Interview Writing For Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Interview Writing For Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises


Interview writing is a form of journalism where the interviewer questions and interviews the interviewee, who is usually an expert in their field. The interview can be conducted in person or through various mediums like email, phone, video, etc. Writing an interview requires the journalist to have good communication skills, the ability to ask relevant questions, and the ability to put the interviewee’s responses into a coherent narrative. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises related to interview writing.

Also Read: Report Writing Format Class 8 

Format of Interview Writing:

The format of an interview depends on the medium through which it is conducted. If it is an in-person interview, the journalist must record the conversation or take notes. If it is an email or phone interview, the journalist must have a set of questions prepared in advance.

The introduction should provide some background information about the interviewee, their area of expertise, and why the interview is being conducted. The introduction should be interesting enough to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read further.

The body of the interview should contain the questions asked by the journalist and the interviewee’s responses. The journalist should ensure that the questions are relevant to the interviewee’s area of expertise and that they are open-ended. Open-ended questions are those that require more than a one-word response and encourage the interviewee to elaborate on their answer. The journalist should also be an active listener and be able to ask follow-up questions to clarify any points the interviewee makes.

The conclusion should summarize the interviewee’s main points and provide some final thoughts. It can also include a call to action or a suggestion for further reading.

Format of Interview Writing

Examples of Interview Writing:

1. Interview with a Fashion Designer:

Introduction: Meet Sarah, a renowned fashion designer, who has been in the industry for over 10 years.

Journalist: What inspired you to become a fashion designer?
Sarah: I have always loved clothes and the way they can make a person feel. I wanted to create pieces that could make people feel confident and beautiful.
Journalist: What sets your designs apart from others in the industry?
Sarah: I think my designs are very feminine and romantic. I also use a lot of high-quality materials that give my pieces a luxurious feel.
Journalist: What is your advice for someone who wants to get into the fashion industry?
Sarah: My advice would be to study fashion design, intern with established designers, and always stay true to your own vision.

Conclusion: Sarah’s passion for fashion is evident in her beautiful designs. Her advice for aspiring designers is invaluable for anyone looking to break into the industry.

2. Interview with a Psychologist:

Introduction: Dr. Johnson is a respected psychologist who has been practicing for over 20 years.

Journalist: What made you want to become a psychologist?
Dr. Johnson: I have always been interested in human behavior and why people do the things they do. I wanted to help people understand their own behavior and improve their lives.
Journalist: What is the most common issue you see in your practice?
Dr. Johnson: The most common issue I see is anxiety. Many people are anxious about their jobs, relationships, and the state of the world. I work with my clients to help them manage their anxiety and develop coping skills.
Journalist: What is your advice for someone who is struggling with their mental health?
Dr. Johnson: My advice would be to seek professional help. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and there is no shame in seeking treatment.

Conclusion: Dr. Johnson’s insight into the field of psychology is invaluable. His advice for those struggling with mental health is important in today’s society.

Topics for Interview Writing:

  1. Celebrity interviews: Interviews with famous actors, musicians, and athletes are always popular and can provide insight into their lives and careers.
  2. Expert interviews: Interviews with experts in various fields like science, technology, finance, medicine, etc. can provide valuable information and knowledge to readers.
  3. Human interest interviews: Interviews with people who have interesting or unique stories to tell can capture readers’ attention and inspire them.
  4. Political interviews: Interviews with politicians or political analysts can provide insight into current events and issues.
  5. Entrepreneur interviews: Interviews with successful entrepreneurs can provide valuable insights into their success, strategies, and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Exercises for Interview Writing:

  1. Conduct an interview with someone in your community who has made a positive impact. This could be a teacher, volunteer, or community leader.
  2. Research an industry expert and prepare a set of questions to ask them about their field of expertise. Conduct the interview via email or phone.
  3. Conduct an interview with a family member or friend about a topic they are passionate about. This could be a hobby, a career, or a personal interest.
  4. Attend a local event and conduct interviews with attendees or organizers. This could be a festival, a fundraiser, or a community gathering.
  5. Choose a current event or issue and conduct interviews with people who have different perspectives on the topic. This could provide readers with a well-rounded understanding of the issue.


Interview writing is an important form of journalism that can provide valuable insights and knowledge to readers. A good interview requires preparation, communication skills, and the ability to ask relevant questions. The format of an interview can vary depending on the medium through which it is conducted, but it should always include an interesting introduction, relevant questions, and a coherent narrative. By practicing interview writing and conducting interviews with a variety of people, journalists can improve their skills and provide readers with informative and engaging content.