Debate Writing for Class 7 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, SamplesA debate is a formal discussion on a particular theme or topic. It is mostly conducted in a public setting in which people present their opposing arguments for or against a particular theme or topic.

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Debate Writing Class 7 English CBSE Format Example Questions


  • A debate is a contest between two speakers or two groups of speaker to show skill and ability in arguing.
  • Speakers are required to speak for or against a proposition, a question or a problem.
  • It is a battle with words, facts and a little imagination.
  • To participate in a debate, one must prepare an outline of the main points in order in which one is going to argue.
  • Every topic/subject has its own vocabulary. These must be learnt.

The speaker addresses the chair (Mr. President/Madam), ‘submits’ an argument, ‘appeals’ for sympathetic understanding and support, ‘questions’ the opponent’s views and ‘concludes’ an argument. He also ‘Answer:s’ questions in the rebuttal session.

Following expressions can be useful in preparing your own arguments.
Use powerful expressions like:

  • I’d like to argue
  • In my opinion
  • May I ask? etc.
  • Refer to your opponent’s view/views.
  • Stick to your view point either in favour or against.

The layout of the Debate

  • Greeting the audience, introducing yourself, taking a clear position.
  • Introduce the topic with a quotation.
  • Make a dramatic opening statement.
  • Address the audience. Introduce yourself. Take your position for or against the motion.
  • Present your arguments in a sequence.
  • Support your claims and counter claims with facts, statistics, quotations and news – items, etc.
  • Refer to the speech (es) of your opponent(s) and tear apart their forceful rebuttal, denials and counter arguments.
  • Give your opinion in the concluding paragraph.
  • Sound a warning, make an appeal or express a fear or hope.
  • The conclusion should be as dramatic and effective as the beginning.
  • Don’t forget to thank the audience.

Points To Remember

  1. Begin with – “Honourable Judges and my dear friends, I stand before you to express my views for/against the motion ‘Topic’.
  2. Total agreement or disagreement with the topic should be expressed forcefully and clearly.
  3. Use argumentative style and logical reasoning.
  4. Bank up arguments with relevant information.
  5. At the end write Thank you’ at extreme end on the left.
  6. Always make a rough draft, edit and give time to yourself.

Debate Writing Exercises With Answers for Class 7 CBSE

Write a debate in favour of the motion “Online smart classes are the future education style”.

Honourable judges and worthy listeners

If you think computers will be distracting children from studies, with a sincere sorry for you, let me tell you that the young generation has gone a long way with computers!

When most parents think of learning from computers, social networking sites like Facebook appear before their eyes. It is the biggest cyber tragedy. There are definitely a large number of sites apart from Facebook. I am not here to debate if these social networking sites are doing good or bad – certainly, they do both but I am here to talk about the endless possibilities of computer and Internet-based teaching method.

Khan’s academy, Baiju teaching app, learn – next, merit nation, good – reads, the list of online teaching platforms is endless and ever-growing. There are millions of students and teachers who use these websites and apps for their exam preparation. They are mostly free this is what makes one turn away from traditional paper guides. With smart phone in every hand, city and village alike these online libraries are within everyone’s reach. Google has already replaced the word Guru because this portal gives you knowledge.

The need of an hour is to minimise the use of paper. In this context, you can find no better solution than e-learning. Rather than living the life of a consumer, let’s be contributors. Instead of buying books, let’s buy e-books and stop collecting a thousand books in our shelves. Let’s convert our phones or computers into a virtual library.

Thank you.

Debate Writing Examples CBSE Class 7

1. Zoos should not be banned because there is a need to protect as well as to conserve global biodiversity and wildlife. Zoos should be banned because all animals should be left to live freely in their own environment. In the light of above statements, discuss both the views whether Zoo should be abolished or not?
Debate Writing for Class 7 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Samples


2. Write a debate in favour of the motion “Humans are responsible for the possible end of life on earth.”


CBSE Class 7 English Writing