Single Entry System – Conversion Method


The Net Worth Method explained in the preceding pages does not provide a clear picture of the operational results of a business. It does not give information about sales, purchases, gross profit, operating expenses etc. of the business. As a result, a meaningful analysis of the financial statements cannot be done nor effective steps can be taken to improve the financial position of the business. It will, therefore, be better to collect all, such information ffom the books of accounts, and other sources which are necessary for preparing Trial Balance of the business. This is done by preparing a Total Debtors Account, aTotal Creditors Account, a Bills Receivable Account and a Bills Payable Account and Receipts and Payments Account etc., on the basis of double entry. Accounts relating to different expenses, incomes, fixed assets and fixed liabilities and outstandings are also prepared with the help of Receipts & Payments Accounts and additional information available. Thus, the closing balances of different accounts are found out and a Trial Balance prepared. Final accounts can then be prepared in the usual way. Such a method of collection information as per the requirements of the double entry system of book keeping, is termed as Conversion Method.

Depreciation Accounting – Depletion method

Depletion method.

This is also known as productive output method. this method the charge for depreciation in respect of the use of an based on the following factors:

According to asset will be

(i) Total amount paid.

(ii) Total estimated quantities of the output available.

(iii) The actual quantity taken out during the accounting year.

The method is suitable in case of mines, queries, etc., where it is possible to make an estimate of the total output likely to he available. Depreciation is calculated per unit of output The amount of depreciation to be charged in a particular year is computed by multiplying the units of output with the rate of depreciation per unit of output. For example, if a mine is purchased for Rs 20,000 and it is estimated that the total quantity of mineral in the mine in 40,000 tonnes, the rate of depreciation per tonne would amount to 50 paise per tonne (Rs 20,000/4Q000 tonnes). In ease output in a year amounts to 10,000 tonnes, the amount of depreciation to be charged to the Profit and Loss Account would Rs 5,000 (i.e., 10,000 tonnes x Re 0.50).

The method has the advantage of correlating the amount of depreciation with the productive use of the asset. However, it requires making of a reasonably correct estimate of the output likely to be there. In the absenèe of correct estimate, the amount charged by way of depreciation will not be correct.

Paul A. Samuelson – Definition of Economics

Science of dynamic growth and development. Although the fundamental economic problem of scarcity in relation to needs is jjsi.ted it would not be proper to think that economic resources – physical, human, financial are fixed and cannot be increased by human ingenuity, exploration, exploitation and development. A modern and somewhat modified definition is as follows

“Economics is the study of how men and society choose, with or without the use of money, to employ scarce productive resources which could have alternative uses, to produce various commodities over time and distribute them for consumption now and in the future amongst various people and groups of society”.

Paul A. Samuelson

The above definition is very comprehensive because it does not restrict to material well-being or money measure as a limiting factor. But it considers economic growth over time.

Accountancy Class 11 Notes – Classification of Expenditure

Classification of Expenditure:

Expenditure can be classified into three categories:

1. Capital Expenditure. It means an expenditure which has been incurred for the purpose of obtaining a long-term advantage for the business. Such expenditure is either incurred for acquisition of an asset (tangible or intangible) which can later be sold and converted into cash or which result in increasing the earning capacity of the business or which affords some other advantage to the business. In ether words, such an expenditure does not grow out or pertain to the running of the business proper.

Following are some of the examples of Capital expenditure:

(i) Expenditure incurred in increasing the quality of fixed assets, e.g., purchase Of additional furniture, plant, building for permanent use in the business.

(ii) Expenditure incurred in increasing the quantity of a fixed asset, e.g., expenditure incurred for increasing the useful tile or capacity or efficiency of a fixed asset. 

Limitations of Cost Accounting

Limitations of Cost Accounting 

Lack of Uniformity : There js a lack of uniform principles and procedures in Cost Accounting.

For example, numerous methods are available for pricing of material issues or for absorption of overheads. Thus, different Cost Accountants may arrive at different conclusions in the same situation

Estimates : Cost Accounting works on the basis of estimates.The user does not receive the time or exact cost. An error in estimation may throw up totally different results.

Suitability: Cost data is required for decision making purposes. Thus, a cursory comparison may result in misleading conclusions

Role of Management : The usefulness of Cost Accounting is restricted to the ability, and willingness of management to take decisions based on information


Accounting Standard 10: Accounting for Fixed Assets and Goodwill

According to AS 10 Goodwill should be recorded in the books only when some consideration in money or money’s worth has been paid for it. In other words no goodwill account should be raised in case of internally generated goodwill.

When the new partner brings a portion of the required amount of goodwill.  In such a case, the amount brought in by the new partner should be shared by the old partners in the sacrificing ratio nd the portion of amount of goodwill not brought in by the new partner thould be adjusted through the capital accounts of partners by debiting new partner’s capital account with the amount and crediting the old partners’ capital accounts in their sacrificing ratio.

Where the new partner privately pays the amount of goodwill to old partners: In this case, no entry should be passed in the books of the firm. The amount to be paid to each partner should be calculated as per the profit-sacrificing ratio.

Important Points Regarding Manufacturing Account

Important Points Regarding Manufacturing Account

1. Stocks. In case of a manufacturer, there can be stocks of three types:

 Stock of raw materials. It includes stock of raw materials or finished components which might have been purchased by the manufactrn-er for using them in the products manufactured by him but still lying unsold.

Stock of work-in-process. This is also tenned as stock of work-in-progress. It includes goods in semi-finished form.

Stock of finished goods. It includes stock of those goods which have been completely processed and are lying unsold at the end of a period with the manufacturer. It also includes stock of those finished goods which might have been purchased by a manufacturer-cum-trader from outside parties, but still lying unsold with him at the end of the accounting period.

2. Raw materials consumed. It is customary to show in the Manufacturing Account, the value of raw materials consumed for manufacturng goods during a particular period.

3.Carriage inwards, etc. The expenses incurred for bringing the raw materials to the factory or the octroi or customs duty paid by the manufacturer on the raw materials purchased or imported by him will also be charged to Manufacturing Account.

4.Cost of production. The Manufacturing Account gives the cost of manufacturing the goods during a particular period. This is comuted by deducting from the total of the dedit side of the Manufacturing Account, the total of the various items appearing on the credit side of the Manufacturing Account as shown in the proforma of the Manufacturing Account given earlier in the chapter.

5. Sale of scrap. In manufacturing operations, certain scrap is unavoidable, it may or may not have any sales value. In order to calculate the true cost of manufacturing the goods, it is necessary that the money realised on account of sale of scrap (or realisable value of the scrap in case it has not been sold) should be considered. The amount of scrap is, therefore, credited to the Manufacturing Account.

Depreciation Accounting – Causes of Depreciation


The causes of depreciation are as follows:

1. Wear and tear. Assets get worn or torn out on account of constant use as is the case with plant and machinery, furniture and fixtures- used in a factory.

2. Exhaustion. An asset may get exhausted through working. This is the case with mineral mines, oil wells etc. On account of continuous extraction of minerals or oil, a stage comes when the mine or well gets completely exhausted and nothing is left.

3. Obsolescence. Some assets are discarded before they are worn out because of changed conditions. For example, an old machine which is still workable may have to be replaced by a new machine because of the latter being more efficient and economical. Such a loss on account of new inventions or changed fashions is termed as loss on account of obsolescence.

4. Etfiux of time. Certain assets get decreased in their value with the passage of time.  This is true in case of assets like leasehold properties, patents or copy rights.

5. Accidents. An asset may meet an accident and, therefore, it may get depreciated in its value. On the basis of the above causes, it can be said that depreciation is the decrease or depletion in the value of an asset due to wear and tear, lapse of time, obsolescence, exhaustion and accidents.


Partnership Deed


Partnership is created by an agreement. It is not necessary that the agreement should be in writing. It may be oral but to avoid future disputes it is always better to have it in writing. The document in writing containing the important terms of partnership as agreed by the partners between themselves is called the Deed of Partnership. It should be properly drafted and stamped according to the provisidns of The Stamp Act.

Contents of the deed.

The deed usually contains the Following information:

1. Name of the firm.

2. Names of partners.

3. Nature and place of the business of the finn.

4. Date of commencement of partnership.

5. Duration of the firm.

6. Capital employed or to be employed by different partners.

7. Rules regarding operation of bank accounts.

8. Ratios in which profits and losses are to be shared.

9. How the business is to be managed?

10. Rules to be followed in case of admission, retirement, expulsion etc., of a partner.

11. Salaries etc., if payable to partners.

Depreciation Method – Machine hour rate method

Machine hour rate method. This is also known as Service Hours Method. This method lakes into account the running time of the asset for the purpose of calculating depreciation. The method is particularly suitable for charging depreciation on plant and machinery, air-crafts, etc. The amount of depreciation is calculated as follows:

Original Cost of the Asset — Scrap Value/ Life of the Asset in hours 

For example, if a machine (having a scrap value of Rs 1,000) is purchased for Rs 20,000 and it has an effective life of 10 years of 1,000 hours each, the amount of depreciation per hour will be computed

The method has the advantage of correlating the charge for depreciation, to the actual working time of the machine. However, this method can he used only in case of those assets whose life can be measured in terms of working time.


Accountancy Class 11 – Classification of Income


(i) Capital Income. The term ‘Capital Income’ means an income which does not grow out of or pertain to the running of the business proper. It is synonymous to the turn ‘Capital Gain’. For example, if a building costing Rs 10,000 purchased by a business for its use is sold for Rs 15,000, Ps 5,000 will be taken as a capital profit.

However, it should be noted that only the profit realised over and above the cost of the fixed-asset shouki be taken as a capital frofit. The profit realised over and above book value of the asset till it does not exceed the original cost of the asset should be taken as a revenue profit though it does not strictly arise out of and in the course of regular business transactions. This is because, the depreciation against the fixed asset has already been charged to the Profit & Loss Account of the earlier years and any profit which is now made on the sale of a fixed asset (not exceeding the original cost of the fixed asset) is simply recovery of excess provision for depreciation made in the earlier years. This is also provided by the Income Tax Rules. For example, if a plant originally purchased for Rs 10,000 standing in the books at Rs 6,000 (on account of charging depreciation) is sold for P.s 12,000, there is a profit of Rs 6,000 on the sale of this plant Out of this profit, Rs 2,000 (i.e., the amount over and above cost of the asset) should be taken as a capital profit while the balance of Ps 4,000 should he taken as a revenue profit. Capital profit is transferred to the Capital Reserve and is shown in the Balance Sheet on the liabilities side while revenue profit is credited 10 the Profit & Loss Account.

Revenue Income. Revenue Income means an income which arises out of and in the course of the regular business transactions of a concern. For example, in the course of rnnning business, the profit is made on sale, of goods, income is received from letting out the business property, dividends are received on business investments etc. All such incomes are revenue incomes. It should be noted that the terms “Revenue profit’ and Revenue Income’ synonymous.