Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 With Answers CBSELooking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary English grammar and composition for class 6 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other

Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 With Answers CBSE Pdf

Rules For Changing Direct Speech To Reported Speech

1. Changes in reporting verb

  • Affirmative sentences: said, told (object), asserted, replied, assured, informed, responded, whispered, alleged, believed, assumed, thought
  • Interrogative sentences: asked, inquired, wanted to know, enquired
  • Imperative sentences: ordered, begged, pleaded, implored, advised, demanded

2. Change of pronouns

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Meeta said, ‘I live in Himachal’.’ Meeta said that he lived in Himachal.
  • The conjunction that is used to connect the reporting verb with what is said.
  • A first-person and second-person generally change to third person (depending upon object to reporting verb)
  • In case the reporting verb is in present, the tense of verb in reported speech continues to remain in the present tense.

3. Change of tenses
When we report something after a certain period of time, and what we are talking about has already happened, we change the tense of the sentence being reported into a corresponding past tense. Read the following table carefully.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Kalpana said, ‘I teach in a school.’ Kalpana said that she taught in a school.
Kalpana said, ‘I am teaching in a school.’ Kalpana said that she was teaching in a school.
Kalpana said, ‘I have taught in a school.’ Kalpana said that she had taught in a school.
Kalpana said, ‘I have been teaching in a school for the past one year. ’ Kalpana said that she had been teaching in a school for the past one year.
Kalpana said, ‘I taught in a school for two years.’ Kalpana said that she had taught in a school for two years.
Kalpana said, ‘I was working at a call centre before I started teaching.’ Kalpana said that she had been working at a call centre before she started teaching.

In general, present tense becomes past tense:

  • Past tense becomes past perfect tense.
  • Past continuous becomes past perfect continuous tense.
  • Past perfect and past perfect continuous remain unchanged.

4. Change of situations
When we report sentences in indirect speech, the words denoting places or time are changed.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Puja said, ‘I went to Rohtak last week.’ Puja said that she had gone to Rohtak the previous week.
this that
last week the previous week
here there
now then
today that day
yesterday the day before/the previous day
tomorrow the next/coming day
last week the week before/the previous week
next month the next month/the coming month

5. Universal truths
When universal truths are being reported we may choose either to retain the original tense of the sentence or to change it.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
The teacher said, ‘The earth is round.’ The teacher said that the earth is round.

6. Questions and answers

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Rahul asked his sister, ‘Have you taken your purse?’ (Yes/No question) Rahul asked his sister if/whether she had taken her purse.
Rahul asked his sister, “Where are the keys?’ (Wh- question) Rahul asked his sister where the keys were.

7. Commands, orders and requests

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
The teacher said, “You must be honest.” The teacher advised the students to be honest.
The policeman said to the driver, “Drive cautiously.” The policeman ordered the driver to drive cautiously.
The Inspector said to the crowd, “Tell me the details.” The Inspector asked the crowd to tell him the details.
“Why don’t you take up acting?” I suggested to my sister. I suggested to my sister to take up acting.

8. Modals verbs

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Kunal said, ‘I can drive.’ Kunal said that he could drive.

Changes in modals

  • can – could
  • will – would
  • shall – should
  • may – might

Would, should, could, might, ought to and must are unchanged.

Read the picture story.
Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 With Answers CBSE 2A. Answer the following questions as per the story.

1. What does Ditya want to buy and why?
2. Why Ditya’s clothes are not suitable for the occasion?
3. What does father reply in the end of the story above?

B. Change the following sentences into indirect speech from the story above.

1. Ditya says to her father, “I want to buy new clothes for my graduation ceremony.”
2. “These dresses are not suitable for the occasion,” says Ditya.
3. “You have just borrowed three dresses a few days ago,” replies father.

Direct And Indirect Speech Practice Exercises for Class 6 CBSE

A. Complete the sentences into indirect speech.

1. Mohan (to Seema): I like your hairstyle.
Mohan tells Seema : ____________

2. Parrot: I can speak English.
The parrot says ____________

3. The fairy (to boy): I will grant you a wish if you won’t tell a lie.
The fairy tells the boy ____________

4. The doctor (to a patient): I prescribed you a medicine but I did not charge you for it.
The doctor tells ____________

5. The guide (to tourists): We are going to visit the Mahendra caves and there we will get to see bats.
The guide says ____________

B. Change the following Direct speech into Indirect.

1. She says, “I will do this work.”

2. Sunita says, “He can come and stay in my flat.”

3. Amrita says to Hari, “I am taking my lunch now.”

4. Nancy says, “I am going to Paris next month.”

5. Vikas says, “I work hard on this project.”

6. She says, “This book is mine.”

7. Aunt Kajol says to me, “You will send these books to my place the day after tomorrow.”

8. Chetan says to mother, “I will tell you the truth.”

9. I have told him, “My father is a doctor.”

10. Meeta says, “I am sure everything will be alright after the operation.”

C. Write the correct pronouns in the following sentences in Reported speech.

1. Ankit: “I work in an office.”
Ankit told me (that) ____________ worked in an office.

2. La lit and Puneet: “We play football.”
Lalit and Puneet told me (that) ____________ played football.

3. Anjali: “I like my cat.”
Anjali told me (that) ____________ liked ____________ cat.

4. Sanju: “Can you see me?”
Sanju asked me ¡f ____________ could see ____________.

5. Kanika : “I will have to borrow your pencil.”
Kanika told me (that) ____________ would have to borrow ____________ pencil.

6. Meera: “My father is American.”
Meera told me (that) ____________ father is American.

7. Pooja and Rajni: “Can we use your camera?”
Pooja and Rajni asked me if could use ____________ camera.

8. Raja: “How is your journey?”
Raja asked me how ____________ journey was.

9. Priya and Ritu: “We love our pets.”
Priya and Ritu told me (that) ____________ loved ____________ Pets.

10. Grandmother: “Piease bring me a cup of my tea.”
Grandmother told me to bring ____________ a cup of tea.

Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 – Part II

If the Reported Verb is in Past tense (Said, told instead of say, tell) then the tense in the reporting speech changes accordingly.

Examples of the main changes in tense:
Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 With Answers CBSE 3Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 With Answers CBSE 4

Read the picture story.
Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 With Answers CBSE 5A. Answer the following questions as per the story.

1. Why does Rita argue with her mother?
2. Why does Rita’s mother never give her a pizza or a burger to eat? Give two reasons.
3. What does Rita’s mother advice her in the end of the story?

B. Read the conversation between mother and daughter in the story above and complete the paragraph that follows.

Mother told Rita 1. ____________. Rita replied that 2. ____________ and told her mother that she never gave her a pizza or burger. Mother said that they are not good for her health and reminded her 3. ____________. Rita then asked her mother to give her french fries and a shake. Mother warned her that if she lived on junk food, she would spoil her health.

Direct And Indirect Speech Worksheets With Answers Pdf

A. Change the following into reported speech.

1. Nikhil said, “I will come tomorrow.”

2. Paras said, “I have passed the examination.”

3. He said, “We are going for a picnic today.”

4. She said, “Aayush is working hard.”

5. She said, “I have been writing for an hour.”

6. Rita said, “The girls were singing in the music period.”

7. The teacher says, “Sehaj does not work hard.”

8. I said to her, “I can solve the sum.”

9. Aman said, “Vinay may not come to school today.”

10. The teacher said, “The earth is round.”

11. He said to his friend, “My sister has written a letter.”

12. The priest said, “God is great.”

13. Arjun said, “I can play sitar.”

14. Mohan said, “My sister has been studying since morning.”

16. They said to me, “We cannot help you now.”

17. Sambhav said, “My father is writing a letter.”

18. She said to me, “I will go to the library tomorrow.”

B. Finish the sentences using Reported speech.

Question 1.
Niru: Will you please give me your notebook?
Indu: Yes. Which one do you need?
Niru asked Indu if ……………………………….. Indu said, ……………………………….. She asked ………………………………..
Niru asked Indu if she would give Niru her notebook. Indu said yes. She asked Niru which one she needed.

Question 2.
Mohini said, “Where can I find the post office?”
The policeman said, “It is on the road behind the clock tower.”
Mohini said, “Thank you. I have been looking for it for a while.”
Mohini asked the policeman ………………………………. . The policeman said ………………………………. . Mohini ……………………………….. him and added that she had ………………………………..
Mohini asked the policeman where he could find the post office. The policeman said that it was on the road behind the clock tower. Mohini thanked him and added that she had been looking for it for w while.

Question 3.
Teacher: Rohan, what are you thinking? Hurry up and finish your work.
Rohan: Ma’am, I have almost finished. I was trying to recall my last week’s lessons.

The teacher ……………………………….. Rohan ……………………………….. She told him to ……………………………….. Rohan replied ……………………………….. He said that he ………………………………..
The teacher asked Rohan what he was thinking. She told him to hurry up and finish his work. Rohan replied that he had almost finished. He said that he was trying to recall his previous week lessons.

Question 4.
Father: You look worried. What’s the matter? Son: It’s about my admission to an engineering college.
Father: When are your results expected?
Son: Within a week, Father.

The father noticed that his son ……………………………….. He asked him ………………………………. . The son replied ………………………………. . The father asked ………………………………. . The son replied ………………………………..
The father noticed that his son looked worried. He asked him what the matter was. The son replied that it was about his admission to an engineering college. The father asked his son when were his reults expected. The son replied that they were expected within a week.

Question 5.
Jenny: Let’s go for a walk.
Susan: Yes. Give me ten minutes.
Jenny: Let’s go now.
Susan: I will just take a few more minutes.
Jenny: Why must you delay?
Susan: What makes you so impatient?

Jenny asked Susan ……………………………….. Susan replied politely ……………………………….. Jenny was, however, impatient and said ……………………………….. Susan ………………………………..
Jenny asked Susan to go for a walk. Susan replied politely in the affirmative and asked to be given ten minutes. Jenny was, however, impatient and said that she wanted to go then. Susan said that she would take a few more minutes. Jenny asked her why she must delay. To this, Susan asked Jenny what made her so impatient.

CBSE Class 6 English Grammar