CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Political Science All India – 2014

Time Allowed: 3 Hours                                                                                          Maximum Marks: 100
General Instructions:

  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. Question Numbers 1 to 10 are of one mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 20 words each.
  3.  Question Numbers 11 to 20 are of two marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each.
  4. Question Numbers 21 to 30 are of four marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each.
  5. Question Numbers 31 to 35 are of six marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 150 words each.
  6. Question Number 35 is based on the map. Write the answer in your Answer-Book.


Question.1. Why was the ‘Operation Desert Storm’ fought against Iraq? 1
Question.2. What is the full form of ‘SAARC’? 1
Question.3. State any one important objective of the United Nations. 1
Question.4. What is meant by ‘disarmament’? 1
Question.5. Mention the main recommendation of the State Reorganization Commission of 1953. 1
Question.6. Who was the founder of Bharatiya Janna Sangh? 1
Question.7. Which two political parties were the major partners in the ruling alliance after the 1971 General Elections to the Lok Sabha? 1
Question.8. Name the political party which came to power at the Centre in 1977. 1
Question.9. Mention the two main demands of the Bharatiya Kisan Union in 1980s. 1
Question.10. Name the two alliances/fronts that formed the Government at the Centre in 1989 and 1996 respectively. 1
Question.11. Name any two foreign leaders, along with the countries they belonged to, who are recognised as the founders of the Non-aligned Movement. 2
Question.12. What is meant of Shock therapy? 2
Question.13. Trace the evolution process of the European Union. 2
Question.14. Mention any two functions of the World Bank. 2×1=2
Question.15. Highlight any two threats to a country’s security as per the traditional notion of security. 2×1=2
Question.16. Identify any two consequences of the partition of India in 1947. 2×1=2
Question.17.Differentiate between the capitalist and the socialist models of development. 2
Question.18.Highlight the contribution made by Jawaharlal Nehru to the foreign policy of India. 2
Question.19.What does the special status given to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 mean? 2
Question.20.How does party-based movement differ from non-party movement? 2
Question.21.Why did the superpowers need smaller states as their allies? Explain any four reasons. 4×1=4
Question.22.Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the following questions : 1+1+2=4
(i) The given cartoon is related to which country?
(ii) Which two symbols in this cartoon helped in identifying the country?
(iii) What message does this cartoon convey to the world?
Question.23.Explain the hegemony of the United States of America as a structural power. 4
Question.24.Explain any four causes of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. 4×1=4
Question.25.Explain any four components of India’s security strategy. 4×1=4
Question.26.What is globalization? Highlight any three causes of globalization. 1+3=4
Question.27.Describe the organization of the Congress Party as a social and ideological coalition. 4
Question.28.Explain India’s nuclear policy. 4
Question.29.Evaluate the consequences of declaration of emergency in 1975. 4
Question.30.In the given political map of India, four places are marked as A, B, C and D. Identify them which the help of information given below and write their correct names in the answer-book along with their serial numbers and the alphabet concerned : 4×1=4
(i)The state related to chipko movement?
(ii) The State where a special opinion poll was held asking people to decide if they wanted to merge with Maharashtra or remain separate. ‘
(iii) The State out of which the States of Meghalaya, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh were created.
(iv) The State related to Narmada Sagar Project.
Question.31. Examine any six consequences of the disintegration of USSR. 6×1=6
‘Non-aligned Movement (NAM) has become irrelevant today.’ Do you agree with the statement? Support your answer with any three suitable arguments. 3×2=6
Question.32. Analyse India’s stand on any three environmental issues. 3×2=6
Assess any three basis on which gfobalizatlon is being resisted in India. 3×2=6
Question.33. Explain any three reasons for the dominance of Congress Party in the first three general
elections in India. 3×2=6
How did the reorganization of States take place in India after its independence? Explain. 6
Question.34. Examine any six reasons for the imposition of emergency in India in 1975. 6×1=6
Examine the major issues which led to the split of Congress Party in 1969. 6
Question.35. Study the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : l+2+1+2=6
Sardar Sarovar Project is a multipurpose mega-scale dam. It required relocation of around two and a half lakh people from the villages. Issues of relocation and proper rehabilitation of the project-affected people were first raised by the local activist groups. It was around 1988-89 that the issues crystallised under the banner of the NBA-a loose collective of local voluntary organizations.
(i) Why is the Sardar Sarovar Project mentioned as multipurpose mega-scale dam?
(ii) Why was it opposed by the villagers?
(iii) Name the organizations which led the movement against this project.
(iv) What was the main demand of the local activist groups?
Study the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
India adopted a democratic approach to the question of diversity. Democracy allows the political expressions of regional aspirations and does not look upon them as anti-national. Besides, democratic politics allows parties and groups to address the people on the basis of their regional identity, aspirations and specific regional problems. l+2+1+2=6
(i) Which type of diversity exists in India?
(ii) Name any two political parties that represent regional identity.
(iii) Mention any one movement that expresses regional aspirations.
(iv) How does democracy treat the regional issues and problems?


Question.2. Who controls the north-eastern part of Sri Lanka ? 1
Question.4. Mention any two Human Rights in the political field. 1
Question.6. During the first three general elections, Congress won more seats than any other party. Which party stood at number two during these elections ? 1
Question.8. Why was the Congress Party defeated during the elections of 1977 ? 1
Question.11. Which organisation came into existence in April 1949 ? 2
Question.13. What was ‘Operation Enduring-freedom’ launched by the United States of America ? 2
Question.17. In spite of token representation in the Indian legislatures during the fifties, what role did the opposition parties play ? 2
Question.19. Highlight any two characteristics of the Dravidian Movement. 2×1=2
Question.23. Explain the hegemony of the United States as a hard power. 4
Question.26. Explain the meaning of ‘Global Commons’ and give any four examples of ‘Global Commons’. 2+2=4
Question.34. Highlight any six consequences of the emergency of 1975. 3×2=6
Analyse any three factors which enhanced the popularity of Indira Gandhi in the early 1970s.


Question.4. Define cooperative security. 1
Question.6. What inspired the formation of communist groups in 1920s in different part of India ? 1
Question.8. Why did mid-term elections take place in 1980 ? 1
Question.11. What is meant by ‘Arenas of Cold War’ ? 2
Question.13. What was ‘Bandwagon strategy’ ? 2
Question.14. Highlight any two threats to a country’s security as the traditional notion of security. 2×1=2
Question.17. What is meant by decentralized planning ? 2
Question.23. Explain the hegemony of the United States as a soft power. 4
Question.29. Examine the legacy of emergency of 1975 in India. 4
Question.34. Assess any three challenges that the Congress Party had to face during the period from 1964 to 1971. 3×2=6
Assess any three happenings which were responsible for the downfall of the Congress Party in the 1977 elections. 3×2=6