Diary writing is the writing down of events, transactions and observations in a highly personalized manner. It is wrapped around creative thoughts and is basically the outpouring of what one feels or has experienced with regard to a particular stimulus. A diary can be written on a daily basis or at intervals, depending on the inclination of the writer.
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Diary Entry Class 8 English CBSE Format Example Questions
A Diary entry is an informal and personal form of writing. A diary’ entry can be based on personal experience, daily happenings, or any important event of personal or public life. Most of the great men keep diaries in which they record their daily happenings and other important activities. In other words, diaries give a glimpse of the past incidents of a person’s life. In fact, we come to know about the lives of great people through the information recorded in their diaries. Anne Frank is one such personality.
Anne Frank was born to Jewish parents in 1929 in Frankfurt. In 1933, her family fled from the terror of the National Socialists to Amsterdam. After the German troops invaded the Netherlands, Anne Frank and her family hid in the rear annex to a house in Amsterdam. There Anne Frank wrote her world-famous diary. Anne Frank died in 1945 at the age of 15. Fler diary was published after her death.
Guidelines for Writing a Diary
- A diary is generally written at night. This way the day’s happenings can be recorded.
- The language and tone is generally informal and personal.
- Personal pronouns can be used.
- A diary entry can include your personal secrets, joys, sorrows and fears. You should not allow anybody to read your diary as it is a record of your personal feelings and emotions.
Diary Entry Solved Example With Answer Class 8 CBSE
You are a resident of Kashmir’s famous Lai Bagh area. Recently your state suffered a lot due to heavy rainfall. As a result your area was flooded. You had to abandon your home and live in a relief camp. Many people were injured. Make a diary entry. Recording your experiences in the relief camp.
Thursday, 21st September, 20XX 10:00 pm
Dear diary, Simmi |
Diary Entry Practice Example Class 8 CBSE
1. Your father bought a new car one day. You all were very excited. He promised to take you to visit your grandparents coming Sunday. Share your experience, in the form of a diary entry describing your journey by a car.
CBSE Class 8 English Writing
- Message Writing for Class 8
- Notice Writing for Class 8
- Essay Writing for Class 8
- Paragraph Writing for Class 8
- Story Based On Visual Inputs For Class 8
- Email Writing for Class 8
- Diary Entry for Class 8
- Letter Writing Class 8
- Story Writing for Class 8
- Article Writing for Class 8
- Speech Writing for Class 8
- Dialogue Writing for Class 8