Editing Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With AnswersThe following passage has not been edited. There is an erpr in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the corrected word in your answer sheet against the blank as given in the example. Underline the corrected word that has been supplied.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 6 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Editing Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With Answers PDF

Editing is a stage of the writing process in which a writer improves a draft by correcting errors and by making words and sentences more clearer, precise and effective.


  • Always follow PPACTS RULE while doing editing of the passage.
  • PPACTS stands for P – Preposition, P – Pronoun, A – Article/determiner,
  • C – Conjunction, T – Tense/Verb Forms (singular/plural), S – Spelling
  • After reading the passage, identify the tense and see whether it is appropriate to the context.
  • Check the subject-verb agreement.

In the passage given below there is an error in each line which has been underlined. Write the correct word in the space provided.

During my summer vacation I havehad
go to a Jungle. There I saw – gone
many deers. They all looked – deer
much cute and naughty. The – very
baby deer keep fighting – kept
with each another and kept – other
roll in the mud. – rolling

Editing Practice Exercises for Class 6 CBSE

Editing Exercise Class 6 Pdf – 1

The following passage is not edited. There is one error in each line. Fill in the blank with the correct word.

A. England has been long famous for her dramatist (a) _________________
the greatest of who was William Shakespeare (b) _________________
It is hard to find the educated man in (c) _________________
the English Speaking world whom has not heard (d) _________________
for his name. The actor and playwright (e) _________________
born more than 400 years ago had (f) _________________
become not only for Englishman but for (g) _________________
the whole world chief symbol for (h) _________________
British culture. He is a dramatist and a poet.

(a) dramatist – dramatists
(b) who – whom
(c) the – an
(d) whom – who
(e) for – of
(f) had – has
(g) Englishman – Englishmen
(h) for – of

Editing Exercises for Class 6 Pdf – 2

Read the following passage. There is one error in each line which has been underlined. Write the correction for this error in the space provided.

Education are the most important thing. One _____________
should study wholeheartedly. The illiterate person _____________
L has no value in the society. He was not _____________
given with respect. Education plays a very important _____________
role in order with earn good money. And money helps _____________
in running the family easily. An education person _____________
is also look after his family in a proper way. _____________

Editing Exercises for Class 6 Pdf – 3

In the passage given below, there is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space given.

A. Ganesh Chathurthi was the religious _________________ _________________
Festival dedicate to Ganesh _________________ _________________
A son of lord Shiva. In Western _________________ _________________
Parts especially, as well as all _________________ _________________
Over India the idols to Ganesha _________________ _________________
Or pictures are keep or hung _________________ _________________
On walls into the houses for _________________ _________________
Luck, peace or good fortune _________________ _________________