Application Writing

Application Writing For Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises


Application writing is an important skill that students need to develop as it is a way to communicate their needs and requests effectively. In Class 8, students are expected to write various types of applications for different purposes, such as leave applications, permission applications, complaint applications, and more. This article will provide a detailed guide on the format, examples, topics, and exercises for application writing for Class 8 students.

Also Read: Application Writing For Class 6 

Format of Application Writing For Class 8:

The format of an application consists of the following parts:

1. Sender’s Address: The sender’s address should be written at the top-left corner of the application. It should include the sender’s name, address, and contact details.

2. Date: The date should be written below the sender’s address, and it should be in the format of DD/MM/YYYY.

3. Receiver’s Address: The receiver’s address should be written below the date, and it should include the name and address of the person or organization to whom the application is being addressed.

4. Salutation: The salutation should be written below the receiver’s address, and it should include the name of the person to whom the application is being addressed.

5. Subject: The subject of the application should be written below the salutation. It should be a brief statement that summarizes the purpose of the application.

6. Body: The body of the application should be written below the subject. It should include the details of the request, complaint, or permission that the sender is seeking.

7. Complimentary Close: The complimentary close should be written at the end of the application, and it should include a polite phrase such as “Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully.”

8. Signature: The sender should sign the application below the complimentary close.

Format of Application Writing For Class 8

Examples of Application Writing For Class 8:

1. Leave Application:

Sender’s Address

Receiver’s Address

Subject: Leave Application


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to request leave from school for three days starting from 24th April to 26th April 2023. The reason for my leave is that my grandmother is not well, and I need to visit her in the hospital. I will make sure to complete all my pending work before leaving, and I will catch up on any missed assignments upon my return.

Thank you for your consideration.

Complimentary Close

2. Permission Application:

Sender’s Address

Receiver’s Address

Subject: Permission Application


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to seek permission to participate in the school science fair, which is scheduled for 1st May 2023. I have been selected to represent our school in the fair, and I believe it will be a great opportunity for me to showcase my scientific knowledge and skills. I assure you that I will take care of my studies and catch up on any missed assignments.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Complimentary Close

3. Complaint Application:

Sender’s Address

Receiver’s Address

Subject: Complaint Application


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to bring to your attention the poor condition of the school library. The library lacks proper ventilation, and the books are in a bad state. Many of the books are torn and in need of repair. I request you to take immediate action to improve the condition of the library so that students can have access to quality books and a conducive environment for reading.

Thank you for your prompt action.

Complimentary Close

Topics for Application Writing For Class 8:

1. Leave Application
2. Permission Application
3. Complaint Application
4. Request for Fee Concession Application
5. Request for Transfer Certificate Application
6. Application for Sports Day Participation
7. Request for Issuance of Duplicate Marksheet Application
8. Application for School Bus Facility
9. Application for Library Book Issuance
10. Request for Extra Classes Application
11. Application for the Post of School Prefect
12. Request for Additional Equipment Application
13. Application for Summer Camp Participation
14. Request for School Trip Permission Application
15. Application for Scholarship

Exercises for Application Writing For Class 8:

1. Write an application to your school principal requesting leave for a family function.
2. Write an application to your teacher seeking permission to participate in a debate competition.
3. Write an application to the school librarian complaining about the lack of new books in the library.
4. Write an application to your school principal requesting fee concession.
5. Write an application to the school authorities requesting the issuance of a transfer certificate.
6. Write an application to your sports teacher seeking permission to participate in a regional-level tournament.
7. Write an application to the school administration requesting the issuance of a duplicate mark sheet.
8. Write an application to your school transport in charge requesting the school bus facility.
9. Write an application to the school librarian requesting the issuance of a particular book.
10. Write an application to your class teacher requesting additional classes for a particular subject.

Conclusion On Application Writing For Class 8:

Application writing is an essential skill that students need to develop to communicate their needs and requests effectively. By following the proper format and practicing writing applications for various purposes, students can improve their writing skills and express their ideas more efficiently. The examples, topics, and exercises provided in this article can help Class 8 students to practice and develop their application writing skills.