A debate is a formal discussion on a particular theme or topic. It is mostly conducted in a public setting in which people present their opposing arguments for or against a particular theme or topic.
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Debate Writing for Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples
A debate is a contest in the form of an argument, in favour of or against a motion. It is usually between two persons or two teams.
Debate Points to Remember
- Collect information related to the topic both in favour and against it.
- Read reference books.
- Discuss the topic with peer group or seniors.
- Collect authentic dnta and try to add the points which are beyond rebuttal.
- Use simple and short sentences.
- Address the audience.
- Use. questions, phrases and quotes.
Debate Writing Examples For Class 12 With Answers CBSE
Format Of Debate Writing Examples
Question 1.
Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion: ‘Capital Punishment should be abolished’.
Good morning honourable judges, my fellow competitors and worthy audience.
Today, I, Deepak Raj, am going to express my views in favour of the motion, ‘capital punishment should be abolished’.
Friends, I feel that capital punishment is a brutal, outdated concept that must J?e abolished in the name of civilised society. The death penalty is the harsh form of punishment in the world today.
So, the role of the death penalty as a form of deterrence is absolutely a myth. The ‘rarest of the rare’ phrase is explained by the law commission, as being arbitrary and subject to the judge ascertaining a murder case. More importantly, it has kept the capital punishment in the context of the country’s flamed criminal justice system.
In fact, my objection to death penalty or capital punishment is an objection only to the taking of lives, but not to the idea of punishment as such.
So, friends, capital punishment should be abolished because it has cultural, moral and economic aspects. Taking lives is inhumane and it also affects economically weaker sections of the society.
Hence, I suggest the scrapping of capital punishment of all crimes except terrorism related offences.
Thank you.
Against the Motion Debate
Good morning honourable judges, my fellow competitors and dear friends. I, Anuj Gupta, stand before you to speak against the motion. Friends, my wise opponent has highlighted the some positive aspects of abolition of capital punishment. But, I think that capital punishment should not at all be abolished.
As you see’that after the abolition of capital punishment in some countries, did the crime rate increase or decrease in the country?
Statistics show that murderers after release from the prison commit murders rampantly. So, friends! you realize the gravity of the situation. If capital punishment is made illegal, the criminals will be at liberty to commit crimes in the country. Obviously the terrorists will attack the country. Drug trafficking, treason and murder rate will increase, only capital punishment as imposed by the government can control the situation. So, friends, for the defence of the country, capital punishment must not be abolished. We must respect capital punishment and the idea of retribution, i.e. severe punishment for crime.
Thank you.
Question 2.
“Rising prices can be controlled only by the Government”. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion.
For The Motion
Good morning, honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen. The topic before the house is “Rising prices can be controlled only by the government”.
The Central government under attack from the opposition and the common people at large has failed to bring about acche din as promised by it earlier. While the blame game continues, the fact that ‘rising prices can only be controlled by government’, is well established and thus I speak for the motion.
Money is the lifeblood of commerce. For the market to operate, we need to ensure a stable, non – inflationary currency. Inflation, a monetary phenomenon, is an increase in money and credit. The government creates new money in order to cover what it spends in excess of its income. The existence of an unbalanced budget is a frequent reason for this and the government is solely responsible for this.
The basic cause of rising prices is the government’s unwillingness to cut its spending or to raise the funds it desires by increasing taxation or by borrowing from the public.
The people who suffer the most is the aam admi or the common man. Inflation is a type of tax that falls on citizens in the form of higher prices for what he purchases.
We clearly win the debate here, because we totally reject the theory that growth is required at any cost. The failure of the government pushes the poor into severe poverty. The poorest of the poor do not know the high GDP of 8 – 9% but they do know the prices of onions and potatoes and the government makes deliberate attempts to increase the same.
Thus we have established that it is only in the hands of the government to control the rising prices.
Thank you
Against the Motion Debate
Good morning, honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen. The topic before the house is “Rising prices can be controlled only by the government”. I am going to speak against the motion.
The tragedy of our times is that we have an opposition which seems to be having a myopic view on all issues and wants to blame the government for everything. Even an attempt to say that “Rising prices can only be controlled by the government”, is a reflection of lack of information and understanding of market economics.
It is not solely in the government’s hands to control the prices of goods. One of the major factors for increasing prices is the rapid growth of population coupled with increase in income of a sizeable part of population. It has led to an increase in demand for goods and services. This process, unaccompanied by a corresponding increase in the consumer goods, raises the price level. A major cause of inflation is hoarding and blackmarketeering in essential goods. The prices of onions and pulses are an example. Industrial production has also not been adequate, results in rising prices. The ongoing crises in the Middle East have resulted in the increase in the price of oil in the International market. It is not in the hands of the government to control the situation.
Thank you!
Question 3.
‘Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities.’ Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion.
Private Cars Should Be Banned in the Congested Commercial Areas of Cities
For The Motion Debate
Respected jury members, dear teachers, friends ancf worthy opponents.
I stand here to speak for the motion as I believe that it’s time we and the government did something about it. Numerous studies have shown that vehicular pollution is on the rise and so is the traffic. While the use of cars cannot be stopped or reduced drastically as it is a transport of convenience, but can be banned in the congested commercial areas of cities.
The advantages of implementing the ban is that it will lead to less congestion, less traffic snarls, no frayed tempers and no road rage incidents. Secondly, less vehicles would mean less exhaust emission and less time wasted on roads which in turn will increase the efficiency of people. Let my opponents not forget that banning cars in the congested areas will also reduce the noise pollution which has reached alarming levels, the space for movement will be more and the vehicles carrying goods in the commercial hubs will ply with more ease thereby saving time too.
To conclude, this step should be taken at the earliest as it will immensely benefit the people of the commercial areas and become a path – breaking example for others to follow suit.
Against the Motion Debate
Respected jury members, dear teachers, friends and worthy opponents.
At the very outset, I would like to remind my worthy opponent that a total ban on the use of any transport in India has never worked as our country is still a developing nation. How will banning the private cars in a congested commercial area reduce the pollution levels? Is the pollution caused only by private cars? Another question I would like to ask is – what about the freedom of travelling of car owners? What about the shopkeepers’ own vehicles which they require for the purpose of their work?
It seems as if the car owners are being punished for owning a car which is their right. They can use it in any way, there is no restriction of time, no waiting and it is so much more convenient than . depending on any public transport – an area, the condition of which is so dismal that it can itself generate a debate!
Though I also stand for decongestion and clean environment, banning the private cars all of a sudden without providing any alternate measures, will prove disastrous and may invite strong opposition from private car owners in commercial areas.
4. ‘Our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource.’
Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion.
Our Large Population Is Not a Cause of Poverty But an Asset, a Resource.
For The Motion Debate
Respected members of the jury, teachers, dear friends and my worthy opponents.
I stand here to speak for the motion as I feel that our large population is a boon for our country. Our country’s population is termed the young population as it is estimated that between 2020 to 2050 the average age of Indian population would be around 29 which is the most productive age for the economy to grow. Larger population can always be a big asset for the manufacturing units which thrive on their cheap labour and going by the ‘Make in India’ programme of our PM Narendra Modi, we can be a big exporter of hand – made goods where each hand will become an earning hand for the nation.
I am sure, my worthy opponents are aware of the ‘Skill India Campaign’, another initiative to make our youth skilled, so that the foreign companies invest in oqr country to offer us new projects – this ambitious project will not only provide jobs to our younger generation but also earn revenue for the country. This is possible only because we have a large untapped young population which is a big asset. I would like to end my debate by reiterating that India’s power lies in the hands of its citizens and its growing population will mark its rising power.
Against the Motion Debate
Respected members of the jury, teachers, dear friends and my worthy opponents.
I would like to begin my argument with a quote that explains it all.
Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, maybe we should control the population to ensure the survival of our environment.
– Sir David Attenborough
Dear friends, large population breeds nothing but poverty and unemployment. It becomes increasingly difficult to provide the basic facilities to a growing population. I fail to understand my opponent’s view that a huge population is an asset, in fact if anything – huge population consumes more resources thereby leading to its shortage, so how can this be an asset?
Question 6.
“A career counsellor (not you, yourself) is the best person to guide you in the choice of a career.” Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion.
“A career counsellor is the best person to guide you in the choice of a career.”
For The Motion Debate
Respected Jury members, dear teachers, friends and worthy opponents.
There is no denying the truth that once we finish our school, we are faced with – what next? A student at the threshold of a new start has parents, teachers and friends as guides and each one speaks from his/her own perspective.
It is at this juncture that a career counsellor can help students to sail though the turbulent times. He/ She is the best person to guide you and help you decide your career based on your aptitude, skills, performance and personality.
I would like to bring home the point that human talent and potential is tremendous and can’t be measured as such. Each individual has his/her strengths and weaknesses. It is here that the career counsellor comes into the picture. He/She identifies that unique quality and guides one to know the different career paths, the pros and cons of each. The students can make an informed choice. Thus I would say that with the help of career counsellors, students end up choosing the best profession well suited to their needs. They perform well and ultimately succeed in life.
Against The Motion Debate
Respected Jury members, dear teachers, friends and worthy opponents.
I oppose the motion that a career counsellor is the best person to guide you in the choice of a career. I feel that patents can guide you with so much of experience behind them and the best person to guide you is you yourself. We must listen to our parents but given the generation gap and the advancement in technology, their ideas may not be in tune with present times but their wisdom and experience are priceless and one must pay heed to them.
We should decide our own careers as the passion, aptitude and interest for a particular career is best known to us and it will breed the best in us. We, as students, have a lot of exposure these days and there is knowledge boom hence, we are in a position to identify the pros and cons of choosing a particular career option to suit our potential.
I would like to close my debate by stressing the fact that a student should have the total freedom to decide his career path involving his parents, friends and other trustworthy members but taking the services of an outside (counsellor) to decide his/her future is not acceptable at any cost.
Question 7.
“Social media (Facebook, Tbitter, etc.) is being used to create disaffection in society.” Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion.
For The Motion Debate
Good morning, Honourable Judges and my fellow competitors, today I’m going to express my views in – favour of the motion, “Social media is being used to create disaffection in society.”
My first question to the experts is what do they think about the social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Is it helpful to the teenagers or addicting them to waste their time? It is definitely an addiction of chatting for a long time and checking news feeds. Facebook, Twitter, etc. should carry a warning because the children who spend more time online social network affect their eyes and their mental health and they neglect their studies. Research findings show that more than 90% of 16 to 24 years olds use social networks. A BBC survey shows that 10 – 12 years olds have social media accounts. It is also found that girls are more affected than the boys. Of late, it is found that excessive net surfing has become a growing problem. It not only wastes study time, but also wastes time at work and at home. Teenagers now spend nearly more than three hours a week online social media than they do watching TV. Social media can cause major problem by giving false and unreliable information and is detrimental. In this way social media is being used to create disaffection in the society.
Against The Motion Debate
Good morning respected judges and my dear friends, Today, I am going to speak against the motion, “Social Media is being used to create disaffection in the society.”
Dear friends, is social networking not a new advancement in technology? Does it not make the world more open and connected? My worthy opponent might have forgotten to see the aspect of e – m,edia growth of the social media. Social media, particularly, Facebook helps direct interaction with the people all over the world. It helps us stay connected to friends and families in today’s fast paced and ever changing world. It has a great commercial viability as it is an invaluable promotional tool.
Besides, companies, artists, writers and musicians can reach diverse amount of people using social media sites. Breaking news and other important information can spread like wildfire on social media sites. The most important advantage of social media is to share our achievements and talents with the world. Maybe, social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. have some drawbacks, but on the whole in today’s world, it has great impact on the education and the society as well.
Question 8.
“Gyms and fitness centres have reduced the importance of exercise in the park.” Write a debate in 15(1 – 200 words either for or against the motion.
For The Motion Debate
Good morning respected judges, teachers and dear friends. Today, I am going to express my views in favour of the motion, “Gyms and fitness centres have reduced the importance of exercise in the park.” Exercise in the park is very important because it helps us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The green space in the park is associated with longevity. One can feel the sun shining on ones skin, the breeze blowing through our hair, the sights and sounds of nature guiding us in the park. In fact, exercising in the park improves energy level and decreases stress to a greater extent than exercising in a gym and fitness centre.
These days many of us go to gym and fitness centres for exercise daily. Do you think gyms and fitness centres ensure better mental and physical health of the people? Let us think logically. Maybe, gyms and fitness centres have social environment, but they can never improve our health. The decrease in stress is only feasible if we exercise in the park. Nowadays youngsters have a tendency to attend gym and fitness centres under a certified instructor, thereby reducing the importance of exercise in the park.
Against The Motion Debate
Good morning honourable judges and dear friends. I am going to speak against the motion, “Gyms and fitness centres have reduced the importance/)!’ exercise in the park.”
My worthy opponent has highly spoken about how gyms and fitness centres have reduced the importance of exercise in the park. But the story is quite different. We live in a world where we are so busy that we hardly find time to exercise in the park. However, exercising in the park provides us an opportunity to be physically active in a constantly changing environment. Parks create an opportunity for kids to enjoy themselves and interact with others.
It is gyms and fitness centres that help us to keep us fit in a social environment. Experts say that group workouts led by a certified instructor also ensure participants to get a safe and effect workout location. The benefits of many health clubs lie in the abundance of fitness classes and tailored training they offer, from yoga and Pilates, to strengthen classes and myriad cardia dance combo sessions. In fact, most of the gyms offer opportunity to do all the forms of exercise.
Besides, it does offer the ability to exercise when environment is not friendly with us. In sum, fitness centres, in other words gyms provide us safe and comfortable workout environment in order to achieve our best physique.
Question 9.
“Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career.” Write a debate either for or against the motion. (120-150 words)
Academic Excellence is the only requirement for a successful career
For The Motion Debate
Hon’ble Jury members, respected teachers, dear friends and participants. I am going to speak for the motion.
If one excels academically, one may get a chance to enrol in prestigious institutions for further studies. If the marks are very high, one could get a scholarship too. And if one comes out with flying colours from such institutions, then one may be lured by big corporations who give fabulous salaries and perks as they require talented trainees for their future business plans. The growth prospects for such people in big companies is also assured. All this is possible only if one excels and achieves the highest grades ever achievable. Of course, one ought to possess other attributes like social skills, language skills, communication skills, debating skills and computer skills. But academic excellence is a perquisite first, all these attributes can be diluted.
Against The Motion Debate
Hon’ble Jury piembers, respected teachers dear friends and participants. I am going to speak against the motion.
Nowadays there is too much emphasis on academic excellence. It is said to be the sole criterion for ensuring success in life. In India, for example jobs are obtained by only those who excel in academics. In my opinion, academic excellence may be important but is not the only criterion for ensuring success in life. Ability and willpower are also some of the determiners of success. Skills can be social skills, language skills, communication skills, debating skills, and computer skills.
There is no guarantee that an individual with the most A’s or perfect grades will bag a job as some employers may employ candi¬dates based on their skills. Morever willpower of an individual is another secret to success in life. If an individual has willpower and is determined to achieve a certain goal as vision in life, he will no doubt be victorious in life.
A classic example of determination is Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, who dropped out from Harward University and worked hard with determination to become a successful computer software icon. I believe that skills, ability not willingness to work hard in one’s life are the main determinants of success in one’s life.
As the adage says: “Where there is a will there’s a way”. There is always a chance for everyone to be successful in life as long as they are willing to worlc hard to take up the challenge.
Question 10.
“Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India”. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion.
For The Motion Debate
Good morning, honourable members of the jury, my fellow competitors and worthy audience, today I’m going to express my views in favour of the motion “Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India”. First of all, I would like to ask how many intelligent persons go to foreign countries every year on average. Dear friends, the number is just a handful.
India, the largest democracy in the world, with a population of more than 120 billion, is a fast developing country. No doubt many students realise their dream to go abroad to study and earn a lot of money but that is just a myth. The reality is that more than 80% of the people who go abroad to study are those who are not competent enough to get admission in Indian universities. In fact, the brain drain hardly has any effect on developing countries like India because the real geniuses stay back.
A developing country like India works on its resources. The m jor resource that India has is the human resource. India is a land of geniuses and learned people and this is evident from the fact that India has done so much in the field of science and technology from Mars Mission to the latest launch of IRNSS – 1F satellite. Indian educational institutions are supposed to be among the world’s best.
Thus, a culturally diverse, economically strong, socially bonded country like India can never be affected by the trivial issue of brain drain.
Thank you
Against The Motion Debate
Good morning, honourable members of the jury, my fellow competitors and worthy audience, today I’m going to express my views against the topic “Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India”. Dear friends, there is absolutely no doubt that development and growth are equally proportionate to the intelligence and resourcefulness of people. In fact, for any developing country, human resources are the most important thing. How can a country progress if most of its intelligent brains have migrated to some other place? That is the crises that we all are facing these days.
We are not able to hold the brainy, intelligent, productive people in our country due to corruption and nepotism. But ‘brain drain’ has proved to be a great hindrance. Development is not possible without intelligent scientists, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, etc. but unfortunately the youth have got so frustrated with the system that they don’t want to stay in India. The work culture in our country, the incomes and lifestyles leaves much to be desired. Therefore, whoever migrates is lost to our country for ever.
This ‘brain drain’ is no doubt a bane for every developing country because it is one of the major factors which impedes the growth of a country and ultimately brings all development to a standstill,
Thank you!
Question 11.
“The Internet cannot replace a classroom teacher”. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or ! against the motion.
For The Motion Debate
Good morning, honourable judges, worthy audience and dear friends.
Classrooms are the most powerful spaces that exist in the world today. These leave a long lasting impact on the minds of individuals. As we move in a more globalized and technologically oriented world, the dilemma of morality, ethics and life is fast increasing and no Internet can answer these questions. Thus the topic that “Internet can’t replace a classroom teacher” has come at the most : appropriate time and I stand in favour of it.
The Internet or the virtual media can never answer the vastness and depth of questions that exist in the minds of the students. The Internet may give them information but it can’t teach them morality.
The bond between a teacher and a student is a human bond. It is a human connect which a computer can’t replace. The relationship between a teacher and a student is not just restricted to a classroom. A teacher is a person who is able to have a life long impact on the students. The teacher can scold, guide and understand a child’s emotions as he/she is growing up. This can’t be done by any virtual medium or by the Internet.
The essence of learning is to make individuals capable of coping with anger, anxiety, failure and success. The aim of education is to create responsible citizens which the Internet cannot do. It is only a teacher who takes full responsibility for nurturing the child.
The world today may have found its own “Google God” but the “Guru – Shishya” relationship can’t be replaced as the Internet cannot replace a classroom teacher.
Thank you
Against The Motion Debate
Good morning, honourable judges, worthy audience and dear friends.
In today’s fast moving world, where technology has taken over our lives in all ways possible, the modern-day teacher is the Internet and not the person teaching in the class. The view that ‘Internet can’t replace a classroom teacher’ is a thing of the past and is not valid today. Thus, I speak against the motion.
In today’s classroom, the students are much more aware of the world and life than the teacher is. The students have answers to all questions even before a teacher can answer them because all the answers today can be answered by the modern – day teacher, the Internet. Besides, the Internet can reach retnote areas where teachers have limited exposure to the latest.
The Internet serves not just as a teacher but as an entire library in itself. There is no question in the world which the Internet cannot answer. Internet has already replaced the classroom teacher as learning today is not dependent on the teacher. Thus, Internet has completely revolutionised the education system.
The decline in the number of talented and sincere teachers and the lack of willingness amongst people to become a teacher has paved the way for the Internet to become the new teacher. This is the main cause for the suffering of the education system but with Internet, as the new teacher, there is no problem of quality and consistency.
On the one hand, where students had to wait for the teachers to solve their doubts, now they can get their questions answered just by the click of a mouse. Their teacher is in their hands and always ready to solve their problems. The Internet is not just limited to the classroom like a teacher but it opens the world to students and allows them to learn.
Thank you