English Writing Section Class 12 CBSE

English Writing Section Class 12 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Exercises


In order for pupils to succeed academically and professionally, writing is a critical talent. In the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) Class 12 English curriculum, the writing section holds significant importance. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the format, topics, examples, and exercises related to English writing in Class 12 CBSE.

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Format For English Writing Section Class 12 CBSE

The CBSE format for the English writing section in Class 12 includes various types of writing tasks such as article writing, letter writing, and speech writing. Each type has its own specific format and requirements.

Article Writing:
Article writing is a common task in the CBSE English writing section. It requires students to write informative and engaging articles on given topics. To excel in article writing, students should follow a proper format and structure.

Format and Structure

  1. Introduction: Begin the article with a captivating introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.
  2. Body: Divide the body into paragraphs, each discussing a specific point or subtopic.
  3. Conclusion: Conclude the article by summarizing the main points and providing a closing statement.

Tips for Effective Article Writing

  • Use a clear and concise writing style.
  • Maintain a logical flow of ideas throughout the article.
  • When presenting evidence and examples, make sure they are pertinent.
  • Verify the grammar and spelling of your essay.

Letter Writing:
Letter writing is another crucial component of the CBSE English writing section. It tests students’ ability to communicate effectively through written correspondence. There are different types of letters that students may be asked to write.

Format and Structure

  1. Sender’s address: Include your address at the top right corner.
  2. Date: Subsequent to the sender’s address, provide the date.
  3. Recipient’s address: Provide the recipient’s address below the date.
  4. Salutation: Begin the letter with an appropriate salutation.
  5. Body: Divide the body into paragraphs, each covering a specific point.
  6. Complimentary close: End the letter with a suitable closing phrase.
  7. Signature: Add your name under the kind close of the letter.

Speech Writing:
Speech writing is an essential skill that helps students effectively present their ideas and opinions in a structured manner. CBSE Class 12 English curriculum also includes speech writing tasks.

Format and Structure

  1. Introduction: Begin the speech with an attention-grabbing introduction.
  2. Body: Divide the body into sections, each addressing a specific point or argument.
  3. Conclusion: Summarize the main points and end the speech on a memorable note.

Tips for Effective Speech Writing

  • Use rhetorical devices like metaphors and analogies to make the speech more engaging.
  • Practice your speech to improve your delivery and timing.
  • To build a connection, keep your audience in your line of sight.
  • Use gestures and body language to enhance your presentation.

Examples Of English Writing Section Class 12 CBSE

Examples of Article Topics

  1. The Impact of Social Media on Society
  2. Importance of Physical Fitness in Student Life
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

Examples of Letter Topics

  1. Your opinions on the growing pollution levels in your city should be expressed in a letter to the editor.
  2. Send a letter to a buddy outlining your most recent trip to a significant location in history.
  3. Write a letter to the principal requesting permission to organize a school event.

Examples of Speech Topics

  1. Education’s Crucial Role in Creating the Future
  2. The Youth’s Role in Combating Climate Change
  3. Benefits of Volunteering in the Community

Examples Of English Writing Section Class 12 CBSE

Exercises to Improve English Writing Section Class 12 CBSE

To enhance English writing skills, Class 12 CBSE students can practice a variety of exercises and activities.

Practice with Sample Questions
Solving sample questions is an effective way to improve writing skills. Practice writing articles, letters, and speeches on different topics within the given time limits. Review your work, identify areas for improvement, and seek feedback from teachers or peers.

Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises
Strong grammar and vocabulary are essential for effective writing. Practice grammar exercises to improve sentence structure, punctuation, and usage of tenses. By acquiring new terms and their suitable usage, you may increase your vocabulary. Regular reading can also help develop a strong command of language.

Conclusion On English Writing Section Class 12 CBSE

Mastering English writing skills is crucial for Class 12 CBSE students. The format, topics, examples, and exercises discussed in this article provide a comprehensive understanding of the English writing section. By practicing these skills and techniques, students can enhance their writing abilities, thereby increasing their chances of success in both academic and professional endeavors.