Noun Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers

Definition: A noun is a part of speech that is used to name a person, place, thing, quality, or action. Examples: Mango, girl, boy, cat, etc.

Any name given to a person, thing, animal or place is called a noun.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Noun Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers Pdf

Nouns are words used to refer to objects, places and living things. Some nouns also refer to feelings and emotions. Nouns can be divided into several categories:

  • Proper and Common Nouns
  • Countable and Uncountable Nouns
  • Abstract and Concrete Nouns
  • Collective Nouns

A noun is a naming word. It is the name of a person, place, thing or a state of being.

There are different kinds of nouns:

Common Noun:
A common noun is a general, ordinary name of a person, place, animal, thing or event. A list of Common Noun

  • Girl, boy, sister, brother, player, singer (Person)
  • Hospital, country, town, park, garden (Thing)
  • Bird, lion, elephant, hen, rabbit (animals and birds)
  • Cartoon show, concert, Football match (Animal)
  • Ship, book, house, bag, pen (things)

Proper Noun:
A name used for an individual person, place, or organization, spelled with an initial capital letter.

  • Arun, Akbar, Rajan, Mary (persons)
  • Sony Television, Lipton Tea (things)
  • Agra, Paris, Singapore (places)
  • Common wealth Games, Olympic Games (Events)

Collective Nouns:
Used for a collection of people or things.
A list of Collective Noun

  • a bunch of flowers
  • a flock of sheeps
  • a library of books.

Abstract Nouns:
Describes a concept, feeling or emotion.
A list of Abstract Noun

  • Childhood (the state of being a child)
  • Fighting (the action being involved in fight)
  • Richness (the state of being rich)
  • Flight (the action being involved in flying)

There are two numbers for nouns in English language.

  • Singular Number: A noun is said to be in the singular number, if it refers to one person, place or thing.
  • Plural Number: A noun is said to be in the plural number, if it refers to more than one person, place or thing

Formation of Plurals:
There are certain rules to change singular nouns to plural. Let us learn about them.


Train Trains
House Houses
Gas Gases
Dress Dress
Fly Flies
Baby Babies
Toy Toys
Valley Valleys
Shelf Shelves
Leaf Leaves

Noun Exercises With Answers for Class 7 CBSE

A. Underline the Common Nouns in the following sentences.

1. They arrived early but at the wrong station.
2. We counted only six different colours in the rainbow.
3. The man was trying to steal a horse with a cart full of apples.
4. They have gone to the zoo to see the black bear.

B. Underline the nouns in the following sentences.

1. The book was lying on the table.
2. Love begets love.
3. We cannot live without water.
4. Alcohol is injurious to health.
5. Smoking is a bad habit.
6. Wild animals live in forests.
7. All the girls were singing.
8. Gold is a precious metal.
9. Rice is the staple food of South Indians
10. Mankind should love nature.
11. We get wool from sheep.
1. The book was lying on the table.
2. Love begets love.
3. We cannot live without water.
4. Alcohol is injurious to health.
5. Smoking is a bad habit.
6. Wild animals live in forests.
7. All the girls were singing.
8. Gold is a precious metal.
9. Rice is the staple food of South Indians.
10. Mankind should love nature.
11. We get wool from sheep.

C. Form Abstract Nouns from the following words. The first one has been done for you.
1. man

2. know
3. long
4. brother
5. scholar
6. sell
7. strong
8. lose
9. king
10. think
11. wise
12. great

D. Fill in the blanks with Abstract noun.

1. The library is a completely silent place. The library is a place of complete _______________
2. The attic is a dirty room. The attic is filled with _______________
3. She was a famous singer. She first won _______________ as a singer.
4. I heard the joyful news. I could have shouted with _______________
5. The lake is deep. What is the _______________ of the lake?

E. Fill in each blank with the correct collective noun.

1. A _______________ of birds flew over our heads.
2. He saw a _______________ of roaring lions in his dream.
3. The farmer thinks he has the biggest _______________ of cattle in his farm.
4. He ate a _______________ of grapes all by himself.
5. Our friend likes to show off his _______________ of stamps.

F. Rewrite the following sentences in plural form.

1. A passerby stops to watch a dwarf performs a dance.
2. She likes to cook spicy octopus with tomato.
3. My mother-in-law owns a buffalo.
4. The trio has been playing a piano for an hour.
5. The child’s pet is a gold fish.

G.Choose the correct noun the given option and fill in the blank.

1. The cat is sitting on my _______ (bed/beds)
2. There are five _______ on my desk. (pencil pencils)
3. I have two _______ (sister/sisters)
4. They are riding their _______ (bike/bikes)
5. We have a _______ (dog/dogs)
6. How many _______ so you have in your bag? (book/books)
7. My mother has a new _______ (computer/computers)
8. There are three windows in the _______ (room/rooms)
9. Susan has four _______ on the floor. (pen/pens)
10. There is one _______ (poster/posters)
1. bed
2. pencils
3. sisters
4. bikes
5. dog
6. books
7. computer
8. room
9. posters
10. pen

H. Change the nouns in bold from the masculine to feminine. The first one has been done for you.

1. The manager is still a bachelor.
The manageress is still a spinster.

2. In the movie, the tiger was killed by the hero.
3. His son-in-law is a steward.
4. The count has one brother.
5. The author is writing a book about the emperor.

CBSE Class 7 English Grammar