Articles are used to indicate the number of singular nouns (a, an) and to specify which noun is being talked about (the). A and an are indefinite articles. They are used to refer to a singular countable noun in general or for the first time.
Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 8 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.
Exercise on Articles for Class 8 CBSE With Answers
An article is a piece of writing usually intended for publication in a newspaper or a magazine. It is written for a wide audience, so it should be written in an interesting manner so as to hold the reader’s attention.
It may include descriptions, quotations and even amusing stories. It should give opinions, thoughts, and facts.
Before writing the article it is important to consider the following facts
1. Where is the article going to appear.
2. Who are the intended readers-Target Audience (children, teenagers, or the general public)
3. What is the aim of the article.
4. The style, language and level of the article should be kept in mind.
5. Ideas should be carefully organised into paragraphs.
6. Appropriate vocabulary and language should be used.
Purposes of Writing an Article
The main purposes of writing an article are as follows
1. To express personal opinion.
2. To provide information on a variety of themes.
Points to be Remembered While Writing an Article
An article consists of
- An introduction which clearly defines the topic and keeps the reader’s attention at the same time. It can include a slogan, a question, an amazing fact, a figure or a statement.
- The main body can have two or more paragraphs. Causes, effects, and present state of affairs can be included in the main body.
- The conclusion should summarise and close the topic. It should include solutions and conclusions.
Articles Exercises Solved Example With Answer for Class 8 CBSE
Write an article on the topic ‘Impact of Social Media on Student’s Life’.
Impact of Social Media on Student’s Life Online social networks are created by websites such as Facebook, which has emerged as a giant in this social world. So how do these networks affect our education? How do they influence the lives of students? As of 2015 the world’s largest social networking company, Facebook. As per the survey conducted by Pew Research Center, 72 percent of high school and 78 percent of college students spend time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networking sites. These numbers indicate how much the student community is involved in this virtual world of social networking. Actually, there are many factors that explain why students love to spend time socialising. Firstly, social networks provide them the freedom to do whatever they want – to upload what they want and talk to whom they want. They like to make new friends and share their experiences with different people. Students can create other online identities that the real world does not allow. The freedom it gives them to act just by sitting in front of a computer enthralls them. Our students have become prone to frequent fluctuations in the mood a recent survey has stated that whenever someone uploads a profile picture, it immediately affects the moods of his/her friends. It often produces stress, anxiety or fear about their identities as people. The most important things in a student’s life are studying, learning good habits, and gaining knowledge to become a person with a strong moral character. But today, as we see in various studies, this learning process is seriously jeopardised by students becoming entrapped by the ploys of social networking. Getting too involved in social media can lead to an addiction. Students prefer to chat with friends for hours, and this leads to a wastage of time that could have been used for studying, playing, or learning new skills. Considering all of the above pros and cons, it is necessary to develop certain regulations over the use of such social networking sites, especially for high school and college students. |
Articles Exercises Practice Example for Class 8 CBSE
A. Corruption is an unethical act performed by a group of people using the power of position or authority to acquire personal benefits. It is a social issue which adversely affects the economy of the nation. In light of the above statement, write an article on ‘Corruption – An Unethical Act’ in not more than 150 words.
CBSE Class 8 English Grammar
- Data Interpretation English Grammar Class 8
- Adverb Exercises for Class 8
- Preposition Exercise for Class 8
- Conjunction Exercise for Class 8
- Sentence Transformation Class 8
- Interjections Exercises for Class 8
- Tenses Exercise for Class 8
- Active And Passive Voice Exercises for Class 8
- Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8