Cubes, Perfect Cubes and Properties of Cubes of Numbers



The cube of a number is the number raised to the power 3. Thus,
cube of 2 = \( { 2 }^{ 3 } \) = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8,
cube of 5 = \( { 2 }^{ 3 } \) = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125.

Perfect Cube

We know that \( { 2 }^{ 3 } \) = 8, \( { 3 }^{ 3 } \) = 27, \( { 26}^{ 3 } \) = 216, \( { 7 }^{ 3 } \) = 343, \( { 10 }^{ 3 } \)= 1000.
The numbers 8, 27, 216, 343, 1000, … are called perfect cubes. A natural number is said to be a perfect cube, if it is the cube of some natural number, i.e.,
A natural number n is a perfect cube if there exists a natural number m such that  m X m X m = n.

Procedure :

Step I- Obtain the natural number.

Step II- Express the given natural number as a product of prime factors.

Step III- Group the factors in triples in such a way that all the three factors in each triple are equal.

Step IV- If no factor is left over in grouping in step III, then the number is a perfect cube, otherwise not.

Illustrative Examples :

Example 1: Show that 729 is a perfect cube.
Solution. Resolving 729 into prime factors, we have
729 =3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3
Here, we find that the prime factor 3 of the given number can be grouped into triplets and no factor is left out. Hence, 729 is a perfect cube.
Also, 729 is the cube of 3 x 3, i.e., 729 = \( { (9) }^{ 3 } \)•

Example 2: What is the smallest number by which 1323 may be multiplied so that the product is a perfect cube?
Solution. Resolving 1323 into prime factors, we have
1323 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7
Since one more 7 is required to make a triplet of 7, the smallest number by which 1323 should be multiplied to make it a perfect cube is 7.

Example 3: What is the smallest number by which 1375 should be divided so that the quotient may be a perfect cube?
Solution. Resolving 1375 into prime factors, we have
1375 = 5 x 5 x 5 x 11
The factor 5 makes a triplet, and 11 is left out. So, clearly 1375 should be divided by 11 to make it a perfect cube.

Properties of Cubes of Numbers

1. Cubes of all odd natural numbers are odd. Thus  \( { 3 }^{ 3 } \) = 27, \( { 5 }^{ 3 } \) = 125, \( { 7 }^{ 3 } \) = 343, \( { 9 }^{ 3 } \) = 729, etc.


2. Cubes of all even natural numbers are even. Thus \( { 2 }^{ 3 } \) = 8, \( { 4 }^{ 3 } \) = 64, \( { 6 }^{ 3 } \) = 216, \( { 8 }^{ 3 } \) = 512, etc.

3. The cube of a negative integer is always negative
e.g.,  \( { (-1) }^{ 3 } \) = (—1)x (—1) x (—1) = (1) x (—1) = —1.
\( { (-2) }^{ 3 } \) = -2 x -2 x -2 =(-2 X -2) X -2 = 4 X —2 = -8.


4. For any rational number \( \frac { a } { b } \), we have \( { (\frac { a } { b } ) }^{ 3 }=(\frac { { a }^{ 3 } } { { b }^{ 3 } } ) \).
Thus, \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 3 } ) }^{ 3 }=(\frac { { 2 }^{ 3 } }{ { 3 }^{ 3 } } ) \) = \( \frac { 8 }{ 27 } \) .

\( { (\frac { -4 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 }=(\frac { { (-4) }^{ 3 } }{ { 5 }^{ 3 } } ) \) = \( \frac { -64 }{ 125 } \) .

5. The sum of the cubes of first n natural numbers is equal to the square of their sum. That is,

\( { 1 }^{ 3 } \) + \( { 2 }^{ 3 } \) + \( { 3 }^{ 3 } \) … + \( { n }^{ 3 } \) = \( { (1 + 2 + 3+ … + n) }^{ 2 } \)

6. Cubes of the numbers ending in digits 1, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are the numbers ending in the same digit. Cubes of numbers ending in digit 2 ends in digit 8 and the cube of numbers ending in digit 8 ends in digit 2. The cubes of the numbers ending in digits 3 and 7 ends in digit 7 and 3 respectively.

Force – Important Questions

Q1: Fill in the blanks in the following statements:

(a) To draw water from a well, we have to ………. at the rope.

(b) A charged body ………. an uncharged body towards it.

(c) To move a loaded trolley, we have to ………. it.

(d) The north pole of a magnet ………. the north pole of another magnet.


(a) apply force (lift)                 (b) attracts

(c) pull / push                          (d) repels.

Q2: An archer stretches her bow while taking aim at the target. She then releases the arrow, which begins to move towards the target. Based on this information fill up the gaps in the following statements using the following terms:

muscular, contact, non-contact, gravity, friction, shape, attraction.

(a) To stretch the bow, the archer applies a force that causes a change in its ………. .

(b) The force applied by the archer to stretch the bow is an example of ………. force.

(c) The type of force responsible for a change in the state of motion of the arrow is an example of a ………. force.

(d) While the arrow moves towards its target, the forces acting on it are due to ………. and that due to ………. of air


(a) shape

(b) muscular

(c) non-contact

(d) gravity, friction.

Q3: In the following situations identify the agent exerting the force and the object on which it acts. State the effect of the force in each case.

(a) Squeezing a piece of lemon between the fingers to extract its juice.

(b) Taking out paste from a toothpaste tube.

(c) A load suspended from a spring while its other end is on a hook fixed to a wall.

(d) An athlete making a high jump to clear the bar at a certain height.


S. No.

Agent exerting the force

Object on which it acts

Form of affect



(i) Lemon as whole
(ii) Juice in side

Change in shape
Change in state of motion



(i) Tube as whole
(ii) Paste in side

Change in shape Change in state of motion




Change in shape


Ground from which athlete takes jump

Athlete itself

Change in state of motion


Q4: An inflated balloon was pressed against a wall after it has been rubbed with a piece of synthetic cloth. It was found that the balloon sticks to the wall. What force might be responsible for the attraction between the balloon and the wall?

Ans. Electrostatic force.

Q5: When we press the bulb of a dropper with its nozzle kept in water, air in the dropper is seen to escape in the form of bubbles. Once we release the pressure on the bulb, water gets filled in the dropper. The rise of water in the dropper is due to

(a) pressure of water.

(b) gravity of the earth.

(c) shape of rubber bulb.

(d) atmospheric pressure.

Ans. (a) pressure of water.

Q6: What is force?

Ans. A push or pull on an object is called a force.

Q7: Has force only magnitude or both direction and magnitude?

Ans. Force has both magnitude and direction.

Q8: What is the necessary condition for a force to come into play.

Ans. At least two objects must interact for a force to come into play.

Q9: We know that a force applied on an object causes either a change in its state of motion or its shape. Different types of events are listed in the following table. Tell the type of effect in each case.




Q10: Name the force responsible for the wearing out of bicycle tyres.

Ans. Force of friction.

Q11: What causes a change in the state of motion of an object?

Ans. The force of friction is responsible for change in the state of motion of an object.

Q12: What brings a ball rolling on the ground to rest gradually?

Ans. The force of friction between the surface of the ball and the ground brings the rolling ball to rest.

Q13: What force will you use to sort out pins easily from garbage? Whether it is a contact force or non-contact force?

Ans. Magnetic force act on to sort out pins and, it is a non-contact force.

Q14: When an object is thrown vertically upwards why does its speed decrease?

Ans. It’s speed decrease because the force of gravity opposes its upward motion.

Q15: What is electrostatic force?

Ans. The force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body is called electrostatic force.

Finding The S.P. When C.P. and Profit Or Loss Percent Are Given


Profit % = \(\frac{Profit}{ C.P.}\) x 100

Loss % = \(\frac{ Loss}{C.P.}\) x 100

S.P. = (\(\frac{100 + Profit \%}{ 100}\)) x C.P.

S.P. = (\(\frac{100 – Loss \%}{ 100}\)) x C.P.

Illustrative Examples

Example 1: Kirpal bought a certain number of apples at Rs 75 per score and sold them at a profit of 40%. Find the selling price per apple.

Solution. C.P. of one score i.e.,  20 apples = Rs 75, profit = 40%
S.P. of 20 apples= ( 1 + \(\frac{40}{100}\) )of Rs 75

= Rs ( \(\frac{140}{100}\) x 75 ) = Rs 105

S.P. of one apple = Rs \(\frac{105}{20}\)

= Rs \(\frac{21}{4}\) = Rs 5.25

Example 2: Bashir bought an article for Rs 1215 and spent Rs 35 on its transportation. At what price should he sell the article to have a gain of 16%?

Solution. The effective cost price of the article is equal to the price at which it was bought plus the transportation charge.

C.P. of the given article = Rs (1215 + 35) = Rs 1250
Gain percent = 16%

Gain = 16% of cost price = Rs (\(\frac{16}{100}\) x 1250) = Rs 200

S.P. = C.P. + Gain = Rs 1250 + Rs 200 = Rs 1450

Example 3: Krishnamurti bought oranges at Rs 5 a dozen. He had to sell them at a loss of 4%. Find the selling price of one orange.

Solution. We have, C.P. of one dozen oranges = Rs 5.

Loss percent = 4%

Loss = 4 % of Rs 5 = Re(\(\frac{4}{100}\) x 5) = Re (\(\frac{1}{5}\))

S.P. = C.P. — Loss = Rs (5 – \(\frac{1}{5}\)) = Rs \(\frac{24}{5}\)

Thus, S.P. of one dozen oranges = Rs \(\frac{24}{5}\)

Therefore, S.P.of an orange = Re (\(\frac{24}{5}\) x \(\frac{1}{12}\))
= Re \(\frac{2}{5}\)
= \(\frac{2}{5}\) x 100 paise
= 40 paise

Percentage Increase and Decrease And Percentage Change

Percentage Increase

To increase a quantity by a percentage find the percentage of the quantity and add it to the original quantity.

Example 1: Increase 320 by 20%.

Solution. 20% of 320 = \(\frac{ 20}{ 100}\) x 320 = 64

Therefore,            Increased amount = Rs 320 + Rs 64 = Rs 384.

Percentage Decrease

To decrease a quantity by a percentage, find the percentage of the quantity and subtract it from the original quantity.

Example 2: Decrease 120 by \(12\frac{1}{2}\) %.

Solution. \(12\frac{1}{2}\)% of 120

= Rs \(\frac{ 12.5}{ 100}\) of 120

= Rs \(\frac{ 125 }{ 10 * 100}\) x 120
= Rs 15

Therefore,       Decreased amount = Rs 120 — Rs15 = Rs 105.

Percentage Change


Percentage change = ( \(\frac{ Actual  change (Increase  or  Decrease)}{ Original  quantity}\) x 100) %

Percentage error = (\(\frac{ Error}{Actual Value}\) x 100) %


Example 3: Sabita’s weight decreased from 80 kg to 40 kg. Find the percentage decrease.

Solution. Decrease in weight = (80 — 40) kg = 40 kg.

Therefore,        % decrease = \(\frac{ 40}{ 80}\) x100% = 50%.

Example 4: The distance between two places was 200 km. It was measured as 300 km. Find the percentage error.

Solution. Error = 300 km — 200 km = 100 km.

Therefore,     %error = \(\frac{ error}{ actual value}\) x 100%

= \(\frac{ 100}{ 200}\) x 100 = 50%.

Atoms and Molecules – Very Short Answer Questions

Q1. Name the smallest particle that has all the properties of an element.

Ans. Atom.

Q2. How many ions are present in one mole of ions?

Ans. 6.022 x \({10}^{23}\).

Q3. Write the names of symbols of elements where the symbols are taken from their names in English.

Ans. The symbols of the following elements have been taken from their names in English: Calcium (Ca), oxygen (0), zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg) etc.

Q4. What is an atom according to Dalton’s atomic theory?

Ans. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, an atom is the ultimate particle of matter which cannot be further divided into anything simpler than itself.

Q5. Carbon dioxide, collected from different sources contains carbon and oxygen in the same proportion. Which law of chemical combination governs this?

Ans. This is governed by law of constant proportions.

Q6. Give the chemical names and chemical formulae for the following compounds having common names:

Baking soda, washing soda, blue vitriol, green vitriol, gypsum, oil of vitriol or white vitriol, soda ash, marble, lime water


Common name

Chemical name

Chemical formula

Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate

\(NaHC{ O }_{ 3 }\)

Washing soda

Sodium carbonate

\(N{ a }_{ 2 }C{ O }_{ 3 }.10{ H }_{ 2 }O\)

Blue vitriol

Copper sulphate

\(CuS{ O }_{ 4 }.5{ H }_{ 2 }O\)

Green vitriol

Ferrous sulphate

\(FeS{ O }_{ 4 }.7{ H }_{ 2 }O\)


Calcium sulphate

\(CaS{ O }_{ 4 }.2{ H }_{ 2 }O\)

Oil of vitriol

Sulphuric acid

\({ H }_{ 2 }S{ O }_{ 4 }\)

Soda ash

Sodium carbonate

\(N{ a }_{ 2 }C{ O }_{ 3 }\)


Calcium carbonate

\(CaC{ O }_{ 3 }\)

Lime water

Calcium hydroxide

\(Ca({ OH) }_{ 2 }\)

Conversion Of A Percent Into A Fraction And Vice Versa

Steps involved in conversion of a per cent into a fraction

STEP I– Obtain the given per cent. Let it be x%.

STEP II– Drop the per cent sign (i.e %) and divide the number by 100. Thus, x% =  \(\frac{ x }{ 100 }\)

Illustration 1: Express the following per cents as fractions in the simplest forms:
(i) 57%            (ii) 36%             (iii) 115%
Solution. We have,

(i) 57% =  \(\frac{ 57 }{ 100 }\)
(ii) 36%=  \(\frac{ 36 }{ 100 }\) =  \(\frac{ 9 }{ 25 }\)
(iii) 115% =  \(\frac{ 115 }{ 100 }\) =  \(\frac{ 23 }{ 20 }\)

Illustration 2: Express each of the following per cents as fractions in the simplest
(i) 0.375%            (ii) 0.4%            (iii) 16%
Solution. We have,

(i) 0.375% = \(\frac{ 0.375 }{ 100 }\) =  \(\frac{ 375 }{ 100000 }\) =  \(\frac{ 3 }{ 800 }\)

(ii) 0.4% =  \(\frac{ 0.4 }{ 100 }\) =  \(\frac{ 4 }{ 1000 }\) =  \(\frac{ 1 }{ 250 }\)

(iii) \(16\frac{2}{3}\) = \(\frac{ 50 }{ 3 }\)% = \(\frac { \frac { 50 }{ 3 }  }{ 100 } \) = \(\frac{ 50}{ 3 }\) x \(\frac{ 1 }{ 100 }\) = \(\frac{ 1 }{ 6 }\)

Steps involved in conversion of a fraction into a percent

STEP I– Obtain the fraction. Let it be \(\frac{ a }{ b }\)

STEP II- Multiply the fraction by 100 and put the per cent sign% to obtain the required  percent. Thus, \(\frac{ 4 }{ 5 }\) = ( \(\frac{ 4 }{ 5 }\) x 100)%

Illustration 1: Express each of the following fractions as per cents:

(i) \(\frac{ 4 }{ 5 }\)    (ii) \(\frac{ 9 }{ 20 }\)    (iii) \(5\frac{1}{4}\)
Solution. We have,
(i) \(\frac{ 4 }{ 5 }\) = (\(\frac{ 4 }{ 5 }\)  x 100)% = 80%
(ii) \(\frac{ 9 }{ 20 }\) = (\(\frac{ 9 }{ 20 }\)  x 100)% = 45%
(iii) \(5\frac{1}{4}\) = \(\frac{ 21 }{ 4 }\) = (\(\frac{ 21 }{ 4 }\) x 100)% = 525%

Illustration 2: Express each of the following into per cents:

(i) 0.375         (ii) 0.005         (iii) 2.45
Solution. We have,

(i)  0.375 =  \(\frac{ 375 }{ 1000 }\)% = (\(\frac{ 375 }{ 1000 }\) x 100) = 37.5%

(ii)  0.005 = \(\frac{ 5 }{ 1000 }\) = (\(\frac{ 5 }{ 1000 }\) x 100)% = 0.5%

(iii)  2.45 = \(\frac{ 245 }{ 100 }\) = (\(\frac{ 245 }{ 100 }\) x 100)% = 245%

Laws of Exponents

First Law

If a is any non-zero rational number and m, n are natural numbers, then

\( { a }^{ m } \) x \( { a }^{ n } \) = \( { a }^{ m + n } \)
Generalised form of above law:

If a is a non-zero rational number and m, n, p are natural numbers, then,

\( { a }^{ m } \) x \( { a }^{ n } \) x \( { a }^{ p } \) = \( { a }^{ m + n + p } \)

Illustration : Simplify and write the answer of each of the following in exponential form:

(i) \( { 4 }^{ 2 } \) x \( { 4 }^{ 3 } \)        (ii) \( { 2 }^{ 2 } \) x \( { 2 }^{ 3 } \) x \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \)
(iii) \( { 6 }^{ x } \) x \( { 6 }^{ 3 } \)     (iv) \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 3 } \) x \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 6 } \)

Solution. Using first law of exponents, We have

(i) \( { 4 }^{ 2 } \) x \( { 4 }^{ 3 } \) = \( { 4 }^{ 2 + 3 } \) = \( { 4 }^{ 5 } \)

(ii) \( { 2 }^{ 2 } \) x \( { 2 }^{ 3 } \) x \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 2 + 3 + 4 } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 9 } \)

(iii) \( { 6 }^{ x } \) x \( { 6 }^{ 3 } \) = \( { 6 }^{ x + 3 } \)

(iv) \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 3 } \) x \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 6 } \)= \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 6 + 3 } \) = \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 9 } \)

Second Law

If a is any non-zero rational number and m and n are natural numbers such that m > n, then

\( { a }^{ m } \) \( \div \) \( { a }^{ n } \) = \( { a }^{ m – n } \) or \( \frac { { a }^{ m } }{ { a }^{ n } } \) = \( { a }^{ m – n } \)

Illustration : Simplify and write each of the following in exponential form:

(i) \( { 8 }^{ 6 } \) \( \div \) \( { 8 }^{ 3 } \)        (ii) \( { (-5) }^{ 10 } \) ÷ \( { (-5) }^{ 4 } \)
(iii) \( { (\frac { -3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 6 } \) ÷ \( { (\frac { -3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 } \)
Solution. Using second law of exponents, We have

(i) \( { 8 }^{ 6 } \) \( \div \) \( { 8 }^{ 3 } \)

= \( \frac { { 8 }^{ 6 } }{ { 8 }^{ 3 } } \)
=  \( { 8 }^{ 6 – 3 } \)
=  \( { 8 }^{ 3 } \)
(ii) \( { (-5) }^{ 10 } \) ÷ \( { (-5 )}^{ 4 } \)

= \( \frac { { (-5) }^{ 10 } }{ {(-5) }^{ 4 } } \)

= \( { (-5) }^{ 10 – 4 } \)
= \( { (-5) }^{ 6 } \)
(iii) \( { (\frac { -3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 6 } \) ÷ \( { (\frac { -3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 } \)

= \( { \frac { { (\frac { -3 }{ 5 }  })^{ 6 } }{ ({ \frac { -3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 } }  } \)
= \( { (\frac { -3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 6 – 3 } \)
= \( { (\frac { -3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 } \)

Third Law

If a is any rational number different from zero and m, n are natural numbers, then

\( { { (a }^{ m }) }^{ n }\quad =\quad { a }^{ m\quad \times \quad n }\quad =\quad { { (a }^{ n }) }^{ m } \)

Illustration: Simplify and write each of the following in exponential form:

(i) \( { { (3 }^{ 2 }) }^{ 4 }\quad \)    (ii) \( { { ((-2) }^{ 4 }) }^{ 2 }\quad \)
(iii) \( { { \{ (\frac { 3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 }\}  }^{ 4 } \)    (iv) \( { ({ 4 }^{ 2 }) }^{ 3 }\quad \) x \( ({ { 4}^{ 4 }) }^{ 2 }\quad \)
Solution. Using third law of exponents, We have

(i) \( { { (3 }^{ 2 }) }^{ 4 }\quad \)

= \( { 3 }^{ 2 \times 4 } \)
= \( { 3 }^{ 8 } \)
(ii) \( { { ((-2) }^{ 4 }) }^{ 2 }\quad \)

= \( { (-2) }^{ 4 \times 2 } \)

= \( { (-2) }^{ 8 } \)
(iii) \( { { \{ (\frac { 3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 }\}  }^{ 4 } \)

= \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 \times 4 } \)
= \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 12 } \)

(iv) \( { ({ 4 }^{ 2 }) }^{ 3 }\quad \)x \( { ({ 4}^{ 4 }) }^{ 2 }\quad \)

= \( ({ 4 }^{ 2 \times 3}) \) x \( ({ 4 }^{ 4 \times 2 }) \)
= \( { 4 }^{ 6 } \) x \( { 4 }^{ 8 } \)
= \( { 4 }^{ 6 + 8 } \)
= \( { 4 }^{ 14 } \)

Fourth Law

If a, b are non-zero rational numbers and n is a natural number, then

\( { a }^{ n } \) x \( { b }^{ n } \) = \( { (ab) }^{ n } \)
Generalised form of above law:

If a, b, c are non-zero rational numbers and n is a natural number, then

\( { a }^{ n } \) x \( { b }^{ n } \) x \( { c }^{ n } \) = \( {(abc)}^{ n } \)

Illustration: Express each of the following products of powers as the exponent of a rational number:

(i) \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \) x \( { 5 }^{ 4 } \)    (ii) \( {(-3) }^{ 3 } \) x \( { (-2) }^{ 3 } \)
(iii) \( { 3 }^{ 2 } \) x \( { x }^{ 2 } \) x \( { y }^{ 2 } \)    (iv) \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 2 } \) x \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 2 } \)
Solution. We have,

(i) \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \) x \( { 5 }^{ 4 } \)

= \( { (2 \times 5 )}^{ 4 } \)
= \( { 10 }^{ 4 } \)
(ii) \( {(-3) }^{ 3 } \) x \( { (-2) }^{ 3 } \)

= \( { ((-3) \times (-2) )}^{ 3 } \)

= \( { 6 }^{ 3 } \)

(iii) \( { 3 }^{ 2 } \) x \( { x }^{ 2 } \) x \( { y }^{ 2 } \)

= \( {( 3 \times x \times y  )}^{ 2 } \)
= \( { (3xy) }^{ 2 } \)

(iv) \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 2 } \) x \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 2 } \)

= \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 }  }\times \frac { 2 }{ 5 } )^{ 2 } \)
= \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 2 } \)

Fifth Law

If a and b are non-zero rational numbers and n is a natural number, then

\( \frac { { a }^{ n } }{ { b }^{ n } } \) = \( { (\frac { a }{ b } ) }^{ n } \)

Illustration: Write each of the following in the form \(\frac{p}{q}\)

(i) \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 } \)    (ii) \( { (\frac { -3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 4 } \)
Solution. We have,

(i) \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 5 } ) }^{ 3 } \)

= \( \frac { { 2 }^{ 3 } }{ { 5 }^{ 3 } } \)
= \(\frac{2 \times 2 \times 2}{5 \times 5 \times 5 }\)
= \(\frac{8}{125}\)
(ii) \( { (\frac { -3 }{ 2 } ) }^{ 4 } \)

= \( \frac { { (-3) }^{ 4 } }{ { 2 }^{ 4 } } \)

= \(\frac{(-3) \times (-3) \times (-3) \times (-3)}{2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2}\)
= \(\frac{81}{16}\)

Illustrative Examples

Example 1: Use the laws of exponents to simplify the following :

(i) \( { [{ (2^{ 3 }) }^{ 4 }] }^{ 5 } \)    (ii) \( [{ { 3 }^{ 6 }\quad \div \quad { 3 }^{ 4 }] }^{ 3 } \)
(iii) \( { 81 }^{ -1 } \) x \( { 3 }^{ 5 } \)    (iv) \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 3 } ) }^{ 0 } \) + \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 3 } ) }^{ -2 } \)
Solution. We have,

(i) \( { [{ (2^{ 3 }) }^{ 4 }] }^{ 5 } \)

= \( { [{ 2^{ 3 \times 4 }}] }^{ 5 } \)
= \( { [{ 2^{ 12 }}] }^{ 5 } \)
= \( { [{ 2^{ 12 \times 5}}] } \)
= \( { 2 }^{ 60 } \)
(ii) \( [{ { 3 }^{ 6 }\quad \div \quad { 3 }^{ 4 }] }^{ 3 } \)

= \( { [ 3^{ 6 – 4 }]^3} \)

= \( { [{ 3^{ 2 }}] }^{ 3 } \)
= \( { 3 }^{ 2 \times 3 } \)
= \( { 3 }^{ 6 } \)

(iii) \( { 81 }^{ -1 } \) x \( { 3 }^{ 5 } \)

= \( { { (3 }^{ 4 }) }^{ -1 }\quad \) x \( { 3 }^{ 5 } \)
= \( { 3 }^{ -4 + 5 } \)
= \( { 3 }^{ 1 } \)
= 3

(iv) \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 3 } ) }^{ 0 } \) + \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 3 } ) }^{ -2 } \)

= 1 + \( { \frac { 1 }{ ({ \frac { 2 }{ 3 } ) }^{ 2 } }  } \)
= \( { \frac { 1 }{ \frac { { 2 }^{ 2 } }{ { 3 }^{ 2 } }  }  } \)
= \( { \frac { 1 }{ \frac { 4 }{ 9 }  }  } \)
= 1 + \(\frac{9}{4}\)
= \(\frac{13}{4}\)

Example 2: Simplify and write the answer in the exponential form:

(i) \( { ({ { 2 }^{ 5 }\quad \div \quad { 2 }^{ 8 }) }^{ 5 }\quad \times \quad { 2 }^{ -5 }\quad  } \)    (ii) \( { (-4) }^{ 3 } \) x \( { (5) }^{ -3 } \) x \( { (-5) }^{ -3 } \)


(i) We have,

\( { ({ { 2 }^{ 5 }\quad \div \quad { 2 }^{ 8 }) }^{ 5 }\quad \times \quad { 2 }^{ -5 }\quad  } \)
= \( { (\frac { { 2 }^{ 5 } }{ { 2 }^{ 8 } } ) }^{ 5 } \) x \( { (2) }^{ -5 } \)
= \( { { (2 }^{ 5 – 8 }) }^{ 5 } \) x \( { (2) }^{ -5 } \)
= \( { { (2 }^{ -3 }) }^{ 5 } \) x \( { (2) }^{ -5 } \)
= \( { (2) }^{ -3 \times 5 } \) x \( { (2) }^{ -5 } \)
= \( { (2) }^{ -15 } \) x \( { (2) }^{ -5 } \)
= \( { (2) }^{ -15-5 } \) = \( { (2) }^{ -20 } \)

(ii) We have,

\( { (-4) }^{ 3 } \) x \( { (5) }^{ -3 } \) x \( { (-5) }^{ -3 } \)
= \( { [-4 \times 5 \times (-5)] }^{ -3 } \)
= \( { (100) }^{ -3 } \)
= \( { { (10 }^{ 2 }) }^{ -3 }\quad \)
= \( { (10) }^{ 2 \times -3 } \) = \( { (10) }^{ -6 } \)

Example 3: Simplify

(i) \( { ({ { 4 }^{ -1 } \div  { 3 }^{ -1 }) }^{ -2 }} \)    (ii) \( { ({ { 5 }^{ 3 } \times  { 3 }^{ -1 }) }^{ -1 }} \) ÷ \( { 6 }^{ -1 } \)


(i) \( { ({ { 4 }^{ -1 } \div  { 3 }^{ -1 }) }^{ -2 }} \)

=  \( { (\frac { 1 }{ 4 } \times \frac { 3 }{ 1 } ) }^{ -2 } \)

=  \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 4 })^{-2}} \)

= \( { (\frac { 4 }{ 3 })^{2}} \)

= \(\frac{16}{9}\)

(ii) \( { ({ { 5 }^{ -1 } \times  { 3 }^{ -1 }) }^{ -1 }} \) ÷ \( { 6 }^{ -1 } \)

= \( { (\frac { 1 }{ 5 } \times \frac { 1 }{ 3 } ) }^{ -1 } \) ÷ \(\frac{1}{6}\)

= \( { (\frac { 1 }{ 15 })^ {-1} } \) ÷ \(\frac{1}{6}\)

= \(\frac{15}{1}\) ÷ \(\frac{1}{6}\)

= \(\frac{15}{1} \times \frac{6}{1}\)

= 90

Example 4: Find the value of m if \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {3} } \) x \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {-6} } \) = \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {2m-1} } \)


\( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {3} } \) x \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {-6} } \) = \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {2m-1} } \)

=>    \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {3+(-6)} } \) = \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {2m-1} } \)

=>    \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {-3} } \) = \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 9 })^ {2m-1} } \)

In an equation, when bases on both sidess are equal, their powers must also be equal.

Therefore, 2m – 1 = -3 or 2m = -3 + 1

=>    2m = -2

=>    m = \(\frac{-2}{2}\) = –1

Example 5: What number should \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 3 })^ {-2} } \) be multiplied so that the product is \( { (\frac { 4 }{ 27 })^ {-1} } \) ?


\( x \) x \( { (\frac { 2 }{ 3 })^ {-2} } \)  = \( { (\frac { 4 }{ 27 })^ {-1} } \)

=>    \( x \) x  \( { (\frac { 3 }{ 2 })^ {2} } \) = \(\frac{27}{4}\)

=>    \( x \) x \(\frac{9}{4}\) = \(\frac{27}{4}\)

=>    \( x \) = \(\frac{27}{4}\) x \(\frac{4}{9}\)

=>    \( x \) = 3.

Hence, the required number is 3.

Example 6: Simplify

\( \frac { { 12 }^{ 4 }\times { 9 }^{ 3 }\times 4 }{ { 6 }^{ 3 }\times { 8 }^{ 2 }\times 27 } \)
Solution.    We have,

\( \frac { { 12 }^{ 4 }\times { 9 }^{ 3 }\times 4 }{ { 6 }^{ 3 }\times { 8 }^{ 2 }\times 27 } \)
= \( \frac { ({ 2 }^{ 2 }\times 3)^{4} \times ({ 3 }^{ 2 }) ^ {3} \times {2}^{2} }{ { {2}^ {3}\times 3 }^{ 3 }\times ({ 2 }^{ 3 })^{2}\times {3}^{3}) } \)
= \( \frac { { ({ 2 }^{ 2 }) }^{ 4 }\times { 3 }^{ 4 }\times { ({ 3 }^{ 2 }) }^{ 3 }\times { 2 }^{ 2 } }{ ({ 2 }^{ 3 }\times { 3 }^{ 3 })\times { { (2 }^{ 3 }) }^{ 2 }\times { 3 }^{ 3 } } \)
= \( \frac { { 2 }^{ 8 }\times { 3 }^{ 4 }\times {3}^{6} \times {2}^{2} }{ { 2 }^{ 3 }\times { 3 }^{ 3 }\times {2}^{6} \times {3}^{3} } \)
= \( \frac { ({ 2 }^{ 8 }\times { 2 }^{ 2 } )\times ({3}^{6} \times {3}^{4}) }{ ({ 2 }^{ 3 }\times { 2 }^{ 6 }\times ({3}^{3} \times {3}^{3}) } \)
= \( \frac { { 2 }^{ 8+2 }\times { 3 }^{ 4+6 } }{ { 2 }^{ 3+6 }\times { 3 }^{ 3+3 } } \)
= \( \frac { { 2 }^{ 10 }\times { 3 }^{ 10 } }{ { 2 }^{ 9 }\times { 3 }^{ 6 } } \)
= \( \frac { { 2 }^{ 10 } }{ { 2 }^{ 9 } } \) x \( \frac { { 3 }^{ 10 } }{ { 3 }^{ 6 } } \)
= \( { 2 }^{ 10-9 } \) x \( { 3 }^{ 10-6 } \)
= \( { 2 }^{ 1 } \) x \( { 3 }^{ 4 } \)
= 2 x 81 = 162

Example 7: Find the values of n in each of the following:

(i) \( { ({ 2 }^{ 2 }) }^{ n } \) = \( { ({ 2 }^{ 3 }) }^{ 4 } \)    (ii) \( { 2 }^{ 5n } \) ÷ \( { 2 }^{ n } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \)


(i) We have,

\( { ({ 2 }^{ 2 }) }^{ n } \) = \( { ({ 2 }^{ 3 }) }^{ 4 } \)
=>    \( { 2 }^{ 2n } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 3 \times 4 } \)

=>    \( { 2 }^{ 2n } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 12 } \)

=>    2n = 12        [On equating the exponents]

=>    n = \(\frac{12}{2}\) = 6

(ii) We have,

\( { 2 }^{ 5n } \) ÷ \( { 2 }^{ n } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \)
=>    \( \frac { { 2 }^{ 5n } }{ { 2 }^{ n } } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \)

=>    \( { 2 }^{ 5n-n } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \)    [since, \( \frac { { a }^{ m } }{ { a }^{ n } } \) = \( { a }^{ m-n } \) ]

=>    \( { 2 }^{ 4n } \) = \( { 2 }^{ 4 } \)

=>     4n = 4         [On equating the exponents]

=>    n = \(\frac{4}{4}\) = 1

Example 8: If \({25}^{n-1}\) + 100 = \({5}^{2n-1}\), find the value of n.

Solution.    We have,

\({25}^{n-1}\) + 100 = \({5}^{2n-1}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n-1}\) – \({5}^{2n-1}\) = 100

=>    \( \frac { { 5 }^{ 2n } }{ { 5} } \) – \( \frac { { 25 }^{ n } }{ { 25} } \) = \({10}^{2}\)

=>    \( \frac { { 5 }^{ 2n } }{ { 5} } \) – \( \frac { ({ 5 } ^{2})^{ n } }{ { 25} } \) = \( ({2 \times 5}) ^{2}\)

=>    \( \frac { { 5 }^{ 2n } }{ { 5} } \) – \( \frac { { 5 }^{ 2n } }{ { 25} } \) = \({2}^{2} \times {5}^{2}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) x \(\frac{1}{5}\) – \( \frac { { 5 }^{ 2n } }{ { 25} } \) = \({2}^{2} \times {5}^{2}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) x \((\frac{1}{5})\) – \( \frac { { 5 }^{ 2n } }{ { 25} } \) = \({2}^{2} \times {5}^{2}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) x \((\frac{5 – 1}{25})\) = \({2}^{2} \times {5}^{2}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) x \((\frac{4}{25})\) = \({2}^{2} \times {5}^{2}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) x \( \frac { { 2 }^{ 2 } }{ { 5 }^{ 2 } } \) = \({2}^{2} \times {5}^{2}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) x \({2}^{2}\) = \({2}^{2} \times {5}^{2} \times {5}^{2}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) = \( \frac { { 2 }^{ 2 } \times {5}^{2} \times {5}^{2} }{ { 2 }^{ 2 } } \)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) = \({2}^{2 – 2}\) x \({5}^{2 + 2}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) = \({2}^{0}\) x \({5}^{4}\)

=>    \({5}^{2n}\) = \({5}^{4}\)

=>    2n = 4     [On equating the exponents]

=>    n = \(\frac{4}{2}\) = 2

Pressure – Important Questions

Q1: Write the unit of pressure?

Ans. Newton per square metre.

Q2: Do liquids also exert pressure?

Ans. Yes, liquids also exert pressure. When a liquid is put in a vessel it exerts pressure on its bottom and wall.

Q3: What is gas pressure?

Ans. The outward force per unit area of the walls is called gas pressure.

Q4: What is atmospheric pressure?

Ans. The pressure exerted by the atmospheric air is known as atmospheric pressure.

Simple Interest


Principal: The money borrowed (lent or invested) is called principal.

Interest: The additional money paid by the borrower to the moneylender in lieu of the money used by him is called interest.

Amount: The total money paid by the borrower to the moneylender is called amount.

Thus, amount = principal + interest

Rate: It is the interest paid on Rs 100 for specified period.

For example:
(i) Rate of 6% per annum means that the interest paid on Rs 100 for one year is Rs 6

(ii) Rate of 1.25% per month means that the interest paid on Rs 100 for one month is Rs 1.25

(iii) Rate of 2.5% per quarterly means that the interest paid on Rs 100 for 3 months is Rs 2.5

However, if the time period for the interest rate is not given, then we shall take the time period as one year.

Time: It is the time for which the money is borrowed (or invested).

Simple interest: It is the interest calculated on the original money (principal) at given rate of interest for any given time.

Following example explains the above terms :

Vijay borrowed Rs 10,000 from a credit society for 1 year. At the end of 1 year, he was required to return Rs 11,200 instead of Rs 10,000 which he borrowed.

Why did Vijay not return the same amount of money i.e., Rs 10,000 which he borrowed?

Why was he required to pay Rs 1200 extra to the credit society?

Vijay was required to pay Rs 1200 extra to the credit society because he used the credit society’s money (Rs 10,000) for 1 year. The extra money is the charge for using the credit society’s money which Vijay borrowed. It is called the interest charged by the credit society.

• The money that Vijay borrowed (Rs 10,000) is called the Principal.

• The duration (1 year) for which he borrowed the money is called the Period.

• The charges (Rs 1200) for using the money is called the Interest.

• The total money which Vijay returned at the end of 1 year

(Rs 10,000 + Rsl200 = Rs 11,200) is called the Amount.


If P denotes the principal, R the rate of interest, T the time for which the money is borrowed (or invested), I (or S.I.) the simple interest and A the amount, then

I = \(\frac{(P * R * T)}{100}\)
P = \(\frac{I * 100}{R * T}\), R = \(\frac{I * 100}{P * T}\), T = \(\frac{I * 100}{P * R}\)
A = P + I = P + \(\frac{P * R * T}{100}\) = (1 + \(\frac{R * T}{100}\)) P

Points To Remember:

-> For counting the time between two given dates, only one of the two dates counted (either first or last). Usually, we exclude the date of start and include the date of return.

-> For converting the time in days into years, always divide by 365, whether it is leap year or not.

-> The time must be taken in accordance with the interest rate percent. Thus, if interest rate is per month then time must be taken in months.

Illustrative Examples

Example1: Find the simple Interest on Rs 7200 at 5% per annum for 8 months. Also, find the amount.

Solution. Principal = Rs 7200, rate = 5% p.a. and time = \(\frac{8}{12}\) year = \(\frac{2}{3}\) year.

Therefore,        P = Rs 7200, R = 5% p.a. and T = \(\frac{2}{3}\) year.

=>    SI = \(\frac{P * T * R}{100}\)

= Rs (7200 x 5 x \(\frac{2}{3}\) x \(\frac{1}{100}\)) = Rs 240.

=>  amount = (principal + SI)

= Rs (7200 + 240) = Rs 7440.

Therefore,              SI = Rs 240 and amount = Rs 7440.

Example 2: Find the simple interest on Rs 4500 at 8% per annum for 73 days. Also, find the amount.

Solution.    Principal = Rs 4500, rate = 8% p.a. and time = \(\frac{73}{365}\) year = \(\frac{1}{5}\) year.

Therefore,        P = Rs 4500, R = 8% p.a. and T = \(\frac{1}{5}\) year.

=> SI = \(\frac{P * T * R}{100}\)

= Rs (4500 x 8 x \(\frac{1}{5}\) x \(\frac{1}{100}\)) = Rs 72.

=> amount = (principal + SI)

= Rs (4500 + 72) = Rs 4572.

Therefore,            SI = Rs 72 and amount = Rs 4572.

Example 3: How long will it take for Rs 5660 invested at 10% per annum simple interest to amount to Rs 7641?

Solution.    Here, P = Rs 5660, A = Rs 7641, R = 10% p.a.

I = A — P = Rs 7641 — Rs 5660 = Rs 1981

Let T years be the required time.

Using    T = \(\frac{I * 100}{P * R}\),

we get T = \(\frac{1981 * 100}{5660 * 10}\)
= \(\frac{1981}{566}\)
= \(\frac{7}{2}\) = \(3\frac{1}{2}\)

Hence the required time = \(3\frac{1}{2}\) years = 3 years 6 months.

Example 4: In what time will the simple interest on a certain sum of money at 6% per annum be of itself?

Solution.    Let the sum of money (principal) be Rs P, then

Interest = \(\frac{3}{8}\) of Rs P = Rs \(\frac{3}{8}\)P

Rate of simple interest = \(6\frac{1}{4}\) p.a. = \(\frac{25}{4}\) % p.a.

Let T years be the required time

Using, T = \(\frac{I * 100}{P * R}\)

we get T = \( \frac { \frac { 3 }{ 8 } \times P\times 100 }{ P\times \frac { 25 }{ 4 }  } \)

= \(\frac{3}{8}\) x 100 x \(\frac{4}{25}\)
= 6
Hence the required time = 6 years.

Example 5: If the interest charged for 9 months be 0.09 times the money borrowed, find the rate of simple interest per annum.

Solution.    Let the money borrowed (principal) be Rs P, then

I (simple interest) = 0.09 of Rs P = Rs \(\frac{9}{100}\)  P

Time = 9 months = \(\frac{9}{12}\) years = \(\frac{3}{4}\) years

Let R be the rate percent of simple interest per annum.

Using R = \(\frac{I \times 100}{P \times T}\),
we get R = \( \frac { \frac { 9 }{ 100 } \times P\times 100 }{ P\times \frac { 3 }{ 4 }  } \)

= 9 x  \(\frac{4}{3}\)
= 12

Hence the rate of simple interest per annum 12%.

Example 6: At what rate percent simple interest will a sum of money will amount to \(\frac{5}{3}\) of itself in 6 years 8 months?

Solution.    Let the money borrowed (principal) be Rs.P, then

amount = \(\frac{5}{3}\) P = Rs  \(\frac{5}{3}\) P

I (simple interest) = Amount – Principal = Rs  \(\frac{5}{3}\) P – Rs P
= ( \(\frac{5}{3}\) P – P)
= Rs ( \(\frac{5}{3}\) – 1) P
= Rs  \(\frac{2}{3}\) P

Time = 6 years 9 months = \( 6\frac{8}{12}\) years = \(6\frac{2}{3}\) years =  \(\frac{20}{3}\) years

Let R be the rate percent of simple interest per annum.

Using R = \(\frac{I \times 100}{P \times T}\),
we get R = \( \frac { \frac { 2 }{ 3 } \times P\times 100 }{ P\times \frac { 20 }{ 3 }  } \)

= \(\frac{200}{3}\) x  \(\frac{3}{20}\)
= 10

Hence the rate of simple interest per annum 10%.

Example 7: Sudhir borrowed Rs 3,00,000 at 12% per annum from a money-lender. At the end of 3 years, he cleared the account by paying Rs 2,60,000 and a gold necklace. Find the cost of the necklace.

Solution.            SI = \(\frac{P * T * R}{100}\)

Here        P = Rs 3,00,000, R = 12%, T= 3 years
Therefore,        S.I. = Rs \(\frac{300000 \times 12 \times 3}{100}\) = Rs 108000

So, amount to be returned by Sudhir

= Principal + Interest = Rs300000 + Rs 108000 = Rs 408000
Amount returned by Sudhir = Rs 2,60,000
So, cost of the necklace = Rs 4,08,000— Rs2,60,000 = Rs 1,48,000.

Finding A Percentage Of A Number

Steps involved in finding a percent of a given number

Step I– Obtain the number, say x.

Step II– Obtain the required percent, say P %.

Step III– Multiply x by P and divide by 100 to obtain the required P % of x
i.e.,                        P% of x = \(\frac{ P}{ 100}\) * x

Illustrative Examples

Example 1: Find
(i)  30% of Rs 180            (ii) 13% of Rs 6500            (iii) 16% of 25 litres
Solution.   We know that P% of x is equal to \(\frac{ P }{ 100}\) * x. So, We have

(i) 30% of Rs 180 = Rs ( \(\frac{ 30 }{ 100}\) x 180) = Rs 54
(ii) 13% of Rs 6500 = Rs ( \(\frac{ 13 }{ 100}\) x 6500 ) = Rs 845
(iii) 16% of 25 litres = Rs ( \(\frac{ 16 }{ 100}\) x 25) = 4 litres

Example 2: If 23% of a is 46, then find a.

Solution. We have,

23% of a = \(\frac{ 23 }{ 100}\) x a.
But, 23% of a is given as 46.
Therefore,   \(\frac{ 23 }{ 100}\) x a => a = 46 x \(\frac{ 100 }{ 23 }\)
=> a = 200

Example 3: 72% of 25 students are good at Mathematics. How many are not good at it?

Solution. We have,

Number of students who are good at Mathematics
= 72% of 25

= \(\frac{ 72 }{ 100}\) x 25 = 18

Conversion Of Per cent Into Decimal And Vice Versa

Steps involved in conversion of a given per cent into decimal form

STEP I– Obtain the per cent which is to be converted into decimal.

STEP II– Express the given per cent as a fraction with denominator as 100.

STEP III– Write the fraction obtained in step II in decimal form.

Illustration 1: Express each of the following as a decimal:

(i) 25%         (ii) 12%         (iii) 5.6%         (iv) 0.5%
Solution. We have,

(i) 25% = \(\frac{ 25}{ 100}\) = 0.25
(ii) 12% = \(\frac{ 12 }{ 100}\) = 0.12
(iii) 5.6% = \(\frac{ 5.6}{ 100}\) = 0.056

(iv) 0.5% = \(\frac{ 0.5 }{100} \) =  \(\frac{ 5 }{ 1000}\)  = 0.005

Steps involved in conversion of decimal into a per cent

STEP I– Obtain the number in decimal form.

STEP II– Convert it into a fraction by removing the decimal point. In order to remove decimal, divide by 10 or 100 or 1000 according to the number of digits on the right side of the decimal point 1 or 2 or 3 respectively.

STEP III– Multiply by 100 and put% sign.

Illustration 2: Express each of the following as percent:

(i) 0.073                       (ii) 0.001                     (iii) 2.4
Solution. We have,

(i) 0.073 = \(\frac{73}{ 1000}\) = (\(\frac{ 73}{ 1000}\) x 100)% = 7.3%
(ii) 0.001 = \(\frac{ 1}{ 1000}\) = (\(\frac{ 1 }{1000}\) x 100) = 0.1%
(iii) 2.4 = \(\frac{ 24}{ 10 }\) = (\(\frac{ 24}{10}\) x 100) = 240%