Modals Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With AnswersWhat are modal verbs?
Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs that behave irregularly in English. They are different from normal verbs like “work, play, visit…” They give additional information about the function of the main verb that follows it. They have a great variety of communicative functions.

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Modals Exercise For Class 10 CBSE With Answers PDF

Modal auxiliaries are verbs such as can, must, could, would, etc. which are used with main verbs to express such ideas as a possibility, permission, necessity, obligation, etc.

Characteristics of Modal Verbs

  1. The modal verbs are:
    • can
    • could
    • may
    • might
    • must
    • ought to
    • shall
    • should
    • will
    • would
    • dare
    • need
    • have to
    • used to
  2. Modal verbs have only one form. They have no ‘ing’ or ‘ed’ forms.
  3. They don’t add ‘s’ or ‘es’ to the third person singular form.
    For ex: Mohan can speak two languages.
    She will try and visit tomorrow.
  4. Modal verbs are followed by the infinitive of another verb without ‘to’ (first form of the verb).
  5. Questions are formed without do/does in the present or did in the past.
    Can I help you?
    May I come in?
  6. Negative sentences are formed with not or the short format and do not use do/does or did.

Now let us see how all these modals express the modality.

Modal Verbs Worksheets With Answers for Class 10 CBSE

Can/can’t She can swim. Ability
It can be risky if you jump. Possibility/probability
Can I borrow your book? Seeking permission
Can you lend me your project file? Request
Can I carry your bag? Offer
Could/couldn’t There was a time when I could skip very fast. Past ability
We could go to the theatre for the matinee show. Suggestion
Could you please open the door? Request
Could I borrow your books? Seeking permission
Will/won’t It is very hot outside so I .will spend my day at home. Intention
It will rain tonight. Prediction
I will get you a toy from the market. Promise
Shall Shall we put the dinner on the table? Making arrangements
Shall I iron your shirt? Offer
Would/Wouldn’t Would you prefer wearing a coat or a jacket? Preference
Would you come to our wedding? Invitation
Would you mind if I reach an hour late? Permission or polite request
He would talk for long hours on phone. Past habit
Should We should listen to our elders. Advice
You should check the timings of the train. Recommended action
May May I help you? Offer
May I close the window? Permission
May I have some water? Request
India may become a sport-loving nation after the CW  Games. Possibility/probability
May God bless you. Wish/desire
Might The guest might drop in at night. Future possibility
Ought to You ought to do your duty. Advice
The team of players ought to be here any time. Probability
Must/mustn’t You must listen to your mother. Obligation
You must not steal things. Necessity
Need/needn’t You need to learn computers. Compulsion
He need not write letters to the office. Necessity