Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.
Noun Phrase And Noun Clause Exercises For Class 7 CBSE Pdf
“Main (or independent) clause is a clause that expresses a complete thought and , can stand as a sentence. But subordinate (or dependent) clauses cannot stand by themselves and are further divided into three types,
- Noun Phrase
- Adjective Phrase
- Adverb Phrase
Noun Phrase:
A phrase that acts as a noun in a sentence is called a noun phrase. It consists of a noun and other words that give information about the noun. It answers the question what or who. The noun phrase can be replaced by a pronoun.
- The coffee – table books looked beautiful. (noun: the coffee – table books)
- I like going for a swim. (noun: going for a swim)
- Mona met the newly appointed chief. (noun: the newly appointed chief)
Remember, a noun phrase must have a noun.
Noun Clause:
The clause that tells you what someone says or does. It can also be the object of a verb.
A noun clause is a dependent clause that acts as a noun. To identify the noun clause in a sentence, we can ask the question ‘What’ after the verb. Noun clauses begin with words such as how, that, what, whatever, when, where, whether, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, and why.
Noun clauses can act as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects.
Noun clauses as direct objects:
- They know what my name is.
- I noticed where they were going.
Noun clauses as a subject:
- What she is doing is not known.
- What you said is not clear.
- Where she lives is not considered.
Noun clauses as an indirect object:
- I will do whatever it takes to score good marks.
- Nancy will whoever finds the purse for her.
Noun Phrase Vs Noun Clause
- No one knows when he will come. (Noun-Clause)
- No one knows the time of his coming. (Noun-Phrase)
- She heard that he had succeeded. (Noun-Clause)
- She heard of his success. (Noun-Phrase)
- They will never know why he succeeded. (Noun-Clause)
- They will never know the reason for his success. (Noun-Phrase)
- The law will punish whosoever is guilty. (Noun-Clause)
- The law will punish the guilty. (Noun)
- Her friends want to know where she is living. (Noun-Clause)
- Her friends want to know her residence. (Noun)
A noun clause can be a complement after a ‘be’ verb.
- Why she was working so late is something we need to find out
A noun clause may sometimes be placed first in a sentence for emphasis.
- How we’re going to deal with the issue is the question.
Read the picture story.
Noun Phrase And Noun Clause Worksheet for Class 7 CBSE
A. Underline the noun phrases in the following sentences.
1. He wished to talk to his manager.
2. The wicked man loves getting poor people into trouble,
3. The poor man wanted to pay back every penny he owed.
4. He hates to punish his children.
5. Horses prefer living in dark stables.
6. I will never do such a thing.
7. Have you ever tried to climb a tree?
8. He refused to answer my question.
9. He promised to get me something.
10. Why do you want to meet him?
B. In each of the following sentences replace the words in italics by suitable noun clauses.
1. No one can guess the time of his arrival.
2. I predict a change in the weather
3. I heard of his success.
4. Nobody knows the reason of his failure.
5. The jury believed the man to be guilty.
6. The doctors expect an improvement in his health.
7. I know him to be trustworthy.
8. He confessed his guilt.
9. I hope to be there in time.
10. He is confident of winning the match.
11. He seems to be a spy.
12. His arrival was totally unexpected.
C. Combine the following sentences using noun clauses.
1. I don’t know. What kind of a battery is this?
2. My brother doesn’t know. How tall is he?
3. I am not sure. Which chapter are we on?
4. Scientists claim. They will cure cancer.
5. Who is she? No one knows.
6. Could you tell me? Where is the bookstore?
7. Do you remember? How long did we stay in Qatar?
8. Please tell us… What did you hear?
D. Complete the following sentences by adding suitable noun clauses. The first one has been done for you.
1. I cannot understand why she is angry with me.
2. They said _______________________.
3. I think _______________________.
4. He told me _______________________.
5. hurts me. _______________________.
6. You can eat _______________________.
7. Can you guess _______________________.
8. I feel certain _______________________.
9. I do not know _______________________.
10. No one knows _______________________.
CBSE Class 7 English Grammar