CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base

CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base and between the Same Parallels

To show that the parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallel lines are equal in area by paper cutting and pasting.

Prerequisite Knowledge

  1. Area of parallelogram = base x height.
  2. Shortest distance between two parallel lines is the perpendicular distance between parallel lines and it remains same for that pair of parallel lines.

Materials Required
Glazed paper, a pair of scissors, gluestick, geometry box.


  1. Draw a parallelogram by paper folding activity.
  2. Cut this parallelogram using scissors and name it as ABCD, [fig.(i)].
    CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base 1
  3. Mark any point E on DC.
  4. From A fold the parallelogram till the point E (any point on DC). A crease AE is formed, fill another colour in ∆ADE. [fig. (ii)].
    CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base 2
  5. Cut the parallelogram ABCD along AE to get ∆AED.
  6. Paste the ∆AED on the other side along BC of parallelogram ABCD as shown in fig. (iii).
    CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base 3
  7. We get new parallelogram AEPB.


  1. We observe that the two parallelograms ABCD and ABPE have same base AB.
  2. Two parallelograms lie between same parallel lines, i.e., AB and CD and height between them is same at all points.
    By formula, area of parallelogram = base x height
    ar(||gm ABCD) = AB x EH
    ar(||gm ABPE) = AB x EH

We have verified that two parallelograms lying on same base and between same parallel lines are equal in area.

Learning Outcome
Students follow that the parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels have same area.

Activity Time

  1. This theorem can be proved by using a graph paper. Students will try this and verify the theorem.
  2. Prove that areas of a rectangle and a square of same height and on the same base are equal by using paper cutting and pasting method.

Viva Voce

Question 1.
How many kinds of parallelogram are possible ?
3 main kinds (rectangle, square, rhombus).

Question 2.
What is the altitude of a parallelogram ?
Altitude of a parallellogram is a perpendicular distance between the vertex to its opposite side.

Question 3.
If the two squares are lying on the same base and between the same parallel lines and area of the one square is 64 cm2.
What will be the area of second square ?
64 cm2

Question 4.
Two squares are lying on the same base and having same height and area of one of square is 121 cm . What will be the side of another square ?

Question 5.
In a triangle, a median divides it into two triangles. What will be ratio of areas of two small triangles so formed ?
Areas of two triangles will be same.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
A parallelogram ABCD and a rectangle ABPQ are on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and CQ. If AB = 8 cm and AQ = 6 cm, find the area of parallelogram ABCD:
(i) 48 cm2
(ii) 64 cm2
(iii) 36 cm2
(iv) none of these

Question 2.
ABCD is a parallelogram. If AB = 8 cm, altitude DM = 6 cm and altitude DN = 4.8 cm, find the perimeter of parallelogram ABCD:
CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base 4
(i) 36 cm
(ii) 10.8 cm
(iii) 14 cm
(iv) none of these

Question 3.
ABCD is a parallelogram, in which AB ⊥DE and CF ⊥ AD. If AB = 16 cm, DE = 8 cm and CF = 10 cm, find AD:
(i) 12 cm
(ii) 12.8 cm
(iii) 128 cm
(iv) none of these

Question 4.
In the given figure, if ar(||gm ABCD) = 80 cm2, then ar(∆BEF) is
CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base 5
(i) 80 cm2
(ii) 160 cm2
(iii) 40 cm2
(iv) none of these

Question 5.
PQRS and ABRS are parallelograms and X is any point on the side BR. What is the ratio of ar(∆AXS) and ar(PQRS)?
(i) 2:1
(ii) 1:2
(iii) 3:2
(iv) none of these

Question 6.
Find the area of a rhombus, if the lengths of its diagonals are 16cm and 24cm respectively:
(i) 192 cm2
(ii) 384 cm2
(iii) 24 cm2
(iv) none of these

Question 7.
Calculate the area of a trapezium PQRS:
CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base 6
(i) 64 cm2
(ii) 156 cm2
(iii) 180 cm2
(iv) none of these

Question 8.
Areas of two parallelograms ABCD and PQRS are equal 20 cm2. Are these two parallelograms congruent?
CBSE Class 9 Maths Lab Manual – Area of Parallelograms on the Same Base 7
(i) no
(ii) yes
(iii) can’t say
(iv) none of these

Question 9.
ABCD is a parallelogram and P is any point on the side CD. If ar(∆BAP) = 40 cm2, find ar (||gm ABCD):
(i) 60 cm2
(ii) 160 cm2
(iii) 80 cm2
(iv) none of these


  1. (i)
  2. (i)
  3. (ii)
  4. (i)
  5. (ii)
  6. (i)
  7. (iii)
  8. (i)
  9. (iii)

Math Lab ManualMath Labs with ActivityMath LabsScience LabsScience Practical Skills

CBSE Solved Papers For Class 12 Computer Science (C++) Paper 5

CBSE Solved Papers For Class 12 Computer Science (C++) Paper 5


Question 1:
(a) Differentiate between a Logical Error and Syntax Error. Also , give a suitable example of each in C++. [2]
(b) Observe the following program very carefully and write names of those header files, which are essentially needed to compile and execute the following program successfully: [1]
void main ( )
float number;
(c) Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s), if any. Underline each correction. [2]
const int Max 10;
void main ()
int Numbers [Max];
Numbers ={20,50,10,30,40};
for (Loc =Max -1; Loc = > 0; Loc –)
cout >>Number [Loc];
(d) Write the output of the following C++ program code :
Note :
Assume all required header files are already being included in the program : [3]
void Draw (int &N, char mark=’#’)
for (int 1=1; I<=N; I++) cout<<mark«endl ;
void main()
int count=3; char sign=’*’;
Draw(count, sign);
Draw(count, ‘&’);
(e) Write the output of the following C++ program code : [2]
Note :
Assume all required header files are already being included in the program,
class Item
int Ino;
char Iname [20];
float price; public :
Item( )
strcpy (Iname, “None”); price = 100;
void Assign (int I, char Name [],float P)
strcpy (Iname, Name); price=P;
} ,
void Raise (float P)
Price +=P;
void Reduce (float P)
Price -=P;
void DispO
cout«Ino«”: “«IName«”: “«Price«endl ;
} ;
void main()
Item One, Two;
One.Disp() ;
One.Assign (1,”Pen”,95);
Two.Assign (2,”Pencil”,55);
Two.Reduce(5) ;
(f) Oberve the following program Score.CPP carefully, if the value of Num entered by the user is 5. Choose the correct possible output(s) from the option from (i) to (iv) and justify your option. [2]
// Program : Score. CPP #include<stdlib.h>
void main()
randomize ();
int Num, Rndnum;
Rndnum =random (NUM)+5;
for (int N=l; N<=Rndnum;N++)
cout «N« “”;
Output option:
(i) 1 2 3 4
(ii) 1 2
(iii) 123456789
(iv) 1 2 3
(a) The differences between logical errors and syntax errors are as follows:

  1. iostream.h
  2. math.h

(c) #include<iostream.h>
const int Max=10;
void main ()
int Numbers [Max];
Numbers []={20,50,10,30,40};
for (int Loc=Max-1; Loc>=0; Loc – -)
cout « Numbers [Loc];} [2]
(d) Output:
One Ass
Two Ass
One Reduce
Two Reduce

100 None 100
100 None 100
101 Pen 95
102 Pencil 55
101 Pen 105
102 Pencil 50

100 : None : 100
102 : Pencil: 50
101: Pen : 105
(f) (iii) 123456789,
The minimum value Rndnum will take is 5.

Question 2:
(a) Differentiate between public and private visibility modes in context of object oriented programming using a suitable example illustrating each. [2]
(b) Explain copy constructor with an example. [2]
(c) Define a class named ADMISSION in C++ with the following descriptions: [4]
Private Members:
AD_No integer (Ranges 10-2000)
NAME Array of characters (String) (store 20 characters)
CLASS Character (store 10 characters)
FEES Float Public Members:

  • Function Read_Data () to read an object of ADMISSION type Function Display () to display the details of an object.
  • Function Draw_Nos () to choose 2 students randomly, and display the details. Use Random function to generate admission numbers to match with AD_No.

(d) Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based on the following code:
class Shape
int length;
protected: int width, height;
public: void getDimension (int, int, int);
void dispDimension();
} ;
class sideShape: protected Shape
int sideLength, sideWidth;
protected: void getSide (int, int);
public: void dispSide ();
} ;
class SubShape : public sideShape
int SubLength;
void display (void) ;
public: void enter ();
} ;

  1. Name the base class and derived class of the class SideShape. [1]
  2. Name the data member(s) that can be accessed from function dispSide(). [1]
  3. Name the private member function(s) of class SubShape. [1]
  4. Is the member function dispSide () accessible by the object of SubShape? [1]

(a) Public and Private visibility modes in Object Oriented Programming:
(i) A key feature of object oriented programming is data hiding, i.e., the data is concealed within a class. So that it carmot be accessed mistakenly by functions outside the class.
Private visibility modes in Object Oriented Programming:
(i) The primary mechanism for hiding data is to put it in a class and make it private.
Private data or functions can only be accessed from within the class.
Public Visibility Modes in Object Oriented Programming:
(i) Public data or functions, are accessible from outside the class, by using object of the respective class.
class small_obj
private: int somedata; public:
void setdata (intd);
{ somedata = d;
void showdata ()
cout« “Data is” «somedata;
} ;
Data: Data member some data cannot be acessed outside the class because it is declared as private but functions setdata () and showdata () can be accessed outside the class because they are declared as public.
(b) A copy constructor is used to copy the values of one object into another.
Syntax : classname (classname &obj)
Example: class Student {
int a; public:
Student ()
Student (student &x)//copy constructor
} ;
void main()
Student S;
Student Sl=S;//call to copy contructor }
(c) class ADMISSION {
int AD_No;
char NAME [20];
char CLASS [10];
float FEES; public:
void Read_Data ();
void Display ();
void Draw_Nos () ;
} ;
void ADMISSION :: Read_Data ()
{ cout<<“\n Enter admission No”;
cout«”\n Enter Name”;
cout«”\n Enter class”;
cout«”\n Enter Fees”;
void ADMISSION : Display ()
cout «”\n Admission No :” « AD_No;
cout <<“\n Name :”;
cout <<“\n Class ;
cout «”\n Fees :” « FEES;
void ADMISSION :: Draw_Nos ()
{ int adno;
adno=random (AD_No); if (AD No= = adno)
Display ();

  1. Base class is Shape and derived class is Subshape. [1]
  2. width, height, sidelength, sidewidth. [1]
  3. display (), [1]
  4. Yes, because it is publically derived from sideshape. [1]


Question 3:
(a) An Array A [10] [20] is stored in the memory with each element requiring 2 bytes of storage. If the base address of array in the memory is 800, determine the location of A[9] [11] when the array is stored as .

  1. Row major
  2. Column major [3]

(b) Write a C++ function to sort an array of integer using insertion sort. The function should have two parameters; name of the array and number of elements in the array. [3]
(c) Give the necessary declarations for a queue containing float type numbers. Write a user- defined function in C++ to insert a float type number in the queue and you should use linked representation of queue. [4]
(d) Write a function in C++ to print the product of each column of a two-dimesional integer array passed as the argument of the function. [2]
(e) Evaluate the following postfix notation of expression: 15 3 2 + / 7 + 2 * [2]
(a) Array: A [10] [20]
Base Address, B=800.
Size of element, W : 2 bytes A [I] [J]=A [9] [11] & 1=9, J=ll Total Rows, R=10 Total Column, C=20 Lowest Row in C++, lr=0 Lowest Column in C + +, Ic=0
Row Major: [1]
A [I] [] = B+W [c(I-Ic) + (J-Ic)]
= 800+2[20(9-0) + (11-0)]
= 800+2[20×9+ll]
= 800+2(180+11)
= 800+2(191)
= 800+382 = 1182
Column Major: [1]
= B+W [(I—Ir)+R (J-lc)]
= 800+2[(9-0)+10 (11-0)]
= 800+2(9+10×11)
= 800+2(9+110)
= 800+2×119 = 800+238
= 1038 [3]
(b) void insertsort (int a[],int n)
int p, ptr;
//Assuming a[0]=int_min i.e. smallest integer for (p=j; p < n; P++)
temp=a[p] ptr=p-l;
while (temp < a[Ptr])
a[ptr+l] = a[ptr];//move element forward .
a[ptr+1]=temp://inserting element at proper place
int x;
for (x = 0; x <n; x++)
cout « a [x] ;
cout «”\n”;
(c) struct node
float data; node * link;
node* Insert Q (node*rear, float val)
node*temp=new node;
if (rear==NULL)
return (rear);
(d) void product (int arr [] [], int m, int n)
int product;
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
product = 1;
for (j = 0; j<m; j++)
product = product * arr [j][i];
cout«”product of column” «i + l «”=” « product;
(e) Postfix expression:

Step Input Operation Stack Status
1 15 PUSH 15 15
2 3 PUSH 3 15 3
3 2 PUSH 2 15 3 2
4 + POP 2
PUSH 5 15 5
5 / POP 5
POP 15
PUSH 3 3
6 7 PUSH 7 37
7 + POP 7


Step Input Operation Stack Status
PUSH 10 10
8 2 PUSH 2 10 2
9 * POP 2
POP 10
10 x 2=20
PUSH 20 20

1532 + /7 + 2*

Question 4:
(a) Find the output of the following C++ code considering that the binary file GAME.DAT exists on the hard disk with information of around 200 games. [1]
class GAME
int Gno;
char GName [20];
public : void GetlnO;
void showName () ;
} ;
void main ()
fstream GF;“GAME.DAT”, ios::binary:ios::in);
GF.seekg(sizeof(G)*5) ;*)&G,sizeof (G);*)&G,sizeof(G));
int RECORDNO=GF.tellg()/sizeof(G); cout«”RECORDNO: “«RECORDNO«endl ;
GF.close() ;
(b) Write a function in C++ to count the number of lines starting with a digit in a text file “Diary.txt” [2]
(c) Given is a binary file PHONE.DAT, containing records of the following structure type: [3]
class Phonelist
char Name [20];
char Address [30];
char AreaCode [5] ;
char PhoneNo. [15];
void Register ();
void Show ();
int CheckCode (char AC [])
return strcmp (AreaCode, AC) ;
Write a function TRANSFER () in C++, that would copy all those records which are having Area Code as “DEL” from PHONE. DAT to PHONE BACK. DAT
(a) RECORDNO : 7
(b) int countNum() .
ifstream fin (“Diary. txt”) ;
char ch[80];
int count=0;
while (!fin. eof () )
fin. get line (ch, 80) ;
fin. close () ; return count;
(c) void Transfer()
Phonelist P; ifstream fin; ofstream fout;“PHONE.DAT”,IOS::binary);//IOS & ios both are same“PHCNEBACK.DAT”, ios::binary);
while (fin. read ( (char*) &P, sizeof (P) )
fout.write((char*)&P, sizeof(P));
fin . close () ;
font.close (c);


Question 5:
(a) Observe the following table carefully and find the degree and cordinality of the table : [2]

Fno Flight Detail Price
101 DEL-KOL 2300


104 KOL-DEL 2400
205 DEL-MUM 3500
109 MUM-AMD 2200
103 CHE-KOL 4100

(b) Give the following table for a database LIBRARY:
Table: Books

Book_Id Book_Name Author_Name Publishers Price ’ Type Quantity
C0001 Fast Cook Lata Kapoor EPB 355 Cookery 5
F 0001 The Tears William Hopkins Arst Publ. 650 Fiction 20
T 0001 My First C++ Brian & Brooke EPB 350 Text 10
T 0002 C++ Brain works A.W. Rossaine TDH 350 Text 15
F0002 Thunder bolts Anna Roberts First Publ. 750 Fiction 50

Table: Issued

BOOK_Id Quantity-Issued
T 0001 4
C0001 5
F0001 2

Write SQL queries for (a) to (d):

  1. To show Book name, Author name and Price of Books of First Publ. [1]
  2. To list the names from books of Text type. [1]

(c) To display the names and price from books in ascending order of their price. [1]
(d) To increase the price of all books of EPB publishers by 50. [1]
(e) Give the output of the following queries based on the above data:

  2. SELECT MAX (Price) FROM BOOKS WHERE Quantity >=15;
  3. SELECT Book Name, Author_Name FROM BOOKS WHERE Publishers = “EPB”;

(a) Degree = no. of columns = 3
Cardinality = no. of rows = 5

  1. SELECT Book Name, Author_name, Price FROM BOOKS
    WHERE Publishers = “First Publ.”;
    WHERE Type = “Text”;

(c) SELECT Book Name, Price
FROM Books
(d) UPDATE BOOKS SET Price – Price+50.
WHERE Publishers = “EPB”;

  1. 5.
  2. 750
  3. Fast cook Lata Kapoor
    My first C++ Brain & Brooke
  4. 2

Question 6:
(a) State and verify Associative law. [2]
(b) Write the equivalent expression for the following logical circuit: [2]
(c) Write the SOP form of a Boolean function F, which is represented by the following truth table:

0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1

(d) Reduce the following Boolean Expression using K-map:
F (P,Q,R,S) = Σ(0,3,5,6,7,11,12,15) [3]
(a) Associative : This law states that:
(A+B)+C= A+(B+C) Or (A.B).C=A.(B.C)

A B B A+B (A+B)+C B+C A+(B+C)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

From the above table, (A+B) +C = A+ (B+C) Similarly, we can prove A.(B.C) = (A.B).C

A B C B.C A.(B.C) A.B (A.B).C
0 0 l) 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

(b) Exp is= A.C + B.A + B.C
(c) (A’B’C) + (A’BC) + (ABC’) + (ABC)
(d) F(P, Q, R, S) = Σ(0, 3, 5, 6, 7,11,12,15)
Minimized Expression:
= RS+P.Q.S.+ P.Q.R. + P.Q.R.S.+ P.Q.R. S.

Question 7:
(a) What is spam mail? [1]
(b) What is the significance of Cyber Law? [1]
(c) Differentiate FTP and HTTP. [1]
(d) What is the URL in networking? [1]
(e) “Hindustan Connecting World Association” is planning to start their offices in four major cities in India to provide regional IT Infrastructure support in the field of Educations Culture. The company has planned to set up their head office in New Delhi in three locations and have named their New Delhi offices as “Sales office”, “Head office” and “Teach office”. The company’s regional offices are located at: “Coimbatore”, “Kolkata” and “Ahmedabad”.
A rough layout of the same is as follows:
Approximate distances between these offices as per network survey team is as following:

Place From Place To Distance
Head office Sales office 10 km
Head office Teach office 70 m
Head office Kolkata office 1291km
Head office Ahmedabad office 790 km
Head office Coimbatore office 1952 km

In continuation of the above, the company experts have planned to install the following number of computers in each of their offices:

Head office 100
Sales office 20
Teach office 50
Kolkata office 50
Ahmedabad office 50
Coimbatore office 50
  1. Suggest network type (out of LAN, MAN, WAN) for connecting each of the following set of their offices: [1]
    • Head office and Teach office
    • Head office and Coimbatore office
  2. Which device will you suggest to be procured by the company for connecting all the
    computers within each of their offices out of the following device? [1]
    • Modem
    • Telephone
    • Switch/ Hub
  3. Which of the following Communication Media, will you suggest to be procured by the
    company for connecting their local offices in New Delhi for very effective and fast communication? [1]
    • Ethernet Cable
    • Optical Fibre
    • Telephone Cable
  4. Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local offices located in New Delhi. Also, suggest an effective method/technology for connecting the company’s regional offices at “Kolkata”, “Combatore” and “Ahmedabad”.

(f) What is RJ-45 connector?
(g) What is video conferencing?
(a) Spam mail is an unwanted mail. It is mostly commercial advertising. Sometimes it contains virus. [1]
(b) Significance of Cyber Law: [1]
In Internet, the communication technology uses the means of transferring textual messages, pic¬tures and many more.
Each time, there may be threats on either from the senders or receivers side which creates a bridge between networking communication.
(c) To shortcut these problems, the Internet Security Council made number of precautions i.e rules. These predefined rules are called Cyber Law or Law of Internet.

(i) File Transfer Protocol. Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
(ii) It is used to transfer files from       one

system         to

another on the internet.

It is used for transferring hypertext files on the world wide web.

(d) Importance of URL in Networking :

  2. Each page that is created for web browsing is assigned a URL that effectively serves as the pages worldwide name or address.
  3. URL has three parts: the protocol, the DNS name of the machine on which the page is located and a local name uniquely indicating the specific page (generally the filename), for e.g. http://www.cluestch. con [1]


  1. LAN is used for connecting Head office and Teach office. WAN is used for connecting Head office and Coimbatore office.
  2. Switch/ Hub to be procured by the company for connecting all the computers within each of their offices. [1]
  3. Optical cable to be procured by the company for connecting their local offices in New Delhi for very effective and fast communication. [1]
  4. A cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local offices located in New Delhi is Optical Fibre Cable.
    An effctive method/technology for connecting the company’s regional offices at “Kolkata”, “Coimbatore” and “Ahmedabad” is as follows: [1]

(f) RJ-45 connector: RJ-45 is abbreviation for Registered Jack-45. It is an eight wire connector used to connect computers on LAN’s, especially Ethernets. [1]
(g) Video Conferencing: When two or more participants are able to converse in real time through video-phones, it is called Video Conferencing.

CBSE Previous Year Solved Papers Class 12 Chemistry Outside Delhi 2014

CBSE Previous Year Solved  Papers  Class 12 Chemistry Outside Delhi 2014

Time allowed: 3 hours                                                                                      Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. Questions number 1 to 5 are very short-answer questions and carry 1 mark each.
  3. Questions number 6 to 10 are short-answer questions and carry 2 marks each.
  4. Questions number 11 to 22 are also short-answer questions and carry 3 marks each.
  5. Questions number 23 is a value based question and carry 4 marks.
  6. Questions number 24 to 26 are long-answer questions and carry 5 marks each.
  7. Use log tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed.


Question.1. What is the effect of temperature on chemisorption ?
Answer : Chemisorption initially increases then’ decreases with rise in temperature. The initial increase is due to the high energy of activation and the decrease afterwards is due to the exothermic nature of adsorption equilibrium.

Question.2. What is the role of zinc metal in the extraction of silver ?
Answer : Zinc is used as a reducing agent to recover silver from its cyanide complex. It reduces Ag+ to Ag and itself get oxidised to Zn2+.

Question.3. What is the basicity of H3PO3 ?
Answer : The H3PO3 ionises to give two H+ ions. Its basicity is two.

Question.4. Identify the chiral molecule in the following pair :

Question.5. Which of the following is a natural polymer? Buna-S, Proteins, PVC
Answer : Protein, is a natural polymer having amino acid as a monomer.

Question.6. The conversion of primary aromatic amines into diazonium salts is known as ——.
Answer : Diazotisation reaction.

Question.7. What are the products of hydrolysis of sucrose?
Answer : The products of Hydrolysis of sucrose are : Glucose and Fructose

Question.8. Write the structure of p-methylbenzaldehyde.

Question.9. An element with density 2.8 g cm-3 forms a F.C.C. unit cell with edge length 4 x 10-8cm. Calculate the molar mass of the element. (Given NA = 6.022 x 1023 mol-1)

Question.10. (i) What type of non-stoichiometric point defect is responsible for the pink colour of LiCl?
(ii) What type of stoichiometric defect is shown bv NaCl?
How will you distinguish between the following pairs of terms?
(i) Tetrahedral and octahedral voids
(ii) Crystal lattice and unit cell
Answer : (i) Metal excess defect due to anionic vacancies is responsible for pink colour of LiCl
(ii) Schottky defect is shown by NaCl.

Question.11. State the Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. Why does the conductivity of a solution decrease with dilution?
Answer : It states that the limiting molar conductirily of an eledrolyte can be expressed as sum of individual contribution of anion and cation of the electrolyte.
With dilution, the number of ions per unit volume of electrolyte decrease and hence, conductivity decreases.

Question.12. For a chemical reaction R—>P, of solution the variation in the concentration (R) Vs. time (t) plot is given as
(i) Predict the order of the reaction.
(ii) What is the slope of the curve?
Answer : (i) zero order reaction
(ii) Slope of the curve is (-K). i.e., negative slope.

Question.13. Explain the principle of the method of electrolytic refining of metals. Give one example.
Answer : In electrolytic method, the impure metal is made to act as anode. A strip of the same; metal in pure form is used as cathode. They are put in a suitable electrolytic bath containing soluble salt of the same metal. The more basic metal remains in the solution and the less basic ones go to the anode mud.
For e.g. : Copper is refined using an electrolytic method, the net result of electrolysis is the transfer of copper in pure form from the anode to the cathode.
Anode : Cu ——>Cu2+ + 2e
Cathode : Cu2+ + 2e ——> Cu

Question.14. Complete the following equations:
(i) P4 + H2O —–>
(ii) XeF4 + 02F2 —–>
Answer : (i) P4+ H20 —> No reaction.
(ii) XeF4 + O2F2 —> XeF6 + O2

Question.15. Draw the structures of the following: (i) XeF2 (ii) BrF3

Question.16. Write the equations involved in the following reactions:
(i) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
(ii) Williamson synthesis
Answer : (i) Reimer Tiemann reaction :

Question.17. Write the mechanism of the following reaction :

Question.18. Write the name of monomers used for getting the following polymers:
(i) Bakelite (ii) Neoprene
Answer: (i) Phenol and formaldehyde are the monomer used for getting Bakelite.
(ii) Chloroprene is the monomer used to get Neoprene.


Question.20. The following data were obtained during the first order thermal decomposition of S02Cl2 at a constant volume :
Calculate the rate constant. (Given : log 4 = 0.6021, log 2 =log 2 = 0.3010)

Question.21. What are emulsions? What are their different types? Give one example of each type.
Answer : Emulsions are colloids in which both the dispersed phase and dispersing medium are liquid. It is a mixture of two or more liquids that are normally immiscible. They are of two types :
(i) Oil in water type emulsions (O/W) : In such emulsions, oil is the dispersed phase and water is the dispersed medium, e.g. Milk, Vanishing cream.
(ii) Water in oil type emulsions (W/O) : In such emulsions, water is the dispersed phase and oil is the dispersed medium, e.g. Butter, Cod liver oil.

Question.22. Given reasons for the following:
(i) (CH3)3 P = O exists but (CH3)3N = O does not.
(ii) Oxygen has less electron gain enthalpy with negative sign than sulphur.
(iii) H3P02 is a stronger reducing agent than H3P03.
Answer : (i) Due to the absence of d-orbitals, nitrogen cannot form pπ-dπ multiple bonds. Thus, N cannot expand its covalency beyond four. So, the compound (CH3)3N= O does not exist. On the other hand, P due to the presence of (7-orbitals forms, pπ-dπ multiple bonds and hence forms (CH3)3P = O in which covalency of P is 5.
(ii) Due to small size and high electro negativity of oxygen compared to sulphur, oxygen has less electron gain enthalpy.
(iii) Acids which contain P-H bonds have reducing character, Since H3PO2 contains two P-H bonds while H3 P03 contains only one P-H bond therefore, H3P02 is a stronger reducing agent than H3PO3.

Question.23. (i) Write the IUPAC name of the complex [Cr(NH3)4Cl2] Cl.
(ii) What type of isomerism is exhibited by the complex [Co(en)3]3+?
(en = ethane-1,2-diamine)
(iii) Why is [N1Cl4]2- paramagnetic but [Ni(CO)4] is diamagnetic
(At. nos.: Cr = 24, Co = 27, Ni = 28)
Answer: (i) Tetraammine dichlorido chromium(III) chloride
(ii) Optical isomerism is shown by the complex [CO(en)3]3+
(iii) [Ni(Cl)4]2-, Ni is in +2 oxidation state with the electronic configuration 3d84s0. As Cl is a weak ligand it cannot pair up the electrons in 3d orbitals therefore, [NiCl4]2- is paramagnetic. In [Ni(CO)4], Ni is in O oxidation state with the electronic configuration 3d84s2. Co is a strong ligand it causes As electrons to shift to id and pair up id electrons. Therefore, Ni(CO)4 is diamagnetic.

Question.24. (a) Draw the structure of major monohalo products ii each of the following reactions :
(b) Which halogen compound in each of the following pairs will react faster in SN2 reaction:
(i) CH3Br or CH3I
(ii) (CH3)3C-Cl or CH3-Cl
(b) (i) CH3-I will react faster because I-is better leaving group.
(ii) CH3-CI will react faster because it is a primary halide and they undergo SN2 reaction faster.

Question.25. Account for the following:
(i) Primary amines (R-NH2) have higher boiling point than tertiary amines (R3N).
(ii) Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction.
(iii) (CH3)2NH is more basic than (CH3)3N in an aqueous solution.
Give the structures of A, B and C in the following reactions :
Answer : (i) Due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding in primary amines (presence of more number of H-atoms). They have high boiling point in comparison to tertiary amines.
(ii) Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction because Aniline is basic in nature reacts with AlCl3 to form a salt. The positive charge on the N-atom, electrophilic substitution in the benzene ring is deactivated.

Question.26. Define the following terms related to proteins :
(i) Peptide linkage
(ii) Primary structure
(iii) Denaturation
Answer : (i) Peptide linkage is the amide linkage -COOH group of one α-amino acid and -NH2 group of other a-amino acid by lose of a water molecule.
(ii) The sequence in which various amino acids are arranged ” in a linear structure with no intermediate bonding is called primary structure of a protein.
(iii) When a protein in its native form is subjected to a change, such as temperature, pit, etc. Due to this protein coss its biological activity is called denaturation of a protein e.g. curdling of.

Question.27. On the occasion ofWorld Health Day, Dr. Satpal organized a ‘health camp’ for the poor farmers living in a nearby village. After check-up, he was shocked to see that most of the farmers suffered from cancer due to regular exposure to pesticides and many were diabetic. They distributed free medicines to them. Dr. Satpal immediately reported the matter to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). On the suggestions of NHRC, the government decided to provide medical care, financial assistance, setting up of super-speciality hospitals for treatment and prevention of the deadly disease in the affected villages all over India.
(i) Write the values shown by (a) Dr. Satpal (b) NHRC?
(ii) What type of analgesics are chiefly used for the relief of pains of terminal cancer?
(iii) Give an example of artificial sweetener that could have been recommended to diabetic patients.
Answer : (i)(a) Dr. Satpaf is caring and compassionate for the farmers of the village. He distributed free medicines to them, (b) NHRC is also compassionate towards the farmers and appreciated Dr. Satpal’s work.
(ii) Narcotic analgesics like morphine and heroin.
(iii) Aspartame.

Question.28. (a) Define the following terms :
(i) Molarity (ii) Molal elevation constant (kb)
(b) A solution containing 15 g urea (molar mass = 60 g mol-1) per litre of solution in water has the same osmotic pressure (isotonic) as a solution of glucose (molar mass = 190 g mol-1) in water. Calculate the mass of glucose present in one litre of its solution.
(a) What type of deviation is shown by a mixture of ethanol and acetone? Give reason.
(b) A solution of glucose (molar mass = 180 g mol-1) in water is labelled as 10% (by mass). What would be the molality and molarity of the solution? (Density of solution = 1.2 g mL-1)
Answer : (a) (i) The number of moles of a solute present in one litre of solution is known as its molarity.
The elevation in boiling point of a solution when one mole of non-volatile solute is dissolved in one kilogram of a volatite solvent is known as molal elevation constant (Kb).
(a) The mixture of ethanol and acetone shows positive deviation from Raoults law. In pure ethanol hydrogen bond  exist between the molecules. On adding acetone to ethanol, acetone molecules get in between the molecules of ethanol thus breaking some of the hydrogen bonds and weakening molecular interactions leads to increase in vapour pressure , resulting in positive deviation from Raoulr’s law.

(b) (i) Zinc has 3d104sconfiguration with no unpaired d-orbital electron and hence it is not considered as a transition element.
(ii) Transition metals have vacant orbitals to accommodate lone pairs of electrons for bond formation and have high charge density, therefore, they form complexes.
(iii) Due to high stability of Mn-2+ (due to its half-filled 3d sub shell) than Mn3+ while Cr3+ is more stable than Cr2+.

Question.30. (a) Write the products formed when CH3CHO reacts with the following reagents:
(i) HCN (ii) H2N-OH
(iii) CH3CHO in the presence of dilute NaOH
(b) Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds.
(i) Benzoic acid and.Phenol
(ii) Propanal and Propanone.
(a) Account for the following:
(i) ClCH2COOH is a stronger acid than CH3COOH.
(ii) Carboxylic acids do not give reactions of carbonyl group.
(b) Write the chemical equations to illustrate the following name reactions:
(i) Rosenmund reduction
(ii) Cannizzaro’s reaction
(c) Out of CH3CH2-CO-CHand GH3CH2-CH2– CO-CH3, which give iodoform test?
Answer : (a) (i) On reaction of acetaldehyele with hydrogen cyanide it gives 2-Hydroxypropaneriitrile as product.


Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining question have been asked in previous set.

Question.1.Why is adsorption always exothermic?
Answer : Adsorption being a surface phenomenon leads to decrease in surface energy and hence is exothermic.

Question.2. Name the method used for refining of Nickel.
Answer: Mond’s process used for refining of Nickel.

Question.3. Why does NO2 dimerise?
Answer : NO2 is an odd-electron molecule and hence dimerises to N2O4.

Question.4. Based on molecular forces, What type of polymer is neoprene?
Answer: Elastomer. .

Question.5. What are the products of hydrolysis of maltose?
Answer : Two units a-D-glucose

Question.6. Write the structure of 4-chloropentan-2 one.

Question.9. Write the name of monomers used for getting the following polymers:
(i) Terelyne (ii) Nylon-6, 6
Answer : (i) Ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid.
(ii) Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine.

Question.10. Describe the role of the following:
(i) SiO2 in the extraction of copper from copper matte.
(ii) NaCN in froth floatation process.
Answer : (i) SiO2 (Silica) acts as a flux in the extraction of copper from copper matte to remove ferrous oxide as ferrous silicate slag.
FeO + SiO2 —> FeSiCO3 , (Slag)
(ii) NaCN is used as a depressant as it forms-zinc complex, Na2[Zn(CN)4] on the surface of ZnS thereby preventing it from forming froth.

Question.11. Complete the following equations :
(i) Ag + PCl5
(ii) CaF2 + H2SO4
Answer: (i) 2Ag + PCl5 —> 2AgCl + PCl3
(ii) CaF2 +H2SO4 —> CaSO4 + 2HF

Question.12. Draw the structures of the following:
(i) XeF4
(ii) HClO4

Question.13. (i) Write the type of magnetism observed when the magnetic moment are oppositely aligned and cancel out each other.
(ii) Which stoichiometric defect does not change the density of the crystal?
Answer: (i) Antiferromagnetism observed when the magnetic moment are oppositely aligned and cameal out each other.
(ii) Frenkel defect does not change the density of the crystal.

Question.14. Define the following terms :
Fuel cell
(ii) Limiting molar conductivity
Answer: (i) Fuel cell is a device that converts chemical energy from combustion of a fuel into electric energy through a chemical reaction.
(ii) Molar conductivity of electrilyte at infinite dilution or when consentration approaches zero is‘called limiting molar conductivity. It is expressed as

Question.19. Define the following terms :
(i) Glycosidic linkage
(ii) Invert sugar
(iii) Oligo saccharides
Answer : (i) The linkage between two monosaceharide through oxygen atom in an oligosaccharide ora polysaccharide is known as glycosidic linkage.
(ii) Sucrose is called invert sugar as it produces equimolar quantities of glucose and fructose on hydrolysis it gives an equimolar mixture of D – (+)- glucose, and D -fructose, which is laevo rotatory. This change of specific rotation from dextrorotation to laevo-rotation is called inversion-1 of sugar and the mixture is obtained is called invert sugar.
(iii) Carbohydrate which .on hydrolysis give two to ten molecules of monosaccharides are called oligosaccharide e.g. sucrose.


Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining question have been asked in previous sets.

Question.1. What are the dispersed phase and dispersion medium in milk?
Answer : Dispersed phase is oil or fat and dispersion medium is water.

Question.2. Name the method used for refining of copper metal.
Answer: Electrolytic refining.

Question.3. Why does NH3 act as a Lewis base?
Answer : Due to the presence of lone pair on nitrogen in NH3, it forms coordinate bonds with Lewis acids and acts as Lewis base.

Question.5. Which of the following is a fibre? Nylon, Neoprene, PVC.
Answer: Nylon

Question.6. Write the products of hydrolysis of lactose.

Question.8. Write the structure of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid.

Question.9. Complete the following equations :
(i) Cu + 2H2SO4 (Cone.) —> CuSO4+ SO2+ 2H2O
(ii) XeF2 + H2O
(i) Cu + cone 2H2SO4 —-> CuSO4 + SO2+ 2H20
(ii) 2XeF2 + 2H20 —–> 2Xe + 4HF + O2

Question.10. Draw the structure of the following:
(i) XeO3 
(ii) H2SO4

Question.11. Write the name of monomers used for getting the following polymers:
(i) Teflon (ii) Buna-N
Answer: (i) Tetrafluoroethene
(ii) Butadiene and acrylonitrile

Question.13. (i) Write the type of magnetism observed when the magnetic moment are aligned in parallel and anti-parallel directions in unequal numbers.
(ii) Which stoichiometric defect decreases the density of the crystal?
Answer: (i) Ferrimagnetism.
(ii) Schottky defect decreases the density of the crystal.

Question.14. Define the following terms :
(i) Molar conductivity 
(ii) Secondary batteries
Answer : (i) Molar conductivity is defined as the conducting power of all the ions produce by dissolving one more of an electrolyte in solution.
(ii) Secondary batteries are those batteries which can be recharged by passing electric current through them and hence can be used over again e.g. Lead storage battery.

Question.17. Write the principle behind the froth floatation process. What is the role of collectors in this process?
Answer: Froth floatation method has been in use for removing gangue from sulphide ores. In this process, a suspension of the powdered ore is made with water.
Collectors (e.g. pine oils, fatty acids, etc.) enhance non-wettability of the mineral particles and used to skim the froth off the surface.

Question.23. Define the following terms :
(i) Nucleotide
(ii) Anomers
(iii) Essential amino acids
Answer: (i) A Nucleotide contain all the three basic components of nucleic acid i.e., apentose sugar, a nitrogeneous base and a phosphoric acid. When nucleoside is linked to phosphoric acid at 5′ position of sugar moiety, we get a nucleotide, (ii) The carbohydrate which differ in configuration at the glycosidic carbon ( i.e., C1 in aldoses and in ketoses) are called anomers. e.g. α -D-(+) glucose and β-D-(+) glucose, (iii) Those amino acids which cannot be synthesised by the body and need to be consumed through diet. eg. Valine.

Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Political Science Set 6

Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Political Science Set 6 

[Time Allowed : 3 hrs.]                                                                                              [Maximum Marks] : 100

General Instruction:

  1. All Questions are compulsory.
  2. Question numbers 1-5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 20 words each.
  3. Question numbers 6-10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each.
  4. Question numbers 11-16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each.
  5. Question numbers 17-21 are of 5 marks each. The answers to this question should not exceed 150 words.
  6. Question numbers 22-27 are of 6 marks each. The answers to this question should not exceed 150 words.

Question.1. Write the full form of IMF.
Answer. IMF stands for International Monetary Fund.

Question.2. Highlight any two facts showing cordiality in the relationship between India and the United States.
Answer. (i) About 65 per cent of India’s total exports in the software sector, are to the US.
(ii) More than 3 lakh Indians work in the Silicon Valley.

Question.3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
Ban Ki Moon is the 8th UN…………… He is the citizen of …………..
Answer. Ban ki Moon is the 8th UN Secretary-General. He is the citizen of South Korea.

Question.4. When and by whom was the ‘tryst with destiny’ speech delivered?
Answer. The ‘tryst with destiny’ speech was delivered by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1947 (midnight of 14-15 August).

Question.5. Who was Charu Mazumdar?
Answer. Charu Mazumdar was a communist revolutionary and the leader of the Naxalbari uprising. He founded the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist).

Question.6. List any two consequences of Shock-Therapy.
Answer. Consequences of Shock-Therapy are:
(i) In Russia, the large state-controlled industrial complex almost collapsed and about 90 per cent of its industries were put up for sale to private individuals and companies.
(ii) The value of Russian currency (ruble) declined dramatically and the rate of inflation got so high that people lost all their savings.

Question.7. State any two objectives of the Human Rights Watch.
Answer. (i) It draws the global media’s attention to Human Rights abuses.
(ii) Organising campaigns to ban landmines, to stop the use of child soldiers and to establish an international criminal court.

Question.8. What is meant by ‘Coalition’ ? During which period did this type of government gain popularity for the first time at the centre in India?
Answer. When no party gains the necessary majority in the election, more than two parties join together and form a Government. It is known as ‘coalition’.
In 1989, the National Front, led by V.P. Singh, formed the coalition government at the centre for the first time.

Question.9. Identify the concept out of liberty, equality, democracy and fraternity to which India was deeply committed during our freedom struggle.
Answer. Here the terms liberty, equality, democracy and fraternity mean freedom from foreign rule and to achieve unity in diversity.

Question.10. List any two problems faced by the Government of India after 1971-72.
Answer. (i) The Banglaoigh crisis had put a heavy strain on India’s economy. About 8 million people migrated to India. The U.‘S. Government stopped all aid to India after the war.
(ii) In the International market, oil prices increased manifold and led to an increase in the prices of all other commodities.

Question.11. Why did the Super Powers have military alliances with the small countries? State any four reasons for it.
Answer. The two super powers (USA and The Soviet Union) needed smaller allies because:

  1. The smaller allies, like countries of newly independent states in Asia and Africa, possess vital natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals. They are the basic source for their fast development.
  2.  The territories (Land and Sea) of smaller allies could be used for military bases.
    For example: USA set up its military bloc in Iran and Afghanistan. Soviet Union set up its military bases in Poland and Cuba.
  3.  These countries were also used for spying purposes which helped them to check others development.
  4.  The economic support from these smaller nations could provide the basic support (food and other necessities) to their military bases (troops) in their locality.

Question.12. Name the countries included in South Asia. How can peace and co-operation be enhanced in this region ?
Answer. Countries included in South Asia are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

  1.  South Asia stands for diversity in every sense and is yet contiguous for geo-political space.
  2.  Peace and cooperation can be enhanced in this region in the following ways:
    (a) People in all these countries share the aspiration for democracy.
    (b) In spite of many conflicts, the states of South Asia recognise the importance of cooperation ancMriendly relationship among themselves.
    (c) SAARC is a major regional initiative by the South Asian states to evolve co-operation through multilateral means or programmes,
    (d) SAARC members signed an agrement (SAFTA) which promised the formation of a free trade zone for the whole of South Asia.

Question.13. Explain India’s stand on environmental issues. What steps have been suggested by India in this respect ?
Answer. India has a very positive stand on environmental issues and plays a dominating role among the Asian countries.

  1.  India signed and ratified the 1997 Kyoto Protocol in August 2002, following the principle of common but differentiated responsibility. .
  2.  India feels this contravenes the very spirit of UNFCCC. Neither does it seem fair to impose restrictions on India when the country’s rise in per capita carbon emissions by 2030 is likely to still represent less than half the world average.
  3. Besides, the Indian government is already participating in global efforts through a number of programmes. For example:
    (a) India’s National Auto-fuel Policy mandates cleaner fuels for vehicles.
    (b) The Electricity Act of 2003 encourages the use of renewable energy.
  4.  Indian government is also keen to launch a National Mission on Biodiesel. In this way, India has one of the largest renewable energy programmes in the world.

Question.14. What is meant by opposition in a democratic system? Describe any two activities of the opposition during the first two Parliaments of 1952 and 1957.
Answer. Opposition, in a democratic system, means members other than that of the ruling party in the Government. In general, the second largest party in terms of number of seats in the Assembly Election or the Lok Sabha election plays the role of opposition in a democracy.

  1. Two activities of the opposition during the first two parliaments of 19S2 and 1957 were: The roots of almost all the non-Congress parties emerged during these periods.
  2.  They maintained the democratic order of the system.
  3.  They offered a sustained and often principled criticism of the policies and practices of the Congress party.
  4.  They kept the ruling party under check and often changed the balance of power within
    the Congress. (Any two)

Question.15. Explain any four characteristics of the Non-Aligned Movement.
Answer. Non-Aligned Movement is a movement about keeping equi-distance from the power blocs. Characteristics of NAM:

  1.  Independent foreign policy: It is a policy of assertion of independence in foreign affairs. NAM believes in the policy of coexistence at the national and international levels.
  2.  International peace and security: Non-aligned movement advocates peaceful measures for a peaceful and prosperous world.
  3.  Five challenges: It is a movement aimed at meeting five challenges of D’s.
    (a) Decolonization (b) Democratization of International Relations
    (c) Detente (d) Development
    (e) Disarmament
  4.  Considers merits and justice: NAM considers every international issue on its merits and works for justice in international affairs.
    All these features show that “NAM is not sitting on the fence or follow the policy of neutrality but it is international in character, believes in democratization of international politics.

Question.16. Match the names of the founders given below with the political parties they founded:

Question.17. Answer the following questions based upon the Presidential address of Mohammad Ali Jinnah at Karachi on August, 11,1947:
“We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minority communities, the Hindu community and the Muslim community — because even as regards Muslims you have Pathans, Punjabis, Shias, Sunnis and so on and among the Hindus you have Brahmins, Vaishnavas, Khatris, also Bengalees, Madrasis and so on — will vanish…. You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”
(a) Do you think that Jinnah’s statement contradicts the theory which was the basis of the creation of Pakistan? Justify your answer.
(b) What is the essence of Jinnah’s statement in this passage ?
(c) To what extent did Pakistan live up to Jinnah’s expectations in this passage ?
Answer. (a) Jinnah’s statement does not contradict the two nation theory. His does not mean the interference in between other communities like Pathans, Punjabis, Shias and Sunnis.
His aim was the creation of separate state for Muslims but not to interfere in other communities.
(b) The essence of Jinnah’s statement in this passage is his secular outlook regarding the protection and promotion of every community’s identity. For example, he said that, “You are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any place of worship in this state of Pakistan.”
(c) Pakistan did not live up to Jinnah’s expectations because after independence Pakistan became a ‘Theocratic State’ and did not respect the interest of other communities.

Question.18. “Indian policy makers made a mistake by emphasizing the role of state in the economy. India could have developed much better if private sector was allowed a free play right from the beginning”. Give arguments for or against this proposition.
Answer. No, the above mentioned statement is not fully true and proved the mistake of our policy makers because the role of state in the Indian economy was very much required to regulate our economy immediately after independence. Later on, when our economy got stabilized and regulated, the Indian policy makers introduced New Economic Policy as well in 1991 to liberalise our economy.
In the beginning India did not follow any of the two known paths. It did not accept the capitalist model of development in which development was left entirely to the private sector, nor did it follow the socialist model in which private property was abolished and all the production was controlled by the state.
But the elements from both these models were taken together in India which came to be known as “Mixed Economy”.
This concept of Mixed Economy was open to criticism both from the left and the right.

  1.  Critics argued that planners refused to provide the private sector with enough space and stimulus to grow.
  2.  According to them, the enlarged public sector created enough hurdles for private capital in the way of installing systerris of licenses and permits for investment.
  3. The state controlled more things than were necessary and this led to inefficiency and corruption.

Arguments in favour of state control:

  1.  There were critics who thought that the state did not do enough. It intervened only in those areas where the private sector was not prepared to go. Thus, the state helped the private sector to make profit.
  2.  Also, instead of helping the poor, the state intervention ended up creating a new middle class that enjoyed the privileges of high salaries without much accountability.
    Thus, we can safely say the role of state in Indian Economy was beneficial in the early years for both public and private sector. This led India towards development.

Question.19. Read the passage and answer the following:
“The Indian government is already participating in global efforts through a number of programmes. For example, India’s National Auto-fuel policy mandates cleaner fuels for vehicles. The Energy Conservation Act, passed in 2001, outlines initiatives to improve energy efficiency. Similarly, the Electricity Act of 2003 encourages the use of renewable energy. Recent trends in importing SAARC countries should adopt a common position on global environment issues”?
(a) What does ‘cleaner fuel’ mean ?
(b) What are the initiatives suggested in Energy Conservation Act, 2001 ?
(c) To which resource does recent trend of importing refer ?
(d) Write two point abouts Kyoto Protocol.
Answer. (a) Cleaner fuel means the use of CNG and other non-polluting fuels.
(b) Use of renewable sources of energy like solar energy, Hydroelectricity, etc.
(c) Natural gas
(d) (i) Setting targets for industrialized countries to cut their greenhouse gas emissions.
(ii) Certain gases, like C02, methane, Hydro-Fluocarbons, etc. are considered partly responsible for global warming.
(iii) The developed countries are responsible for the most historical and current greenhouse emissions.
(iv) The economic and social development are the first priorities of the developing ‘ countries.
(v) India, China and other developing countries are exempt from the requirements of Kyoto Protocol (any two points)

Question.20. On the given political map of India, five states of tension related to integration from 1947 to 2006 have been marked as A, B, C, D and E. Identify any four states and write their names in your Answer-Book against A, B, C, D and E respectively.
Answer. A. Arunachal Predesh B. Mizoram C. Panjab
D. Andhra Pradesh E. Jharkhand

Question.21. Observe the picture given below and answer the questions that follow :
(i) What does the picture indicate ?
(ii) Write one aspect of the changing nature of China’s foreign policy.
(iii) What does the above cartoon reveal?
Answer. (i) The cartoon/picture indicates China’s alliance with USA for the economic development and for the promotion of trade.
(ii) The given cartoon also express the end of China’s political and economic isolation with the establishment of relation^ with the United States.
(iii) The cartoon depicts political spring where China makes overtimes to the USA.
It reveals that US entered into a secret understanding with China keeping the USSR in the dark.

Question.22. Evaluate any six consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
Analyse any three points of criticism and any three core values and enduring ideas related to the Non-Aligned Movement.
Answer. The disintegration of the Soviet Union as the second world power and the collapse of socialist systems in Eastern Europe had profound consequences for world politics in general and Asian countries like India in particular. The consequences of the disintegration can be analysed by way of six kinds of enduring changes like:

  1.  The disintegration of the Soviet Union meant the end of the cold war confrontation. The end of the cold war signifies the collapse of the ideological conflict between the socialists and the capitalists. Now there was no alliance system based on ideology. As the alliance system led to the formation of military blocs, the end of confrontations demanded the end of the arms race and restoration of possible peace.
  2. The disintegration of the USSR and the end of the cold war left open only two possibilities like either the remaining superpower would dominate and create a “unipolar system” or different countries or groups of countries could become important players in the international system, thereby bringing in a ‘multipolar system’, where no one power could dominate.
  3. As it turned out, the US became the sole super power. Backed by the power and prestige of the US, the ‘capitalist economy’ was now the dominant economic system internationally.
  4.  Institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund became powerful advisors to all these countries since they gave them loans for their transition to capitalism. Politically, the notion of liberal democracy emerged as the best way to organise political life.
  5.  The end of the Soviet Bloc meant the emergence of many new countries because at the dawn of the disintegration of USSR, Soviet Union was divided into 15 independent countries. All these countries had their own independent aspirations and choices.
  6.  The central Asian countries wanted to take advantage of their geographical location and continue their close ties with Russia and also to establish ties with the US, China and others.

Criticism of Non-Aligned Movement:

  1.  India’s non-alignment was described ‘unprincipled’ because India often refused to take a firm stand on crucial international issues.
  2. It is suggested that India was “inconsistent” and involved in contradictory matters, e.g., India signed a treaty of friendship in August 1971 with USSR for 20 years and some observers considered that India had virtually joined the Soviet alliance system.
  3.  NAM failed to prevent the US Invasion of democratic countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, where civilians were also killed, in search of weapons or militants.

Core Values of Non-Aligned Movement:

  1.  NAM laid a strong platform for small countries to join it and not be with the big powers underpressure.
  2.  Countries who were under colonial powers had some kind of historical affiliation and they came together to become a powerful body.
  3.  NAM was also committed to a democratic International system and become an alternative power to find solutions to existing inequalities.

Question.23. Assess any six steps suggested since 2005 to make the United Nations more relevant in the changing context.
What is meant by security? Evaluate the role of any new sources of threat to security.
Answer. With the completion of 60 years of its existence the members of the UN met in September 2005 to review the situation and suggested some significant steps to make the UN more relevant in the changing context. Some of the suggestions given were:

  1.  Creation of a Peace Building Commission.
  2. Acceptance of the responsibility of the international community in case of failure of national governments to protect their own citizens from atrocities.
  3.  Establishment of a Human Rights Council [operational since 19 June 2006.
  4.  Agreement to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
  5.  Condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
  6.  Creation of a Democracy Fund and an agreement to wind up the Trusteeship Council. But in practical sense, it is hard to see that these are equally contentious issues for the UN which raise following questions. What should a Peace Building Commission do? There are number of conflicts all over the world. Which one should it intervene in? Can there be agreement on a definition of terrorism? How shall the UN use funds to promote democracy and so on?

The term “security” refers to freedom from threats. It also relates to extremely dangerous threats to core values.

  1. The new sources of threats could be traced to non-traditional conceptions (both human and global security).
  2.  The following terms are relevant to such threats: terrorism, global poverty, ensuring human rights and the health epidemics.
  3.  Terrorism refers to political violence that targets the civilians deliberately and indiscriminately.
    International terrorism involves the citizens or territories of more than one country.
    Civilian targets are usually chosen to terrorise the public and to use the unhappiness of the public as a weapon against the national Governments.
    The cases of terrorism include hijacking of planes or planting of bombs in trains, cafes, markets and other crowded places. Attack on World Trade Center on 11th September 20C1 in America and the recent attacks on Taj Hotel and Railway Station in Mumbai in 2009, are new challenges of terrorism.
    Human Rights: Political, economic and social rights are guaranteed by the countries across the world but there in no agreement on which of these rights are considered as Universal Human Rights.

Human Rights abuses are common in recent events such as Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the genocide in Rwanda and Indooesian military’s killing of people in East Timor have led to ‘ serious debates on UN role in preventing such Human Rights abuses.
Global Poverty: It is another source of insecurity. In General, High Per Capita Income and low population growth make rich social groups richer and low income groups and high population growth make poor states and poor groups poorer. Globally, this type of disparity contributes to the gap between the Northern and Southern countries of the world.
For example, most of the world’s armed conflicts now take place in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is also the poorest region of the world. ‘
Health Epidemics: Certain diseases like HIV-AIDS, bird flu, swine flu and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome have rapidly spread across the countries through various means like migration, tourism, business and military operations.
For example, in 2003 about forty Million people were infected with HIV-AIDS worldwide.
Apart from these some new diseases such as Ebola virus, hanta virus, and hepatitis have emerged as a new challenge to the Health and Medical World.
Some old diseases liketuberdosis, malaria, dengue fever, cholera have assumed drug resistant and become difficult to treat.

Question.24. Explain any three challenges that India faced at the time of her independence.
Why did India and China, both, view themselves as rising powers in global politics in spite of tension between them? Substantiate your answer by giving any four events that have brought cordiality in their relationship. 
Answer. Immediately after independence there were many challenges or problems in Independent
India that needed a solution. These challenges can be categorized as:
(1) The challenge to shape a nation
(2) The challenge to establish democracy
(3) The challenge to ensure the development and well-being of the entire society

  1.  To Shape a Nation: The first and foremost challenge was the political unification and integration of the territory. India is a land of continental size and diversity. There were around 565 states of varying sizes and population. The partition of the country appeared to prove everyone’s worst fear. Hence, there was a serious question about the future of India, i.e., would India survive as a unified country ? Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel took upon himself the task of integrating these princely states, which was sometimes completed in stages.
  2.  To Establish Democracy: Another challenge was to develop democratic practices in accordance with the Constitution, i.e., India adopted representative democracy, based on the parliamentary form of government.
  3.  To Ensure the Development and Wellbeing of the Society: The third challenge to evolve effective policies for economic development and eradication of poverty and unemployment. The main objective of the Directive Principles of State Policy is to make a welfare state where democratic principles are followed.
    All these challenges required a deliberate effort which India put in accommodating social differences, establishing a welfare state and by democratizing political institutions.

India’s relation with China after independence started off very well due to a number of friendly gestures on part of Ihdia. In 1954, India signed the famous Panchsheel, which started a new era of Sino-Indian friendship.
But after 1957 various “contentious issues” arose in Sino-Indian relations like:
(i) Tibet Problem (ii) Sikkim Issue
(iii) Border Issue (iv) Chinese Attack in 1962
(v) Chinese assistance to Pakistan (vi) Nuclear Test Issue
From 1958 to 1975, China saw India as its major geostrategic rival and wanted to keep it down.

  1.  Attempts at normalisation of relations between the two were taken at the Indian initiative in 1976. Due to this, Sino-Indian diplomatic relations were restored with the exchange of ambassadors,
  2.  JWG [Joint Working Group] was set up by two countries to find a solution to the border dispute.
  3. Both countries also decided to reduce forces along the Sino-Indian frontier and both pledged notio use or threaten the use of force against the other.
  4. The process of mending forces and emphasis on “friendly competition” has started. This could be done through mutual understanding and bilateral agreements. Both countries should come together to fight global challenges like terrorism, economic disparity and nuclear arms race.

Question.25. Examine the grave economic crisis prior to the fourth general election of 1967. Assess the verdict of the electorate based on the election.
Analyse any three reasons for imposing emergency on 25th June, 1975. Did the government misuse its emergency powers ? Give any three arguments in support of your answer.
Answer. The government of Indira Gandhi decided to devalue the Indian rupee in order to check the economic crisis of 1967. Earlier one US dollar could be purchased for less than ? 5; but after devalution, it cost more than ? 7.

  1.  Consequently, the economic situation triggered a price rise.
  2. People started protesting against the increase in prices of essential commodities, unemployment, etc.
  3.  The communist and the socialist parties launched struggles for greater equality.
    The fourth general election was held in 1967 in the context of heightened popular discontent and the polarisation of political forces.

The Congress was facing the electorate for the first time without Nehru.

  1.  The election verdict was not in favour of the Congress. The results jolted the Congress
    both at the national and state levels. .
  2.  Half the ministers in Indira Gandhi’s cabinet were defeated. The political leaders, who lost in their constituencies, included Kamraj in Tamil Nadu, S.K. Patil in Maharashtra, Atulya Ghosh in West Bengal and K.B. Sahay in Bihar.
  3.  Not only this, the Congress party lost its majority in as many as seven states and in two other states, defections prevented it from forming a government.
  4. However, this was the first time that in the other eight states coalition governments consisting of different non-Congress parties, were formed.

The Congress government proclaimed emergency in response to the petition filed by Raj Narain to declare Indira Gandhi’s election invalid.

  1.  On 25 June 1975, the government declared that there was a threat of internal disturbances and therefore, it invoked Article 352 of the constitution.
  2.  Under the provision of this article the government could declare a state of emergency on grounds of external threat or threat of internal disturbances.
  3.  However, the government decided that a grave crisis had arisen which made the proclamation of a state of emergency necessary. Technically speaking this was within the powers of the government, for our constitution provides for some special powers to the government once an emergency is declared. Besides, the government said that it wanted to use emergency to ensure law and order, restore efficiency and above all, implement the pro-poor welfare programmes.
    Findings of Shah Commission reported the misuse of Emergency powers by the government. The findings of Shah Commission in the form of reports were tabled in the two houses of Parliament.

The investigations by Shah Commission after the Emergency revealed that there were many ‘excesses’ committed during the emergency.

  1.  It estimated that nearly one lakh eleven thousand people were arrested under preventive detention laws.
  2.  Several restrictions were put on the press sometimes without proper legal sanctions.
  3.  The Shah Commission report also mentioned that the general manager of the Delhi Power Supply Coorporation received verbal orders from the offices of the Lt. Governor of Delhi to cut electricity to all newspaper presses at 2 a.m. on 26 June 1975.

Question.26. From 1989 to 2004, there have been nine coalition governments in India. Analyse the rise and fall of any two such coalition governments.
“The end of eighties of the 20th century witnessed developments which made a long lasting impact on Indian poHtics.” Assess any three such developments.
Answer. The Era of coalitions could also be seen in 1989 elections. The Congress was the largest party in the Lok Sabha but did not have a clear majority. It also decided to act as opposition party. This led to the National Front (Alliance of Janta Dal and many regional parties). It received two major supports (not expected as such) from BJP and the Left Front. Though BJP and the Left Front did not join the government but gave support from outside. The Coalition Era had many Prime Ministers and some of them held office for short durations. Some of them were:
The coalition era saw that no single party could enjoy the majority on its own as in the past decades and also the strengthening of Regional Parties.
Rise and fail of two coalition governments:

  1.  The first coalition government in late 1980s was that of the National Front under the leadership of V.P. Singh.
    Both BJP and Left Front supported V.P. Singh became wanted to keep the Congress out of power. But The Mandal Commision Report and implementation of its recommendations forced BJP to reconsider its support and finally withdraw it. Thus in November 1990, the rule of National Front came to an end.
  2.  BJP came to power for the first time in May 1996 as a minority government but it was just for a month. In June 1996, BJP failed to get majority support in the vote of confidence and thus, Mr. Vajpayee had to quit.


  1. Mandal Issue: The year 1989 marked the end of ‘Congress System’ and the National Front led by V.P. Singh witnessed the rise of ‘Mandal Issue’ in national politics.
    The decision National Front to implement the recommendation of the Mandal Commission led to violent ‘Anti-Mandal’ protests in different parts of the country.
  2. New Economic Policy: In 1991, the Congress, led by Narasimha Rao, introduced the ‘New Economic Policy’ with liberalization and globalization. Even though it was criticised by various movements and organisations it was followed by the later governments,
  3.  Changes in the Political System: The era of coalitions in 1989 symbolically indicated the decline of Congress, i.e., the end of Congress dominance over the Indian party system. The decade of 1990s saw an era of multi-party system. It also saw the emergence of powerful parties and movements that represented the dalits and backward castes.
    The role of left parties changed with time regarding alliances. For example, in 1996 it supported BJP and now the Congress government. The left parties are opposed to the UPA government led by Mr. Manmohan Singh of the Congress.
    Since 1990, a long ffhase of coalition politics began in India. There have been nine governments at the centre, all of which have either been coalition governments or minority governments supported by other parties. This could be seen as National Front (1989), the United Front (1996) and (1997), the NDA (1999) and the UPA (2004 and 2009).

Question.27. Mention any three social movements of India. Explain their main objectives.
Explain how the General Elections of 1952 in India were a landmark in the history of democracy all over the world.
Answer. Issues addressed by BKU

  1. Activities conducted by the BKU to pressurise the state for accepting its demands included rallies, demonstrations, sit-ins and jail bharo agitations.
  2. These protests involved tens of thousands of farmers-sometimes over a lakh-from various villages in western UP and adjoining regions.
  3.  The demands of BKU
    (a) higher government floor prices for sugar cane and wheat
    (b) abolition of restrictions on the inter-state movement of farm produce
    (c) guaranteed supply of electricity at reasonable rates
    (d) waiving of repayments due on loans to farmers
    (e) the provision of a government pension for farmers
  4.  The Anti-Arrack Movement: The Anti-Arrack movement was the movement of rural women from the state of Andhra Pradesh. They fought a battle against alcoholism, against mafias and against the government during this period.
    It was a spontaneous mobilisation of women demanding a ban on the sale of alcohol in their neighbourhoods.


  1.  The Anti-Arrack movement had its roots in the “adult literacy drive” wherewomen complained of increased consumption of a locally brewed alcohol arrack-by men in their families. It affected the rural economy as well,
  2.  Thus, women in Nellore came together in spontaneous local initiatives to protest against arrack and forced the closure of the wine shop. This movement in Nellore District slowly spread all over the state.


  1.  The slogan ofthe Anti-Arrack Movement was simple i.e. prohibition on the sale of arrack.
    But this simple demand touched upon larger social, economic and political issues of the region that affected women’s life. A close nexus between crime and politics was established around the business of arrack.
  2.  Thus, the Anti-Arrack movement provided a platform to discuss private issues of domestic violence.

The general elections of 1952 became a landmark in the history of democracy because of the following reasons :

  1.  Big Test of Democracy— The first general election was the first big test of democracy in a poor and illiterate country. Till then democracy had existed only in prosperous countries like in Europe-end North America where everyone was literate.
  2. India experimented with Universal Adult Franchise— India experimented with Universal Adult Franchise which by that time had not been given in some European countries. It was restricted for women. This appeared as India’s bold and risky step.
  3.  Elections were competitive— Not only this, the elections were competitive. There were on an average more than four candidates for every seat.
  4. Level of participation was encouraging and fair— Even the level of participation in’ elections was encouraging and more than half the eligible voters turned out to vote on the day of elections. And when results were declared, these were accepted as fair even by the losers.
    Thus, observers outside India were very much impressed. Undoubtedly India’s general elections of 1952 became a landmark in the history of democracy all over the world.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 9 English Communicative

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 9 English Communicative

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 9 English Communicative


Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1

Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Cursive writing is an essential skill that every student must learn. It helps improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and even enhances creativity. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises for cursive writing sentences for Class 1 students.

Format Of Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1:

Before we dive into the examples and exercises, let’s first discuss the format of cursive writing sentences. The following are the basic rules for cursive writing:

1. Use a pen or pencil with a comfortable grip.
2. Start with learning the proper formation of letters, such as loops, curves, and tails.
3. Use the appropriate spacing between letters and words.
4. Maintain a consistent size and slant of the letters.
5. Write in a smooth, flowing motion.

Also Read: English Grammar for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Examples Of Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1:

Here are some cursive writing sentence examples for Class 1 students:

1. My name is Sarah.
2. I like to play with my friends.
3. The sun is shining brightly today.
4. I love to read books.
5. My favorite color is blue.
6. We went to the park yesterday.
7. My mom makes the best cookies.
8. I have a pet cat named Whiskers.
9. The flowers in the garden are beautiful.
10. I am learning how to write in cursive.

Examples Of Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1

Topics For Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1:

There are many topics that Class 1 students can write about in cursive. Here are some ideas to get started:

1. My family
2. My favorite animal
3. My favorite food
4. My favorite hobby
5. My favorite season
6. My best friend
7. My school
8. My favorite book
9. My favorite sport
10. My dream vacation

Exercises For Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1:

Here are some exercises that Class 1 students can do to improve their cursive writing skills:

1. Write each letter of the alphabet in cursive.
2. Write simple words in cursive, such as cat, dog, and hat.
3. Write short sentences in cursive, such as “I like pizza” or “My mom is kind.”
4. Practice writing your name in cursive.
5. Write a short story in cursive about your favorite animal or hobby.

Conclusion On Cursive Writing Sentences For Class 1

Cursive writing is an important skill for Class 1 students to learn. By following the proper format and practicing regularly, students can improve their cursive writing skills and develop their creativity. With the examples, topics, and exercises discussed above, students can have fun while improving their cursive writing skills.

A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6

A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises


Storytelling is an essential part of human communication and is often used to teach valuable lessons. Class 6 students can learn storytelling through a variety of mediums, including writing. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises related to writing a story about a wolf and a dog for Class 6 students.

Format Of A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6:

The format of a wolf and dog story writing involves the following steps:

1. Introduction: Introduce the main characters, the wolf and the dog, and provide some background information about their lives.
2. Conflict: Introduce the conflict between the wolf and the dog. This conflict could be related to territory, food, or something else.
3. Rising Action: Describe the events that lead up to the climax of the story. This could include the wolf and dog trying to outdo each other or the wolf attempting to steal the dog’s food.
4. Climax: The climax is the turning point of the story where the conflict reaches its peak. In this case, it could be the wolf and dog engaging in a physical fight.
5. Falling Action: The events that follow the climax of the story are the falling action. This could include the dog winning the fight and the wolf retreating.
6. Conclusion: The conclusion ties up the loose ends of the story and provides a resolution to the conflict. This could include the wolf and dog eventually learning to coexist peacefully or the wolf realizing that it cannot beat the dog and choosing to leave.

Also Read: A Crow And A Fox Story Writing

Examples Of A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6:

An example of a wolf and dog story is “The Wolf and the Dog” by Aesop. In this story, a wolf tries to convince a dog to leave his master and become a wild animal like himself. The dog refuses, and the wolf mocks him for his obedience to humans. Eventually, the dog points out that he is well-fed and taken care of by his master, while the wolf has to constantly struggle for survival. The wolf realizes the error of his ways and leaves, wishing that he could trade his freedom for the dog’s comfort.

Another example of a wolf and dog story is “The Wolf and the Hound” by Jean de La Fontaine. In this story, a wolf is caught by a hound and begs for his life. The hound agrees to spare the wolf if he promises to never attack the hound’s master’s sheep again. The wolf agrees, but once he is freed, he immediately breaks his promise and attacks the sheep. The hound catches the wolf again, and this time he is killed.

Examples Of A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6

Topics For A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6:

Class 6 students can choose from a variety of topics for their wolf and dog story, such as:

1. A wolf and dog who become unlikely friends.
2. A wolf who wants to steal the dog’s food.
3. A dog who protects his master’s sheep from a wolf.
4. A wolf and dog who are forced to live together in a shelter.
5. A wolf who learns to appreciate the comfort of domestication after encountering a dog.

Exercise For A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6:

1. Write a character sketch of the wolf.
2. Write a dialogue between the wolf and the dog when they first meet.
3. Write a continuation of the story where the wolf returns to the dog after years in the wild.
4. Write an alternate ending to the story where the wolf decides to stay with the dog instead of running off to the wild.
5. Write a descriptive paragraph about the setting where the wolf and the dog live.
6. Write a paragraph on the theme of the story.

Conclusion On A Wolf And A Dog Story Writing For Class 6

The story of the wolf and the dog is a great example of how the choices we make in life can greatly impact our well-being. The wolf’s decision to live a life of freedom and independence ultimately led to his downfall, while the dog’s decision to live a life of servitude and loyalty led to his safety and security.

CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Features of Monocot and Dicot Plants

CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Features of Monocot and Dicot Plants

To study the external features of root, stem, leaf and flowers of monocot and dicot plants.

A pea plant and an onion plant with root, stem, leaf and flowers, two paper sheets, simple dissecting microscope, a hand lens, slide, cover slip, razor blade, a few seeds of gram, pea, maize, petri dish and water.

Characteristics of monocots are as follows:

  1. These plants have single cotyledon in their seeds.
  2. Their leaves are narrower and have parallel venation.
  3. They have fibrous roots.
  4. They have trimerous flowers. Trimerous flowers bear different structures in 3’s or in multiples of 3.

Characteristics of dicots are as follows:

  1. These plants have two cotyledons in their seeds.
  2. Their leaves are broad and have reticulate venation.
  3. They have tap roots.
  4. They have pentamerous flowers. Pentamerous flowers bear different structures in 5’s or in multiples of

1. Wash the roots of both the plants and spread them on a newspaper.
2. Carefully observe the nature of roots of both plants.

3. Take one leaf of each plant and carefully observe their shape.
4. With the help of a hand lens observe the pattern of veins.

5. Take one flower of each plant.
6. Count the number of sepals, petals and stamens in each.
7. Now, carefully remove the carpel from each flower and cut its transverse section with a sharp razor blade.
8. Put a drop of water in the centre of a slide and with the help of brush transfer the section of ovary on the slide.
9.   Cover the slide with a cover slip.
10. Observe this slide under the dissecting microscope.
11.  Count the number of carpels in each ovary.
CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Features of Monocot and Dicot Plants 1

12. Soak both types of seeds in water in separate petri dishes overnight.
13. Remove the seed coat, try to split the seed and count the number of cotyledons in each.

Pea root: The root system consists of one main root called primary root. From the primary root several lateral roots arise.
Onion root: All the roots are similar and originating from the base of the stem.
Pea leaf: The leaves are broad. A thick vein called mid vein is present in the middle of the leaf. From this thick vein many veins are emerging which form a net-like design on both sides of midrib.
Onion leaf: The leaves are narrow. All the veins are parallel to one another and almost similar in thickness.
Pea flower: Flower bears five seals, petals and ten stamens. Pistil consists of style, stigma and ovary. Ovary consists of one carpel.
Some bead like structures called ovules are attached to the wall of ovary.
Onion flower: Flower bears six tepals and six stamens. Pistil consists of style, stigma and ovary. Ovary consists of three carpels. Some bead like ovules are attached to the ovary wall in each carpel.
CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Features of Monocot and Dicot Plants 2
Gram and pea seeds: Each seed of gram and pea has two cotyledons.
Maize seeds: Each seed of maize consists of only one cotyledon.
CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Features of Monocot and Dicot Plants 3


  1. The study reveals that dicot plants have tap root system, broad leaves with reticulate venation, five or in multiple of five sepals, petals and stamens in their flowers whereas monocots have fibrous root, narrow leaves with parallel venation, three or in multiple of three sepals, petals and stamens in their flowers.
  2. The dicot seeds such as gram, pea have two cotyledons while monocot seeds such as maize, wheat, onion have only one cotyledon.


  1. We should handle the blade carefully.
  2. The transverse section of ovary should be kept dipped in water otherwise it may dry.


Examiner :
Which plants have you taken for the experiment?
Pea and onion

Examiner :
Are both these plants angiosperms?

Examiner :
Because they both bear flowers and their seeds are enclosed in fruit.

Examiner :
Which root system is present in pea plant?
Tap root system

Examiner :
What are the identification features of tap root system?
In tap root system, one main root is present. From this secondary roots, and from secondary roots tertiary roots arise. In other words, we can say in tap root system, roots are differentiated into primary, secondary and tertiary roots.

Examiner :
Can you categorise the plants into monocot and dicot by looking their leaves?
Yes, dicot plants have reticulate venation while monocot plants have parallel venation.

Examiner :
What is venation?
Arrangement of veins in a leaf is called venation.

Examiner :
Name two plants in which venation is parallel and two plants in which venation is reticulate.
Parallel venation — Wheat and rice.
Reticulate venation – China rose and mustard.

Examiner :
What are pentamerous flowers?
Flowers having parts in multiples of five (five, ten, etc.) are called pentamerous flowers.

Examiner :
In which type of plants pentamerous flowers are present?
Dicot plants

Examiner :
What is seed made up of?
Seed is made up of seed coat and embryo.

Examiner :
How can we identify whether a seed belong to a monocot or dicot plant?
By counting the number of cotyledons present in seed we can identify whether a seed belongs to a monocot plant or dicot plant.

Examiner :
How many cotyledons are present in a dicot seed?

Examiner :
What is the role of cotyledon in the seed?
The cotyledons are the “seed leaves” produced by the embryo. They serve to absorb nutrients packaged in the seed, until the seedling is able to produce its first true leaves and begin photosynthesis


Question 1:
How do we differentiate between fibrous root system and tap root system?
In the fibrous root system, roots originate from the base of the stem and all the roots are alike whereas in tap root system, roots are differentiated into primary, secondary, tertiary roots.

Question 2:
A plant have leaves with reticulate venation and floral parts consisting of 5 sepals, 5 petals, 5 stamens, and 5 carpels. In which group of angiosperms would you place this plant? Give reasons.
Leaves with reticulate venation, and pentamerous flowers are characteristic of dicot plants. So, the plant mentioned in the question is a dicot.

Question 3:
In a plant, name two features which you would examine to categorise it into a monocot or dicot plant.
Two features that we can examine to categorise a plant into monocot and dicot are

  1. number of cotyledons in a seed, and
  2. leaf venation.

Question 4:
Do all the flower have all the floral parts? Explore.
A typical flower has sepals, petals, stamens and carpels, such type of flowers are called complete flower. e.g., mustard, china rose, pea, etc. But some flowers may lacking any one or more than one part that are found in the complete flower. Such flowers are called incomplete flower e.g., sunflower, rice, wheat, etc.

Multiple Choice Questions/VSA

Question 1:
Which of the following is the characteristic of angiosperms?
(a) Presence of flower
(b) Presence of seeds enclosed in fruit
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Question 2:
Fibrous root originates from
(a) radicle
(b) base of stem
(c) seed
(d) any part of plant

Question 3:
Inside the ovary tiny dot-like structures present are
(a) placenta
(b) ovule
(c) anther
(d) cotyledon

Question 4:
The individual unit of an androecium is
(a) ovule
(b) ovary
(c) stamen
(d) petals

Question 5:
The four whorls of a flower starting from outside are
(a) corolla, calyx, androecium, gynoecium
(b) gynoecium, corolla, calyx, androecium
(c) corolla, androecium, gynoecium, calyx
(d) calyx, corolla, androecium, gynoecium

Question 6:
Plant is a dicot if
(a) leaves have reticulate venation
(b) leaves have parallel venation
(c) root system is fibrous
(d) flower is trimerous

Question 7:
The following pair has dicot seeds.
(a) Pea and onion
(b) Pea and gram
(c) Maize and pea
(d) Onion and maize

Question 8:
Gynoecium is
(a) male reproductive system
(b) female reproductive system
(c) cotyledons
(d) root system

Question 9:
Which of the following is not a component of carpel?
(a) Anther
(b) Stigma
(c) Style
(d) Ovary

Question 10:
Tepals are the individual units of
(a) calyx
(b) corolla
(c) perianth
(d) gynoecium

Question 11:
The terminal part of the carpel which receives pollen grains is called
(a) anther
(b) stigma
(c) ovary
(d) style

Question 12:
In the following figure, X is
CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Features of Monocot and Dicot Plants 4
(a) placenta
(6) ovule
(c) style
(d) stigma

Question 13:
Select the odd one out.
CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Features of Monocot and Dicot Plants 5
(a) A
(6) B
(c) C
(d) D

Question 14:
In the diagram given below, what is X?
CBSE Class 9 Science Practical Skills – Features of Monocot and Dicot Plants 6
(a) Micropyle
(b) Hilum
(c) Stigma
(d) Cotyledon

Question 15:
Which type of root is found in a pea plant? How this root is different from the root of onion?
(a) 5 sepals + 3 petals + 5 stamens
(b) 3 sepals + 5 petals + 3 stamens
(c) 3 sepals + 3 petals + 5 stamens
(d) 3 sepals + 3 petals + 9 stamens


  1. (c)
  2. (b)
  3. (b)
  4. (c)
  5. (d)
  6. (a)
  7. (b)
  8. (b)
  9. (a)
  10. (c)
  11. (b)
  12. (a)
  13. (d)
  14. (b)
  15. (d)

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Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8

Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Formal letter writing is an important skill that students need to develop as part of their academic and professional training. Whether you are writing a letter to your principal, teacher, or government official, there are certain rules and conventions that need to be followed in order to make your letter effective and persuasive.

Elements Of A Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8:

1. Heading: The heading of a formal letter should include your name and address, the date, and the recipient’s name and address. Make sure to include the correct spelling of the recipient’s name and their designation.
2. Salutation: The salutation of a formal letter should address the recipient by their name and designation. If you are unsure of their gender, use their full name instead of Mr. or Ms.
3. Introduction: The introduction should state the purpose of the letter in a clear and concise manner. You should also mention any relevant background information that will help the recipient understand the context of your letter.
4. Body: The body of the letter should provide detailed information about the topic you are writing about. Make sure to use proper grammar and spelling, and organize your thoughts into paragraphs that are easy to read.
5. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the letter and provide a clear call to action. Make sure to thank the recipient for their time and consideration, and provide your contact information in case they need to follow up with you.
6. Signature: The letter should end with your signature and your name printed below it.

Also Read: Formal Letter Writing Topics For Class 6

Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8 Format:

1. Sender’s Address: Write your full name and address at the top right-hand corner of the letter. Skip a line, and then write the date.
2. Receiver’s Address: Write the name and address of the recipient on the left-hand side of the letter. Skip a line, and then write the salutation.
3. Salutation: Address the recipient by name and designation. For example, “Dear Principal Smith,” or “Dear Mr. Johnson.”
4. Introduction: Start the letter with a brief introduction that states the purpose of your letter. For example, “I am writing to request information about your school’s extracurricular programs.”
5. Body: Provide detailed information about the topic you are writing about. Use proper grammar and spelling, and organize your thoughts into paragraphs.
6. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of the letter and provide a clear call to action. For example, “I would appreciate any information you could provide me about your extracurricular programs. Thank you for your time and consideration.”
7. Closing: End the letter with a polite closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully,” followed by your signature and printed name.

Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8 Examples:

1. Letter to the Principal: Write a formal letter to your school principal requesting permission to organize a charity event.

Sender’s Address

Principal’s Name and Address


Printed Name

2. Letter to the Editor: Write a formal letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your opinion on a current issue.

Sender’s Address

Editor’s Name and Address


Printed Name

Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8 Examples

3. Letter to a Government Official: Write a formal letter to a government official expressing your concern about an environmental issue in your community.

Sender’s Address

Official’s Name and Address


Printed Name

Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8 Exercises:

1. Write a formal letter to your teacher requesting an extension on a project.
2. Write a formal letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your community.
3. Write a formal letter to the manager of your local library requesting more books on a particular topic.
4. Write a formal letter to a company requesting information about a product or service.
5. Write a formal letter to your school principal requesting permission to start a school club.
6. Write a formal letter to your local MP expressing your opinion on a current political issue.
7. Write a formal letter to the CEO of a company expressing your interest in a job opening.
8. Write a formal letter to a university requesting information about their admission requirements.
9. Write a formal letter to your bank requesting a loan.
10. Write a formal letter to the editor of a magazine expressing your opinion on an article.

Conclusion On Formal Letter Writing Format Class 8:

Formal letter writing is an important skill that can benefit students both academically and professionally. By following the basic format and guidelines outlined in this article, students can learn to write effective and persuasive formal letters. Practice exercises are an important tool for improving these skills, and can help students feel more confident when communicating with authority figures. By mastering this skill, students will be better equipped to achieve their goals and succeed in their academic and professional pursuits.

Class 11 English Writing Section

Class 11 English Writing Section Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Class 11 English Writing Section Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

The writing section in Class 11 English focuses on developing students’ writing skills and abilities, including creativity, coherence, and precision. The section usually consists of two parts: formal and informal writing. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises for Class 11 English writing section.

Format Of Class 11 English Writing Section:

The writing section in Class 11 English typically comprises two parts: formal and informal writing. In the formal writing section, students are required to write an essay or a letter, while in the informal writing section, they may have to write a diary entry, a story, or a dialogue. The word limit for each writing task can vary, but it generally ranges between 150-200 words for informal writing and 250-300 words for formal writing.

Also Read: Cbse Class 12 English Writing Section

Examples Of Class 11 English Writing Section:

Formal Writing:

1. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your concern about the increasing pollution levels in your city.
2. Write an essay on the importance of education in a person’s life.
3. Write an article on the effects of social media on teenagers.

Informal Writing:

1. Write a story based on the given prompt- “It was a dark and stormy night.”
2. Write a dialogue between two friends discussing the benefits and drawbacks of online learning.
3. Write a diary entry about your first day at college.

Examples Of Class 11 English Writing Section

Topics For Class 11 English Writing Section:

Formal Writing:

1. Climate Change and its effects on the environment
2. The importance of sports in a student’s life
3. The impact of technology on society
4. The significance of preserving wildlife
5. The role of media in shaping public opinion
6. The need for gender equality in the workplace
7. The relevance of art in modern-day society
8. The importance of mental health awareness
9. The need to protect and conserve natural resources
10. The impact of globalization on cultural diversity

Informal Writing:

1. A memorable experience from your childhood
2. Your favorite holiday destination and why you love it
3. A funny incident that happened to you recently
4. Your dream career and why you are passionate about it
5. The impact of social media on your life
6. A personal challenge you overcame
7. A person who has influenced you the most
8. A book that had a significant impact on your life
9. A hobby that you are passionate about
10. An unforgettable road trip with friends

Exercises For Class 11 English Writing Section:

1. Formal Writing Exercise: Write an essay on the role of education in building a better society.
2. Informal Writing Exercise: Write a story based on the given prompt- “A stranger came to town.”
3. Formal Writing Exercise: Write a letter to the Principal of your school, requesting a change in the school curriculum.
4. Informal Writing Exercise: Write a diary entry about your experience of participating in a cultural event at your school.
5. Formal Writing Exercise: Write an essay on the importance of financial literacy in today’s world.
6. Informal Writing Exercise: Write a story based on the given prompt- “Lost in a foreign city.”
7. Formal Writing Exercise: Write a letter to the Municipal Corporation, complaining about the poor condition of roads in your locality.
8. Informal Writing Exercise: Write a dialogue between two friends discussing the impact of climate change on the environment.
9. Formal Writing Exercise: Write an essay on the importance of preserving historical monuments.
10. Informal Writing Exercise: Write a diary entry about your experience of trying out a new hobby.

Conclusion On Class 11 English Writing Section:

The writing section in Class 11 English aims to develop the writing skills of students and enable them to express their ideas coherently and effectively. The format, examples, topics, and exercises provided in this article can serve as a guide for students to prepare for their writing section and hone their writing abilities.

Interview Writing Format Class 11

Interview Writing Format Class 11 Examples, Topics, Exercises

Interview Writing Format Class 11 Examples, Topics, Exercises


The art of writing an interview involves a specific set of skills that must be mastered. Class 11 students need to learn the basics of interview writing as it is a vital part of journalism and communication. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises related to interview writing for Class 11 students.

Format Of Interview Writing Format Class 11:

The format of interview writing involves the following steps:

1. Research the interviewee: Before the interview, the writer must research the person being interviewed. This research will help the writer to prepare questions that are relevant to the interviewee’s background, interests, and experiences.
2. Prepare questions: After researching the interviewee, the writer must prepare a list of questions. These questions should be open-ended and should allow the interviewee to elaborate on their answers.
3. Conduct the interview: During the interview, the writer should make the interviewee feel comfortable and ask the questions on the prepared list. It is also important to ask follow-up questions to get more detailed answers.
4. Transcribe the interview: After conducting the interview, the writer must transcribe the interview. This will help the writer to organize their notes and get a better understanding of the interviewee’s responses.
5. Write the interview: Finally, the writer must write the interview. The interview should be written in a way that is interesting and engaging to the reader. It should also be accurate and reflect the interviewee’s thoughts and opinions.

Also Read: Interview Writing For Class 12

Examples Of Interview Writing Format Class 11:

1. Interview with a local politician:

Q: What inspired you to become a politician?
A: I have always been interested in politics and I want to make a difference in my community.
Q: What do you hope to achieve during your term in office?
A: I hope to improve the quality of life for my constituents by increasing access to healthcare, improving education, and creating job opportunities.

2. Interview with a celebrity:

Q: How did you get started in the entertainment industry?
A: I started out as a child actor and eventually transitioned into a successful adult career.
Q: What is the biggest challenge you face as a celebrity?
A: The biggest challenge is maintaining my privacy while still being in the public eye.

3. Interview with a business leader:

Q: What inspired you to start your own business?
A: I wanted to create something that would make a positive impact on people’s lives and also provide a sustainable income for myself.
Q: What is the biggest lesson you have learned as a business leader?
A: The biggest lesson I have learned is that failure is inevitable, but it is also an opportunity to learn and grow.

Examples Of Interview Writing Format Class 11

Topics For Interview Writing Format Class 11:

1. A local community leader
2. A successful entrepreneur
3. A popular musician
4. An author
5. A scientist
6. A sports personality
7. A social activist
8. A teacher
9. A healthcare professional
10. A government official

Exercises For Interview Writing Format Class 11:

1. Conduct an interview with a family member or friend about their career goals.
2. Research a local business owner and prepare a list of questions for an interview.
3. Conduct an interview with a teacher about their teaching philosophy.
4. Research a local artist and prepare a list of questions for an interview.
5. Conduct an interview with a healthcare professional about their experiences during the pandemic.

Conclusion On Interview Writing Format Class 11:

Interview writing is a skill that can be learned and improved over time. By following the format, looking at examples, choosing interesting topics, and completing exercises, Class 11 students can develop their interview writing skills and become effective communicators.