Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE Pdf

Present Participle
-ing form of verb is called present participle.

It can be used in the continuous tenses.
For Examples:

  • driving a car, walking to the park.

It can be used as an adjective.
For Examples:

  • an amazing movie, a learning lesson.

Past Participle
Using -ed form of verb with has, have and had is called past participle.
Irregular verbs also have participle forms.

  • broken, driven, spoken written.

It can be used as an adjective.
For Examples:

  • cooked vegetables, feeling depressed.

Participle Exercises With Answers Pdf for Class 7 CBSE

A. Write down the present participle form of the verbs given in the brackets

1. an (interest) ____________ book
2. a (sleep) ____________ child
3. two (play) ____________ dogs
4. the (win) ____________ number
5. several (travel) ____________ bags
6. the (move) ____________ power

B. Using the picture and the words given next to them, form sentences in the Present Participle form. The first one has been done for you.

1. They/wait/for the train
Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE 1
They are waiting
for the train.

2. We/walk/to school
Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE 2

3. The train/come
Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE 3

4. I/have/a good time
Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE 4

5. I/study
Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE 5

6. We/plan/our work
Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE 6

7. It/rain/today
Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE 7

8. She/wear/earnings
Participles Exercises for Grade 7 With Answers CBSE 8

C. The verbs in italics are sometimes followed by a participle. Complete the sentences using the Present Participle form. The first one has been done for you.

1. I smelled something in the house.
I smelled something burning in the house.

2. She did not see the car closer.
3. Do you notice Pankaj to Amita?
4. We heard the boys at the door.
5. We listened to the mother her child to sleep
6. She could feel herself.
7. I found my two cats on the table
8. She jealously watched her boyfriend with another girl

D. Choose the correct participle form in each of the sentences below.

1. I don’t understand chess. The rules are very (confused/confusing.)
2. There is a new movie playing in the theatre. Are you (interested or interesting)?
3. My younger brother makes too much noise. He is (annoyed/annoying).
4. I like my new chair. It’s quite (relaxing/relaxed).
5. I think insects are (fascinating/fascinated). I love to study them.

E. Fill in the blanks with Past Participle form of the verb. The first one has been done for you.

1. the lost son (to lose)
2. an ___________ audience (interest)
3. a ___________ leg (break)
4. an ______________ bottle (empty)
5. a ___________ door (close)
6. a ___________ room (decorate)
7. two ___________ bags (pack)
8. the ___________ letters (write)
9. the. ___________ car (sell)
10. the ___________ apples (rot)

F. Write down the verbs in brackets as Past Participle.

1. ____________ umbrellas (forget)
2. ____________ computers (sfeo/)
3. ____________ watches (repair)
4. ____________ boys (confuse)
5. ____________ girls (disappoint)
6. ____________ comics (swap)
7. ____________ queens (amuse)
8.____________ students (bore)
9. ____________ fans (fascinate)
10. ____________ I doctors (worry)

G. In the following exercise, all of the underlined verbs in the first sentence are irregular. Change the verbs first to simple past tense and then to the past participle form.

  • Diana sings in the church choir.
    Last year, Diana sang in the church choir.
    She has sung in the church choir since she was 11 years old.

1. Eric takes piano lessons.
(a) Eric ____________ piano lessons last year.
(b) Eric has ____________ piano lessons.

2. I know how to repair transmissions.
(a) I ____________ how to repair transmissions when I was a teenager
(b) I have ____________ how to repair transmissions.

3. Tina drives to school every day.
(a) Tina ____________ to school every day last week.
(b) Tina has ____________ to school.

4. My sister regularly breaks promises.
(a) She ____________ a promise to me yesterday.
(b) She has ____________ many promises to me over the years.

5. I write many essays for my history class.
(a) Last week, I ____________ a ten-page paper about Columbus.
(b) I have ____________ five essays till now.

H. Choose the correct participle.

1. My nephew was ____________ (amused/amusing) by the clown.
2. I thought her idea was absolutely ____________ (fascinated/fascinating).
3. The journey was ____________ (exhausting/exhausted).
4. He was ____________ (frightened/frightening) when he saw the spider.
5. I was really ____________ (embarrassed/embarrassing) when I fell over on the street.

I. Rewrite the sentences replacing the part in italics with a past participle.

1. I have a cat that is called Tari.
2. The dinner was more expensive than they had expected.
3. He was accused of murder and arrested.
4. She was shocked by the bad news and burst into tears.
5. The event is organised by our team and will surely be a great success.

J. Choose the correct option.

1. I am very ____________ in history, (interesting/interested)
2. The party was ____________ (boring/bored)
3. I was ____________ to death, (boring/bored)
4. The ____________ dog kept us awake at night, (barking/barked)
5. Anmol was ____________ at the party? (danced/dancing)
6. ____________ away from the castle, Cinderella lost a shoe. (Running/Run)
7. History is very ____________ (interesting/interested)
8. The car race was ____________ (exciting/excited)
9. ____________ about their birthday party, the girls could not sleep. (Exciting/Excited)
10. He was sitting on the floor ____________ the guitar, (playing/played)