The increasing size of the market is making more and more difficult forthe manufacturer or wholesalerto come in direct contact with customers living at far off distances. This has made imperative forhim to enter into an agreementwith areliable local trader who can sell goods on his behalf and athis (Principal) risk for an agreed amount of commission. Such a despatch of goods from one person to another person at a different place for the purpose of warehousing and ultimate sale is termed as consignment. Goods so sent are termed as ‘Goods sent on Consignment’,the sender is called”Consignor” and the recipient ‘Consignee.’
For example if A of Bombay sends 100 radio sets toBof Delhito sell on his (A’s) behalf and at his (A’s) risk, the transaction between A and B is a consignment transaction. A isthe consignor and B is the consignee.
It should be noted that in the above example, A continues to be the owner of the goods. B is simply an agent ofA. He has not purchased the goods. He has agreed to sell the goods ofA to the best of his ability and capacity. He will, therefore, be responsible to A for payment only when he has sold away the goods. Of course, he will be reimbursed by A for any expenses incurred by him in obtaining and selling the goods besides remuneration for selling the goods as per the agreed terms.