CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Animal Kingdom
To observe and draw the given specimens – earthworm, cockroach, bony fish and bird. For each specimen record.
- One specific feature of its phylum.
- One adaptive feature with reference to its habitat.
Preserved specimens of earthworm, cockroach, bony fish and bird, pencil, practical notebook.
Different organisms live in different habitats. Each animal has certain features which enable it to live in its habitat. The special features which enable plants and animals to be successful in a particular environment are called adaptations. Adaptations are due to certain modifications that are observed in organism at morphological, anatomical and physiological levels. By observing simple morphological features different adaptations found in organisms can be studied.
- Observe carefully the preserved specimen.
- Note the characteristics of organisms.
- Draw well labelled diagrams in practical notebook.
1. EARTHWORM (Pheretima)
It belongs to phylum Annelida.
- The body of the animal is divided into segments (internally and externally) called metameres.
- Chitinous setae which act as locomotory organ are present.
Adaptive Features
Earthworm lives inside a burrow in the soil. It has following adaptations:
- Its body is cylindrical and elongated.
- The anterior end is pointed and bears mouth. Over the mouth is a small sensory lobe called prostomium. It helps in sensing the soil while digging.
- It feeds on soil or humus and excretes fine soil and undigested material as ring-shaped castings through anus. This helps in making burrows.
- Skin is always kept moist with the help of mucus glands.
2. COCKROACH (Periplaneta)
It belongs to phylum Arthropoda.
- The body is divided into segments with a distinct head.
- It possesses jointed appendages with three pairs of legs.
Cockroaches live in warm, dark and wet places. They are found in sewers, basements, in drains etc. They are adapted to nocturnal habit. Following are adaptations found in cockroaches.
- The body is covered by chitinous cuticle which is impervious to water.
- On the lateral side of body spiracles are present which help in respiration.
- Head is triangular in shape and bears two compound eyes and two antennae. Antennae are sensory in function.
3. Bony fish
It belongs to phylum Chordata, sub phylum Vertebrata and class Pisces.
Features of Phylum chordata
- They have notochord.
- They have post anal tail.
Features of Class pisces
- They are aquatic animals.
- They have four pairs of gills which are covered by operculum.
- They have terminal mouth.
Adaptive Features
Bony fish adaptive to live in water (aquatic adaptations).
- They have streamlined body which helps in swimming.
- Their body is covered by scales.
- They have dorsal, pelvic, pectoral and tail fins for locomotion. Dorsal and pelvic fins help in balancing and movement in water, pectoral fins act as brakes and tail fins help in changing direction.
- Their eye is covered by nictitating membrane to protect them from water.
- They usually have air bladder which helps in buoyancy.
It belongs to phylum Chordata, sub phylum Vertebrata and class Aves.
Features of Phylum chordata
- They have notochord.
- They have post anal tail.
Features of Class aves
- Their forelimbs are modified into wings.
- They have beak.
- They are oviparous.
Adaptive Features
Birds are adaptive to aerial mode of life (to live in air). Following adaptations are found in them.
- They have streamlined body to provide minimum resistance to air current and help in flying.
- They have feathers on the body which provide insulation.
- Birds have air cavities in their bones (pneumatic bones) which reduce the weight of the body and help in flying.
- Their eyes are covered with nictitating membrane.
Always first observe the specimen carefully and then draw a well labelled diagram in your notebook.
Examiner :
What do you mean by adaptations?
Adaptations are modifications in organism which help it to adjust in its habitat.
Examiner :
State any two aquatic adaptations.
- Streamlined body,
- Fins for locomotion.
Examiner :
Name the sensory organ in fish.
Lateral line.
Examiner :
What is the function of tail fins of fish?
Tail fin helps fish in changing direction.
Examiner :
Why is it that fish can see clearly in water but not humans? ‘
Eyes of fish are covered with nictitating membrane which does not allow water to enter eyes but it is not so in case of humans.
Examiner :
What is vermicomposting?
Earthworms add manure to soil in form of its castings, this is vermicomposting.
Examiner :
Explain the feature of skin in earthworm which makes it suitable for respiration.
In earthworm, the skin is rich in mucous glands which keeps the skin always moist.
Examiner :
Give the technical term for respiration through skin.
Cutaneous respiration.
Examiner :
Why is it said that amphibians have dual mode of life?
Amphibians can live both on land and in water and have organs to support this mode of life.
Examiner :
Differentiate between the type of body segments present in earthworm and cockroach.
In earthworm, body is segmented both internally and externally into metameres whereas cockroach is segmented only externally.
Examiner :
What are food habits of cockroach?
Cockroach is an omnivore, with cutting and biting mouth parts.
Examiner :
Why is earthworm known as farmer’s friend?
- It ploughes the soil during burrowing by turning it upside down.
- Castings of earthworm enrich the soil.
Examiner :
The exoskeleton of cockroach is made up of what?
Name a vestigial organ of humans which is of great importance for birds and fish.
Nictitating membrane on eye helps the eyes to remain open and aids in clear vision in air and water for birds and fish, respectively.
Apart from helping the birds to fly, what is other important feature of feathers on the body of birds?
Feathers also provide insulation.
What is the difference between the endoskeleton of bony fish and cartilaginous fish?
In case of bony fish, endoskeleton is made up of bones whereas in cartilaginous fish, it is made up of cartilage.
Give any two examples of bony fish.
Labeo, catla.
What is meant by “Birds are Oviparous”?
Oviparous means egg laying. Birds lay eggs.
What are upper and lower jaw in birds modified into?
In birds, upper and lower jaw is modified into horny beak, which lack teeth.
Fore limbs of birds are modified for flying, what are hind limbs modified for?
Hind limbs are modified for walking, perching or swimming.
Question 1:
Name th phyla to which earthworm,cockroach,bony fish and bird belong
Question 2:
In which body segments of an earthworm is the clitellum found?
The clitellum is found in 14-16 segment of an earthworm.
Question 3:
How does a cockroach adapt itself to a wide range of habitats?
It undergoes hibernation to overcome unfavourable conditions.
Question 4:
Mention two adaptive characters of a bony fish besides the possession of a streamlined body and air bladder.
- Presence of scales on body.
- Presence of nictitating membrane.
Question 5:
Feathers are an adaptive feature of birds. How are they helpful to them?
Feathers provide insulation and help in flying.
Multiple Choice Questions/VSA
Question 1:
Earthworm is
(a) bisexual with self-fertilisation
(b) bisexual with cross-fertilisation
(c) unisexual with cross-fertilisation
(d) none of the above
Question 2:
Wings of a bird are modified form of
(a) hindlimbs
(b) forelimbs
(c) both (a) and (6)
(d) none of these
Question 3:
Abdomen of cockroach contains
(a) 10 segments
(6) 8 segments
(c) 20 segments
(d) 5 segments.
Question 4:
Characteristics of phylum Arthropoda are
(a) jointed legs
(b) chitinous plates
(c) compound eyes
(d) all of these
Question 5:
A feature absent in annelids is
(a) clitellum
(b) pseudocoelom
(c) metameric segmentation
(d) nephridia
Question 6:
Museum specimens are preserved in
(a) acetone
(b) water
(c) alcohol
(d) formalin
Question 7:
The first segment of earthworm is called
(a) peristomium
(b) prostomium
(c) clitellum
(d) none of these
Question 8:
Setae in earthworm is made up of
(a) lignin
(b) chitin
(c) cellulose
(d) pectin
Question 9:
The distinguishing characteristic that places animals into the phylum chordata is
(a) head with a pointed mouth
(ib) post anal tail
(c) presence of locomotory organs
(d) bilaterally symmetrical body
Question 10:
The structure present in male cockroach, but absent in female cockroach is [NCT 2008]
(a) Brood pouch
(b) Compound eye
(c) Anal style
(d) Anal cerci
Question 11:
Phylum possessing jointed appendages or legs is
(a) Arthropoda
(b) Porifera
(c) Mammalia
(d) Annelida
Question 12:
Which one of following belong to Class Pisces (True-fish)?
(a) Star fish
(b) Bony fish
(c) Silver fish
(d) Jelly fish
Question 13:
In birds, the upper and lower jaws are modified into
(a) beak with 2 teeth
(b) beak with 24 teeth
(c) beak with no teeth
(d) beak with 32 teeth
Question 14:
Two pictures of animals A and B are shown. Which characteristic features of their bodies are specific features of their respective phyla?
(a) Antennae of A and segments of B
(b) Three pairs of legs of A and scales of B
(c) Jointed appendages of A and metamerically segmented body of B
(d) Wings of A and slender body of B
Question 15:
A student observed the posterior part of a male cockroach in the laboratory. The following sketch
(a) anal cerci
(b) anal styles
(c) brood pouch
(d) antennae
Multiple Choice Questions/VSA
- (b)
- (b)
- (a)
- (d)
- (b)
- (d)
- (a)
- (b)
- (b)
- (c)
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (c)
- (b)
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