Determiners are words which come before nouns. They contain several classes of words, including pronouns and adjectives. They determine or limit the noun by giving some additional information about it. Determiners show whether a noun refers to is a general or a specific object, person, or place. They indicate which or how many things the noun refers to. Determiners define or limit a noun to the singular or plural. They indicate the amount or quantity. Determiners and nouns together make noun phrases. They make noun phrases with adjectives too. Determiners may precede numerals too.
Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 8 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.
Determiners Exercises With Answers for Class 8 CBSE PDF
A determiner is used to modify a noun. It indicates reference to something specific or something of a particular type. There are nearly five types of determiners.
These include:
- Articles
- Demonstratives
- Possessives
- Quantifiers
- Numbers
- Ordinals
Article Determiners:
As we know, a and an are indefinite articles and the is the definite article. Of the three, a and an are the most common general determiners, whereas the is the most common specific determiner. A and an are used with singular countable nouns while referring to a general class of nouns like a frog, a ship and a biscuit. We do not use alan before uncountable nouns like rice, water or smoke. A is used before words that begin with a consonant sound and an is used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Remember, a word might begin with a consonant letter but it might begin with a vowel sound or it might begin with a vowel and have a consonant sound.
- an umbrella a uniform an heir a unicorn
- an honourable man a useful item an M.A. student (M—em sound)
The is used:
1. to refer to a specific noun.
- the letter I received, the thief who stole“;
2. before a noun which we have already mentioned before. The first time we use alan and the second time we use the.
- I saw a cat … The cat jumped on me.
3. when there is only one of the thing.
- the sun, the Earth, the Tropic of Cancer, the environment, the internet
4. with the superlative degree.
- one of the greatest footballers, the cutest dog
5. before some adjectives in positive and comparative degree.
- the great king, the smaller shoe
6. before adjectives that act as nouns.
- the poor of this country …, the more the merrier … (poor and more refer to people)
7. before singular nouns to indicate an entire group, class or species.
- The cheetah is the fastest land animal. (all cheetahs)
But not before man or woman.
- Man is a social being.
8. with some proper nouns like names of lakes, rivers, forests, mountain ranges, famous buildings, names of some countries, etc.
- the Western Ghats, the Indian Ocean, the Sutlej, the Taj Mahal, the USA, the UK, the UAE
9. with the names of holy books.
- the Bible, the Holy Koran, the Bhagwad Gita
10. when both the speaker (writer) and listener (reader) know the person or thing.
- the teachers, the President
11. before only, first, second, last, etc.
- the first floor, the last day of school, the only child.
Demonstrative Determiners:
These are used as pronouns or as adjectives and are specifically used to state the distance from the subject. They are this, these, that and those.
- That garden is very big.
- Those are the stories of bygone days.
Possessive Determiners:
Possessives are words that show ownership or a relationship between people or things. Look at the words in italics in this sentence.
Kumud and her companions were on their way to the Bandipur National Park.
The words her and their determine whose companions and way. The other possessive adjectives like my, our, your, his, her, its, theirs are also determiners.
- Suraj’s father sold his car two months ago.
Words that show how much or how many (quantity) are called quantifiers. These include many, a little, few, some, a lot of, etc. Some of them are only used with countable and some of them are used only with uncountable nouns. Some others are used with both countable and uncountable nouns.
- Quantifiers used with countable nouns show how many.
- Quantifiers used with uncountable nouns show how much.
Number Determiners:-
These determiners are just used to specify the exact count or number in a sentence. They are one, two, fifty, thirty, etc.
- There are five mangoes in the basket.
- Each child got two chocolates.
Ordinal Determiners:-
These are to determine the class or present the position of the subject in the sentence. They are first, second, last, next, etc.
- Raman stood first in the long jump.
- Sushil was the last to receive the prize.
Fill in the following blanks with the suitable determiners.
A. Misers are generally characterised as men without honour or without humanity, who live _______________ to accumulate, and to this passion sacrifice every other happiness. They have been described as mad men _______________ in the midst of abundance, banish _______________ pleasure, and make from imaginary wants realnecessities. But _______________ very few, correspond to the exaggerated pictures; perhaps there is not one in _______________ all these circumstances are found united. Instead of this we find the sober and the industrious branded by the vain and the idle with the odious appellation; men _______________ buy frugality and labour, raise themselves above _______________ equals, and contribute their share of industry to _______________ common stock.
B. Discontentment is _______________ root cause of all unhappiness. Contentment is blissful whereas discontentment is a curse. _______________ more discontented we are, _______________ more unhappy we are. We may have _______________ amounts of money in the bank, we may own vast farms or palaces or factories, we may be monopolists with beautiful sources of income, we will never be happy if we are discontented. A discontented man is always a slave to his desires. He acts as _______________ enemy. He does not care for _______________ position or prestige. He does not care for _______________ mental or physical health. He only wants the satisfaction of _______________ desires. He can act as his _______________ friend if he acquires contentment, but he does not do so. It is in his own hands to be free or to be a slave. If he controls _______________ desires he becomes free, if he is controlled by _______________ desires, he becomes _______________ slave.
C. Books are _______________, delightful company. If you go into _______________ room filled with books even without taking them down from _______________ shelves, they seem to speak to you seem to welcome you seem to tell you that they have something inside _______________ covers that will be good for you and that they are willing to impart it to you. Value them and endeavour to use them well. As to _______________ books which you should read there is _______________ anything definite that can be said.
D. The spirit of sportsmanship is what we lack today. The sports tell us _______________ we should react to defeat or disappointment with _______________ smile. We should not go about insisting on _______________ success in whatever we attempt. It is not possible for _______________ man to succeed in _______________ desire he has. There may be ambition of groups, there may be ambition of individuals which they set before themselves and they must try, if they are disappointed in the carrying out of their ambitions to take _______________ disappointment and _______________ defeat with a smile and to learn from it. What will happen if every individual in the street wishes to go his _______________ particular way without observing the rules of traffic, there will be clashes, there will be accidents. What happens on the streets will also happen in the political and public sphere of the country.
E. Many men and women are so money-minded _______________ they don’t undertake any serious work that does not pay. They believe that it is foolish to exert themselves for such study and brain work as cannot be converted into cash. Hard work only for money and then plenty of play and pleasure: this seems to be _______________ rule of life. They value intellect only as _______________ key to material prosperity and regard personal mental development as _______________ foolish fad. _______________ miserable materialistic psychology is very deeply rooted in _______________ classes of society. Rich and poor _______________ suffer from it. _______________ old working woman complained to me of _______________ son’s habit of occasionally buying some cheap books, and said, “He wastes _______________ money on books. What good are they to _______________? He is _______________ carpenter, not _______________ school master.”
F. _______________ wants to take rest, but _______________ know how to enjoy it. _______________ rich and _______________ poor, _______________ young and the old, _______________ go to bed at night, but _______________ enjoy a restful sleep. Generally people do not know the right manner of taking a rest. This is why they do not feel rejuvenated even _______________ having seven to eight hours sleep at night. Before describing _______________ right manner of taking rest, it must be clearly understood _______________ man’s physical state of health effects _______________ thoughts considerably and vice-versa. It is _______________ well recognised fact that when a man’s stomach is heavy and the food is not properly digested his thoughts wander about _______________ mood becomes restless. But if the stomach is light and body healthy, the man’s thoughts, too, are calm. In a healthy state, _______________ man’s brain is active and the mind cheerful and he does not bother much about the worries of _______________ world.
More about Determiners
- It’s possible to have no determiner in a sentence. Example: John likes dogs. People breathe air. This is called ‘zero determiners’, and is usually possible with proper nouns (ie names), ‘plural’, ‘countable nouns’ and ‘uncountable nouns’.
- All determiners, when present in a sentence, come at the beginning of a noun phrase (before any adjectives): the big black dog /my favorite car
- Depending on its position before the noun, a determiner can be:
Pre-determiner – Central Determiner – Post-determiner – Noun
all – the – many – roads
a central determiner, a pre-determiner or a post-determiner.
3. If you have a ‘main determiner”, we can have only one noun. The main determiners are:
- articles: a/an, the
- demonstratives: this/that, these/those
- possessives: my/your/his etc
So if we have an article in a sentence, we cannot also have a demonstrative. If we have a possessive, we cannot have an article. We can have one article or one demonstrative or one possessive. For example, we can say “this dog” or “my dog”, but we cannot say “this my dog”. The table below shows how the main determiners “mutually exclude” each other:
articles | demonstratives | possessives | noun |
a | dog | ||
the | soup | ||
this | flower | ||
those | birds | ||
my | sister | ||
their | car |
4. Some determiners function as “pre-determiners” — they can come before the main determiner. We can have one pre-determiner: all the right people/half my weight
5. Other determiners function as “post-determiners” — they can come after the main determiner. We can have one or more post-determiners: the next time/my first two jobs
6. If we have more than one determiner, the table below is a guide to the normal order. Remember, this is a guide only. Not every combination is possible.
Pre-determiners / Central Determiners / Post-determiners
There are different types of pre-determiners determiners. The main ones are:
Main Pre-determiners | Example Words | Example Phrases |
multipliers | twice, double three times. | twice the money |
fractions | half, one fourth. | half an hour |
Intensifiers | what, such, rather, quite | What a mess! |
other words | both, all | both my legs |
Main Central determiners include:
Main post-determiners | Example Words | Example Phrases |
cardinal numbers | one, two, eighty. | the three eagles |
ordinal numbers | first, second, twenty-third. | the first time |
general ordinals | last, next, previous, latter, subsequent. | our next meeting |
quantifiers | few, several, many. | his several successes |
Language Tips about Determiners
Some words can be determiners or post-determiners, depending on the number of determiners in a sentence and their place.
‘two’ is a determiner in: I need two rackets.
‘two’ is a post-determiner in: I need the two rackets from the garage, (‘two’ is placed after the centra! determiner ‘the’)
‘many’ is a determiner in: We know many uses for these products.
‘many’ is a post-determiner in: We know their many uses, (‘many’ is placed after the central determiner ‘their’)
Usually, we only use one pre-determiner. However, it is possible to use two post determiners, as shown in the examples below.
- his next two projects, the first three days, etc
A. Complete sentences using correct determiners.
1. I make _______________ his salary! (half/all)
2. We brush our teeth _______________ a day. (two/twice)
3. _______________ the customers were satisfied, (all/both)
4. Are you available for the _______________ meeting? (last/next)
5. _______________ my uncles live in Switzerland, (both/twice)
6. _______________ this amount is enough, (all/one third of)
7. _______________ a great invention! (What/How)
8. This is _______________ an amazing story! (so/such)
9. I never want to speak to those _______________ crooks again, (both/two)
10. He explained his _______________ projects, (much/many)
B. Rearrange the words to make sentences and underline the determiners.
1. ate / it / she / half / of
2. proud / many / of / is / achievements / he / his
3. such / is / difficult / a / this / exercise
C. Which is the correct phrase: A, B or both? Tick the correct one.
1. the first two hours | 1. the two first hours |
2. a such good investment | 2. such a good investment |
3. several his objectives | 3. his several objectives |
4. my both ears | 4. both my ears |
5. two-fifths of the candidates | 5. two-fifth candidates |
6. twice the money | 6. double the money |
7. my two eyes | 7. both my eyes |
8. the all day | 8. all the day |
9. their few friends | 9. few their friends |
10. the last four days | 10. the four last days |
11. double that salary | 11. double of that salary |
12. four times of the number of people | 12. Four times the number of people |
13. twice the number | 13. twice of the number |
14. all the people have problems | 14. the people all have problems |
15. half this milk is spoiled | 15. half of this milk is spoiled |
D. Read the sentences underline the words which are determiners.
1. Most days, Manish speaks to Neha at least once a day.
2. He earns twice her salary.
3. Last week, he took her to quite an expensive restaurant.
4. That evening, he spent three times the amount he had anticipated!
5. What a gentleman!
E. Determine whether the following statements are True or False.
1. Usually, we use several pre-determiners. | True/False |
2. ‘Next’ is a pre-determiner. | True/False |
3. Some words can be determiners or post-determiners. | True/False |
4. It is rare to have a pre-determiner, a central determiner, and a post-determiner in one sentence. | True/False |
F. Match the determiner on the left to its category on the right.
1. all | a. pre-determiner |
2. second | b. central determiner |
3. mine | c. post-determiner |
4. the | d. not a determiner |
G. Put the words in the correct order.
1. three / first / failed / attempts / he / the
2. difference / their / a / quite / contributions / made
3. our / engineering I both / study / sons / chemical
4. several / we / achievements / admire / his
CBSE Class 8 English Grammar