Letter of Request Class 12 Format, Examples, Samples, Topics

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Letter of Request Class 12 Format, Examples, Samples, Topics

Letters of Request Format

Address Given
Examination Hall
Designation of the authority concerned
Name of department
Dear Sir
SubjectBody of letter

  • Introduction
  • Request for – What is required and why?
  • Statement of showing gratitude.

Yours faithfully

Letter of Request Questions with Answers Class 12 CBSE

Question 1.
You are living in a village along a national highway. The state roadways bus does not stop near your village. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the General Manager, State Roadways, requesting a bus stop for your village. Give all the reasons why you need a bus stop there. You are Omar/ Amna, Gopalpur, Dist. Ramnagar.
House No 32
District: Ram Nagar
Uttar Pradesh XXXXXX
20 March 2017
The General Manager
State Roadways
Gopalpur Depot
District: Ram Nagar
Uttar Pradesh XXXXXX

Dear Sir
Subject: Requirement of a bus stop

I am a resident of Gopalpur village and would like to bring to your notice that no state roadways bus stops near our village. Poor villagers have to walk nearly four kilometres every day to catch the bus from the nearest bus stop. It pains me to see the old and the sick walking in the scorching heat the distance to catch a bus. The other day an ailing child lost his life because too much time was wasted in commuting before he could be admitted to the hospital.

I request you to get a stop at my village which is along the national highway to alleviate the sufferings of the poor illiterate villagers. We shall remain grateful to you for this action.

Yours faithfully

Question 2.
You are Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ramnagar. The number of students in the computer class is increasing. Next year starting in April 2017, you will need 25 more computers in your lab. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the Commissioner, K.V. Sangathan asking for funds.
Kendriya Vidyalaya
Ram Nagar
Uttar Pradesh XXXXXX
21 March 20XX
The Commissioner
K.V. Sangathan
Old JNU Road
New Delhi 1100XX

Dear Sir
Subject: Request for release of funds

I would like to inform you that our school is growing by leaps and bounds and this year also as in the past, the number of students in the computer class has increased. In the coming session starting from April 20XX, we will require around 25 more computers for the computer lab to C meet the needs of each child.

Keeping in view how techno – sawy and quick to learn are the children of today and also not many days are left for the new session to begin, may I request you to have the funds for the purchase of computers released at the earliest from the headquarters of the Sangathan. I shall be grateful if this matter is given top priority.

Yours faithfully
Ashok Dhir

Question 3.
Mountview Public School, Kalka is run by an NGO to give quality education to the children of the deprived sections of society. The Principal of the school feels that blackboards in the classrooms need to be replaced. She decides to ask the chairperson of the NGO named ‘Education for All’ for funds. Write her letter in 120 – 150 words. Her name is Shweta Pandit.
The Principal
Mountview Public School
Himachal Pradesh
23 March 20XX
The Chairperson
Education for All (NGO)
Kalka (HP)

Dear sir
Subject: Grant of funds for replacement of Blackboards

I am writing this letter to seek a favour from you. There is no denying the fact that your NGO is doing a commendable job to give quality education to the children of the deprived sections of society. This effort is lauded by one and all. During my various rounds of the school, I notice that the class blackboards are not up to the mark and need to be replaced at the earliest. I request you to grant additional funds for the purchase of new blackboards to help the children to study in a congenial atmosphere.

Looking forward to a favourable reply and a speedy action.

Shweta Pandit

Question 4.
There is a senior secondary school running right in the middle of Manu Vihar, a middle – class colony full of housing society flats. In the morning as well as in the afternoon the road passing in front of the schpol is congested with school buses, mini buses, private cars, etc. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the Dy. Commissioner (Traffic) to provide at least two traffic police constables to regulate the traffic. You are Gautam/Gita, A – 21, Akashdeep Apartments, Manu Vihar, Delhi.
A – 21 Akashcleep Apartments
Manu Vihar
Delhi 1100XX
12 April 20XX
The Deputy Commissioner (Traffic)
Police Headquarters
Hauz Khas (Delhi)

Dear Sir
Subject: Posting of two constables to regulate the traffic.

I am a student of Senior Secondary School which is located right in the middle of Manu Vihar’s middle – class colony full of housing society flats. My concern is that the road in front of the school gets too congested in the morning as well as in the afternoon with school buses, private cars, mini buses, etc. causing a chaos and delays for hours on end. The situation is worsening day by day. May I request you to kindly post two constables to regulate the traffic during the said hours to ease the situation for the benefit of all. It will lead to reducing the traffic snarls, saving of time, no accidents and no frayed tempers.

Hoping for an immediate action.

Yours faithfully