Determiners are words that come before nouns. They contain several classes of words, including pronouns and adjectives. They determine or limit the noun by giving some additional information about it. Determiners show whether a noun refers to is a general or a specific object, person, or place. They indicate which or how many things the noun refers to. Determiners define or limit a noun to the singular or plural. They indicate the amount or quantity. Determiners and nouns together make noun phrases. They make noun phrases with adjectives too. Determiners may precede numerals too.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 6 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Determiners Exercises With Answers for Class 6 CBSE PDF

Use of ‘All

  • All’ can be used before a countable noun. ( All girls, All guests)
  • All can be used before an uncountable noun. ( All work, All fun)
  • All can be used as a pronoun. (All work no play makes a jack a dull boy.)

Use of ‘Each/Every’

  • Each/Every means a number of persons or things considered individually
  • Examples
    a) Each man knows his duties.
    b) Every man knows his duties.
  • Each is used for small numbers.
  • Both Each/Every takes singular verb.

Use of ‘Both’
Both is used in the sense of ‘one and the other’.
‘Both’ can be used alone or followed by a noun.

  • Both won a contest.
  • Both of them are leaving.

It takes plural verb.
‘Both’ ‘and’ indicates the combination of two adjectives, nouns, verbs etc.

  • a) I like to eat both ice-cream and hamburger.
  • b) It was both hot and humid.

Use of ‘Neither, Either’
‘Neither’ means ‘not one and not the other’
It takes singular verb.
It is followed by ‘nor’ to combine two negatives.


  • (Neither I like to sing nor do I like to dance at annual function.)
  • ‘Either’ means ‘any one of two’.
  • It takes a singular verb. ‘Either’ is followed by ‘or’.
  • (You can either wait for sometime or come a little later.)

Use of ‘One
When we have been talking or writing about a group of people or things and want to say something about a particular member of the group, we use ‘one’.

As a pronoun ‘One should be followed by appropriate cases of ‘one’.

  • (One should do one’s duty.)

Use of ‘Another’
It is used with singular countable nouns to talk about an additional person or thing of the same type as have already been mentioned.


  • (Can I have another pair of shoes?)

Use of ‘Other’
It is used with plural nouns.
It is also used with uncountable nouns.

  • (Despite her job she has many other duties to perform.)

Use of ‘Enough’
It is used with plural nouns and uncountable nouns.
It is meant to say that there is sufficient amount of something, or as much as it is needed.

  • (Her mother gives her enough meal to eat.)

Use of ‘Most’
It is used for all the group or amount.

  • (Most of the guests are residing in the hotel.)

Use of ‘Several’
It indicates an imprecise number that is not very large but it is more than two.

  • (I had seen her several times before.)

Determiners Practice Exercises for Class 6 CBSE

A. Read the following idiomatic expressions and underline the determiners.

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
2. There is no smoke without fire.
3. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
4. Many hands make light work.
5. Any time means no time.
6. Every cloud has a silver lining.
7. More haste, less speed.
8. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
9. All roads lead to Rome.
10. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

B. Fill in the blanks with ‘each’ or ‘every’.

1. There were four books on the table. ___________ book was of a different colour.
2. The Olympic Games are held ___________ four years.
3. ___________ parent worries about their children.
4. In a game of tennis there are two or four players. ___________ player has a racket.
5. Nancy plays volleyball ___________ Thursday evening.

C. Fill the blanks with suitable determiners. The first one has been done for you.

1. Every nation is proud of its culture.
2. ___________ of them got majority.
3. ___________ of you can collect the prize.
4. I love ___________ song that Shakira sings.
5. Choose the ___________ you like.
6. ___________ of them are in the room.
7. ___________ of my old school friends live in different cities.
8. I do not know ___________ of them.
9. I could ___________ laugh ___________ cry.
10. Can I see that ___________?
11. ___________ of the students did not pass the exam.

D. Complete the sentences using ‘each/every’ correctly.

1. Read ___________ of these questions carefully.
2. The Cricket World Cup is held ___________ four years.
3. ___________ pen was a different colour.
4. We play badminton ___________ Sunday morning.
5. There is a plane to Mumbai ___________ two hours.
6. Those shoes cost 1200 rupees ___________

E. Fill in the blanks with ‘either’ or ‘neither

1. ___________ of the two girls has broken the bottle. Both of them were present there when the bottle broke.
2. ___________ sister nor brother saw it being broken. The father told them that
3. ___________ they should admit the mistake or be ready for punishment. Still
4. ___________ of them did not admit. It seems that
5. ___________ of them had the courage to speak the truth.

F. Fill in the blanks with correct determiners.

1. ___________ (Both/All) these shoes are equally good. You can buy
2. ___________; (either/ neither) of them.
2. My father telephoned her ___________ (several/all) times. But ___________ (every/each) time her brother picked up the phone.
3. Yesterday evening I saw an accident. ___________ (One/Several) truck drove into the back of another/other). Fortunately ___________ (neither/either) were the drivers injured, nor the occupants, but ___________ (both/all) the trucks were badly damaged.
4. I answered ___________ (all/every) the questions correctly.
5. She lost ___________ (both/either) her brothers.
6. “Do you want a mobile or a tab?” ___________ (Either/Neither), I really don’t mind.”
7. “What day was yesterday – Sunday or Monday?” ___________ (Either/Neither), It was Saturday.”
8. “Where did she go for a holiday- America or London?”
“She went to ___________ (both/all). She stayed a fortnight in America and a fortnight in London.

G. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.
either, neither, other, another, both, several, one, most, enough

Shopkeeper: 1. ___________ of these toys are equally good. You can buy 2. ___________ of them.
Customer : They are good, no doubt but 3. ___________ of them serves my needs. Can you please show me 4. ___________ toy which has some music as well.
Shopkeeper : Yes, there is the 5. ___________ that has 6. ___________ different kinds of music. This is the latest toy with 7. ___________ colours added to it.
Customer: Hmm! Let me see! It looks beautiful. Fine! Give me this toy.
Shopkeeper: Here it is! Rs. 300 please.
Customer : Three hundred? I am afraid I don’t have 8. ___________ money with me.
Shopkeeper: Don’t worry. You can pay the balance amount later. Is there any 9. ___________ toy you need?