyed
(c) who … how
(d) in … of

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 27
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct
Birsa Munda was horn at lsthJiilv,  e.g. at on
1872 in Bamba village in Ranchi district  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
ofJharkhand. He lead an armed struggle  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
against the Briish, Besides, he launched the  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
spirited campaign about priesthood, alcoholism, etc.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) in … at
(b) lead … led
(c) the … a
(d) about … against

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 28

Incorrect Correct
My childhood memories is very sweet.  e.g. is are
I was not the mischievous or troublesome  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
child. My fvourite game is to line  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
up all the chairs on the house and play  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
on being teacher tutoring all the invisible pupils.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) the … a
(b) is … was
(c) on … in
(d) on … by

Editing Exercises with Answers Example – 29
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Incorrect Correct
The driver of the jeep were treated  e.g. were was
in respect due to any other member  (a)  …………………………  …………………………
of my father office. As small children  (b)  …………………………  …………………………
we were teach not to call him  (c)  …………………………  …………………………
by his name. We had to use a surnx dada’.  (d)  …………………………  …………………………

(a) in … with
(b) father … father’s
(c) teach … taught
(d) a … the

Message Writing for Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Message Writing for Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, ExercisesA message is a short, informal piece of writing conveying information received over the telephone, public address system or in person, to a person for whom the information was intended but who was not at hand to receive the information.

In other words, it is a piece of information given by a third person to be passed on to a particular person. Messages must be brief, yet have all the information. It is usually a telephonic message that has to be reported/passed on to someone.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 6 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other

Message Writing for Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises PDF


  • A message is an informal means of communication.
  • The receiver of the message has to sift through the given message and pick out the most vita! bits of information.
  • Then, he/she should be able to reproduce that information in order to convey it to the person for whom it is intended.


  • Only the most important details should be written.
  • No new information should be added.
  • Grammatically correct sentences should be used.
  • Indirect or reported speech should be used.
  • The message should be presented within a box.
  • The word limit for a message is 50 words.


  • No need to write sender’s or receiver’s address.
  • Brief Salutation e.g Dear Uncle
  • Time/Date on either side of the box
  • Put the entire content in the Box.
  • Self made information should be avoided.
  • Sender’s name and Signature at the end of the passage.
  • Abbreviations and Symbols can be used.
  • Tense should be correct.

Message Writing for Class 6 CBSE Sample Example With Answer

Message Writing Format


Date _____
Name (of the person for whom it is meant)
Body of the message with details
who called
why he called
follow-up if required

1. Read the following telephone conversation between Mrs Pandit and Shikha. Shikha is about to leave for school within five minutes and her mother is not at home for the moment. Write this message on behalf of Shikha.

Mrs Pandit: Hello, is that Mrs Kaushik ?
Shikha: No, I am her daughter, Shikha speaking. May I know who is speaking ?
Mrs Pandit: I am Mrs Pandit speaking from Arya Enclave. I wanted to speak to your mother urgently.
Shikha: She is not at home now, Aunt. She has just gone out. If there is some message I shall give her.
Mrs Pandit: OK, then. Please tell your mother about me. Mrs Kaushlaya and Mrs Sampat were to come today to your house at 2.30 pm. But they shall not be coming. Ask your mama to reach Mrs Gupta’s house in Green Park at 3 pm ; she knows the address. This is urgent.
Shikha: You needn’t worry, aunt. I shall leave this message on the messages slip before I go to school.
Mrs Pandit: Thank you, dear.
Shikha: Thank you, aunt.

There was a telephone from Mrs Pandit. Mrs Kaushlaya, Mrs Sampat and Pandit aunty were to come to our house at 2.30 pm today. They are not coming. Mrs Pandit asked me to tell you to reach Mrs Gupta’s house in Green Park today at 3 pm positively.

Message Writing for Class 6 CBSE Practice Examples

A. Read the telephonic conversation between Rohit and Vishal. Vishal is going for his tuition class, so he leaves a message for Manav. Write his message in not more than 50 words.

Rohit: Hello! Could I speak to Manav?
Vishal: He is not at home. May I know who is on the line?
Rohit: I am Rohit, your neighbour.
Vishal: Rohit, I am Manav’s elder brother, Vishal. How are you?
Rohit: I am fine. Could you take my message for him?
Vishal: Yes sure.
Rohit: Tell him that I need my social studies book as soon as possible that he took yesterday. I have to make a school project. Also tell him to give me guidance for the project when he comes back.
Vishal: Ok, I will convey your message.
Rohit: Thank you, Bye.

B. Read the telephonic conversation between Mrs. Sharma and Sham and later Sham leave this message for his sister, Ekta. Write the message for Sham in not more than 50 words.

Mrs. Sharma : Hello sham, Mummy here!
Sham : Yes Mom, tell me fast, I am leaving for my tennis classes.
Mrs. Sharma : Dear I am held up in the office for an urgent meeting. I won’t be home before 8.30 p.m.
Sham : Don’t worry, Ekta and I will manage.
Mrs. Sharma : Don’t fight with her and do watch her homework.
Sham : Okay mom! I will do so.
Mrs. Sharma : On my way back home I’ll carry dinner for all of us. Bye and take care.
Sham : Bye mom. Take care.

Gap Filling Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

Gap Filling Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

Looking for an easy way to learn English Grammar? then you are in right place. Here we providing basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we have Created Gap Filling Exercises For Class 10

Gap Filling Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers Pdf

Gap Filling Exercises With Answers for Class 10

Based only on Multiple Choice

Question 1.
Choose the right/most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage.

Rivers are considered holy (i) ____________India but they are hardly treated (ii) ____________respect. All kinds of dust and filth find (iii) ____________way into the rivers. If we have to treat and purify the water (iv) ____________drinking it, how can the fish survive in waters? Every year river Gomti becomes (vi) ____________death bed of thousands of fish because (vii) ____________water released in the reservoir upstream carries effluents (viii) ____________the neighbouring industries.

(i) (a) in (b) on (c) at (d) of
(ii) (a) in (b) with (c) of (d) of
(iii) (a) their (b) his (c) its (d) over
(iv) (a) of (b) in (c) on (d) for
(v) (a) these (b) this (c) that (d) their
(vi) (a) the (b) a (c) their (d) those
(vii) (a) in (b) the (c) with (d) of
(viii) (a) for (b) on (d) from (c) at
(i) a
(ii) b
(iii) a
(iv) d
(v) a
(vi) a
(vii) b
(viii) d

Question 2.
Choose the right/most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following letter.

Dear Daddy
I hope all’s well with you. Everything is fine here. I am sorry I (i) ____________write earlier. I was busy with my coaching camp (ii) ____________is now over. After the annual examination most of (iii) ____________boarders have left for their homes. Only a few like me (iv) ____________left behind. I can’t express how badly I miss you all. I don’t know (v) ____________be able to join you. Dad, I hate (vi) ____________a boarder. How lonely it is to stay here (vii) ____________the vacation! The few inmates left (viii) ____________not only boring but also nasty. I hope you will come to my rescue soon.

Your son

(i) (a)-couldn’t (b) hasn’t (c) have not (d) hadn’t
(ii) (a) which (b) being (c) to (d) only
(iii) (a) which (b) the (c) are (d) when
(iv) (a) couldn’t (b) which (c) when (d) are
(v) (a) the (b) being (c) when (d) am
(vi) (a) being (b) which (c) to (d) couldn’t
(vii) (a) during (b) are (c) were (d) between
(viii) (a) at (b) were (c) are (d) is
(i) a (ii) a (iii) b (iv) d (v)c (vi) a (vii) a (viii) c

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks using one word in each blank: (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

The Delhi Police (a)_____busted a gang of robbers (b)_____had robbed 20 crore (c)_____a bank. The arrested have (d)____identified as Jaswant Tiwari, his brother Hemant Tiwari (e)_____his uncle Mithilesh Tiwari. The trio (f)_____caught red-handed with the money stuffed in suitcases. (NCT 2014)
(a) has
(b) who
(c) from
(d) been
(e) and
(f) were

Question 4.
Choose the right/most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage.

Delivering his inaugural address (i) _____________the first Agricultural Science Congress here today (ii) _____________Prime Minister said efforts (iii) _____________be made to increase the production of food grains by at least three times (iv) _____________the next decade. He exhorted that the agricultural scientists (v) _____________rise to the occasion to meet the challenge of feeding the population so that we may not have to import it. If we delay, he said, in doing something about the matter, it (vi) _____________be difficult to face the shortage of grains. He is optimistic that the agricultural scientists must think (vii) _____________the matter. Speaking on the occasion, the Agricultural Minister praised the agricultural scientists for their role (viii) _____________about a Green Revolution.

(i) (a) on (b) at (c) over (d) from
(ii) (a) this (b) an (c) a (d) the
(iii) (a) can (b) will (c) should (d) may
(iv) (a) in (b) from (c) to (d) have
(v) (a) can (b) shall (c) must/should (d) need to
(vi) (a) can (b) would (c) need (d) ought to
(vii) (a) over (b) about (c) in (d) should
(viii) (a) bring (b) in bringing (c) while brought (d) on bringing
(i) a (ii) d (iii) b. (iv) a (v)c (vi) b (vii) a (viii) b

Question 5.
Choose the right/most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage.

26th January is a very special day (i) ____________India. It is (ii) ____________this day that India became a Sovereign Democratic Republic (iii) ____________1950. Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the first President (iv) ____________the Indian Republic. 26th January is celebrated (v) ____________great enthusiasm and festivity all over the country. First of all, the Prime Minister visits the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate. There he offers floral tributes (vi) ____________the martyrs. Then begins the colourful parade (vii) ____________starts from Vijay Chowk (viii) ____________terminates at the Red Fort.

(i) (a) for/in (b) of (c) by (d) to
(ii) (a) by (b) of (c) in (d) on
(iii) (a) on (b) in (c) for (d) to
(iv) (a) in (jb) above (c) of (d)about
(v) (a) for (b) with (c) in (d) by
(vi) (a) to (b) of (c) by (d) over
(vii) (a) that (b) of (c) which (d) to
(viii) (a) which (b) to (c) that (d) and
(i) a (ii) d (iii) b (iv) c (v) b (vi) a (vii) c (viii) d

Question 6.
Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage.

Massage (i) ____________bea natural tranquilliser. It (ii) ____________been used (iii) ____________virtually every culture throughout history to relieve aches (iv) pains, unknot tense muscles, and help (v) ____________body and the mind to relax. There are several types (vi) ____________massage, (vii) ____________the most popular (viii) ____________the Oriental massage.

(i) (a) should (b) would (c) may (d)can
(ii) (a) have (b) has (c) had (d) was
(iii) (a) in (b) on (c) beep at (d) for
(iv) (a) or (b) and (c) but (d) for
(v) (a) a (b) an . (c) the (d) any
(vi) (a) but (b) of (c) for (d) and
(vii) (a) but (b) and (c) or (d) for
(viii) (a) were (b) is (c) are (d) of
(i) d (ii) b (iii) a (iv) b (v)c (vi) b (vii) a (viii) b

Question 7.
Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage.

There (i) ____________a survey (ii) ____________the popular forms of music and how the taste (iii) ____________music differs (iv) ____________age. About one hundred persons (v) ____________ in three age groups (vi) ____________interviewed on their musical preferences. The survey found that (vii) first great musical age is adolescence. (viii) ____________comes the early adult–hood.

(i) (a) has been (b) have been (c) had been (d) was
(ii) (a) for (b) about (c) on (d) in
(iii) (a) in (b) on (c) at (d) about
(iv) (a) in (b) on (c) at (d) with
(v) (a) each . (b) every (c) all (d) some
(vi) (a) was (b) is (c) were (d) are
(vii) (a) this (b) the (c) for (d)that
(viii) (a) Next (b) after (c) before (d) thereafter
(i) c (ii) b (iii) a (iv) d (v) a (vi) c (vii) b (viii) a

Question 8.
Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage.

Buddhists (i) ____________survived in India only (ii) ____________a comparatively small sect, (iii) ____________Buddism in (iv) ____________east today has (v) ____________hundred and fifty million adherents. It is (vi) ____________chief religion of Ceylon, Burma and Malaya. Buddhists (vii) ____________the four truths. They live a (viii) and austere life.

(i) (a) has (b) have (c) had (d) been
(ii) (a) for (b) as (c) but (d) so
(iii) (a) and (b) or (c) but (d) though
(iv) (a) a (b) an (c) the (d) at
(v) (a) over (b)above (c) an (d) a
(vi) (a) a (b) an (c) the (d) in
(vii) (a) follow (b) follows (c) followed (d) following
(viii) (a) rich (b) simple (c) happy (d) famous
(i) b (ii) b (iii) c (iv) c (v) a (vi) c (vii) a (viii) b

Question 9.
Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage.

Always read the metre dials (i) ____________the right to the left. This procedure is much easier, especially (ii) ____________any of (iii) ____________dial hands are near the zero mark, when (iv) ____________, mark (v) ____________the number of units recorded. Dials (vi) ____________water (vii) ____________gas meters usually (viii) ____________the amount each dial records.

(i) (a) from (b) for (c) on (d) in
(ii) (a) as (b) if (c) for (d) because
(iii) (a) a (b) an (c) the (d) any
(iv) (a) finish (b) finished (c) finishing (d) was finished
(v) (a) on (b) at (c) of (d) off
(vi) (a) on (b) in (c) over (d) up
(vii) (a) for (b) at (c) and (d) with
(viii) (a) indicating (b) indicates (c) indicated (d) indicate
(i) a (ii) b (iii) c (iv) b (v) d (vi) a (vii) c (viii) d

Question 10.
Complete the passage given below by filling in the blanks. Below the passage, four choices are suggested for each blank. Choose the most appropriate word for each blank: (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

Now that (a)_______(an/the/to/a) Board exams (Class XII) are over, you can breathe (b) _______(on/for/so/in) relief. However, for many of you it (c)_______(was/were/may/is) still ‘not over’ as you may (d)_______(has/have/being/had) to prepare for entrance exams. Also, it is time (e) _______(for/too/with/to) decide on a course (f)_______(you/he/one/she) would like to pursue for your graduation. This process of deciding on a course that leads us to a career we aspire for is a crucial one.
(a) the (b) in (c) is (d) have (e) to (f) you

Question 11.
Complete the following passage choosing the correct word from the options given below.

Dear Natasha, I came to know from Times Pen Pal Corner that you wish to (i) ____________a pen friend from Orissa. I wonder (ii) ____________you could accept me as your friend. I am fifteen years old and (iii) ____________in Class IX, Kendriya Vidyalaya. After my school education, I (iv) ____________like to join IISM. Now let me tell you about my family. There are six members in my family. Besides my grandparents, father (v) ____________mother, I have a younger brother too. My father is a teacher (vi) ____________teaches English literature. I too have a love for English literature. So, I read science fiction (vii) ____________my free time. In addition (viii) ____________my studies, I am interested in playing tennis, singing and painting.

Please write about yourself.
Waiting for your reply,

Your penpal

(i) (a) have (b) has (c) be (d) had
(ii) (a) that (b) if (c) as (d) while
(iii) (a) had studied (b) studying (c) have studied (d) studied
(iv) (a) would (b) will (c) should (d) could
(v) (a) as (b) and (c) but (d) since
(vi) (a) who (b) that (c) since (d) which
(vii) (a) for (b) in (c) to (d) from
(viii) (a) for (b) by (c) before (d) to
(i) a (ii) b . (iii) b (iv) a (v) b (vi) a (vii) b (viii) d

Question 12.
Complete the following passage choosing the correct options.

David dreams (i) ____________inventing a fridge that can take good care of (ii) ____________He says his fridge (iii) ____________have a touch screen and a hatch. The screen will display (iv) ____________icons. All he will have to do (v) ____________to press an icon for ‘clean’ on it and the fridge will self–clean. Another icon will tell him (vi) ____________food items that will run out in a day or two. Then he can buy them just a day ahead. A third icon will indicate (vii) ____________foodstuff has gone stale. He will then need to press a red button and it will come (viii) ____________of the fridge.

(i) (a) in (b) that (c) of (d) to
(ii) (a) all (b) itself (c) work (d) system
(iii) (a) should (b) would (c) will (d) must
(iv) (a) all ! (b) little (c) many (d) few
(v) (a) is (b) was (c) must (d) will
(vi) (a) this (b) that (c) the (d) which
(vii) (a) whom (b) that (c) which (d) this
(viii) (a) into (b) in (c) within (d) out
(i) c (ii) b (iii) c (iv) a (v) a (vi) d (vii) c (viii) d

Question 13.
Complete the following passage choosing the correct options.

The state of Odisha (i) ____________along the eastern seacoast of India and to the South of Bengal. (ii) ____________main attractions are the Temple towns of Puri and Bhubaneshwar and the great Sun Temple at Konark. (iii) ____________three (iv) make a convenient (v) ____________compact little triangle. (vi) ____________state is predominantly rural, (vii) ____________fertile green plains (viii) ____________the coast rising up to the hills of the Eastern Ghats.

(i) (a) lies (b) situated (c) was (d) falls
(ii) (a) It (b) Its (c) That (d) The
(iii) (a) Those (b) These (c) The (d) They
(iv) (a) sights (b) scenes (c) sites (d) scenarios
(v) (a) together (b) besides (c) and (d but
(vi) (a) Those (b) These (c) A (d) The
(vii) (a) among (b) between (c) before (d) after
(viii) (a) inside (b) along (c) across (d) on
(i) a (ii) b (iii) b (iv) c (v)c (vi) d (vii) a (viii) b

Question 14.
Read the paragraph given below and fill in the blanks with the help of the options that follow: (1/2x 6 = 3 marks)

Rekha exercises (a)_______(all/each/any/once) day of the week. She (b)_______(do/does/doing/done) aerobics/yoga and (c)_______(lifts/lifting/lift/lifted) weights. She no longer (d)_______(eats/eat/eating/ate) greasy and junk food. As a result, Rekha’s health (e) (was/will be/are/is) improving. She does not (f)_______(got/getting/gets/get) tired and always looks very fit and active. Sometimes, however, she yearns for pizzas and burgers.

(a) each (b) does (c) lifts (d) eats (e) is (f) get

Question 15.
Complete the following passage choosing the correct options.

The ragpickers of India (i) ____________ a pitiable sight. It is poverty that (ii) ____________ them to resort to rag picking. Day in and day out they may be (iii) ____________ on the roads, the lanes and the by lanes of a city or town looking for cast–off clothes or something else showy or shoddy that (iv) ____________ sell. More often than not, it is children who (v) ____________to rag picking. But some young men and women are also (vi) ____________ to take up the trade to make both ends meet. Why should innocent children (vii) ____________ should be at school at this age do this filthy job? It is because their parents are too poor to support them. So, they neglect them and abandon them (viii) ____________ face the cruel world on their own.

(i) (a) presented (b) present (c) will present (d) may present
(ii) (a) goad (b) goads (c) will goad (d) may goad
(iii) (a) see (b) seen (c) will be seen (d) are being seen
(iv) (a) may (b) will (c) shall (d) could
(v) (a) have taken (b) will take (c) take (d) shall take
(vi) (a) force (b) forced (c) will force (d) may force
(vii) (a) whom (b) who (c) which (d) that
(viii) (a) into (b) for (c) from (d) to
(i) b (ii) b (iii) b (iv) a (v)c (vi) b (vii) b (viii) d

Question 16.
Complete the following passage by filling in one or two words each:

Most of us fail in our efforts (i) ____________ self improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time (ii) ____________ carry them out. We also make the fundamental error (iii) ____________ announcing our resolution to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we slipback (iv) _____________our bad old ways. Aware of these pitfalls, this year I attempted (v) ____________ keep my resolution to myself. I limited myself to two modest ambitions, to do physical exercise every morning and to read more (vi) ____________ the evening. An overnight party on New year’s eve provided me with a good excuse (vii) ____________ not carrying out either of these new resolutions (viii) ____________ the first day of the year, but on the second, I applied myself assiduously to the task.

(i) (a) b) (b) at (c) will (d) and
(ii) (a) to (b) of (c) for (d) is
(iii) (a) by (b) in (c) on (d) of
(iv) (a) to (b) is (c) into (d) at
(v) (a) as (b) to (c) which (d) at
(vi) (a) on (b) in (c) that (d) at
(vii) (a) for (b) who (c) of (d) that
(viii) (a) into (b) on (c) from (d) to
(i) b (ii) a (iii) d (iv) c (v) b (vi) b (vii) a (viii) b

Question 17.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of given options:

There is a general belief (i) ____________ students that (ii) ____________ who write long sentences get (iii) ____________ marks. Short answers get (iv) ____________ marks.

(i) (a) in (b) of (c) among (d) between
(ii) (a) they (b) those (c) all (d) them
(iii) (a) more ! (b) many (c) most (d) much
(iv) (a) least (b) less (c) few (d) small
(i) b (ii) b (iii) b (iv) a

Question 18.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

Reading a novel or short story (i) ____________ second language could dramatically (ii) ____________ physiological responses to emotions such (iii) ____________ smiling. It enables us to (iv) ____________ various mental abilities at all ages.

(i) (a) of (b) in (c) from (d) at
(ii) (a) reduce (b) reduces (c) reduced (d) reducing
(iii) (a) like (b) similar to (c) as (d) alike
(iv) (a) developed (b) develops (c) develop (d) developing
(i) b (ii) a (iii) c (iv) c

Question 19.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of given options:

Authorities settled (i) ____________ 32 pages in (ii) ____________ next answer book for the undergraduate courses. The answer book was ready (iv) ____________ be circulated.

(i) (a) on (b) at (c) up (d) in
(ii) (a) a (b) an (c) the (d) some
(iii) (a) mean (b) meant (c) means (d) meaning
(iv) (a).for (b) by (c) from (d) to
(i) a (ii) c (iii) b (iv) d

Question 20.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

The naughty children walked (a) ____________ flower beds, climbed the fruit trees (b)_____________ plucked unripe fruits and they (c) ____________ pits on the garden path.

(a) (i) over (ii) in (iii) on (iv) across
(b) (i) but (ii) and (iii) therefore (iv) since
(c) (i) dig (ii) digging (iii) digs (iv) dug
(a) (i) (iii) (b) (ii) (c) (iv)

Question 21.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

They ordered the poor man about, (a) ____________ him on errands, made him wash (b) ____________ cow and lectured to him (c) ____________ how to grow a garden.

(a) (i) send (ii) sent (iii) sending (iv) sender
(b) (i) a (ii) an (iii) some (iv) the
(c) (i) over i (ii) from (iii) on (iv) in
(a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (iii)

Question 22.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

Medicinally, the bark of (a) ____________ Kadam tree is used as an antiseptic and (b) ____________ fevers. The juice of this tree (c) ____________ used to kill germs in the sores.

(a) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) some
(b) (i) on (ii) over (iii) for (iv) to
(c) (i) is (ii) was (iii) been (iv) being
(a) (iii) (b) (iii) (c) (i)

Question 23.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

During (a) _____________hottest part of the year, many of our city streets seem to be on fire (b) ____________ masses of Gulmohar flowers. This (c) ____________ one of the most beautiful trees.

(a) (i) a (ii) the (iii) an (iv) some
(b) (i) from (ii) by (iii) with (iv) over
(c) (i) is (ii) was (iii) are (iv) be
(a) (ii) (b) (iii) (c) (i)

Question 24.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

He screamed so loudly that the pigeons pecking (a) ____________the scattered grains in (b) ____________courtyard (c) _____________off in a flurry.

(a) (i) on (ii) at (iii) over (iv) in
(b) (i) the (ii) a (iii) an (iv) some
(c) (i) take (ii) takes (iii) took (iv) taking
(a) (ii) (b) (i) (c) (iii)

Question 25.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

Gavri was only eight years old, but (a) ____________mountain of family responsibilities had already (b)____________ (c) _____________her head.

(a) (i) a (ii) the (iii) an (iv) some
(b) (i) descend (ii) descending (iii) descended (iv) descends
(c) (i) over (ii) on (iii) above (iv) in
(a) (i) (b) (iii) (c) (ii)

Question 26.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

The mere mention of the Nobel Prize (a) ____________ visions (b) ____________ world famous scientists and economists. It is (c) ____________ most coveted individual award in the world.

(a) (i) creates (ii) create (iii) created (iv) creating
(b) (i) for (ii) of (iii) from (iv) over
(c) (i) a (ii) an (iii) some (iv) the
(a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iv)

Question 27.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

The use (a) ____________ computers has (b) ____________ so widespread that almost no field has been (c) ____________ untouched.

(a) (i) for (ii) on (iii) of (iv) from
(b) (i) becoming (ii) became (iii) becomes (iv) become
(c) (i) left (ii) leave (iii) leaving (iv) leaves
(a) (iii) (b) (iv) (c) (i)

Question 28.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options:

Dr. Diesel was (a) ____________ gifted engineer. He (b) ____________ highly practical and persevering in giving shape (c) ____________ his ideas.

(a) (i) an (ii) the (iii) a (iv) some
(b) (i) is (ii) was (iii) been (iv) were
(c) (i) over (ii) towards (iii) on (iv) to
(a) (iii) (b) (ii) (c) (iv)