Conjunctions Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With AnswersA conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Conjunctions are considered to be invariable grammar particles, and they may or may not stand between items they conjoin. Conjunctions are words which join together words, sentences, and part of sentences.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 6 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other

Conjunctions Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With Answers Pdf

Words that help us join two or more sentences or two more sets of words are called conjunctions. Let us look at a few examples of conjunctions.

Or is used to introduce options or to show consequences. It is also used in negative sentences to mention two or more things.

  • She can watch TV or play badminton.
  • Study hard or you will fail.
  • Ruata cannot sing or dance. (If it was a positive sentence, it would have read: Ruata can sing and dance.)

We use and to add something more to what we have said or to combine two similar sentences.

  • Father came home. Father began to cook.
  • Father came home and began to cook.
  • Kima is playing football. Sasha is playing football.
  • Kima and Sasha are playing football.
  • Mother was sitting on that chair. Mother was knitting.
  • Mother was sitting on that chair and knitting.

We use but to bring two contrasting ideas together, when the second part is different from the first..

  • Harry’s speech was long but it was very amusing.
  • Shanu wanted to borrow the book but it was with someone else.
  • Rose wanted to watch TV but there was no electricity.
  • Sanga went to buy some eggs but the store had run out of them.

Either … Or/Neither … Nor
These are used to present two options. Either … or is used when one of the options has to be valid. Neither … nor is used when both the options are invalid.

  • You can either stay at home or come with me.
  • Neither Ram nor Sam has a car.

Though/Although/Even Though
Like but, these conjunctions are used to indicate contrast. They can come at the beginning or between the two parts of the sentence.

  • Though she was tired, she cooked a meal for us. Although she is rich, she is miserly.
  • She is rich but she is miserly. Even though you hate mathematics, you have to do these sums.

Read the picture story.

A. Answer the following questions as per the story.

1. Describe neighbor’s kitchen?
2. What is the most challenging situation for mice?
3. What do mice experience in the narrator’s kitchen?

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunction from the brackets.

Question 1.
Meera can either stay with her aunt in Delhi ………………………… (and/or) she can stay with her friends.

Question 2.
Kima is kind to dogs ………………………… (though/or) she is not too fond of them.

Question 3.
I bought the T-shirt ………………………… (though/because) it was cheap. I did not have a lot of money.

Question 4.
The bottle slipped from my hands ………………………… (and/or) fell to the floor ………………………… (but/or) it did not break.
and, but

Question 5.
I switched on the computer ………………………… (because/but) it did not start.

Conjunctions Practice Exercises for Class 6 CBSE

A. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate coordinating conjunction.

1. They were poor, _________ often suffered great hardship.
2. He overslept _________ thus missed the train.
3. That coat cannot be mine, _________ it is too big for me.
4. As a boy he had never been to school, and _________ he had no opportunity of learning to read and write.
5. This must not happen again, _________ you will be dismissed.
6. He is rich, _________ he is not happy.
7. Hurry up, _________ you will be late.
8. He must have done his duty, _________ he is a conscientious man.
9. He tried hard, _________ he did not succeed.
10. The parents were horrified _________ they saw blood stains on the floor and no sign of their child.

B. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate subordinating conjunction.

1. I make it a point to visit the Taj Mahal _________ I go to Agra.
2. This is the place _________ I used to stay when I was studying at college.
3. _________ you get the first rank, I will buy you a car.
4. _________ you work hard, you can’t pass the entrance test.
5. I am leaving tomorrow _________ or not you give me the permission.
6. He could not get a seat, _________ he came early.
7. The players delivered a splendid performance _________ they had rehearsed well.
8. Parents should give enough attention to children _________ they will not feel neglected.
9. He is _________ dishonest _________ no one trusts him.
10. I will note it down _________ I should forget.

C. Fill in the blanks with suitable correlative conjunction.

1. You must _________ obey me _________ quit.
2. He is _________ a journalist _________ a statesman.
3. _________ you _________ he will have to do this job.
4. I will _________ obey you _________ quit.
5. _________ he worked hard _________ he couldn’t pass.
6. You can have _________ tea _________ coffee.
7. I don’t know _________ she would come _________ not.
8. He teaches _________ mathematics, _________ history.
9. _________ the ministers _________ their colleagues visited the site.
10. She was _________ beautiful _________ intelligent.

D. Join each pair of the following sentences by means of a suitable conjunction.

1. John exercises. His brother does not exercise.
2. Anita hasn’t come. Maya hasn’t come.
3. She speaks English. She speaks Spanish.
4. I like him. He is very sincere.
5. He did not win. He worked hard.
6. She is ill. She is cheerful.
7. We decided to go out. It was raining.
8. The piper played. The children danced.
9. James works hard. His brother is lazy.
10. I went to the shop. I bought some vegetables.
11. You must start at once. You will be late.
12. He must be tired. He has been working since morning.

E. Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions given below. Use each conjunction only
1. She stole the money ___________ her brother needs to pay his school fees.
2. ___________ we were in New Zealand, we visited many orchards.
3. ___________ I am on leave tomorrow, there will be no English lesson.
4. He came home dripping wet ___________ it was raining heavily at school.
5. ___________ I was passing his house, I heard a loud scream.
6. ___________ the teacher was busy writing on the board, the students at the back of the class were talking rather loudly.

F. Complete the following sentences using suitable conjunction. The first one has been done for you. .

1. He was old and weak yet there was no one to look after him.

2. My mother ___________ ___________ gave me a birthday present ___________ ___________ some money ___________ ___________ I could buy myself a new dress.

3. His father beat him, ___________ he ___________ cried ___________ uttered a sound ___________ he was used to frequent beatings.

4. ___________ we found that wemiight be late, we took a taxi ___________ ___________ we might reach the cinema on time.

5. That old man had expected free treatment ___________ he waspoon, ___________ he was shocked when he was given a bill for thirty dollars. He was ___________ upset ___________ he really cried.

6. You’d better work hard ___________ you’ll fail, ___________ do not study ___________ hard ___________ your health suffers. You should work ___________ play according to a planned routine.

7. Mona, _________ ___________ ___________ her sister, is in the choir. They can sing ___________ ___________ in English ___________ French ___________ in Chinese ___________ Japanese.

8. You can ___________ ride the motorcycle ___________ drive the car. ___________ you’d better take the motorcycle ___________ part of the road is blocked.

9. He wanted to do odd jobs ___________ ___________ ___________ he might save some money ___________ no one was willing to employ him ___________ they thought that he was dishonest.

10. ___________ you were too lazy to bring your own umbrella, I have a mind to let you walk home in the rain ___________ this time you may share my umbrella ___________ don’t let there be a next time.

G. Choose the correct conjunction for the following sentences.

1. He is old (and, but) he is still active.
2. Amitabh waited for Abhishek for more than an hour. (Since, However), Abhishek did not turn up.
3. Mr. Khapna could not recognise me, (if, as) he has not seen me for three years.
4. Please do not call me at home (so, unless) it is an emergency.
5. The coach (besides, as well as) his players are confident of winning the game tonight.