Topics For Informal Letter Writing For Class 7 Format, Examples, Exercises

Topics For Informal Letter Writing For Class 7 Format, Examples, Exercises


Informal letter writing is an essential skill that students must learn. It is an excellent way to convey your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to your friends, family, and pen-pals. Informal letters are personal, friendly, and written in an everyday language. They can be used to share news, express gratitude, apologize, offer advice, invite someone, or just keep in touch. In this article, we will provide you with a complete guide on informal letter writing for class 7, including format, examples, topics, and exercises.

Format Of Topics For Informal Letter Writing For Class 7:

The format of an informal letter is simple and straightforward. It consists of three parts:

1. Heading: It includes the writer’s address and the date. The address should be written in the top right corner, followed by the date below it. The address should include the writer’s name, street address, city, state, and postal code.
2. Salutation: It is the greeting that the writer uses to address the recipient. It should be followed by a comma. Common salutations include “Dear,” “Hi,” “Hello,” and “Hey.”
3. Body: It is the main part of the letter and contains the message that the writer wants to convey. The body should be divided into paragraphs, each covering a specific topic. The first paragraph should introduce the purpose of the letter, while the following paragraphs should expand on the topic.
4. Closing: It is the ending of the letter and includes a closing remark and the writer’s signature. Common closing remarks include “Yours truly,” “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” and “Love.” The writer’s name should be written below the closing remark, followed by their signature.

Also Read: Informal Letter Writing For Class 5 

Examples Of Topics For Informal Letter Writing For Class 7:

1. Letter to a friend:

Dear John,

How are you doing? It has been a while since we last spoke, and I thought I’d drop you a line. I have been doing well, and I hope you are too. I heard that you got a new job. Congratulations! I’m sure you’ll do great.

I wanted to tell you about my recent trip to Europe. It was amazing! I visited France, Italy, and Spain, and I loved every moment of it. The food, the people, and the sights were all incredible. I wish you could have been there with me.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and catch up. Let me know how things are going with you.

Take care,

2. Letter to a family member:

Dear Aunt Jane,

How are you doing? I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I wanted to thank you for the beautiful sweater you sent me for my birthday. It’s my favorite color, and it fits perfectly.

I also wanted to tell you about my recent trip to the beach. It was so much fun! We swam, sunbathed, and played beach volleyball. I even learned how to surf! I wish you could have been there with us.

I hope to see you soon. Let’s plan a family get-together soon.


Examples Of Topics For Informal Letter Writing For Class 7

3. Letter to a pen pal:

Dear Emma,

Greetings from India! I hope this letter finds you well. I’m so excited to tell you about my country and our culture.

India is a land of diversity, with many different languages, religions, and customs. We celebrate many festivals throughout the year, such as Diwali, Holi, and Eid. Our food is also very diverse, with many different regional cuisines. Have you ever tried Indian food?

I’d love to hear more about your country and your experiences. Please write back soon.

Best regards,

Topics For Informal Letter Writing For Class 7:

1. Sharing news or updates about your life: You can write about recent events in your life, such as a new hobby you’ve picked up, a trip you went on, or a new skill you’ve learned.
2. Expressing gratitude: You can write a letter to someone to thank them for their kindness or support, such as a teacher who has helped you, a friend who has been there for you, or a family member who has supported you.
3. Apologizing: If you’ve done something wrong, you can write a letter to apologize to someone. This could be for something small, such as forgetting a friend’s birthday, or for something more significant, such as hurting someone’s feelings.
4. Offering advice: If someone you know is going through a tough time, you can offer them advice and support through a letter. You can share your own experiences and offer suggestions for how they can cope with their situation.
5. Inviting someone: You can use a letter to invite someone to an event or to visit you. This could be for a birthday party, a movie night, or just to catch up over coffee.
6. Sharing your opinion: You can use a letter to share your thoughts and opinions on a particular topic, such as a current event or a social issue that you care about.
7. Recommending something: If you’ve recently read a great book or watched a great movie, you can write a letter to a friend recommending it to them.
8. Sending well wishes: You can use a letter to send well wishes to someone who is going through a tough time, such as a friend who is sick or a family member who is going through a difficult time.

Exercises For Topics For Informal Letter Writing For Class 7:

1. Write a letter to a friend telling them about your summer vacation.
2. Write a letter to your parents thanking them for something they’ve done for you recently.
3. Write a letter to a teacher telling them about your favorite class and why you enjoy it.
4. Write a letter to a family member who lives far away, updating them on your life.
5. Write a letter to a pen pal in a different country, asking them about their culture and traditions.

Conclusion On Topics For Informal Letter Writing For Class 7:

Informal letter writing is an important skill that students must learn. It helps them to communicate effectively and build strong relationships with friends, family, and pen-pals. By following the format and examples provided in this article and practicing through exercises, students can become proficient in informal letter writing and enjoy the benefits of staying in touch with loved ones.