Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.
Homophones Exercises for Class 7 With Answers CBSE Pdf
Homophones are words that have same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings. For Examples:, ‘can’ – a container and ‘can’ – a modal verb are homophones.
Homophones Exercises With Answers Pdf for Class 7 CBSE
A. Circle the homophone that best fits the sentence.
- I had to (add/ad) the change before handing it to the customer.
1. My parents (allowed/aloud) me to watch a move with my friend.
2. I had (eight/ate) dollars left to play video games.
3. I kept getting a (not/knot) in my shoe after my basketball game.
4. My favorite team had (one/won) the world series.
5. We stayed at the (in/inn) overnight.
6. My mom waited for the (sale/sail) at the store before she went shopping.
7. My friend Sarika has (red/read) hair.
8. I felt (week/weak) after I worked the whole day.
B. Fill in the blanks with homophones to complete the sentences.
1. a. In the wake of the government’s economic policy, a wave of ____________ swept the country.
b. It is not safe to venture outside the building when lightening ____________
2. a. I feel lamina better ____________ of mind today.
b. You should ____________ clearly whatever you have in your mind.
3. a. The management took a ____________ decision by bringing in the new policy regarding maternity leave.
b. You need to take a ____________ turn from the park.
4. a. Anil goes to the ____________ for his evening walks.
b. I didn’t get any place to ____________ my car.
5. a. Jyoti works for a reputed law ____________ in Redmond.
b. I have a ____________ belief in God.
CBSE Class 7 English Grammar